109 -
WARE never was... everyone just dreamt of a bad spanking... Kind of an amazing coincidence...
I never got my T-Shirt either... let's make this happen people...
P.S. don't forget my controller pin either -
Quote:forget someone?
But word of this league of friendship and fun spread rapidly, until it reached the ears of the most evil of creatures - Vincent and Silit. They searched far and wide, uniting the most powerful and evil warriors to ever walk the earth:
March the Vile, known for his relentless trash talk
Spiner the Wicked, Antagonizer of the Innocent
Dexington, Destroyer of Hope
Seethe, Spreader of Lies
RyRy, Devourer of Souls
Peril the Deceitful
Liberty, Lord of the Kingdom of Woe
Hot Heals, the world's youngest serial rapist
Rystorm, Bringer of Sorrow
Mebs, the Jew
h0j, a man eating half demon from beyond the northern mountains
Walrus, the Dragon
and HP, Bringer of Thunder, the Dark Beast from beneath the earth
It was the first time any of them had joined forces - an uneasy alliance, bound only by mutual hatred...
A blight upon the game, they sought only one thing - to terrorize the innocent PvP community - to instil the idea that CoH was an incredibly competitive game, and that WARE.gov was the best at it. -
How's that practice record?
I will ubersaw your *****!
Where is Critical Kat when you need her...
Quote:fact...fun facts.
the range difference between T3 and T4 Cardiac is about 1ft.
T4 Cardiac gives about 12ft range boost (assuming a heal with 2 range IO's and 35% global range)
all numbers are DR'd and not fact checked.
Real emps don't need either, if you know where they are going to spike next then range is not nessesary... -
Character Code #855
Play Starcraft or get yourself a girlfriend either way find something better to do... -
be a man and quit like the rest of us, nothing here is worth the time...
I'll believe it when I see a Gold title...
Congratulations to dUmb for being the Unofficial/Official winners of the terribad ladder by unanimous vote!! It's been fun guys!
Ladder over... now back to serious PvE business... -
This ladder is a joke... I vote dUmb the winners because Psoma is sexy and I want to have man babies with Liberty...
Who wants to play SC2 with Spiner and I? -
Gladiator's Armor: +Res (Teleportation)/+3% Defense (All) (20% for protection from Teleportation effects for 10 seconds and a +3% bonus to Defense.
Quote:I was supposed to type here...What are your in-game Globals?: I was supposed to type here...
What are your PvP characters?: I was supposed to type here...
Which of these characters are on Freedom? (This may not be too important at first, if the ladder starts on Test): I was supposed to type here...
Are you willing to respec into a better PvP build?: I was supposed to type here...
Are you willing to roll a new character if needed?: I was supposed to type here...
Do you have a mic?: I was supposed to type here...
What is your general day/time availability?: I was supposed to type here...
Briefly describe your PvP experience: I was supposed to type here... -
Quote:Infamous got into a car accident, bitter quit, krytical no longer plays this game, mortis account is inactive, tempty moved, paul broke his mic, who knows about sim, that rampage kid never really showed up, exit has a daughter now (I know it suprised me too), rick plays his account less than paul, morti never showed, nanu is worried, and musey is under a rock.
You need something else to do... -