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  1. This is my AoE build i'm using in game. It has good surviving skills and AoE. Spiderlings are perma, big spiders and Blood Widow have a small downtime (about 30 seconds)

    It's not good damage output. It has a lot of debuff (defense debuff and also ToHit debuff from the dark parton pool)

    Some things I noticed

    Your defenses aren't at cap (if you want them at cap, you can borrow some ideas from the build below. i stole it from some post around here anyway)

    I don't like frag grenade because it knocks things around too much.

    The melee powers don't seem very good either. (slice and frenzy)

    Musculature may be a better choice instead of Cardiac.
    Musculature gives
    +immob duration (web grenade)
    +def debuff (most crab powers have -def)
    +end mod (crab's are endurance heavy)
    +tohit debuff (the dark patron powers benefit from this)

    I don't have a travel power. I just buy those jetpacks from shadow shard to use and keep a crafted temp power jetpack in case it runs out

    | Copy & Paste this data into Mids' Hero Designer to view the build |
    |78DA6593DB4E13511486F774A6D442110AA59C8F52811EA66 DE09E1044A31424817|
    |0DB8C74D24E68DA66DA267AE72328470F51A38F2010D4E8BB 78ED01885E1AAD6BD6|
    |BF0B62276DBF997FAFFE6BED356B2FDDBFE113E2E1AC5082F 379A35C4ECFD9C646A|
    |E502CA7578BF98C65DA9E65A352B58DBC6FD9DADCB44652D5 9255303D4288D0FF91|
    |657DDE36EEA5574B56C6B4EB6268CD36AC8255C8A66F1999A C59B91C545FF4DF2EE|
    |44CDB2C54F4FA4DF34AB198D7574BA699F1F16DCA342873B6 951F6E5AD95C859EDA|
    |EA4B6456CE59A5E042C9DAD0D717E6D6287F359F5E32CA15D 37ED043E54ED1B743D|
    |4AF9A26760813C2B5CB18DF664CEC015B8CB72D0485C315D1 4D3783C2D5C308D417|
    |C848D9E760ED0923F61478C6483E671C93910A23A176D14D5 28C510BDDD2DB1D118|
    |ED40404E9D7036FB747519D74575C80CAF069809B916C62BC A7145EF8B9BC48D11C|
    |00DA194E0F5A64C92DEF38D3D563E080D17E081CA10A2AA15 5D6D70ABF30FC289D6|
    |893F5B56DB114780CEC32828F801DE4DD6628E4E7C7BF84BF 8F53A824752285BB33|
    |CC51A311200AC418E33A10677CA44D74C95E76C5D8E880A46 E486AF70CB22618234|
    |9609AA151C25ED9A35EECA90F7BEA438F0EC9A85FF6A8FF2E 4B032BC0226368097E|
    |CB0C3FF90D4ABF41F80DC16F087E1FC86F58D63A3CCAB51E9 13426538C9DB074ED1|
    |4F8027C6584BF313E51784886877EBA1CE9FA0FE01438634C 7C763953F08B5ECEA4|
    |0C9F7CCD0E532F8097C01BB8BF62FCA6F0880C8F6026A2988 92866228A99886126F|
    |E50B82EC375141347157154114769C9594607B52721779FC0 EE07B4F303481FBA44|
    |B841493428C90665BA4199695016B5F3D35B4B35ACAE68E72 75828AC78DB05CFB61|
    |3F0BD995665E90A86ECF4425294757EBD1D7714E7749FFC1B 3CC9C1671792AAEC73|
  2. Mikki

    Cop Attempts

    this was fun.

    For reference, you cannot join this if you are not a Hero or Vigilante.

    I got a temp power for 7 real days taht gives me bonus +endurance anda +resist t oend drain effect
  3. Mikki

    The Silence

    I have major lag when people start hitting Judgement. Trial or not
  4. ty all for making this one happen it was fun beating down statesman
  5. we're putting one together now if anyone is surfing this forum instead of playing :P
  6. Anyone interested in doing this tonight sometime?

  7. Mikki

    Liberty is Down

    it's down for me too, but in a friendly sort of way
  8. Mikki

    TF Commander

    I'm missing Synapse and Manticore

    Wondering if anyone would like to do one today?

  9. i downgraded my ATI driver to 10.9. Seems to be ok now.
  10. it works fine on any char that isn't a villain, but when i login a villain character, it locks up. So far i've tried chars that are logged out in oroborus and sharkhead. my hero being in oroborus works fine
  11. ok well that makes it easier then. I was thinking I had to slot for it, but nothing really said anything. The power just says "protects from end drain" and my combat log says "Freakshow hit you and drains some of your endurance", but nothing ever tells me how much is being drained, or how much i'm being protected. The descriptions for Murky Cloud is just so... Murky
  12. I want to get better at not being endurance drained. I'm ok fighting things that don't end drain. I just finished a FreakShow mission and I kept running out of end. I can tell I'm going to have trouble later on (Malta sappers, etc) if I don't sort this out

    How can I make this better? Just add more +RES to it and that will increase my abiltity to not be endurance drained?

    Here's what the information on it shows when I'm in game (I think this is based on my current slot enhancements)

    Murky Cloud as used by level 35 Scrapper

    Activation Time:1.17s
    Recharge Time:3.40s
    Endurance Cost:0.16/s
    Available Level:4

    Power Type:Toggle
    Target Type:Self
    Effect Area:Single Target

    33.79% resistance to fire damage on self unresistable
    33.79% resistance to cold damage on self unresistable
    22.53% resistance to energy damage on self unresistable
    22.53% resistance to negative energy damage on self unresistable
    57.20% resistance to recovery rate on target Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable 57.20% resistance to AttrEndurance on target Ignores buffs and enhancements unresistable
  13. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
    Fixed that for you.
    I liked your bunnygirls arc
  14. lots of really neat stuff. Oroborus is cool, so much new things

    but the thing that really made me post.... I had two incidents recently

    1) NPC got stuck in a wall during a defeat all mission and I couldn't reach it
    2) Task force got hung up on a mission and wouldn't advance when we completed the mission (it gave us the same mission over again)

    I'm used to things in the past, I'd open a ticket, wait around for nothing, then go off and do something else. (restart the tf or mission) Then I'd get an email a couple days later saying something like "We looked for you but you weren't online so we're marking the ticket Resolved" :/

    Anyway, these two things that happened, I opened a ticket and seriously, a GM popped up in under 5 minutes and set things moving again /cheer
  15. ... but i wasn't having fun so I canceled maybe 3 years ago. I recently re-subbed and the game is a lot more fun now.

    just wanted to say thanks to whoever's running the show these days
  16. Mikki

    CoH Cosmology

    Originally Posted by Obsidius View Post
    Let's say you have an onion. You clone that onion X amount of times, so you have X amount of the same identical onion.

    Each onion represents a copy of Earth. You can call one onion Earth Prime, another can be called Preatorian Earth, etc. etc. So you have all of these identical onions with different names. We'll disregard the differences in people on these worlds for the time being.

    Now, each identical onion has layers. You can call one layer the Physical Realm, another layer is the Psychic Plain, another layer is the Netherworld, another the Spirity Realm*, etc., etc. So each onion has these different layers, realms, quantum states, whatever you want to call them.

    So yes, even though you have all of these alternate Earths, each one has different plains of existence, so to speak. So the Spirit Realm of Praetorian Earth or Warwolf Earth may be completely different than the Spirit Realm on Prime Earth. Sure, not seeing a ghost of a Praetorian PD cop in our spirit world could just be chalked up to programming, but more likely it's because his spirit resides in the Spirit Realm of Praetorian Earth.

    But just like the Physical Plain, there may be ways to connect the other layers of each onion to the same layer of other onions, and travel between the the different plains of existence between each world.

    * Technically Croaotoa is in the Spirit Realm (AFAIR)
    Ogre's have layers too
  17. so you can do your favorite story arcs over and over again? That's so cool!
  18. thanks for the badges

    i dunno why but it seems i outlevel the badge missions

    can you explain how you got them?

    i used to use website like this to decide where to go
  19. Ultrasex (yeah that's what i'm callin you )

    welcome back

    Not much different... here's all you need

    Make friends with the Sisterhood Because we're not all crazy, just some of us.

    Get in the LB channel and SisterhoodFriends channel

    ignore Camo when he gets on heat (unless you're a guy, then i *think* you're safe)

    team with me and get a debt bage!
  20. Mikki

    Just wondering

    Originally Posted by FitzSimmons View Post
    I'm still here and I'm the best player ever. Ever ever. Like ever.
    the trick is ... getting you to go away

    j/k *hugs*

    why do i read the OP's handle as "Ultrasex"............ i'm so bad
  21. Mikki

    Just wondering

    and i quoted you when i meant to quote the other person

    not only am i bitchy, i'm bitchy to the wrong people
  22. Mikki

    Just wondering

    I'm not a wonderful person

    i'm bad-tempered, cattish, catty, despiteful, hateful, malevolent, malicious, malignant, mean, nasty, overbearing, venomous, vicious, vindictive, and wicked

    but i like choco pie
  23. Mikki

    Just wondering

    Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
    I haven't seen what used to be a fairly prominent SG in Liberty, nor a lot of pretty good players. Hakster, Peace on Earth, Secondary, Dianeces and other US Marines of Paragon. Anyone know if they're still in game?
    yeah we pretty much all suck now, go back to WoW
  24. Quote:
    Originally Posted by Peterbilt View Post

    Chat channels???

    I thought you were talking about perfume!

    Oh well.

    /drumroll *splash*