Recolored costume parts/powers




Here's something that I haven't seen noted anywhere as yet. Since i17 went live, some of my characters' costume pieces' colors have been reset. For example, a pattern on one character's shield went from white to black. Similarly, some powerset colors that were customized have been changed to the default colors, but only on certain costumes.

I've communicated with one other person who experienced the same bug. Apparently, these are "real" costume changes, not graphical display issues (i.e., the white shield really did get changed to black, it doesn't just look black due to graphics settings). It looks as if yet another round of free costume tokens may be in order.

Has anyone else experienced these costume-related bugs or determined any rhyme or reason to them?

New issues spotted, 4/30/10: As with the Spines user below, some of my weapon-using characters have had their weapons reset, seemingly at random. For example, a pistolier had one of his pistols, a Tactical Sidearm with Laser Sight, reset to a plain Tactical Sidearm.

Perhaps more troublingly, the character whose shield pattern was recolored not only cannot recolor that pattern in the tailor; he can't get a pattern to appear on the shield at all. So far, this is the only problem I've seen that can't be fixed with a simple costume change.

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Djinniman, level 50 inv/fire tanker, on Victory
-and 40 others on various servers

A CoH Comic: Kid Eros in "One Light"



Just came here to report this as well. Noticing that on ALL my characters, custom power colors have reset to default on ALL costume slots except for slot 0. Just asked an in game friend via tell if they saw the same thing and they confirmed that on the character they were currently playing, this was indeed the case.

Betting there is no way to fix this other than by hand on each costume. (Not all my powers are colored the same across all five costume slots on most characters.) Is there any chance that we can get another round of costume tokens though if this turns out to be a universal issue?



Also, the Metallic option on test shows it to be very shiney and reflective. On live any character already made can't seem to get this. I have 4 toons that have metallic bodys and such, and none are shiney or reflective. All are dull. When I go to the tailor, the option is still dull and the color is off. I use white and if I try again in the tailor it is a lot more grey. I even tried a fresh costume slot and no go on that too.

If you start a new toon, you are able to use the Metallic option in all it's new glory. This totally sucks for my already created toons.



Well crap. I just went in again to make a new toon with the Metallic body and it is dull there too. Wasn't earlier. Test still lets me make a shiney toon. Grrr. Seems the costume pieced that are supposed to "take advantage" of UM are bouncing back and forth from dull to shiney.

I also checked a toon that has all 5 slots with costumes. Some are shiney and some are not and some are the same pieces so go figure.



Yeah, my custom colors are missing on all of my characters...



Can't seem to save any new power customizations too. So, have to reset some alts manually



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
Just came here to report this as well. Noticing that on ALL my characters, custom power colors have reset to default on ALL costume slots except for slot 0
Definitely have this on at least one character. Hope we can get it fixed soon!

If we are to die, let us die like men. -- Patrick Cleburne

The rule is that they must be loved. --Jayne Fynes-Clinton, Death of an Abandoned Dog



My custom colors are gone as well, and I don't feel like spending multiple thousands of inf to fix it. Hopefully they will throw us a free tailor session per slot on each character so that we can fix whatever they broke.

Lots of alts, mostly on Virtue



I cant even get my bane spider mace recolored all the costume on my crab were like one big mess up taking forever to load .

Contacts took forever to load but once loaded it was fine .
But costumes seems to be messed up or missing id tags .



Add me to the list of those with power coloring issues. Powers were reset. It's not the money for me really, it's the time it'll take to fix it across all affected toons and costumes.

My 50s:
Tigra Swipe (BS/SR/Dark Scrapper)
Galena Storm (Emp/Ele/Ele Defender)
Master Tolarin (Psi/Fire/Force Blaster)



Just tested three characters. Same problem. Custom powers are gone in slots past the first one. Not testing any further characters, as some of mine have highly customized powers, and I haven't saved religiously after every change.

Angel Witch II - Chord of Souls - Storm Witch II - Princess of the Dawn - Standing Horse - Witch of Xymox
Silent Scream - Shadow Witch II - Liquid Serenade - Nebulous Dawn - Ghost Witch II -Xiberia



Originally Posted by Tigra_Swipe View Post
Add me to the list of those with power coloring issues. Powers were reset. It's not the money for me really, it's the time it'll take to fix it across all affected toons and costumes.
And more or less done. I think I started around 7-ish. I have way too many characters.

If I had known about this issue ahead of time, I would have parked all my characters in an icon/facemaker beforehand. Seriously, zone over to wherever, hope that I have the powers saved, reset costume slot. On the handful where the character's concept involved their powerset ramping up, or costume-based theme, it was more of a hassle, as I had to figure out the color combo that I had previously for each costume slot.



Same thing for me.

I have two accounts. Ran them on two different computers. One on Windows Vista and one with Windows 7. Both had reset to default colors on powers on everything but the default costume slots.

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I hope they can fix this, as it looks like I have about 100 costumes that were broken. So much for "free" costume tokens.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Add me to the list. My main had his third costume's powers coloured pure white and they are now back to the default/legacy colours.

I first noticed it on my DP/EM blaster when I decided to use her energy melee attack and it came up the default colour.

EDIT - to add; this was on Vista while my main was on the Mac client

Tyger (50), Mutation-Controller Mind/FF - oldest Mind/FF on Union
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



This is very unlikely to have anything to do with client versions or settings, it looks very much like a server-side database screw-up. I'd really like to hear if there is anyone with a character using Power Customization on slot above the 1st that does NOT have this issue.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Originally Posted by Kosmos View Post
This is very unlikely to have anything to do with client versions or settings, it looks very much like a server-side database screw-up.
This is my thinking as well. So far every toon I've checked has had power customization reset to defaults in every slot other than 0.

"And texting? 'How R U?' Wow! English is just getting its [censored] kicked. In two generations, that's going to be on chalkboards. And do you know what you get from that? You don't get Ernest Hemingway."
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Originally Posted by Iniscara View Post
This is my thinking as well. So far every toon I've checked has had power customization reset to defaults in every slot other than 0.


Global: @Calorie
MA Arcs in 4-star purgatory: Four in a Row (#2198) - Hostile Takeover (#69714) - Red Harvest (#268305)



Yep, happening to all my costumes except the 1st slot. The worst part is, most of my customizations weren't saved (and they were plentiful and varied) so I would have to redo each power from memory, if I can even remember which color combos I FINALLY liked - grrrr....

I have love in me the likes of which you can scarcely imagine and rage the likes of which you would not believe. If I cannot satisfy the one, I will indulge the other.



Yes this sucks. I'm having this bug too. Hoping we can somehow get it back..

@Ninth Cloud



Me as well and the person on my team who i checked it with, seems to be a pretty wide spread problem without any unifying factors at the players end.

The pellet with the poisons in the Vessel with the Pessel, the Chalice from the Palace has the brew that is true...



Originally Posted by Mr_Awesomeness View Post
Also, the Metallic option on test shows it to be very shiney and reflective. On live any character already made can't seem to get this. I have 4 toons that have metallic bodys and such, and none are shiney or reflective. All are dull. When I go to the tailor, the option is still dull and the color is off. I use white and if I try again in the tailor it is a lot more grey. I even tried a fresh costume slot and no go on that too.

If you start a new toon, you are able to use the Metallic option in all it's new glory. This totally sucks for my already created toons.
Yes, something has definitely happened with the Metallic set, I just went to fix my colors (ALSO broken), and my metallic pieces were set to the default tights/boots/chest on loading up the tailor screen, and it tried to charge me for it. Even after putting it back it had the charge there.

Also loading a costume from your saved costumes files; if it utilizes metallic pieces the tailor will tell you it doesn't have access to those pieces and make you hit "attempt fix", such a pain lol. I'm gonna have to wait to see what's done about this too.

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I've only had time to log in one toon so far and I notcied that his FFG bubble and acid mortar colors had gone back to green. His costume was ok though.



I found that my Metallic costume parts were reset to top part on the relevant list. Reselecting Metallic made them nice and shiney.

I assumed this was due to the old versions not being the same as the new so just changed them. Same name doesn't mean same code.

I did find that trying to use reset made the pattern cycle continuously through the list. Fun to watch but not much use.

Stone Pharoah:Tanker Lvl 50 Stone/SS
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Originally Posted by Pharoahs_Advisor View Post
I found that my Metallic costume parts were reset to top part on the relevant list. Reselecting Metallic made them nice and shiney.

I assumed this was due to the old versions not being the same as the new so just changed them. Same name doesn't mean same code.

I did find that trying to use reset made the pattern cycle continuously through the list. Fun to watch but not much use.
hmm, it didn't do that with my metallic pieces, it just reset to the top of the list when I clicked reset. One strange thing that happened in that tailor session though was click reset on the pants(or whatever its called) and the chest resetting instead

10 50's To Date! Check out Titan Sentinel; it got my CoH presence synced online