CoH Cosmology




So I did a quick look through the missions, remembered a bit, and looked at paragonwiki's list...

And I counted between 25 and 27 worlds.

01. Earth-Prime
02. Spirit World
03. Crotoan-Earth
04. Rikti-Earth
05. Shadow Shard
06. Hydra Dimmension
07. "Clockwork Earth" Epsilon Tau 27-2
08. "Praetorian-Earth" Upsilon Beta 9-6
09. - Banished Pantheon World
10. - Freakshow controlled world
11. - knives of Artemis Earth
12. - No name or special feature
13. - Devouring Earth controled
14. Tau Gamma 9-24 - OranBegan Earth
15. Alpha Upsilon 24-2
16. "Council Empire" Omega Omicron 26-20
17. "Werewolf World" Lamda Rho 57-20
18. Sigma Psi 20-7 - Revenant Hero dimension
19. Tau Delta 8-7 - Nemesis Automaton dimension
20. Nu Beta 9-7 - Council War ravaged world
21. Gamma Upsilon 28-3 - Nemesis controled world (destroyed large cities)
22. - 2nd Nemesis Dimension (Sun blotted out)
23. - 3rd Nemesis Dimension (Superdine world)
24. Zeta Tao 7-63 (Shadow World)
25. Delta Zeta 24-10 (Axis America/Axis Earth)
26. Circle of Thorns world
27. Warrior Earth

Now... why do i say between 25 and 27... well because # 2 and 3...

The Spirit World and the Croatoan Earth I both consider alternate earth and not the same Earth... Why? Well to access the spirit world you use portals and they say different dimension so it seems like it is a different earth... Croatoa is also spirit world, but it is pretty clear they are not in the same as the gods and demons...

So are they "other earths"... OR...

are they other plains? Could this then be those 17 "Shadow worlds" mentioned and each Alternate Earth has 17 planes to it?

0. Earth
1. Overworld
2. Underworld
3. Netherworld
4. Croatoa
5. Psychic Plane
6-17. ???

What do you think? How do you think the Cosmology is?

Are these "shadow worlds" planes in each Universe or are they universes in themselves that each 'Earth' universe just happens to contact these 17 shadow worlds.



It seems I sorta have some of my answer with what i found on paragon wiki...

Born with a connection to Shadow Earth in the Netherworld,
The Shadow worlds are Alternate Earths that are in the Netherworld?

So the Netherworld...seems to be Alternate Earths that all other Earths have a connection to...which would indicate... That there are 24+17 earths making 41 so far... I wonder if this is in the Bible or they just randomly came up with these when making those arcs.



I think Crotoa Earth IS the Spirit World.



Let's say you have an onion. You clone that onion X amount of times, so you have X amount of the same identical onion.

Each onion represents a copy of Earth. You can call one onion Earth Prime, another can be called Preatorian Earth, etc. etc. So you have all of these identical onions with different names. We'll disregard the differences in people on these worlds for the time being.

Now, each identical onion has layers. You can call one layer the Physical Realm, another layer is the Psychic Plain, another layer is the Netherworld, another the Spirity Realm*, etc., etc. So each onion has these different layers, realms, quantum states, whatever you want to call them.

So yes, even though you have all of these alternate Earths, each one has different plains of existence, so to speak. So the Spirit Realm of Praetorian Earth or Warwolf Earth may be completely different than the Spirit Realm on Prime Earth. Sure, not seeing a ghost of a Praetorian PD cop in our spirit world could just be chalked up to programming, but more likely it's because his spirit resides in the Spirit Realm of Praetorian Earth.

But just like the Physical Plain, there may be ways to connect the other layers of each onion to the same layer of other onions, and travel between the the different plains of existence between each world.

* Technically Croaotoa is in the Spirit Realm (AFAIR)



Originally Posted by Inazuma View Post
I think Crotoa Earth IS the Spirit World.
So you would say...

That there are infinite number of regular alternate Earths
Each of those Earths have some connection to the 17 "Shadow Worlds"
Each of those Earths have their own Spirit World and Psychic Plane

Where do you place the God dimension and the hell dimension? They seem to me more like they would be Shadow Worlds due to the portals... either way i think they are separate from the "Croatoan world"


Over World
Regular World
Spirit World
Under World

OR the spirit world is 3 realms in itself so you have Regular World and Spirit World and then Spirit World is divided into 2 or 3 parts?

Those are all part of one universe and then each universe is also connected to the Nether World that all other universes are connected to as well? (remember netherworld is where people draw some powers from and as quoted it is an alternate world IN the netherworld...which implies that the netherworld si a group of alternate worlds ruled over by one force or some sort of special set of worlds)

Also another reason i think croatoa, overworld, and underworld are all Alternate earths in the netherworld is because the Shadow Shard is what caused Croatoa to start happening...

But then...if they are all one earth in the netherworld that would mean all versions of Statesman are being powered by the same Zeus which I think is unlikely...



But then...if they are all one earth in the netherworld that would mean all versions of Statesman are being powered by the same Zeus which I think is unlikely...
**** SPOILERS ****

Well, we already know that the Rikti killed their gods, and that they're not aliens, but actually humans form another dimension. So it stands to reason that each dimension has its own deities... weather they are alternate versions of Zeus, Odin, Yahweh, Jesus, the Rikti Gods, the Great Old Ones, or what have you.

That's right... if you thought one Cthuluh was bad...



I would loooove it if I could go to the Netherworld.

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Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Each of those Earths have their own Spirit World and Psychic Plane
I would submit that the Psychic Plane may be different from the others you mention, and not actually a part of the cosmology. I think of it as a mindscape--a realm not merely inhabited by, but formed from, the combined mentalities of living beings. To use a rather prosaic analogy, it's like a wireless mesh network, with individual psychics acting as router/servers. Each alternate world would still have its own, assuming it had beings capable of psychic manifestation of some sort--the Nemesis automaton world, for example, would probably not have a Psychic Plane.

Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
That's right... if you thought one Cthuluh was bad...
Well, Lovecraftian material often represents its more outré creatures as denizens of realms outside of normal space and time. In the CoH cosmology, the Elder Gods could be from outside the web of alternate universes entirely, and thus potentially be unique beings.

Note that I'm only saying that such a thing is conceivable (insofar as anything Mythos-related is conceivable), not that the cosmology actually works that way. After all, some of the most Mythos-like content we currently see is definitely tied to the alternate worlds (different versions of the Banished Pantheon, and the various Aspects of Rularuu, for example).

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Both are excellent points.



So CoH Cosmology essentially looks something like this...

Earth-prime is made bigger just because the need to show a sub divide.



Best topic I've seen in ages!

For the simple fact that it gets my mind working while simultaneously
reminding me how fleshed out this 'Universe' of ours is.

Major points to Obsidius for his Onion analogy. So simple yet dead on.

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Your forgot to add 'The Lumiverse"



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
So CoH Cosmology essentially looks something like this...

Earth-prime is made bigger just because the need to show a sub divide.
My internal picture is almost the same, but slightly different. I'll have to draw it out sometime, but consider the Code box the "Multivese":

*** Etherworld *** | | | | | | | | Entropy | | | | | | | | v v v v v v v v Parallel Earths / Universes (each w/ their own planes of existence) | | | | | | | | Entropy | | | | | | | | v v v v v v v v *** Netherworld ***
In the case of Portal Corps, they are simply performing "brute force tunneling" between alternate universes, using specific dimensional coordinates (ie: knowing the exact location of a parallel universe in relation to our own). However, it would be theoretically possible to travel between parallel universes by going through the Etherworld or the Netherworld (since either connects to all universes), but since entropy (a function of time) is involved, there would be some serious quantum implications to hurdle. You'd essentially be messing with the fabric of all realities.

Well, that's one perspective on it anyhow.



Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
My internal picture is almost the same, but slightly different. I'll have to draw it out sometime, but consider the Code box the "Multivese":

*** Etherworld *** | | | | | | | | Entropy | | | | | | | | v v v v v v v v Parallel Earths / Universes (each w/ their own planes of existence) | | | | | | | | Entropy | | | | | | | | v v v v v v v v *** Netherworld ***
In the case of Portal Corps, they are simply performing "brute force tunneling" between alternate universes, using specific dimensional coordinates (ie: knowing the exact location of a parallel universe in relation to our own). However, it would be theoretically possible to travel between parallel universes by going through the Etherworld or the Netherworld (since either connects to all universes), but since entropy (a function of time) is involved, there would be some serious quantum implications to hurdle. You'd essentially be messing with the fabric of all realities.

Well, that's one perspective on it anyhow.
There is a large problem with what you've described... No such thing as the "Etherworld" in canon and Portal Corp uses the same method to reach the Netherworld Earths as the others Earths...



Originally Posted by Nylonus View Post
Your forgot to add 'The Lumiverse"
What do you think the white box is?

The Way of the Corruptor (Arc ID 49834): Hey villains! Do something for yourself for a change--like twisting the elements to your will. All that's standing in your way are a few secret societies...and Champions of the four elements.



Hrmmm I wonder if there is a system for the names that they have thought of for what each piece means... It's got to be a coordinate system or a registry number...

If it's a Registry then they have found a lot of earths and need to revamp the system as they are going to run of numbers soon...

So... the only thing it makes sense as is some sort of cordinate system...

Alpha Upsilon 24-2 - World Destroyed by your alternate
Gamma Upsilon 28-3 - Nemesis controled world (destroyed large cities)
Delta Zeta 24-10 (Axis America/Axis Earth)
Epsilon Tau 27-2 "Clockwork Earth"
Zeta Tao 7-63 (Shadow World)
Lamda Rho 57-20 - "Werewolf World"
Nu Beta 9-7 - Council War ravaged world
Sigma Psi 20-7 - Revenant Hero dimension
Tau Delta 8-7 - Nemesis Automaton dimension
Tau Gamma 9-24 - OranBegan Earth
Upsilon Beta 9-6 - "Praetorian-Earth"
Omega Omicron 26-20 - "Council Empire"

This tells us that we are working with 24 by 24 by 57 by 63 variable number

This likely doesn't tell coordinates in time or space so there is no reason to consider 3D space in the system. Why do I say that? look at the numbers and think of the missions... You almost always portal in at exactly the same place when portal corp is there on the other end and the numbers just don't line up so the probability is that time nor space is adressed with this system.

So this to me can only be 1 of 2 things...

A coordinate system within a defined area or some sort of "wavelength" or "phase" settings for each world...

The phase setting is stupid as it would suggest only a poorly thought out system that would be self limiting with no real benefit

Thus I would argue that it is a grid type coordinate system

Alpha Beta X-Y

Alpha = horizontal on the grid
Beta = Vertical on the grid
X = horizontal within the previously selected cell
Y = Vertical within the previously selected cell

or something akin to this.



Obsidius has confused me.

Here's how I envisioned the parallel Earths, using a city analogy:

Each Earth is a building. Each building has a basement (Netherworld) and an attic (Shadow Shard). Portal Corp is essentially building a subway that travels between buildings.

Are you saying that each building *shares* the basement with all the other buildings?

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Originally Posted by Ironik View Post
Obsidius has confused me.

Here's how I envisioned the parallel Earths, using a city analogy:

Each Earth is a building. Each building has a basement (Netherworld) and an attic (Shadow Shard). Portal Corp is essentially building a subway that travels between buildings.

Are you saying that each building *shares* the basement with all the other buildings?
According to the quote I posted up there somewhere...

There are 17 Shadow Worlds
These Shadow Worlds are in the Netherworld
These Shadow Worlds can be reached via Portal Corp which travels to Alternate worlds

Therefor the NetherWorld is either an "anti" multiverse or a section of the regular multiverse...

Not only is it one of those two... Because powers are drawn FROM the Netherworld in presumably every world we've come across the Netherworld is intrinsically linked to every world in the list somehow...

Why they are called the Shadow Worlds or the Netherworld is unknown in the lore.

The basement in your analogy would be the Underworld or Hell where the Circle of Thorns calls forth it's demons from. Croatoa would be Earthbound spirits that live just out of sync with our plane of reality, or in this case they might be the dining room and we're in the living room on the same level. The Overworld or whatever you want to call it would be the luxurious attic where all the gods reside... None of those are connected as shown by the Rikti and the incarnates.

To someone who mentioned this...
The Shadow Shard is another alternate world... not part of Earth-Prime



Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
I would loooove it if I could go to the Netherworld.

It's a small country between Belgium and Germany bordered by the North Sea

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
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No no thats the netherlands



Originally Posted by Durakken View Post
Not only is it one of those two... Because powers are drawn FROM the Netherworld in presumably every world we've come across the Netherworld is intrinsically linked to every world in the list somehow...

Why they are called the Shadow Worlds or the Netherworld is unknown in the lore.
That would imply that Infernal is from one of the Shadow Worlds and not the Netherworld, since there are two Infernals.

That would also mean that there would have to be two of Lillitu as well.



The gods were just Pandora-box endowed humans augmented by legend which means that for the Rikti, they killed off all their super-powered (and magical) beings leaving only psy-users, except in the comic book story where Recluse blocked all the Pandora-box powers in Paragon and States had to go an alternate dimension where the gods really did exist because they met Prometheus who thought States was Zeus because States had the Zues-power, though he wasn't Zeus because there really were no gods, except for the gods that warred over giving magic to the humans which is what Prometheus did but in the war of the gods story it was Ermeeth who did it sometime after the first war of the gods who pre-existed humans who are the real gods only empowered with the Pandora-box powers and in that first war the evil gods were banished to some other dimension and became the Banished Pantheon.

See? Logical.

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