How do you choose what AE arc to play?




I either hear someone broadcasting about it, a friend made it, I found it in a signature, else I just go in order from the "best" to the unrated. I don't usually play through the entire thing if I don't like it.



Sometimes it will be via Sigs or mention of an arc in a post.

More often I pick a smallish arc by semi random search phrases, a word that will bring up a few dozen results - umm like maybe warehouse, rescue, fire, magical axe of the ages, non canon, etc.

Sometimes I try to find content that fits the theme of my character eg shadowrun, necromancy, etc

If I have played a smaller arc & liked it, I will play others (longer one) by same writer. But rarely play more than a couple of maps long from an unknown.

More often lately, too fustrated with the way lower XP than street mobs, so havent bothered.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



I'm usually looking for something that's soloable (why does everyone thing putting AVs in the arc makes them good?) and short (same deal - long does not automatically mean good).
As I use both a five-act length and AVs more often than not:

Five missions is not really that long, though it depends on what the missions are of course. I don't use defeat-alls (except in "Psychophage" which is bad on purpose) and two of my arcs have missions that can sometimes be resolved in less time than they take to load.

As for AVs, very often arcs need a notable foe for the big fight scene. That's no excuse to throw AVs at the player in every mission, of course, but anyone should be able to handle one AV/EB in an arc. I do have two arcs that don't use AVs, but (e.g.) "Two Households Alike" just wouldn't have the same punch if the Big Bad was a mere Boss.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
As for AVs, very often arcs need a notable foe for the big fight scene. That's no excuse to throw AVs at the player in every mission, of course, but anyone should be able to handle one AV/EB in an arc. I do have two arcs that don't use AVs, but (e.g.) "Two Households Alike" just wouldn't have the same punch if the Big Bad was a mere Boss.
Yeah, see, that seems to be the devs' new way of thinking too, and I don't like it much there either. Especially at lower levels, and on some squishies. And forget about trying to run a Dom through these arcs.

Not to mention that AV usually means "custom AV," which will often be more difficult than a dev-created AV. The "Hard" setting (which a lot of authors seem to interpret as "medium difficulty") all too often leads to such things as Build Up > Headsplitter > You eat floor.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Most of the time, it's author, recommendation from people whose judgment I trust or, barring that, length.

Especially nowadays, I really dislike 5 mission arcs where some of the missions basically crap out on xp due to MA issues. Yes, I realize it's not the author's fault but it's still really annoying to me so I either avoid anything over medium and/or (usually AND) anything with the offensive mission components (allies, defendable objects, hostages, etc). While I would agree with the assertion that a great story is worth experiencing even in lieu of ingame reward, most stories I come across don't fit that category. Plus the aforementioned tendency for some folks to use vastly overpowered custom mobs, makes me avoid those missions too (specifically with under 20s or squishies in general). I've actually seen Eva's example a few times.

Nowadays, I rarely stray from the list of seven missions I like most.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
As for AVs, very often arcs need a notable foe for the big fight scene. That's no excuse to throw AVs at the player in every mission, of course, but anyone should be able to handle one AV/EB in an arc. I do have two arcs that don't use AVs, but (e.g.) "Two Households Alike" just wouldn't have the same punch if the Big Bad was a mere Boss.
Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
Yeah, see, that seems to be the devs' new way of thinking too, and I don't like it much there either. Especially at lower levels, and on some squishies. And forget about trying to run a Dom through these arcs.
While the devs can't use this excuse, a lot of the problem is that we lack the ability to setup actual events so the only way to design a finale is with a big bad. Made to Wave the Flag is one of the few arcs with a boss encounter that feels like an event instead of just the norm. What would be nice is if we as authors had the ability to setup the arc to swap out an AV for a different boss if it detects that the player is running at +0 and x2 or lower. Well, and if we could setup full encounters but that's a different topic.



I love Elite Bosses. Unlike a boss they stand out, they don't scale down to two-shottable lieutenants if you have bosses turned off, and for a player running on x8 they are tougher than the zillions of bosses leading up to them.

Unlike scaled-down AVs they further scale down to bosses if you have bosses turned off, they don't ignore two ATs' primaries and they don't ignore knockdown. And because they're easier you can have more than one "big bad." You still shouldn't give them Build Up and Headsplitter though.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
I love Elite Bosses. Unlike a boss they stand out, they don't scale down to two-shottable lieutenants if you have bosses turned off, and for a player running on x8 they are tougher than the zillions of bosses leading up to them.

Unlike scaled-down AVs they further scale down to bosses if you have bosses turned off, they don't ignore two ATs' primaries and they don't ignore knockdown. And because they're easier you can have more than one "big bad." You still shouldn't give them Build Up and Headsplitter though.
This. Back when I reviewed arcs, I have always suggested to authors that 99% of the time you should use an EB in place of an AV. EBs can still make an exceptionally tough end-boss that doesn't screw over control ATs, though that said I would also recommend that "but my scrapper can solo it" is not a good yardstick for boss difficulty on arcs meant for any AT.

Back on topic: I usually play the recently DC'd arcs by Dr. Aeon, ones made by in-game friends and anything that crops up on the MA subforum that looks interesting. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that GR will get rid of the latest band-aid, so I can less painfully look for randoms again as well making a start on a new arc.

A Penny For Your Thoughts #348691 <- Dev's Choice'd by Dr. Aeon!
Submit your MA arc for review & my arcs thread



I do keyword searches. I look for arcs based on faeries and elves and demons and angels and dwarves and...

Really, that's all that matters to me. In fact, if I see the first sign of a standard, non-magic CoH critter group in the mission, I'll bail (I do have a soft spot some of the in-game magic groups, though). But really, there are tons of missions available to me to fight those same ol' same ol' standard villains. If I wanted to fight council or 5th column or crey, I'd be out fighting them for "real." When I do an architect mission, I want to fight new, different, and preferably magic creatures.

And since I usually solo, I don't always look for long arcs; I prefer one- or two-mission arcs.




I'm likely to skip anything that features an AV or the words 'Extreme' unless I'm playing a max-level character with a completed IO build. I find that enemy factions made by other players are frequently way, way harder than things I'll fight in the main game, which can lead to an incredibly frustrating play experience. I don't really trust most authors to balance their custom factions well and I prefer to play arcs that I can complete without fine-tuning my normal difficulty settings.

I ignore anything with 'Challenge' or 'Bring a Team' in the description for the same reasons. These arcs are usually frustrating and not very fun. There are exceptions, but these are rare.

I also judge the book by its cover. If I'm not at least mildly interested by the opening text, I'll give it a miss. Similarly, I'm not likely to play an arc or even start the first mission if there are grammatical errors or weird formatting choices in the contact's dialogue. The introduction phase is pretty important.

I use word of mouth to pick arcs, for the most part. A recommendation from a friend makes me want to give an arc a shot, at least. Mostly, I'll just stick to the ones that have been Dev Choice'd or Hall of Fame'd.

The truth is, I tend not to enjoy arcs made by other players. Most that I've attempted have been frustratingly difficult, boring and forgettable, or just plain confusing. There have been a few gems, but in my experience, they're really hard to find.

Oh, except for lowbie-friendly arcs. I'm skeptical of stuff designed for the maximum level, but I find that arcs designed for the lowest levels tend to take balance considerations into account. Maybe it's just me, but I find I have better luck with arcs specifically made for 1-20 characters.

The Ballad of Iron Percy



Throw me in the group with "Really likes Elite Bosses" as well. The more the better.

Oddly, I don't really like AV's. I know it's the new cool thing to solo AV's, and while I'm fully capable, it takes too friggin' long.



Unlike scaled-down AVs they further scale down to bosses if you have bosses turned off, they don't ignore two ATs' primaries and they don't ignore knockdown.
Emphasis added.

Anything that does not ignore KD can be effortlessly killed by any character that took Air Superiority. Thus why I do not use EBs. If it's not supposed to be more than a speed bump there's no reason to go beyond Boss difficulty. An EB is just a more tedious bag of hit points that isn't actually more of a threat.

If you slap a status-resist power on an EB to fix that, the result is even worse than an AV from the control-AT's point of view, since the status protection will never drop. This is just another example of why the custom character editor is a failure, since it was built to create things that look like characters, which mobs are not.

As for the aforementioned contol-ATs...they are support characters and as such have no reasonable expectation of being able to solo. If you want to kill stuff on your own play something meant to kill stuff.

Oh, and I don't use "my Scrapper can solo it" as a balance metric. I do use "...but my Defender can".

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



A lot of times we'll ask for a keyword and someone will yell it out in team chat, we'll do a search and pick an arc based on that search.

@Mental Maden @Maden Mental
" are now tackle free for life."-ShoNuff



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Emphasis added.

Anything that does not ignore KD can be effortlessly killed by any character that took Air Superiority. Thus why I do not use EBs. If it's not supposed to be more than a speed bump there's no reason to go beyond Boss difficulty. An EB is just a more tedious bag of hit points that isn't actually more of a threat.
And anything that does ignore it effectively ignores the mitigation that some sets are balanced around. Storm Summoning, Energy Blast, Claws, off the top of my head.

Never mind that AVs, with their debuff resistance and such, also pretty much ignore everything else except damage and more damage.

As for the aforementioned contol-ATs...they are support characters and as such have no reasonable expectation of being able to solo. If you want to kill stuff on your own play something meant to kill stuff.
Controllers maybe, although if they weren't expected to solo they wouldn't have gotten Containment. Dominators...if they are support characters why are their secondaries all attacks? And why do they not have any "support" powers in their primaries either? And if you consider "control" powers to be "support" powers then I guess my Ice blaster is a support character.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



And anything that does ignore it effectively ignores the mitigation that some sets are balanced around. Storm Summoning, Energy Blast, Claws, off the top of my head.
Storm has -def, -resist, -tohit and a damage pet (which my Storm/Electric did not get to use on Diablo Navarra, probably the toughest AV/EB in any of my arcs, but she won anyway). The primary mitigation on Claws and EnB (at least on a Blaster or Corruptor) is not KB but "kill it first". (Diablo also snuffed it meeting the business end of my EnB/Dark Corruptor.)

Dominators...if they are support characters why are their secondaries all attacks?
If they were not support characters their "kill stuff" powers would be in the PRIMARY set. This is the point. You do things in this game by killing stuff. Characters to whom killing stuff is secondary are support characters.

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Originally Posted by Venture View Post
Storm has -def, -resist, -tohit and a damage pet (which my Storm/Electric did not get to use on Diablo Navarra, probably the toughest AV/EB in any of my arcs, but she won anyway). The primary mitigation on Claws and EnB (at least on a Blaster or Corruptor) is not KB but "kill it first". (Diablo also snuffed it meeting the business end of my EnB/Dark Corruptor.)
And yet, my Storm Corruptor still gets hit. A lot. Def and Resist debuffs don't do anything to help survivability beyond "kill it faster."

"Kill it first" is the mitigation of Fire. If other sets didn't have secondary effects that were intended to mitigate incoming damage they would do as much damage as Fire.

If they were not support characters their "kill stuff" powers would be in the PRIMARY set. This is the point. You do things in this game by killing stuff. Characters to whom killing stuff is secondary are support characters.
So, despite all the game changes to the contrary, we're supposed to cater to the mindset that "if you want to solo, play a Scrapper or Brute?" it's obvious that a lot of authors still do, which seems to drive those NOT playing Scrappers or Brutes away from AE.

Eva Destruction AR/Fire/Munitions Blaster
Darkfire Avenger DM/SD/Body Scrapper

Arc ID#161629 Freaks, Geeks, and Men in Black
Arc ID#431270 Until the End of the World



Originally Posted by Eva Destruction View Post
So, despite all the game changes to the contrary, we're supposed to cater to the mindset that "if you want to solo, play a Scrapper or Brute?"
Or blaster. Or corruptor. Or MM. Or Stalker. Scrappers and brutes are easiest (arguable in the case of MMs) but they're not the only ones whose primaries are set up to 'kill stuff'.

I don't necessarily agree with Venture's assertion (I think the game was like that at launch but changes since then blur things significantly) but he has a point.

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

Sig by RPVisions



The game outside AE has changed to be solo friendly for most ATs.

Its like making an arc that requires tank/healer/DPS trinity, old fashioned thinking that City has out grown.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



The game outside AE has changed to be solo friendlier for most ATs

Current Blog Post: "Why I am an Atheist..."
"And I say now these kittens, they do not get trained/As we did in the days when Victoria reigned!" -- T. S. Eliot, "Gus, the Theatre Cat"



Based on this thread, I changed one of my arcs to have an elite boss at the end. One criticism it would get was that the end was too easy. I think I originally went a little too soft on the custom mobs, having fought too many uberpowerful ones previously. But now at least the final guy should stand out a little more. So some of you will be happy to know you influenced my design choices (and some wish you hadn't!)



I look for campy fun arcs that are zany and cute

Recently I found a custom AE called "Too Many BunnyGirls" and ran that with some friends. I was very cute and had a good story.



How do I choose what AE arc to play?

Back in the day, I didn't have to. I cheated and started an arc review thread. Free recommendations!

I wonder if I should get back to that. Or maybe nobody cares anymore. MA seems to have declined since back when it first came out. Sure, there were even more farms back then, but there were also less arcs, more people excited about making and playing arcs, and so on. I took down and re-uploaded my old arcs recently, and in two weeks one has been played once, the other twice. Back in the day you'd get 10 playthroughs within the first day. I miss those days.

I think I still have my old arcs-to-review list somewhere, too...



First thing I look for is length of arc. I tend to stick to very short/short and sometimes medium.

Next thing is level; if it tops out at a level below my current one, I move on.

Next is solo-friendly, if it contains an AV or multiple EBs, I move on.

Next is mob type. There are simply a number of mob types I don't enjoy fighting; Malta for example. I'm much more likely to do this mission if it's Council or Family or possibly Freaks.

Last is effort made. If the description is one short sentence with misspelled words, I'll keep looking.



Originally Posted by Jophiel View Post
Based on this thread, I changed one of my arcs to have an elite boss at the end. One criticism it would get was that the end was too easy. I think I originally went a little too soft on the custom mobs, having fought too many uberpowerful ones previously. But now at least the final guy should stand out a little more. So some of you will be happy to know you influenced my design choices (and some wish you hadn't!)
So help me Jesus, if the changed arc is Chris Jenkins, the arc is dead to me.


@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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