Hall of Fame requirements need revisiting




Step I: Remove the Arc Clutter. There are literally thousands of arcs that are abandoned, unfinished, broken beyond repair, or otherwise not in use in the system at the moment. This is a repeat of a suggestion that I think was initially proposed by Fred, but it might have been someone else. This is how I would implement it.

a.) Make an announcement in the forums that in 30 days, all arcs that have not been either played or edited by the author for 90 days prior to the date of the purge will be unpublished by the system.
b.) Two weeks prior to the date of the purge, make an in-game announcement regarding the purge repeat the in-game announcement 1 week prior to the purge as well.
c.) On the date of the purge, unpublish all arcs that have neither been played nor edited for a period of 90 days.
d.) Repeat the purge once every six months using the same criteria.
I've been doing my best to stay out of this debate, but I think, if nothing else, THIS idea needs to be implemented. Removing the unused and/or abandoned arcs in the AE system may not solve all of the problems the AE system currently faces, but it's at least a starting point.

Supplemental Galactic Protectorate Fanfic



Originally Posted by Mirror_Man View Post
Step I: Remove the Arc Clutter. There are literally thousands of arcs that are abandoned, unfinished, broken beyond repair, or otherwise not in use in the system at the moment. This is a repeat of a suggestion that I think was initially proposed by Fred, but it might have been someone else. This is how I would implement it.

a.) Make an announcement in the forums that in 30 days, all arcs that have not been either played or edited by the author for 90 days prior to the date of the purge will be unpublished by the system.
b.) Two weeks prior to the date of the purge, make an in-game announcement regarding the purge repeat the in-game announcement 1 week prior to the purge as well.
c.) On the date of the purge, unpublish all arcs that have neither been played nor edited for a period of 90 days.
d.) Repeat the purge once every six months using the same criteria.
I've been doing my best to stay out of this debate, but I think, if nothing else, THIS idea needs to be implemented. Removing the unused and/or abandoned arcs in the AE system may not solve all of the problems the AE system currently faces, but it's at least a starting point.
I most vehemently concur, we really need to clear out the trash. It's a shame that some good arcs will be lost, but many of them are so broken and the authors are not around anymore to fix them anyways.

And these announcements need to sent to everyone, not just the authors of arcs. Let the non-authors know that the list is about to become much less cluttered.



Step I: Remove the Arc Clutter. There are literally thousands of arcs that are abandoned, unfinished, broken beyond repair, or otherwise not in use in the system at the moment. This is a repeat of a suggestion that I think was initially proposed by Fred, but it might have been someone else. This is how I would implement it.

a.) Make an announcement in the forums that in 30 days, all arcs that have not been either played or edited by the author for 90 days prior to the date of the purge will be unpublished by the system.
b.) Two weeks prior to the date of the purge, make an in-game announcement regarding the purge repeat the in-game announcement 1 week prior to the purge as well.
c.) On the date of the purge, unpublish all arcs that have neither been played nor edited for a period of 90 days.
d.) Repeat the purge once every six months using the same criteria.
I thought it was me. I guess my name is Fred.
Originally Posted by Bionic_Flea View Post
I think that there does need to be some purging of the AE.

If I were in charge, I'd start announcing that the stories will be wiped in 90 days and for everyone to make sure they back up anything they want saved. I'd post that in several places on the forum, on the updater, and every 10 days in the global message of the day as a countdown with the last ten days counted down as well.

Then nuke it. Erase all of it and start fresh.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Hmmm. Folks, let us simply be grateful that we have the MA system. Let us also be grateful that there are players who create content for us! For nothing more than the fun of it. (Ok, the badge might be their fun)

Let us not worry about how many stars we got or did not get. Very few of us could sell our opinions for money. That is to say, comparisons are just not a good idea. Someone will always fall short in a comparison in the natural world, will they not?

Just play the stories you like. Rate them highly if you think they earned it. If not, don't.

Perhaps the Hall of Fame is an ideal that you simply are not meant to achieve unless you're very, very good at creating the right story lines at the right time.

But, let's get very real. It is still the developers that have made this game as supernatural as it is. To think that I could be playing (insert any popular arcade game here) at an arcade for 25 cents a game! What is that, compared to the awesomeness of this game?

I'm counting my blessings, as of late. One of them is being able to play this game.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




Originally Posted by Ukaserex View Post
Hmmm. Folks, let us simply be grateful that we have the MA system. Let us also be grateful that there are players who create content for us! For nothing more than the fun of it. (Ok, the badge might be their fun)
I'll never be so grateful that I don't want to improve on something that could use improvement. Besides, we (most of us in this thread) are the people who create the content in the MA.

Let us not worry about how many stars we got or did not get. Very few of us could sell our opinions for money. That is to say, comparisons are just not a good idea. Someone will always fall short in a comparison in the natural world, will they not?
I've long been a proponent of ditching the comparison system of the stars ratings for a more subjective approach. Like thumbs up/down, or "liked/disliked" or similar solutions.

Just play the stories you like. Rate them highly if you think they earned it. If not, don't.
I can't, I'm too busy creating content. Seriously though, how is this helpful? You think we don't play or rate stories? You think the problem is that the readers of this thread don't rate and play stories?

Perhaps the Hall of Fame is an ideal that you simply are not meant to achieve unless you're very, very good at creating the right story lines at the right time.
More like something you are not going to achieve unless you are very, very lucky, and have a time-machine. Evidence: an exploitative farm mission made Hall of Fame a while back. It didn't take stellar writing in that case. Further evidence lies in the data found by Wrong Number which shows that unless you published your arc in the first two weeks or so after the launch of the MA, it's not going to enter the Hall of Fame under the current prerequisites until about 2017.

But, let's get very real. It is still the developers that have made this game as supernatural as it is. To think that I could be playing (insert any popular arcade game here) at an arcade for 25 cents a game! What is that, compared to the awesomeness of this game?
An irrelevant tangent?

I'm counting my blessings, as of late. One of them is being able to play this game.
And I'm constantly looking for ways to improve the same game just because I like it so much.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I've made many similar suggestions. My name is Fred. I usually prefer adding some kind of flag to hide the arcs instead of unpublishing them.
My apologies then, I had not seen anyone else post that.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



Fred's response said most all of what I was going to say. I just want to add I'm out of slots to create more arcs after I finish the one I am working on. Once that is published my MA authoring career is over. I'm sure there are other MA authors in the same boat. HoF is the only other way besides DC to earn a new arc slot.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Fred's response said most all of what I was going to say. I just want to add I'm out of slots to create more arcs after I finish the one I am working on. Once that is published my MA authoring career is over. I'm sure there are other MA authors in the same boat. HoF is the only other way besides DC to earn a new arc slot.
I've been saving my last two slots for a year now (since they fall into the "too good to use" mental trap). I'm finally using them, one down and one to go, but after that it's game over for my writing career. And I'm one of the luckier ones, having two DC arcs.

The counter argument I hear to this all the time (other than "You have no right to complain, Mr. Two DCs") is "Well, if you were a better writer, you'd get HOFs and could could continue writing." That the slot limit is purposefully designed to keep bad writing out of the system. Problem is, numerically, that doesn't add up; there's plenty of spectacularly good arcs out there but HOF isn't realistically attainable by these great authors. So, once they fill up, they're never going to write again.

If MA is going to have some life in it, we need to make sure that prolific, high quality authors can keep going with their craft. If HOF is the tool for that, it needs reworking.

Global @Twoflower / MA Creator & Pro Indie Game Developer.
Mission Architect Works: DIY Laser Moonbase (Dev Choice!), An Internship in the Fine Art of Revenge (2009 MA Award Winner!) and many more! Plus Brand New Arcs for Issue 21!



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I've long been a proponent of ditching the comparison system of the stars ratings for a more subjective approach. Like thumbs up/down, or "liked/disliked" or similar solutions.
To quibble pedantically, a straight up or down vote rating system would be less subjective than a star system. When you ask people to assign meaning to stars, and then assign stars to arcs, that's two subjective decisions being made, and the effect of the first is to obscure the meaning of the second. When you ask people to say whether they liked or disliked an arc, you will find out in unambiguous terms whether they liked or disliked the arc!

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
To quibble pedantically, a straight up or down vote rating system would be less subjective than a star system.
I don't understand why but I'm not going to argue. I'll just say that a numerical ratings system where the numbers don't mean the same to two different raters, or even to the same rater twice in a row, is bad.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522



Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I don't understand why but I'm not going to argue. I'll just say that a numerical ratings system where the numbers don't mean the same to two different raters, or even to the same rater twice in a row, is bad.
I actually agree. I think we're using different measurements for objectivity. Assigning something a number from 1 to 5 certainly seems like a more objective and quantitative measurement than saying whether you liked it or disliked it. However, the latter is a clear solicitation of an opinion, and usually elicits an accurate representation of the responder's opinion, whereas the numbers from 1 to 5 seem to solicit an objective measurement, but without actual standards for what level of quality maps to which number, the choice of which number to use to represent your opinion of the arc is itself a matter of opinion. The end result is that you get a number which has an ambiguous relationship to the responder's opinion of the arc. It's a subjective representation of a subjective measurement.

More simply, you don't have to ask someone what they mean by "I liked it" or "I didn't like it", but you do have to ask what they mean by "four stars".

Knowing what I do about the net effect of ratings, I use five stars to mean "I liked it" and four stars to mean "I didn't like it": five stars moves an arc toward the five-star zone of arcs that get played exactly as far as four stars moves it away. A one star rating has the downward power equivalent to about seven five star ratings, and I don't give my opinion that much weight. But this is far from the natural interpretation of the star system, which is one of the many reasons why it is terrible.

Avatar by Toxic_Shia
Why MA ratings should be changed from stars to "like" or "dislike"
A better algorithm for ordering MA arcs



Originally Posted by SpittingTrashcan View Post
To quibble pedantically, a straight up or down vote rating system would be less subjective than a star system. When you ask people to assign meaning to stars, and then assign stars to arcs, that's two subjective decisions being made, and the effect of the first is to obscure the meaning of the second. When you ask people to say whether they liked or disliked an arc, you will find out in unambiguous terms whether they liked or disliked the arc!
Exactly. As was said in another thread, one person might consider 5-stars to be the equivalent of a 100% A+ grade, while another might still consider it to be a "A" grade but for 5-stars cover the entire 90-100% range rather than the uppermost bound.



I want to take a minute to apologize to those who I may have offended in my last post in this thread. I got to thinking about it after I left, and wanted you folks as a whole to know that though there are certainly some missions that I enjoy more than others, your efforts are not unnoticed, nor are they unappreciated. At least, not by me.

I guess I was reacting to something through my own individual filter and the wrong message came across. And you're absolutely right, FredrikSvanberg, I haven't been a part of the solution. My post did not help.

So, please, continue to plot, play and inform us of what should be addressed, if not altered. After all, if we don't tell the devs what we would like, then we might not have the wonderful game that we do. Consider my mouth closed, except to praise those who make the game fun.

"Most people that have no idea what they are doing have no idea that they don't know what they are doing." - John Cleese




I was just looking and noticed that the number of arcs at 5 stars 100+ plus plays has dropped from 13 to 11 out of 64,261 arcs in the system.

Can any redname please comment on HoF and if there are plans to modify it or look into it?


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



To keep this thread alive I thought I would start posting monthly updates.

As of June 1st we now have the following breakdown of arcs with 100 or more plays and that are still rated at 5 stars.

Arcs Published Pre-15 - 11 (9 of these were published in April 09)
Arcs Published Post I-15 - 3

Total Number of arcs out of 64,562 arcs - 14

I has not been a full month since the first data was gathered, however it has been around three weeks. In that time the arc closest to HoF Status has gotten 2 plays.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



I can certainly attest to the difficulty of keeping a 5-star arc at 5-stars. "Hammer and Sickle of Paragon City" (351727) stayed at 5 stars for most of its first hundred or ratings or so. Since then, the arc is now at 132, but it's sitting at, at my best estimate, 4.3-4.4 stars, which is just shy of a 5 star rating. Even if it does get back up to showing 5 stars, a single 4 star rating invariably knocks it back down.

I used to push this arc pretty heavily, but because of the above facts, I've backed off for the most part. I believe it's a solid arc overall, and folks seem to have enjoyed it. . . but it's in 4 Star Heck right now, and because of that, it's never seeing plays--and it certainly doesn't have a chance at Hall of Fame at this rate if I can't get it up to a 5 star rating and hold it there, at least for the several 5 star rates needed to get a higher overall average and more recognition.

Not meaning to divert the thread or send in a whaaaaambulance. . . but there you go!

I'm out of signature space! Arcs by Tubbius of Justice are HERE: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=218177



Speaking as someone who just came back to the game and has started playing with AE seriously for the first time, I say I find this a little disheartening. To me, it seems one of the biggest roadblocks the developers face over concerns expressed in this thread is the issue of farming. Any change that is considered need to be done so with examining if it would encourage more farming or making it easier.

One suggestion I had was diminishing returns for playing the same arcs repeatedly:

For example, the first two times you play through an arc, you get the normal amount of exp. The third time, it's 80%, then 50%, then 25%. After five times the arc is played, you get 10% exp from then on. This is reset after 24 hours.

To combat people quitting an arc right before it is complete to get around this, quitting after reaching a certain spot would count towards this (it could be number of missions complete in the arc, baddies defeated, time spent in the arc, etc.). This is why you would get two times in the arc before losing exp.

This would (hopefully) encourage people to play a larger variety of storyarcs.

However, there would be a trade-off here. Since farming one particular arc couldn't be accomplished with such ease, the developers could use exp as more of an incentive in other ways.

For instance:
- Similar to how ticket drops increase in longer arcs, exp would as well, maybe making people reconsider overlooking arcs marked "long" or "very long".
- The top ten arcs closest to HoF status give you a 15% exp bonus the first time you complete them.
- Every 25th unique mission you complete in the AE gives you an exp bonus.

This also ties into something else that I think needs to be done:

Obviously, the developers don't want people using the AE purely to powerlevel characters, so different encouragement needs to be given aside from just exp. Badges seemed to be one of the original ideas for this, but 75% of them were removed and nothing ever really replaced them. One thing I would suggest would be more rewards for Architect Tickets. Aside from just having the normal recipes and enhancements for sale (which you can use merits for), how about some that are unique to the Architect? This could even include a few costume options.

I also think it'd be cool to offer "Items of the Month". These would be four items (one for each week) that would only be available for purchase that month, with the following month having new items rotated in. These items could be anything from costume recipes to unique temp powers to even random fun things (like special costume change options, titles, etc.) (Just to be clear, an item could appear back as an Item of the Month a different month, just in case someone missed something they really wanted.)

Another suggestion would be to have a "Raffle". Every 72 hours, an item is added to the AE. For every 10 tickets you trade-in, you get one entry into the raffle. At the end of the 72 hours, one person is randomly selected from all entrants to win the prize.

Originally Posted by FredrikSvanberg View Post
I've made many similar suggestions. My name is Fred. I usually prefer adding some kind of flag to hide the arcs instead of unpublishing them.
I'd say that's the best compromise. No one has to worry about an arc they consider to be finished to be removed because they didn't change anything, when nothing needs to be changed. It also allows those of us to remove some of the clutter. When you have over 60,000 arcs, a better system is definitely needed to find what you're looking for.

Originally Posted by Lazarus View Post
Exactly. As was said in another thread, one person might consider 5-stars to be the equivalent of a 100% A+ grade, while another might still consider it to be a "A" grade but for 5-stars cover the entire 90-100% range rather than the uppermost bound.
I'll admit to realizing I was being a little harsher than I needed to be while rating missions. I used to look at 5-stars as being reserved for the absolute best-of-the-best, the arcs that blew me away. I probably gave 4-stars to a lot of arcs deserving 5-stars, and I going to have to change how I rate things. I think I'll start by going through and playing the arcs closest to HoF status.



One suggestion I had was diminishing returns for playing the same arcs repeatedly:

For example, the first two times you play through an arc, you get the normal amount of exp. The third time, it's 80%, then 50%, then 25%. After five times the arc is played, you get 10% exp from then on. This is reset after 24 hours.
Although your solution is well intentioned and seems reasonable on its face, it would actually make matters worse. In order to get around this restriction, farmers would just republish their arc, over and over again, so that each farm would be repeated multiple times and avoid your diminishing returns penalty.

Instead of curbing farming your solution would increase the number of farms in the listing.

50s: Inv/SS PB Emp/Dark Grav/FF DM/Regen TA/A Sonic/Elec MA/Regen Fire/Kin Sonic/Rad Ice/Kin Crab Fire/Cold NW Merc/Dark Emp/Sonic Rad/Psy Emp/Ice WP/DB FA/SM

Overlord of Dream Team and Nightmare Squad



As promised, here is the monthly update.

As of July 1st we now have the following breakdown of arcs with 100 or more plays and that are still rated at 5 stars.

Arcs Published Pre-15 - 11 (9 of these were published in April 09)
Arcs Published Post I-15 - 3

Total Number of arcs out of 65,481 arcs - 14

Put another way: .0002138% of the arcs in the system have more than 100 plays while still maintaining a 5 star rating.


Check out one of my most recent arcs:
457506 - A Very Special Episode - An abandoned TV, a missing kid's TV show host and more
416951 - The Ms. Manners Task Force - More wacky villains, Wannabes. things in poor taste

or one of my other arcs including two 2010 Player's Choice Winners and an2009 Official AE Awards Nominee for Best Original Story



Originally Posted by Wrong_Number View Post
Put another way: .0002138% of the arcs in the system have more than 100 plays while still maintaining a 5 star rating.
Wow but this system does need some reworking, that's a pretty shocking figure.



I'll preface with this: I like all the ideas in this thread. Keep 'em coming.

That said, I've got concerns about a few of the ideas. Doesn't mean I want the idea scrapped, maybe just refined.

Create a distinct tab for 'story' arcs and a distinct tab for 'leveling' arcs.
Reinforcing the notion of "Welcome to MA! Story or leveling, pick one" may backfire. I'd prefer to see either a 'story+leveling' 'leveling only' split, or a 'story only' 'leveling only' 'story+leveling' split.

I would 'grandfather' arcs with 5 star averages into the new system by treating their current number of 5 star ratings as Hall of Fame nominations.
I'd do so for all 5 star ratings on all arcs. Plenty of arcs with a <5 star average are propped up by lots of 5 star ratings, but weighed down by a handful of low ratings.

Another idea: using median instead of mean. Those of you who took Stats 101 may recall that medians are used sometimes because they're less influenced by skew. And it preserves the ability to 1-star an arc that really deserves it, and have it potentially mean something, if that's an ability that's important to you.

the first two times you play through an arc, you get the normal amount of exp. The third time, it's 80%, then 50%, then 25%. After five times the arc is played, you get 10% exp from then on. This is reset after 24 hours.
Will not hurt farmers. Defeated by the existence of functionally identical farms, each of which takes about an hour to clear. Do the pink AV farm twice, the yellow AV farm twice, that's 4 hours of full farming XP. Will hurt story authors who playtest their own published arcs repeatedly to make sure reward levels aren't too awful, or who invite friends/PuGs/SGmates to play their own arc repeatedly, since they have to use the same story arc and don't want to unpublish/republish to avoid the penalty.

a filter for customs
Strangely, I'm always butting heads with other posters on this board when I say customs are too hard/too broken/make people not want to play an arc. Good to see at least someone agrees with me. On the other hand, I'm on both sides, player and author. As an author, I'm a visual thinker, and I'm good with costumes, so custom critters are going to be an important part of every arc I do. Don't penalize me for telling my stories through fashion! Let's bring XP rewards up and damage levels down on customs, instead, to make both sides happy.

Finally, has anyone given any thought to paid arc slots being a possible disincentive for devs to expand HOF availability? If HOF stays unattainable, what are you going to do about it? Buy arc slots, but click angrily while doing so?



Originally Posted by Rigel_Kent View Post
Finally, has anyone given any thought to paid arc slots being a possible disincentive for devs to expand HOF availability? If HOF stays unattainable, what are you going to do about it? Buy arc slots, but click angrily while doing so?
I don't really care about the extra slot (ok, I do), but HoF is a badge of honor. If I got an arc in the hall of fame it would mean that my hard work mattered.

If they would sell me more slots I would happily pay and keep churning out arcs that nobody will see or play until they turn off the servers, but for some reason they won't sell me more.

Winner of Players' Choice Best Villainous Arc 2010: Fear and Loathing on Striga; ID #350522