The Patron Dilemma ...




Originally Posted by Steel_Shaman View Post
I haven't done Black Scorpion's arc, so can't speak about him.

Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
Scirocco an anti-villain? Yeah, he might like to think so, but all I hear coming from his mouth are excuses and rationalizations for his actions. He doesn't do a damn thing heroic. Hell, he'd rather change the fabric of the world, so he'd be heroic by default, than actually go out and be a hero.

And don't try to sell me any of that curse malarky. I'll believe he's got no hand in his fate when I see it.
Have you asked Serafina about it?



Mako implies that he respects you despite hating your guts - because he'd have done the same in your place, but he didn't think you had it in you to betray someone like him. Or something along those lines. It's been a while.



Originally Posted by BrandX View Post
I'm just curious, when people say Black Scorpion is easy, are you fighting him as an EB or as an AV? Team or Solo?
I soloed him as an EB on my Night Widow (slotted with SOs, I don't fiddle with IOs much). Compared to soloing Scirocco on my brute and Ghost Widow on my corruptor, Scorpion was a pushover. He was definitely the shortest of the fights.

One of the things you can do for comparison is go through Mender Silos' villain TF. At the end, you start the mission with backup from Black Scorpion and Ghost Widow. Scorpion always always always dies first.

Goodbye, I guess.

@Lord_Nightblade in Champions/Star Trek Online if you want to stay in touch



My MM took Ghost Widow as his Patron and I was really hurt that I had to betray her. I was completely behind what she was doing. I didn't want to betray her. In fact, I was so caught up in the story that after I defeated her, I actually apologized out loud at my computer screen.

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Originally Posted by UberRod View Post
My MM took Ghost Widow as his Patron and I was really hurt that I had to betray her. I was completely behind what she was doing. I didn't want to betray her. In fact, I was so caught up in the story that after I defeated her, I actually apologized out loud at my computer screen.
You too?



Have you asked Serafina about it?
A flip through ParagonWiki hasn't illuminated me. Are you referring to the fact that she cursed him? Yes, I'm aware she and he both say so. It seems to me, though, that if your goal is to get a heroic Scirocco again, cursing Scirocco so he can't be heroic is rather backwards at best, and downright evil itself, depending on how this curse actually works.

As to my thoughts on Scirocco, himself, well. The nature of actions and justifications is such that two people can preform the same action for very different reasons. Hero X might stop a pair of thugs because they were mugging an old lady, and Villain Y might stop them because he wants to steal their dope. With that in mind, I fail to see how Scirocco is unable to preform heroic actions --he merely has to justify said actions as serving some ignoble goal-- except that he does not, in fact, want to be heroic.

So, is he sympathetic? Perhaps. Is he an anti-villain? No. He isn't doing anything morally ambiguous. He stole power, and he's justifying his continued misuse of it in such a way as he's blameless.

And most people stopped using lame excuses like "A genie made me do it!" when they were out of preschool.



Originally Posted by FunstuffofDoom View Post
A flip through ParagonWiki hasn't illuminated me. Are you referring to the fact that she cursed him? Yes, I'm aware she and he both say so. It seems to me, though, that if your goal is to get a heroic Scirocco again, cursing Scirocco so he can't be heroic is rather backwards at best, and downright evil itself, depending on how this curse actually works.

As to my thoughts on Scirocco, himself, well. The nature of actions and justifications is such that two people can preform the same action for very different reasons. Hero X might stop a pair of thugs because they were mugging an old lady, and Villain Y might stop them because he wants to steal their dope. With that in mind, I fail to see how Scirocco is unable to preform heroic actions --he merely has to justify said actions as serving some ignoble goal-- except that he does not, in fact, want to be heroic.

So, is he sympathetic? Perhaps. Is he an anti-villain? No. He isn't doing anything morally ambiguous. He stole power, and he's justifying his continued misuse of it in such a way as he's blameless.

And most people stopped using lame excuses like "A genie made me do it!" when they were out of preschool.
Why are you assuming that Serafina wants a heroic Scirocco?

She's a genie. The reason that she helps the forces of good is that the heroic Scirocco's last wish was that she do so. We have no way of knowing what she would have done if he had not made that wish. (Though I have to admit if I were her I might be a little cheesed off that his last wish wasn't "I wish you no longer had to obey the commands of anyone" ...)

And remember the story of Job. "Good" can do some pretty nasty things sometimes.

Scirocco wanted fame and glory and to be loved and admired as a hero, so he stole the magic items. Serafina could not steal them back from him, but she could deny him the outcome he sought.

The fact that his curse has a negative outcome for society in general as well may be immaterial to her. In the traditional stories I've read, genies work to the benefit of their masters, not for society as a whole.

Which isn't to say that you're wrong, Fun. Just that I can see Serafina actually doing something like this.

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I definitely think Black Scorpion comes to respect you by the end of his Patron arcs, although you could also argue he's getting behind you out of fear because you are clearly the more powerful villain (underneath all his armor, he is a bit of a fraidy cat.) I will say that his third patron arc is really worth checking out. There are some pretty cool maps in it and the NPC dialogue in one of the missions is hilarious.

As for Mako, as others have pointed out, he never really respects you, but I do have to give him credit for being completely honest with you (well, most of the time anyways) about how he views your relationship. Fair warning though (again as others have pointed out), the final mission of his second arc is incredibly frustrating. However, in his first arc you do get to beat the $#&! out of Ace McKnight, and beating the $#&! out of Ace McKnight it always a good thing.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Why are you assuming that Serafina wants a heroic Scirocco?
As per ParagonWiki:
Serafina is a Genie who assisted the last hero to take up the mantle of Scirocco, helping him until his death in the Rikti War. With his dying breath he asked Serafina to help the heroes of Paragon City, which she does to this day. But now that a villain has stolen the mantle of Scirocco from the true successor, Serafina is determined to see the powers of the wind returned.
...When the previous holder of the mantle died in the Rikti war, I became one of the candidates. But Serafina had supposedly lost much of her power in the battle, and I took the mantle for my own. Now, after regaining some small measure of her former power, she seeks to take back what was once hers to give.
So, yeah, perhaps a bit of synthesis on my part, but I think, when considering these, it speaks to my point. I'm sure someone with a fine-toothed comb could do better.



Originally Posted by BlueBattler View Post
Do Mako and Black Scorpion show you any respect after the inevitable beat down you put upon them?
Yes, they do.

Just a simple answer to put the thread on track.



Originally Posted by Lord_Nightblade View Post
I soloed him as an EB on my Night Widow (slotted with SOs, I don't fiddle with IOs much). Compared to soloing Scirocco on my brute and Ghost Widow on my corruptor, Scorpion was a pushover. He was definitely the shortest of the fights.

One of the things you can do for comparison is go through Mender Silos' villain TF. At the end, you start the mission with backup from Black Scorpion and Ghost Widow. Scorpion always always always dies first.
Now see, that explains it. AVs are their real level, not EB. Admittedly, on the STF I think he's the easiest one of the 4 to take down, but I wouldn't say he's a pushover...most people need a team to take him down as an AV.

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