A Contact Tree for MA Arcs (by level range and theme)
Nice work, PoliceWoman! Although this isn't the first "list" of level/theme arcs made in this section of the forums, the way you've sorted each "section" out using non-AE contact images is (in my opinion) a nice touch and should be very helpful to visiting forumites looking for an arc to play
Also, thanks for putting my second "Galactic Protectorate" arc on your list It's nice to know you enjoyed one of my arcs enough to include it alongside the many other noteworthy arcs here.

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic

Wow ! Excellent idea!
The contacts are a great touch!
[COLOR=darkorchid]Nebulhym's AE Arcs: Try them now![/COLOR]
# 12647: Of feathers and fur...[COLOR=yellow]Winner of [B]The American Legion[/B]'s January 2011 AE Author Contest![/COLOR]
# 292389: From Tartarus with love...
# 459592: Interdimensional Headache
What a cool resource, excellent! Thanks for putting it together and picking several of my arcs.
Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste
or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story
Great job on this! It'll be a big help when leveling up new characters. From reading your reviews it's obvious you've got a great eye for quality MA arcs so it's nice to have this as a resource.
Also, thanks for including my "Looking Back: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration" among your selections.
A few suggestions for the level 1-9 range from the Aeon's 2nd challenge, my favorites that you haven't already listed:
To Dream of Nothing #374644 - whichever origin Nictus are.
The Spider Without Fangs #379248 - comedy, villainous
Too Clever By Half #378944 - comedy, villainous
Outbroken #379017 - a sequel of sorts to Outbreak
Past Echoes Tomorrow #379399 - a partial origin story for Fusionette.
Holding Down the Fort #379065 Save Portal Corps, and the world, from destruction.
Great list, thanks for including my arc.
I just played "The Next War on Drugs" as part of my level 1-50 project, so I've already benefited from it.
Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper
Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World
Added: The Bestest Radio Mission Ever (#1526) H35-54
Source: Excellent Arcs forum thread.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
Thanks for the plug, PW. I think it rocks that you thought Harrier was written well enough to be an actual contact. Maybe one of these days I'll write something else that stands out as much as that particular arc.
61866 - A Series of Unfortunate Kidnappings - More than a coincidence?
2260 - The Burning of Hearts - A green-eyed monster holds the match.
379248 - The Spider Without Fangs - NEW - Some lessons learned (more or less.)
Thanks for the inclusions on the list PW, but I should say that I've updated Rise of the Drakule's level range to be 40-50, because the custom power selections I use are too tough for a level 25 character, now that custom difficulty critters no longer have powers unlock based on their level. (Standard, Hard, and Extreme difficulty still do.)
Quite a few of mine are missing and they connect to the ones that are listed.
"All Consuming" (#261148, Heroic, Levels 20-25)
This is the prequel to "The Amulet of J'gara".
"The Portal Bandits" (#3326, Heroic, Levels 40-54)
This is the original Nagan arc, "Breaking the Barrier..." is its sequel. Provides a lot of background information.
"Of Futures Past" (#254599, Villainous, Levels 40-54)
Villainside counterpart arc to "The Portal Bandits", fills in the story of an unseen character in that arc.
"A Show of Hands" (#296884, Villainous, Levels 40-54)
Semi-sequel to "MacGuffin Delivery Service", also ties into "The Portal Bandits".
Contact's noone flashy though, a re-tasked standard scientist contact I named Dr. Raven.
Players' Choice Awards: Best Dual-Origin Level Range Arc!
It's a new era, the era of the Mission Architect. Can you save the Universe from...
The Invasion of the Bikini-clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space? - Arc ID 61013
Awesome job PW.
It looks like you got most of the ones I would add from a quick skim, though I would also like to add my other arc A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691. It's level fixed at 20 due to a certain canon mob, though the enemy group you fight is 11-20. Origin is probably mutant.
A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread
Very cool list! I'll be keeping an eye on this thread to see what else shakes loose. Now, if I weren't disconnecting constantly, I'd be playing some of these!
I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177
Arcs on the list that I've reviewed:
Arc #1379, "Axis and Allies
Arc# 1388, Celebrity Kidnapping
Arc #1472, "Hearts on Fire"
Arc #1567, "MacGuffin Delivery Service"
Arc #2180, "Bricked Electronics"
Arc #4727, "Future Skulls"
Arc #5898, "The Fan Club"
Arc #6017, "Mercytown: The One With All The Fish"
Arc #6143, "Escalation"
Arc #12285, "Small Fears"
Arc #47550, "Karmic Exchange"
Arc #57352, "The All-Seeing Eye"
Arc #58363, "Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette Task Force"
Arc #61013, "The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses From Outer Space"
Arc #67335, "Teen Phalanx Forever!"
Arc #114284, "Diamonds Are A Girl's Best Friend"
Arc #123675, "The Lost Choir: Chapter One: The Old Testament"
Arc# 128109, All in the Family
Arc #137561, "Ctrl+Alt+Reset!"
Arc #156389, "Kiss Hello Goodbye"
Arc #171031, "The Fracturing of Time"
Arc #178774, "Tales of Croatoa: A Rose By Any Other Name...."
Arc #227331, "The Consequences of War"
Arc #260284, "A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force"
Arc #337435, "OMG it's the LOLBAT!"
Arc #338380, "Talos Vice"
Arc #339222, "The Descender"
Arc #390921, "Arena"
Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"
I do have to ask, why is Dr. Aeon being listed as the level 40 Hero Science contact? I don't see why Mender Lazarus is listed as Tech either.
I do have to ask, why is Dr. Aeon being listed as the level 40 Hero Science contact? I don't see why Mender Lazarus is listed as Tech either.
The way I classify arcs by origin is loosely by theme, but admittedly involves some guesswork, so may seem arbitrary.
The Return of the Lizard People has the lowest arc ID of level 40 Science group, and its contact is Dr. Aeon. This is in my files as "heroic", but hmm, I can't recall why Dr. Aeon should be hiring heroes. I may need to double check.
Theoretically this method should also make Dr. Aeon the contact for level 30 Science, but due to a sorting error I ended up putting down the Panda cleric as contact instead, and I'm rationalizing after the fact that we don't want the same contact twice.
Mender Lazarus is the contact for Looking Back: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration, an arc I classified as Technology because it's all about the CoH forum, which is a technological artifact. (Hey, it made sense in my head at the time...)
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
Added: Chris Jenkins: Attorney At Law (#204942) H1-14
Source: Excellent Arcs thread, also Low Level AE Missions thread.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
Now I'm wondering how the Drakule arcs ended up in mutation instead of magic.
Oh and don't worry, I will continue to nitpick until the end of time.
Added: Cracking Skulls (#115935) listed as H1-14, but based on difficulty should be H12-14
Source: Low Level AE Missions thread.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
I'd like to suggest my arc DayJob Hell for villains 1-10 for your list, if I may. You may have already played it as it was nominated for one of the player-run MA contests and maybe you didn't care for it - I'm willing to risk it.
I'd also like to thank you for time you spent to put together this list. The next toon I start I'm going to try and run up the ladder on these when I can.
Nice list PW, I'm subscribing to this so I can find it later. It should come in handy when I feel like trying a good AE Arc.
I noticed a few of your arcs got snuck in there, but they deserve it.
I'm also glad to see that New Age Ronin's Becky the Tarantula Mistress arcs got included, I loved those.
Since people seem to be suggesting arcs, I would like to suggest 2 of mine:
The first is In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916.
This arc is level 45-54 heroic. I read your post about trying to become better. I would guess that this arc may have a record number of reviews sought. The original arc had over 70 plays and was at 4 stars when I unpublished it. I did this because, I took all the feedback I received very seriously and so I changed the contact and republished it. You gave it 5 stars on your last re-review and it is now sitting at 46 plays and 5 stars.
The other of my arcs I would to suggest is Suppression - 374481
This arc is level 5-15 heroic. It is currently sitting at 4 stars and 53 plays. It has gotten at least 36 five star ratings. You rated it 4 stars when you reviewed it, but I made some improvements since you played it, many of which were because of your suggestions. Perhaps if you replay it you might like it better and would include it in your list.
Thanks for putting this together. I know it must be a lot of work.
@Gypsy Rose
In Pursuit of Liberty - 344916
The Vigilante - 395861
Suppression - 374481 - Winner of The American Legion's February 2011 AE Author Contest
Updated Trademark Infringement to H35-54 level range.
Added: Too Clever By Half (#378944) V5-10
Source: Bubbawheat's recommendation.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"
That is a really nice list. thanks for putting that together.
A Guide to Champion Drama
My Videos
Ashcraft been published.
Short link to this list: http://tinyurl.com/22vm5nv

An alternate contact tree using Mission Architect story arcs.
One of the most common things I see players ask about MA is, "What is a good story arc for a level XX hero/villain?" This is my attempt to create a resource to easily answer this question.
Here follows a list of MA story arcs roughly sorted by level and theme. There's a wide variety of arcs, varying from the utterly serious to the completely silly. I cannot guarantee that you will like all of these arcs, or even any of these arcs. But they are arcs that I thought were good, fun, or noteworthy in some way. I tried to provide a brief blurb for each arc to help give players an idea of whether the arc sounds interesting. Your mileage may vary.
In contrast to my earlier review thread, this is a resource intended for players of MA arcs.
***** HERO LEVEL 1-9 *****
A Tangle in Time (#2622) H5-54
A strange artifact catches you in a temporal loop.
Future Skulls (#4727) H1-14
Help Mirror Spirit prevent a dire future from coming to pass.
Tales of the PPD: One Hell of a Deal (#55669) H1-10
Work with the police to investigate a Hellion plot.
Idol Hands (#141376) H5-14
A Hellion's quest for power endangers the city.
Two Tickets to Westerly (#374002) H5-12
A Skulls Girlfriend asks you to help her and her boyfriend escape the Skulls gang. Romance.
Night Calls the Weaver (#375420) H5-10
A chance meeting with an old woman leads you to uncover a Hellion plot. Tragedy.
Nuclear in 90 - The Fusionette TF (#58363) H1-14
Help Fusionette investigate missing persons and battle Hellions. Lighthearted adventure.
Go. Hunt. Kill Skuls (#158877) H1-14
While in Perez Park, you agree to help another hero "Kill Skuls". Parody.
Chris Jenkins: Attorney At Law (#204942) H1-14
Even lawyers deserve to be saved from rampaging Hellions....don't they? Comedy. Single mission.
A Hero in Need...is a Friend Indeed! (#375018) H5-14
Statesman needs your help! But what could he want from an apprentice hero?
Hearts on Fire (#1472) H5-14
Love and death on the mean streets of the city. Tragedy.
Grim and the Green (#61156) H1-14
Help the police bust a Skulls drug ring. Introductory.
Learning The Ropes (#100304) H1-10
Back Alley Brawler introduces you to some of the basic villain groups. Introductory.
Cracking Skulls (#115935) H1-14
Stop the Skulls from producing a new version of superadine.
The Blue Devils (#468738) H1-5 or Vig1-5
Investigate a new street gang that is causing trouble.
Detective Freitag
The Lazarus Project (#124906) H5-20
Investigating missing newbie heroes leads to a Vahzilok plot.
Relativity Be Damned (#177370) H5-54
Save Albert Einstein from interdimensional threats.
Mark Freeman
Bricked Electronics (#2180) H8-20
Help Mark Freeman stop the Goldbrickers' plot.
The Invasion of the Bikini-Clad Samurai Vampiresses from Outer Space (#61013) H5-25
Help B-movie director Ed Wood save the world. Comedy.
Storming Citadel (#379488) H5-10
You're miniaturized and enter Citadel's brain to make repairs. Single mission.
***** HERO LEVEL 10-19 *****
Brother David
The Dead and the Damned (#87912) H11-14
Help an unlikely couple get together, against the backdrop of a supernatural gang war.
The Hollows: Parapsychologist (#372507) H5-40, but should be H12-40
Talshak the Mystic asks for your help investigating a kidnapping by the Circle of Thorns.
Alphonse Rubel
Dream Paper (#1874) H11-20 (mostly)
Checking out apartment break-ins, you discover some sort of cursed paper.
Teen Phalanx Forever (#67335) H15-30
Your young sidekick joins a teen supergroup for adventures and fun.
Meet the Author (#543322) N1-54, would suggest H12-40
Your agent arranges for someone to ghost write your tell-all superheroic memoirs. Comedy.
Back Alley Brawler
The Next War on Drugs (#245042) H12-20
Back Alley Brawler wants your help to fight drug trafficking.
Talos Vice (#338380) H12-20
Team up with Detective Croquette to battle the drug trade. Miami Vice homage.
Project Dragon (#522067) H15-40
Infiltrate Tub Ci's martial arts tournament to stop a Tsoo plot.
001-Bonefire: FREEDOM Style (#540613) H10-14
Help Manticore stop a gang war. Remix of a canon arc.
Rebecca Brinell
Tutorial Arc 3: Dark Harvest (#470181) H5-20, but should be H12-20
Help SERAPH rescue kidnapped warshades from the Council.
Ctrl + Alt + Reset! (#137561) H15-30
Confiscating a dangerous artifact gets you stuck in a time loop.
***** HERO LEVEL 20-29 *****
Percy Winkley
Amulet of J'Gara (#1709) H25-30
Investigate the disappearance of a pair of members of the Midnight Club.
The Love Talker: a City of Heroes Faerie Tale (#30242) H24-54
Skipper LeGrange asks you to rid Croatoa of a dangerous faerie creature.
Astoria in D Minor (#41565) H20-29
Searching for a lost little girl leads you into the heart of Dark Astoria. Horror.
Daytime Divas (#94504) H1-54, but should be H22-54
You agree to an interview on a daytime TV show. Hijinks ensue. Comedy.
Faerie Gold (#95553) H25-30
Settling a miners strike leads to conflict with the Unseelie Fey.
Sea Change (#137269) mostly H25-31
You fall under the mind control of Calystix and struggle to break free.
Signal:Noise (#341194) H20-29
Following a plea for help, you find yourself alone in Dark Astoria. Surreal. (Essentially no exp, but very creepy.)
The Horrors of Innswich (#403608) H25
A mysterious letter leads you to an accursed New England town. Cthulhu mythos homage. Challenging.
Forsaken People - A Tale of Old Astoria (#534314) H20-29
Investigating a series of occult murders leads to something more.
A Mysterious Flame
Matchstick Women (#3369) H25-54
Investigate a nihilistic fire cult.
The Fan Club (#5898) H25-34 (mostly)
Some of your hero's overly eager fans get in over their heads.
Naughty Cat-Girls of the Third Reich (#41119) Vig1-54 but should be 22-54
Stop the fascist catgirl super-soldier program. Campy adventure.
Zero of the Day (#341250) H20-30 (mostly)
Investigating vandalism leads you to uncover dirty secrets. Drama.
The Golden Age Secret of the Paragon Society (#344596) H25-54
The last member of a Golden Age supergroup asks for your help against the 5th Column.
The Christmas Zombie Attack (#353610) listed H1-54 but should be around H25-54
Battle a zombie outbreak at Santa's workshop. Holiday.
Assistant Chief Bishop
Two Households Alike (#126582) H25-29
Feuding families, star-crossed lovers. Romeo & Juliet homage.
Kiss Hello Goodbye (#156389) H1-54 but should be around H25-54
A beautiful dame. A missing child. The dark underbelly of Paragon City. Film noir.
Agent of the OSS (#525356) H20-54
During WW2, the Office of Strategic Services asks for your help against the Nazis.
Dr. Igor Bangalore
Big in Sumeria (#328391) H25
Help the Spirit Busters battle paranormal manifestations. Ghostbusters homage. Single mission.
A Mosaic of Shattered Dreams (#497506) H25-54
Investigate why supervillains are attacking an innocent family.
Dr. Benjamin Johnson
Teh Freakshow Artz Klub (#25622) H20-54
Freakz can haz art? Comedy.
Can You Win The Internet? (#85544) level range varies, should be around N25-54
Save the internet from assorted cyberspace menaces. Parody.
Behind The Smiling Spark of Madness (#255144) H20-54
Investigating strange pop music related deaths leads you to battle a nihilistic cult.
Ignition of the Machine (#318983) H25-32
Help a scientist test out his new android. Drama.
Against the Wickerwork Khan (#346904) H23-54
Journey to Panda Earth to save a princess from the deadly WickerWork Khan.
A Penny For Your Thoughts (#348691) H20-20
Penelope Yin asks you to save the life of her friend: the Clockwork King. Surreal.
***** HERO LEVEL 30-39 *****
The Golden Scepter (#9852) H35-53
A mystical guardian sends you on a quest to recover a dangerous artifact.
Tales of Croatoa: A Rose by Any Other Name (#178774) H33-34
You stop to help a little girl wandering near a cemetery. Tragedy.
Detective Frasenbacker
Clowns, Fast Food & McArchvillain (#1197) H30-54
Beat up clowns and fast food themed enemies. Parody. Single mission.
The Bestest Radio Mission Ever (#1526) H35-54
Amusing mash-up of every radio mission in the game. Parody. Single mission.
Trademark Infringement (#2220) H35-54
Battle an army of villains with rip-off costumes and character concepts. Parody. Single mission.
Death to Disco! (#84420) H30-54
Stop Dr. Disco Fever from altering the timeline to destroy Rock and Roll.
Challenge of the Splendid Pals -- Episodes 1 - 3 (of 9) (#159140) H1-54, should be H30-54
Join the Splendid Pals to battle the Legion of Gloom. Superfriends homage.
Silver Aged (#280017) H30-54
The archenemy of a retired hero escapes prison and menaces the city. Lighthearted adventure.
Ashley Porter
Ashley Porter and the Gorilla War (#130809) H1-54 (but should be H30-54)
A famous aviatrix asks for your help battling Nazi gorillas. Retro WW2 adventure.
Fatale Attraction - Part 1 of 3 (#181264) H1-54 (but should be H30-54)
Stop a gang of female criminals.
Task Force Mutternacht (#349522) H30-54 (mostly)
Indigo asks you to go deep undercover. Spy thriller.
Detective Becktrees
Escalation (#6143) H32-54
A minor supervillain makes destroying your hero the focus of her career.
Pandas vs. Rikti (#68930) H30-54
Panda Earth needs your help against the Rikti.
Captain Skylark Shadowfancy and the Tomorrownauts of Today! (#337333) H30-34
Join the Tomorrownauts in a retro sci-fi adventure.
The Consequences of War (#227331) H38-54
Team up with a hero supergroup during the darkest hours of the Rikti War. Tragedy.
The Casualties of War (#241496) H38-54
Team up (again) with a hero supergroup during the darkest hours of the Rikti War. Tragedy.
The Murders in the RWZ Morgue (#452144) H35-54
You are sent to the Vanguard base to catch a killer. Mystery, single mission.
Your Computer
The Doctor Returns (#1152) H35-54
Help the Doctor hack the Mission Architect to stop a Crey conspiracy.
The Wentworth's Thanksgiving Day Parade (#347683) H30-54
Save Thanksgiving from a Nemesis plot. Comedy, Holiday-themed.
A Very Special Episode (#457506) H30-54
The popular host of a children's television show has disappeared.
Legacy of a Rogue (#459586) H30-35
A retired hero asks you to take a young hero as a sidekick. Drama.
***** HERO LEVEL 40-50 *****
The Storyteller
The Storyteller: Sabrina's Tale (#1237) H40-54
Romances with the undead never seem to work out. Tragedy.
Amazon-Avatars (#5909) H41-54
The Knives of Artemis unlock the power of ancient goddesses.
The Yellow Sign (#7739) N1-54 (probably should be H41-50)
Face horrors from the beyond. Cthulhu mythos homage.
Small Fears (#12285) H45-54
Rescue children from manifestations of their childhood fears. Horror.
Tales of Cimerora: Of Feathers and Fur (#12647) H40-54
Daedalus asks for your help saving Cimerora from mythological beasties.
Karmic Exchange (#47550) H45-54
A ghost asks you to stop her husband from making a terrible mistake. Drama.
Dr. Dave and the Copper Legion (#60280) H40-54
While helping with Cimeroran archaeology, you learn of a metallic menace.
A Warrior's Journey - The Flower Knight Task Force (#260284) H45-50
Travel to a faraway land of samurai and ninja. Drama.
Dhahabu Kingdom and the Indelible Curse of Hate (#367872) H41-54
Lift the evil curse from an African kingdom.
Saul Rubenstien
Saul Rubenstien's Discount Task Force (#1012) H41-54
A bargain basement TF experience. Comedy.
The Footsteps Initiative (#2291) H40-54
Mentor a team of newbie heroes. Comedy.
The Extadine Lab (#2595) H40-54
While investigating a new designer drug, you fall down a rabbit hole. Surreal. Single mission.
Grieving Angels (#41717) H45-54
Investigate why a supergroup has gone rogue.
Rise of the Drakule (#51357) H40-54
Vampire hunters ask for your help killing an army of vampires and goths. Comedy.
Why Do Bad Girls Like Bad Boys? (#63910) H41-54
Help a villainous Lothario solve problems with his love life. Romantic comedy.
Drakule vs. The Werewolf Bikers from Hell (#340316) H45-54
Werewolves and vampires are fighting again. Kill them and/or save the city.
In Pursuit of Liberty (#344916) H45-54 (mostly)
Explore the origin story of a young heroine.
Made to Wave the Flag (#384776) H45-54
Captured by Malta, you and several other heroes attempt to escape.
Blitzkrieg (#3416) H45-54
Crimson asks for your help investigating a deadly Malta conspiracy.
Blowback (#4643) H41-54
A heinous Malta/Rikti conspiracy causes one operative to have second thoughts.
The Paragon Caper (#65246) H1-54 (should probably be H40-54)
An investigation goes sour and you go on the run while trying to clear your name.
That All Men Are Created Equal (#151277) H41-54
Protect a fledgling Eastern European democracy against the Malta. Geopolitical thriller.
Pagkagising ("Awakening") (#230100) H40-54
Challenge Filipino martial arts masters of the Limang Paaralan.
Splintered Shields (#253991) H45-54
An Arachnos raid leads to an internal investigation in Longbow.
The Coldest of Wars (#299972) H40-45
Cryogenically frozen communists are revived and threaten the city.
The Christmas We Get (#356477) H41-54
Help a rogue agent destabilize the Rogue Isles. Holiday themed.
Professor Wayfare
Wayfaring Stranger (#4817) H40-54
Help a scientist-adventurer find his missing son. Johnny Quest homage.
Galactic Protectorate Part 02 (#117281) N40-54
An alternate reality Manticore asks for help against alien invaders.
The Lost Choir: Chapter One: The Old Testament (#123675) H45-54
Battle the forgotten gods of the Rikti.
The Fracturing of Time (#171031) H41-54
Fractures in time threaten all of existence. Surreal.
Paragon City Mad Science Fair (#254399) H40-54 (mostly)
Provide security for a competition of the scientific elite. Comedy.
The Rikti Accession (#278757) H40-54
Help the Rikti Traditionalists stop a Restructurist super-soldier program.
A Fistful of Suziku (#440157) H40-54
A cloning device creates flawed duplicates of yourself and your contact.
The Seventh Project (#530481) H45-54
You're on the trail of a shadowy organization selling superweapons on the black market.
Refurbished iArachnos Console
Turg Fiction: Ghost In The Machine, Act I (#1013) H50
You discover someone trapped within an old training simulation.
The Portal Bandits (#3326) H40-54
Stop an alien race from stealing Earth's portal technology.
The All-Seeing Eye (#57352) H45-54 (mostly)
Prevent a spy satellite from falling into the wrong hands.
One Million Eyes (#71933) H40-54
Join the new hero-themed social networking site and fight crime!
Looking Back: A Fifth Anniversary Celebration (#110993) H40-54
Nostalgic look at the history of the CoH forums. (Levels ramp up.)
Dr. Sigler and the Chronojumper (#131158) H40-54 (mostly)
A scientist with a time machine asks for your help to correct past mistakes.
Freaks, Geeks and Men in Black (#161629) H41-54
Team up with unlikely heroes to battle the Malta. Conspiracy theory.
The History of Statesman (#219484) H40-54
In the far future, the legend of Statesman is preserved by robot historians. Comedy.
Breaking the Barrier (And Putting it Back Together) (#347029) H45-54
Portal tech gone haywire threatens Paragon City with a Rularuu invasion.
A Long Time Ago In A Zone Far, Far Away (#529478) H45-54
A routine base inspection leads to something bigger. (Low exp, interesting mechanics.)
***** VILLAIN LEVEL 1-9 *****
Harrier Payne
The Burning of Hearts (#2260) V5-10
Help a jilted lover wreak horrible revenge on his ex.
Mercytown (#6017) V1-10
Dr. Krylov hires you to check out an underwater cult. Comedy.
Out of the Gutters (#68054) mostly V1-10
Screw being a "Chosen One". Become a villain on your own.
Quid Pro Quo (#82369) V1-10
A local scumbag tries to take advantage of you, but you make him sorry. Very evil.
Dr. Geist and the Scientific Method (#111022) mostly V1-10
A mad scientist hires you as a research assistant. Comedy.
An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (#255146) V5-30
Mentor a novice villain and help her get revenge on the hero who killed her dad.
Too Clever By Half (#378944) V5-10
A mad scientist asks for your help after an experiment goes awry.
***** VILLAIN LEVEL 10-19 *****
Desdemona the Glint
Ripping Out Reform (#1006) V16-19
Stop idealistic cops from reforming the Rogue Isles Police. Challenging.
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend (#114284) V15-20
Work with Desdemona the Glint to steal diamonds.
Standing Within the Mists (#209473) V1-54, but author suggests V16-40
You plot a poison gas attack in order to steal a mystical artifact.
***** VILLAIN LEVEL 20-29 *****
Willy Wheeler
Celebrity Kidnapping (#1388) V22-40
Kidnap a famous celebutante and hold her for ransom. Comedy.
The Hydroponic Psychotropic Freak Out! (#1960) V1-54, should be 25-50
Beat up hippies for Arachnos. Parody, single mission.
Hopeless (#29262) V21-30
A businessman hires you to avenge the loss of his granddaughter.
All in the Family (#128109) V25-30
A Family capo hires you for a series of contract killings, which soon become personal.
Backwards Day (#329000) V25-30
Help Diviner Maros with his bizarre time travel problems.
The Descender (#339222) V25-31
An ancient prophecy makes you the messiah of a race of shark men.
Fear and Loathing on Striga (#350522) V20-29
Arachnos sends you to restructure the balance of power on Striga Isle.
The Do-It-Yourself Doom Army Project (#410418) V25-54 (mostly)
An unconventional advisor helps you recruit a private army.
***** VILLAIN LEVEL 30-39 *****
Your Laptop
Curse of the Emerald Parakeet (#1567) V35-40
You steal a cursed artifact that you can't get rid of, but everyone wants it.
The Butterfly Effect (#2965) N35-54
Help Dr. Aeon muck with alternate dimensions.
Becky's Revenge (#60197) V35-54
Help Becky the Tarantula Mistress get her revenge on Fusionette. Comedy.
Papers and Paychecks (#298290) Rog32-45
Give up your life of crime and get a steady job working for Crey Industries. Comedy.
Inhuman Resources - Inevitable Evolution at Work (#298132) mostly V1-40, should be V30-40
Recruit with the Inevitable Evolution VG, a shady group of dissidents in the Rogue Isles.
Deadfellas (#322373) V30-54
A routine contract killing leads into a confrontation between the Family and the undead.
Who Dares Wins (#454805) Rog30-35
A Sky Raider captain meticulously plans an attack on Terra Volta, but encounters unforeseen complications.
Groundbreaking new OCD treatment! (#482896) V30-54
A mad scientist building a mad science device asks for your help assembling the necessary parts. A little silly.
***** VILLAIN LEVEL 40-50 *****
Johnny Sonata
Johnny Sonata and the Hitmen (#1001) mostly V5-54, should be V40-50
Help Johnny Sonata reunite his old band.
Axis and Allies (#1379) V40-50
Go back in time to lead the Axis to victory in WW2.
The Return of the Lizard People (#2974) H1-54 (should probably be V40-54)
Help Dr Aeon muck (some more) with alternate dimensions.
Forget the Rose, Send Me the Thorns (#8925) V45-54
Help a CoT mage with his love life. Oh, and save the world. Comedy.
Of Sound Body and Mind (#13107) Rog45-54
A mob lawyer asks you to help execute a late mobster's will.
Scourge of the Phalanx: Reunion (#26048) mostly V1-54, should be V40-50
Help a villain group wreak vengeance on the Vindicators.
M for Malta (#99260) mostly V41-50
While following up some leads from a new contact, you discover a Malta conspiracy.
Through Rose-Tinted Glasses (#101681) V40-54
Exploit a nearsighted old lady who mistakenly believes you're a hero.
Vernon von Grun's Extraordinary Extradimensional Excursions (#115174) V48-54
A mad scientist sends you to explore alternate dimensions. Comedy.
Becky and Mandy: A Tale of Two Mistresses (#229350) varies around V40-54
Becky the Tarantula Mistress asks for your help rescuing her friends.
Why We Fight (#253990) V40-54 (mostly)
Virtual reality propaganda for why Lord Recluse is the best. Comedy.
Attack of the 50 Foot Villain (#363366) V41-54
An accident causes you to grow to giant size and attack Tokyo. Single mission.
Tidebringer (#385180) V40-54
Arachnos wants you to deal with the spectral pirate problem.
Until the End of the World (#431270) V40-54
You profit from another villain's obsession with androids.
Arena (#456200) V40-54
Arachnos assigns you as security for a high stakes arena gladiator match.
Interdimensional Headache (#459592) V41-54
Work with a rogue portal researcher to explore another dimension for profit.
* I basically am listing arcs that satisfy one of:
--- I gave it 5 stars.
--- I liked it a lot. (Not the same as getting 5 stars.)
--- I felt it was "noteworthy" in some way.
* I will only list arcs that I've actually played through, that are still published.
* I will gradually add more arcs to this list as I find more.
* You can suggest arcs for me to consider, but I don't promise to play them; I'm now playing arcs purely because I want to.
* If I do play them, I don't promise to list them here. Please don't yell at me if I don't list your favorite arc. My selections are purely at my discretion.
* I am currently lumping Vigilante arcs in with Hero arcs, and Rogue arcs with Villain arcs, following the practice of canonical CoH arcs.
@PW - Police Woman (50 AR/dev blaster on Liberty)
TALOS - PW war journal - alternate contact tree using MA story arcs
=VICE= "Give me Liberty, or give me debt!"