Recolored costume parts/powers




Originally Posted by Denji View Post
I did the same as you, putting in a /petition and now, it has been updated as a /bug. Sadly, I had already wasted 4 costume tokens to change what I-17 has reverted back...

At the very least, they should give us free costume tokens...
I'm afraid this is all they're going to do. Restoring the database information for costume power customization has some technical issues that are readily apparent and probably some I can't even begin to guess at.

We'll see if they invest in fixing their mistake, or do the easy thing and sweep it under a rug of tokens. Thereby making the players pay the price of doing the actual work to repair the damage.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



They will not be able to restore the costume/power info from backup I'm afraid. To do so would over write any changes made to costumes since the new issue went live.

We're going to have to live with the costume tokens I expect. Although a free month would be nice to make up for it.



Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
They will not be able to restore the costume/power info from backup I'm afraid. To do so would over write any changes made to costumes since the new issue went live.
This is the spin I fear they may use to excuse wiping out many, many more legitimately created costumes than such a fix would. It's really just an excuse to take the easy way out. If there are more technical issues in the way of doing the restore, as I expect there may well be, then that's another matter, but if this is the only reason they have then it is a lame one.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
This is the spin I fear they may use to excuse wiping out many, many more legitimately created costumes than such a fix would. It's really just an excuse to take the easy way out. If there are more technical issues in the way of doing the restore, as I expect there may well be, then that's another matter, but if this is the only reason they have then it is a lame one.
Sorry but there is nothing "spin doctoring" about what I said. Selectively reinserting old data into a constantly growing "live" database is frought with danger as any developer or db administrator will tell you.



No need to get all worked up about it, yeah it sucks and it happened to me too but at least nothing disappeared or broke. It'll take a good while for some people to go through all their characters and set them up the way they were but no real harm done and hopefully everyone will learn from this mistake and prevent it from happening again .



Originally Posted by riktu View Post
They will not be able to restore the costume/power info from backup I'm afraid. To do so would over write any changes made to costumes since the new issue went live.

We're going to have to live with the costume tokens I expect. Although a free month would be nice to make up for it.
Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
Sorry but there is nothing "spin doctoring" about what I said. Selectively reinserting old data into a constantly growing "live" database is frought with danger as any developer or db administrator will tell you.
Sorry, but you wrote two different things. Which is it? Do you think they are going to choose to wipe out all the power customization done on slots other than the 1st between I16 and I17 because they don't want to wipe out changes done since I17 was released? Or do you think they are going to leave the effects of the error in place because they are afraid they can't readily repair the damage safely? The two aren't the same, and to say you are doing something for the first reason when you are really doing it for the second is "spinning".

(Btw, handing out a free month to those affected - which may well be everybody - could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's out of the question.)


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Hemtroll View Post
No need to get all worked up about it, yeah it sucks and it happened to me too but at least nothing disappeared or broke. It'll take a good while for some people to go through all their characters and set them up the way they were but no real harm done and hopefully everyone will learn from this mistake and prevent it from happening again .
I had the results of hours of effort disappear. I consider that real harm done. I begrudge having to spend my time redoing power customizations instead of playing the game.

For all we know some bright individual may come up with a clever scripting solution and repair all the damage as if it never happened. I really doubt it though. The cost and risk involved in a such a fix will make the obvious idea of just throwing tokens at this very seductive.

What I want, by making noise and repeatedly asserting the point, is to make sure that the decision makers know that isn't a real fix. It's just a subsidy to the players, who would then still ultimately pay for the fix with their time - it just wouldn't cost them in-game resources as well. My hope being that when it comes time to decide how to handle this they'll think twice about taking the easy way out and reconsider some of the options (if there are any) that don't entail a waste of players' time.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
Sorry, but you wrote two different things. Which is it? Do you think they are going to choose to wipe out all the power customization done on slots other than the 1st between I16 and I17 because they don't want to wipe out changes done since I17 was released? Or do you think they are going to leave the effects of the error in place because they are afraid they can't readily repair the damage safely? The two aren't the same, and to say you are doing something for the first reason when you are really doing it for the second is "spinning".
I'm sorry but you are obviously getting confused about what I said. In both posts I said quite clearly that reinserting the old costume/power data into the current database is something they are unlikely to do due to how complex and risky it is. As simple as that.

Oh and that was a comment from me. They have not as yet said what they are going to do so any complaints about "spinning" is jumping the gun enormously. I was simply explaining to those who might call for the old data to be reinserted that it was not a simple task and from my experience something that was unlikely to happen.

Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
(Btw, handing out a free month to those affected - which may well be everybody - could cost them hundreds of thousands of dollars. That's out of the question.)
Of course it would. Hence the smiley. I wasn't for a second being serious about that bit.



Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
I'm sorry but you are obviously getting confused about what I said. In both posts I said quite clearly that reinserting the old costume/power data into the current database is something they are unlikely to do due to how complex and risky it is. As simple as that.
How in the world does this statement...

Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
They will not be able to restore the costume/power info from backup I'm afraid. To do so would over write any changes made to costumes since the new issue went live.
... possibly get interpreted as clearly stating anything at all about complexity and risk?


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Adding another to the mix . ALL characters have lost power customization beyond the first costume slot. This frustrating when you take into consideration having to recreate 48+ toons with 2-4 customized slots PER toon.

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Originally Posted by ricktu View Post
I was simply explaining to those who might call for the old data to be reinserted that it was not a simple task and from my experience something that was unlikely to happen.
I've got some idea how complex that is (other than that I have absolutely no clue how their database is structured). It's not about how hard it is to do. It's that when you break things in production, you fix them. Sometimes that's a pain.

But, I agree it's unlikely that this will happen. Doesn't change that I'm not going to go fix it myself until I get some kind of reaction from the bug report, and see what they fix in the next patch or so. Probably they're too busy with graphics issues and WW problems for this to be anyone's priority.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



I apparently had the brilliant foresight to save every single one of my character's powerset combination's, so this wasn't actually a huge deal for me, but do add my name to the list of people this effected.

All of my costumes remain unaffected, however, my powersets just changed to the default for everything past my first costume.



I would hope they can fix this oversight. For myself; having to redo 100+ characters with up to 5 costume slots of custom powers is not something I look forward to.

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Speaking for me, costumes are mostly all fine (except the occasional need to reset a piece on an old costume). Power colors are mostly all gone. VERY annoying. I had quite a few of them saved to disk, but probably no more than half.

Funny thing, as it turns out I reported this as an issue while 17 was still on test. I noticed that powers on the characters I'd copied over had lost their colors, but I assumed it was a bug with the copy tool. It never occurred to me that 17 might have a serious incompatibility issue with losing those settings.

Wish you'd paid attention to this one, developer folks ... given a couple dozen characters, each with multiple costume slots with potentially a dozen or more custom color settings each, it can be a pretty massive time sink to fix a problem that should have been avoided.


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One thing I've noticed, in addition to having to reload all of my customized power settings on my 36 Virtue toons, is that the metallic quality of the Valkyrie swords, which existed prior to I17, has now been lost completely. The swords are now grey and non-reflective.

The changes to metallic costume pieces was mentioned earlier in this thread, and this seems to be a different issue from the resetting of customized settings. The Valkyrie set was specifically identified as being enhanced with the I17 upgrades. In fact, it now looks worse than it did before the new issue (the swords, at least), and there seems to be no way to correct this.

I've already begun the arduous process of resetting my customizations. Some of my toons had costume tokens, and some had to pay. As someone pointed out, it's really the time and effort of redoing all of the settings that is annoying, particularly for those toons that have different settings between costumes.

I hope this issue is acknowledged soon.

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I was hoping I found this thread. Now I know I'm not the only one. Logged into my fire/kin and when I summoned my imps I asked myself, "Why the hell are they orange?" (they're supposed to be red). Got even more annoyed when my kinetics were teal again from being white. Same with all the costumes, and same with all my toons. Man, damn. Even if they do give us another round of costume tokens, I have almost 30 characters to reconfigure. Like I f***ing feel like doing all that.



I reported this during Beta. I guess they don't care.

/em shrug

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It's bad enough that they don't care to have fixed it, but if they knew about it and didn't even bother to warn us...gee, that's swell.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by Major_Force View Post
I reported this during Beta. I guess they don't care.

/em shrug
That's 2 people who reported it(that posted here), I wonder why they ignored them

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Have we received any developer acknowledgement of this issue yet?

Are we expected to just eat the time and expense of fixing all these reverted power customizations without even an "oops!" from the devs? And more importantly an assurance that the cause has been identified and this won't happen again?

Keep in mind that characters paid for most of these lost customization settings (the exceptions being those that were inherited from slot 0 when new costume slots were acquired). What happens if next time we lose actual costumes? Or slotted enhancements? An error in the character database is not a trivial issue.

Also, is there anyone out there who hasn't been affected by this bug? We still have too small a reporting base in this thread for me to say it definitely affected everyone, but I've yet to hear from someone whose customization on slots past 0 was not reset.

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Originally Posted by Olantern View Post
For example, a pattern on one character's shield went from white to black.
This was reported in beta as well. If you try to fix it the secondary pattern on the shield disappears entirely and can't be reset. My pet theory is that the secondary patterns are using the primary color instead of the secondary and it blends into the rest of the shield. Hmm... I think it is time to /bug it again.



Originally Posted by Iniscara View Post
Also, is there anyone out there who hasn't been affected by this bug? We still have too small a reporting base in this thread for me to say it definitely affected everyone, but I've yet to hear from someone whose customization on slots past 0 was not reset.
About half the folks in our coalition use custom power colors. All of them report losing their customizations although I can't be sure what percentage of characters/costumes were affected.

Besides turning FX off I only have two characters with customized powers. My regen scrapper lost hers (green now instead of purple) plus Integration doesn't have any special FX at all... even if I switch it to Default... but I suppose that isn't a tailor issue and is more of an animation issue. I've been afraid to login with my thermal controller because I don't EVEN want to try and recreate the fire look I gave her heals.



Sometimes things that get /bugged in beta testing don't get fixed before the patch or issue goes live. While I am NOT in the least bit saying that costume and power colors are not "important" to us as players - this issue is not game-breaking, and as such is not something that was going to prevent the issue from going live. It doesn't mean they didn't care or that they aren't working on it - it only means that it went live even though it was reported.

If you are experiencing this (which I'm told pretty much everyone is - I have, unfortunately, not been able to play much since the issue dropped, so I haven't had an opportunity to check my characters), it is probably a good idea to /bug it in game - but I wouldn't advocate /bugging it multiple times on each character... If they claim to have "fixed" it and it is still there, THEN /bug it again...


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What's game-breaking to one person may not be to another. I could lose every badge on every alt and it wouldn't bug me at all. People who are into badging, however, would probably be livid. I'd imagine RPers would be just as cranky if all the bios got wiped out.

For me, the look and feel of the character is pretty much what I'm here for. How they look and what they can do (which is partly visual) is what the characters *are*, to me, not what they've done. The thought of having to redo all of the custom powersets on 20+ alts, that I've spent considerable time over months getting just right, makes me feel slightly ill, and like going and doing something else. I've barely been on since I17 hit.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by Gorgar View Post
I've barely been on since I17 hit.
Which may be a good thing. Based on the patchnotes for the current training room version, the colors get reset the first time you log a character in after I17 hit. Characters that haven't been logged in still have their original colors, and it should be safe to log them in after the next patch (but consult the patchnotes to be sure).