Transfering Influence Via Email
there is no limit on when you can receive an email
however there are some bugs mentioned in the new test notes like an email can be deleted if a " (double quote) is used anywhere in the body of the email
i havent experienced any issues transfering any inf since i17 released

The next question is being that I have never used the in game email to transfer anything between toons, how do I know what my toons email address is? Is it "toon name" and something else" that I need to type in? I ask as I tried to send an email transfer and nothing happened so I think I was doing it wrong?

The next question is being that I have never used the in game email to transfer anything between toons, how do I know what my toons email address is? Is it "toon name" and something else" that I need to type in? I ask as I tried to send an email transfer and nothing happened so I think I was doing it wrong?

Thank you, Champion.
I can't confirm any issues, but someone on the Champion server was mentioning this morning that he lost a few million influence via the email system.
Evidently, he had sent himself some influence, the Global Channels went down last night, and today, he lost all of the emails he had received directly before they went down.

Thank you, Champion.
Okay. Pretend you are talking to a small infant who has never used the global email before. I need to know exactly what attachment I need to hook to my toons name. For example: or,...I ask as just typing my toons name in this field with the arrow pointing does nothing. I know, I know, you are probably laughing right now thinking this person has no idea how to send emails. Well to be honest, I disabled all my in game email because of all junk emails i kept getting. But now, with this new i17 ability to transfer to your other toons on your same account, I am now able to have an excuse to use email So, pretend I am a baby and you need to walk me through this. Thanks.

JUST use your global.
For example, if I want to send something to myself, I put "@Nishastra" in the box.
Every one of your characters will be able to see the mail, and any on the same side can pick up the attachments.
Like I said, I have never used global email before. You mentioned "in box" where do I find this so called in box?
Looking at the screenie in this thread, it's on the chatbox, labelled "Email" next to the words Team, Friends, Super...<right there>....Tab, 1, 2.
Click on "EMAIL" and a box pops up, just like in the screenie, except the person in the screenie has no recieved Emails, so it's empty. See where it says "From" on the box in the screenshot? That word indicates that it is the inbox. But it's currently empty...on the character in the screenshot.
Since that character either has never recieved any emails or has deleted them.
Type your global (with the @) in the "To" box...
Also, this e-mail system is totally new and the old one didn't function anything like this, so no one had used it before I17 :P
Ok, let me have a stab at it. Next to "TO" is a field. This is where you type your Global name. @nova tigress
You have to have a subject-"Money for Jetpack" I was emailing infamy for my new Widow to grab the jetpack in Grandville.
In the little box where it says Influence, type in whatever amount you want to email...I put in 100,000 for the jetpack.
Attachment is for sending recipes, inspirations, and enhancements. Drag and drop.
Then you write a short message.."Use this to buy jetpack"
Then hit "Send"
When you log into the toon you wish to receive the stuff, click on "email" and then click "Claim."
Easy Peasy
Have fun
So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try
***Dennis DeYoung
It's global... Any of your characters can see the e-mail. Pick it up on whomever you like.
If you've got multiple accounts and sent it to a different one, then use the "Return" button on the e-mail.

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters
Devs have said time and again that no trading between Heroes and Villains. Talk is that when you switch sides all the inf from one side will be put in escrow so you can't take it with you.
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
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Tempus unum hominem manet
Anyone know if there is a limit to the number of emails we can send to ourselves? Can I have 500 or pieces of salvage just hanging around in limbo, waiting for any of my characters that need them to claim them?
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Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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Aw, nuts. So much for my "Keep an infinite suppy of inspirations and salvage available to all me's" idea. But of course, that make sense. Thanks for the reply.
I'm Tealeaf, and I approve of this message.
See [URL=""]Useful Tagging for the good of the Forum[/URL], my guide to tags.
One good idea I saw on an off-site forum is to flag "h" or "v" in your subject line so you know immediately which options you can open and take.
For instance:
"[h] 10k jetpack inf"
"[v] Armageddon acc/dam"
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City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
You know it seems the Email system is linked tothe global chat servers, and since they are down so is email atm... Why would they just not added an account storage option, IE: a vault that you can put stuff into (money, recipies, salvage, enhancments) that was limited to the magical determined 20 items, and then allow that to be accessable to any of your toons on the account. this email to thing is a nice thing I guess but too prone to abuse IMHO. an account storage mule option would not be able to be abused.
3 known problems I have seen thus far.
1: Dup exploit. Dev know about it. Dont want to get into detail how it was done, but it was being done.
2: Spam flood/ loss of items in e mail system. If your toon had its mailbox flooded with more then 20 email spam and you sent an item to your global. go to login and all the sudden the stuff you sent is lost. (also No return option for flood spam error)
3: Gold reseller (IE ROC EULA violators) can and do expoit the use of this system to sell money and items in the game for real money.
All of these would have been avoided if they allowed somethign as simpile as the character vault become account storage rather then per character. And added 2 fields for infamy and influence storage. Bingo problem solved and no exploits.
Figured it out. I signed in with my Hero toon and just "re-accepted" the influence back to them. Then, I deleted the email. Got my influence back like nothing happened. With that being said, does anyone know when GR goes live if we will have the ability to trans from Hero to Villain or is that only a dream?
When GR goes live it does not automatically turn villains into heroes. You have to go through a story arc/arcs to complete the switch from one alignment to the other.
Quick question. It seems that you need to be level 10 before you can send emails. Does this also apply when "receiving" emails should one want to transfer influence to another toon? If it does, then I guess we would have to wait until level 10 to do any transfers?
And speaking of email transfers of influence, being that I have not done this yet between toons, I can venture to guess it is somewhat easy to do? I can also hope there are not any glitches with this like Wentworths being shut down for their issues?