Recolored costume parts/powers




My imps changed back to the default firey red....hope they fix this soon.



Found a link to this thread from another thread. Add me to the growing list of people who have had their powers colors reverted back to original.

This issue 17 is something else, but, we will get through it. Tech Support was able to get my better half logged in and playing, so I have faith all bugs will be addressed...

However if the costume tokens were given out as a gift, then to ensure they stay as a gift, we need another round of costume tokens.


So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Yep. I don't know about everyone of my characters but it has definitly happened to two of them. I've already used up two costume tokens and paid a little money to fix one of the characters.



I'm also having the same issue. Has anyone PM'd this thread to a redname? I'm thinking maybe they should have acknowledged this as a bug by now. It's really annoying and a pain the butt to go and change all of the colors back.

We'll see....



Originally Posted by Flameshot View Post
I'm also having the same issue. Has anyone PM'd this thread to a redname? I'm thinking maybe they should have acknowledged this as a bug by now. It's really annoying and a pain the butt to go and change all of the colors back.
I sent it to War Witch 4am ET yesterday and she didn't read it (or just didn't reply idk), but I would like it to be addressed too. For the chance that the power-corruption happens on login of a character I haven't been logging in to play after my main got reset to defaults

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Just another voice to the crowd; it's not on every costume slot if I have more than one. Seems to keep at least one, and default the other two. If it's just the one slot, it's default.

Thankfully, I had some saved and was able to restore them fairly painlessly; others I had to rebuild.

Only one instance of a costume switcharoo; this happened on Test as well.



I'm wondering if perhaps this is only affecting some, or just one, server(s). I'm on Guardian, and recognize a couple of the others posting as being here too. Unfortunately, I can't swear that I customized anyone on other servers, so I can't test to see if they're affected too.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Okay. To add to this I've now got costume parts changed. I've just logged on a character that was using mostly the metallic texture for almost the entire body but that has now been switched to other parts. Not only that her spines have all been reset to those horrible banana things. This is most anoying.



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
I'm wondering if perhaps this is only affecting some, or just one, server. I'm on Guardian, and recognize a couple of the others posting as being here too. Unfortunately, I can't swear that I customized anyone on other servers, so I can't test to see if they're affected too.
Well, I have now had time to log in two toons. The one that suffered the recolor I mentioned above was on Pinn (redside). My second toon was in fact on Guardian (also redside) and suffered no changes, so I think that theory's out.



Originally Posted by Clave_Dark_5 View Post
Well, I have now had time to log in two toons. The one that suffered the recolor I mentioned above was on Pinn (redside). My second toon was in fact on Guardian (also redside) and suffered no changes, so I think that theory's out.
You're the first person I've heard, online or on the forums, say that they do in fact have characters with power customization on costumes in slots other than the 1st that retained their settings.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
I'm wondering if perhaps this is only affecting some, or just one, server. I'm on Guardian, and recognize a couple of the others posting as being here too. Unfortunately, I can't swear that I customized anyone on other servers, so I can't test to see if they're affected too.
I'm on Union, and logged on a toon last night, every slot except the first was changed to default for Power Customisation. Costumes were fine.

On my lowbie everything was fine, only one slot and it was still customised.



Well, the server speculation seems to be a bust. I was just tossing it out there as a possibility as to why there seems to be so little outcry over this. I'd really have expected a LOT more noise if it was everyone, everywhere having the problem.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
You're the first person I've heard, online or on the forums, say that they do in fact have characters with power customization on costumes in slots other than the 1st that retained their settings.
Ah, I must have missed that part I highlighted there. The toon that was unaffected only has one slot, he's only 10th level.



Originally Posted by Diggis View Post
I'm on Union, and logged on a toon last night, every slot except the first was changed to default for Power Customisation. Costumes were fine.

On my lowbie everything was fine, only one slot and it was still customised.
Ditto on all front there.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Same issue here too - toons on both Liberty and Guardian - all custom power colors reset to default on all costume slots except the first one. What's up dev's ? My colors weren't THAT bad ... were they ?

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Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Well, the server speculation seems to be a bust. I was just tossing it out there as a possibility as to why there seems to be so little outcry over this. I'd really have expected a LOT more noise if it was everyone, everywhere having the problem.
I've also been wondering why there hasn't been more screaming about this. I'm guessing it's because a lot of players simply haven't noticed yet, and some of the ones who have don't realize that it's a database problem rather than a graphics problem (i.e. they haven't figured out how much time and Inf it's going to take them to fix everything).

I'd really like some kind of acknowledgement of this issue from the devs, but I assume their focus is almost entirely on the auction house right now (and I don't blame them). I'm guessing there's a 99% chance that the final solution will be to offer another round of free costume tokens (and I'll accept that and move on).

The only real concern for me is my shaken faith in the integrity of our character database. I'd like to know that the devs are taking this issue seriously in terms of investigating how it happened and what needs to be done to make sure something like this never happens again. What if next time it's actual costumes that get wiped? Or Influence? Or slotted enhancements ("Sorry about the purples, dude, but you can get more, right?")?

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- Henry Rollins



We all got free tailor tokens for each of our slots, so I'm not concerned about my characters so much, it'll just be a pain to go through each of them and reload their saved custom power settings.

I'll likely just do it as I play each character rather than wasting time to log into each one that had custom powers. PITA, but not major.



I've had to change colors as well...the odd thing is that invulnerability's 'invulnerability' seems stuck at purple for me, even when a new color is selected.



I'm on Virtue, Protector and Victory and I'm having the issue too. Every alt I checked, power customization reverted to default in all but the first costume slot.

Ugh, I really hope they can fix this because I do NOT want to have to go through and try to redo all of that.



Yup, having issues too. Any bright color is showing as maybe 4-5 shades darker. >.>



Tech Support has apparently upgraded my support request to the level of a bug report: I got the same canned message as you get with /bug when it passed to the latest person handling it. I've had responses from four different people at tech support, so it's gone up the ladder pretty quickly.

Hopefully whoever now has the hot potato is reading this thread. So, presuming that, I'd like to re-iterate that I can find no client-side issues. I can edit costumes with power customization and utilize them with no problems.

It appears to be nothing more or less than lost info in the server-side database.

What I fear is that the easy answer will be to issue free costume tokens. Having to use my Anniversary gift of free tokens on this is just adding insult to injury, and more tokens would simply remove the insult, not the injury. I would still lose hours of play time fixing things someone at NCSoft or PS broke.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
I would still lose hours of play time fixing things someone at NCSoft or PS broke.
Maybe next time they'll run a Beta test and catch this kind of obvious***, game-wide, major bug.

***I knew something was wrong within moments of logging into I-17.

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Originally Posted by Iniscara View Post
I've also been wondering why there hasn't been more screaming about this. I'm guessing it's because a lot of players simply haven't noticed yet, and some of the ones who have don't realize that it's a database problem rather than a graphics problem (i.e. they haven't figured out how much time and Inf it's going to take them to fix everything).

I'd really like some kind of acknowledgement of this issue from the devs, but I assume their focus is almost entirely on the auction house right now (and I don't blame them). I'm guessing there's a 99% chance that the final solution will be to offer another round of free costume tokens (and I'll accept that and move on).

The only real concern for me is my shaken faith in the integrity of our character database. I'd like to know that the devs are taking this issue seriously in terms of investigating how it happened and what needs to be done to make sure something like this never happens again. What if next time it's actual costumes that get wiped? Or Influence? Or slotted enhancements ("Sorry about the purples, dude, but you can get more, right?")?
I think some people have one set of power customizations they use on all of the costume slots for that character. Those aren't hit nearly as badly by this. Makes sense as an RP thing that the powers might be consistent and all, but I for one tend to recolor some powers, dark ones especially, to go with the color scheme of the costume, and not all powers in a set are the same. I'm not bothered by the inf it would take to fix it; that's trivial. I'm bothered by the time, though, and especially the fact that I'd spent a long time refining some and don't know what I had them set on.

I'm waiting for the bug report to be resolved before I log any more characters on, in hopes that they will pull the data from backups, if it's really gone.

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Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Tech Support has apparently upgraded my support request to the level of a bug report: I got the same canned message as you get with /bug when it passed to the latest person handling it. I've had responses from four different people at tech support, so it's gone up the ladder pretty quickly.

Hopefully whoever now has the hot potato is reading this thread. So, presuming that, I'd like to re-iterate that I can find no client-side issues. I can edit costumes with power customization and utilize them with no problems.

It appears to be nothing more or less than lost info in the server-side database.

What I fear is that the easy answer will be to issue free costume tokens. Having to use my Anniversary gift of free tokens on this is just adding insult to injury, and more tokens would simply remove the insult, not the injury. I would still lose hours of play time fixing things someone at NCSoft or PS broke.
I did the same as you, putting in a /petition and now, it has been updated as a /bug. Sadly, I had already wasted 4 costume tokens to change what I-17 has reverted back...

At the very least, they should give us free costume tokens...