How do you choose what AE arc to play?




I'm an active member of the small AE author community and we often have discussions with each other wondering why some arcs get a lot of plays and other really great arcs sit unnoticed by casual players. I know that any member of the forums doesn't exactly qualify as a casual player, but I thought this forum at least has a lot more people that are at least a casual AE player.

So, I ask you, when you decide to stop into the AE building, how do you decide which arc to play? Do you look at the first couple pages and pick a short arc? Do you search for something you're interested in? Do you look through the descriptions or just the titles? Or, do you do a little research and pop into the AE forum and look for something to catch your interest? Or do you search for the current farm trend?



I'll use the search options to narrow it down to missions that are my level and solo-friendly, and then look at the descriptions to see what catches my eye and to make sure it isn't a farm.

99458: The Unbearable Being of Lightness
191775: How the Other Half Lives
My Webcomics



I play arcs that I create for my characters. I usually keep an arc published just long enough for a character to complete it, so there's not much opportunity for other players to try out my arcs.



Usually one of a couple of ways:

a) It's one of my own. This is usually what I do if I'm going into the AE to get a few tickets to buy salvage or something, since I know exactly what to expect, I know how many tickets it produces (roughly), and I know it's a decent story that's not a long string of dick jokes.

b) It's a friend's. Not much to explain here.

c) I open the forum and look for someone advertising their arc in their sig. First one I come across gets a play-through. It's not entirely reliable, but still better than trying to sift through the dreck in the AE search window.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?



I'll do it one of three ways:
1) If an arc is highly recommended by someone in-game or on the forums.

2) If I play an arc I like, I'll search for other arcs by the same author.

3) I'll bring up the search interface, select "my level" and "four stars" (five stars indicates that an arc is new, not that it's good), and search for the mission architect tag that I'm interested in (SFMA is usually a good one for finding arcs worth playing).



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I'm an active member of the small AE author community
Accepting new people? Perhaps, crazy people?

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Forum posts, occasionally recommendations from others, mentions in MA Arc Finder, or rarely I'll hit random (repeatedly...) until something interesting comes up.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Masochistic people, more like
Oh I'm really that bad am I?

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



Almost exclusively recommendations. Every time I get it in my head that I'll browse the AE for a new and exciting arc to play, it ends in abject failure.



I look for level appropriate, alignment appropriate, solo friendly arcs.

If I'm playing a character below level 20, then I also avoid arcs involving custom power selections or elite bosses.

Above 20 I'm less picky, though I'll drop any AE arc that has a lot of mezzers, since I'm not usually playing a scrapper. I tend to think that if an arc has mezzing minions, then the designer must have been planning a scrapper farm.

If I find an arc that I like, I check to see if the author has others available.



I mostly just opent eh search window, set the filter to remove the ones I've already voted on, and then play the first non-villainous one on the list.
But I also sometimes play ones that are sugegsted to me, or ones I see in forum sigs.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Bubbawheat gets the easy answer:

So, I ask you, when you decide to stop into the AE building, how do you decide which arc to play? Do you look at the first couple pages and pick a short arc? Do you search for something you're interested in? Do you look through the descriptions or just the titles? Or, do you do a little research and pop into the AE forum and look for something to catch your interest? Or do you search for the current farm trend?
I usually narrow it down a little (inconsistently), by level or stars or various things, and then pick something that the description looks interesting for.

Dec out.



Originally Posted by Aisynia View Post
Accepting new people? Perhaps, crazy people?
I consider anyone who posts in the Stories and Lore forum's discussions, or the MA Arc Finder global chat channel to be a part of the community.



I'm usually looking for something that's soloable (why does everyone thing putting AVs in the arc makes them good?) and short (same deal - long does not automatically mean good). Some times I'll do an arc of a couple missions, but I generally prefer shorter stuff.

I'll usually start out looking at things that are highly rated, but only if they have a number of votes - the one rating 5 star I figure are generally from their friends they had test them.

I'll also look at the lower rated stuff with few or no votes. Also, I'm partial to funny stuff.

My Deviant Art page link-link

CoH/V Fan Videos



I search for farms generally.

If I am looking for a story I skip over Dev's Choice arcs for the most part (several of them have unlisted EBs, etc and are longish in length) and search unplayed ones. I also use the old coding system (SFMA, LBMA, etc) to help my searches.

Occasionally I'll hear of a great arc through word of mouth and go from there.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
I'm usually looking for something that's soloable (why does everyone thing putting AVs in the arc makes them good?) and short (same deal - long does not automatically mean good). Some times I'll do an arc of a couple missions, but I generally prefer shorter stuff.
Comments like this just seem to support the notion that the search should have another filter to exclude certain things that show up in warnings. My pet peeve is Extreme anything, but you're not the first person to express a desire to not fight AVs.

As far as the subject of the thread, I choose what to play based exclusively on the Stories and Lore forum and the MA Arc Finder channel. I used to use the search feature, narrowing it down to my level, four stars (after I worked through all the actual five-star arcs that interested me) and "Looking for Feedback" or "Final." It eventually became too much effort, as I ended up flipping past pages and pages of arcs that I had already seen, and decided I wasn't interested in.

Which is why I also want the ability to flag individual arcs "not interested" or some such, so I don't have to look at them again every time I do a search.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
I'm usually looking for something that's soloable (why does everyone thing putting AVs in the arc makes them good?) and short (same deal - long does not automatically mean good).
To my understanding (and admittedly this applies to some of my own stuff) AVs and length are because the author is trying to design their arc as a TF/SF with an epic experience. Sometimes it works very well and sometimes it doesn't.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
I consider anyone who posts in the Stories and Lore forum's discussions, or the MA Arc Finder global chat channel to be a part of the community.
Well I'm back after six months and have precious few people to talk to

I'm only ladylike when compared to my sister.



DarkEther wonders:

I'm usually looking for something that's soloable (why does everyone thing putting AVs in the arc makes them good?)
"Bigger is better". It's a rookie storywriting mistake, that's all. Personally, I found stories of, say, the Hulk sitting around eating beans with Crackajack Jackson far more interesting than him smacking the Abomination around again for the hundredth time.

Not that I want to play a MA arc about eating beans with a hobo, mind you, but a good writer could make it work.

Dec out.



The Devs Choice missions are my first go-to. Then it's a matter of theme. There is a really good fantasy arc that I won't play right now because it provides allies.



clever titles that suggest interesting themes are usually the first to be picked. also i do follow specific players with good storytelling rep, and finally, i do check out the sub-forum, I dont say much, but if something is making noise, then i will give it a check out. sometimes i will head to the one stars and see if there is some troma-style bad/amazing stuff. results are mixed, but there have beena few hits that keep me trying this as a viable tactic.



with very limited playtime I just hit up Dev's Choice and HOF missions, unless I happen across one from a forumgoer who I know can write.

I wish MA had existed back when I had plenty of spare time to burn. >:

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone