Scrapper Patron Powers?

Bill Z Bubba



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
99% Fury is pretty much a fantasy.

If the actual in game display can be trusted, then I think I've hit what looked like 99% Fury...once.

Considering I play Brutes primarily over all ATs, we're talking a considerable chunk of time.

80-90% is the normal amount. This is on a Brute built to take alphas, to hold and survive aggro on the ITF, LGTF, RSF, and built to farm solo set for anywhere from +1 to +4 x 8 - enemy type depending.
I know that 99% fury is obnoxiously impossible to maintain, but thank you for re-explaining the fury mechanic to me, I guess. I too have created many a brute, and like, played them.

Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus

Brutes are a very different animal.

To state they are *simply better* is simply your subjective opinion.
Obviously, it was in my post. Everything in my post is my opinion. I feel it's redundant any time anyone mentions this ever. If there is seriously someone so impressionable that their minds will change the second they hear my voice I want to meet them and make them my best friend.

I'm going to ignore the rest of your post, because it assumes I'm talking about Brutes in general, and I'm not. I'm talking about my Brutes, which is significant because those are the ones I'm usually playing. I create my brutes to get fury without artificial help, such as running madly from spawn to spawn, or depending on a gallon of enemies to pump me up very quickly. I usually need about 3 enemies and a decent attack chain and I'm at the 80%-ish fury I enjoy. Not right out of the box, but not at 50 with IO's either. But then I'm patient, so I don't mind a character having to wait a few levels before he's reached his potential.

I don't really like to tank, in general, so I don't really care what Tankers are doing because I don't like being them. Nor do I think my Brute is going to replace a tank, at least I certainly hope not, and will be the first one in line petitioning for all sorts of hilarious buffs to Tankers if it goes that route so I'm not suddenly expected to fill their grimy shoes. I like punchvoke because it keeps enemies on me, and because I like very easily tearing the stray enemy off my squishy when I'm feeling charitable (and I do label them as "my" squishy. When they are "the" squishy, I probably don't care about them.)

Numerically, Brutes are better than scrappers as far as possible damage mitigation goes. There's really no disputing that. Even with SR brutes/scrappers, brutes still have higher HP caps. I feel they do about equal damage when I've built them. So, in my opinion, orchestrated by my posting it, Brutes are simply better.

As far as the whole balance question I'm guessing everyone is freaking out about since I apparently brought up the issue, I don't really care, and I probably won't get in a big number crunchery extravaganza about it. We can all just go re-read those other two topics stickied atop the page if we want to do that, and pretend we're one of the characters in there. I'm personally going to be Werner, because I always liked that chap. His beard really appeals to me.

Back on topic now, please?

*EDIT* - I must learn how to spell "quote"



There was nothing mentioned or confirmed about this one way or the other at PAX from the official panel discussion. Though their were countless rumors floating arround, this being one of the many.



Originally Posted by Morbid Star View Post
There was nothing mentioned or confirmed about this one way or the other at PAX from the official panel discussion. Though their were countless rumors floating arround, this being one of the many.
Personally I hope it's false and we just keep our patron powers as they are. Having to choose between good or evil to make my build viable would be severely irritating to me, though at the same time I wouldn't shun more options.

Assuming Scrappers got the Stalker Patron Powers I'm not entirely sure what I would pick.

Water Spout seems like it could be useful against EB's and the like with some good recharge, but would probably be annoying for general gameplay. I don't really like Hibernate on a scrapper, though I can think of uses.

Shadow Meld seems like it would be very useful if it's recharge stays the same, or at least I was always madly in love with it on my /regen stalker, and often contemplate ditching MoG so me and Shadow Meld can run off and get married somewhere. On Soft Capped characters it's probably not very useful, however.

Nothing else really stands out. You got your single target attacks, your snipes, and then an AOE attack here or there. That and the pet, which I imagine will be about as popular as it is redside. I'd probably rather have brute, if anything. I'd really rather just keep my scrapper epics, however.



I could see them making new versions of each epic pool for all ATs. I don't see them changing up the power format. ie: no range attack at 41 for scrappers or tanks and dark blast not gloom. I would love to be wrong, though.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Not sure how I feel about this rumor. If a fifty switches side, he basically has to reroll his powers? How/why did he forget/lose some of his powers? Hopefully fifties get an option here if this rumor is true.



switching from hero side to vill side it would make sense to keep epics, but I dont see patrons being too happy about their brute switching sides

/gignore @username is the best feature of this game. It's also probably the least used feature.
Originally Posted by Nights_Dawn View Post
Hazy is right
Can't get enough Hazy? /chanjoin robo's lounge today!



I have difficulties to see this happening.

What if I switch sides with my L50 and respec on the other side? Does this mean I'll loose my power choices and now have to pick from a different set of ancillary powers?

I think it's more likely that the devs simply add patron contacts for villain ATs to the blue side and leave the rest as it is. Or, if we're really lucky, they'll proliferate some ancillary powers and create new sets of ancillary pool powers for each AT.



Originally Posted by Hazygreys View Post
switching from hero side to vill side it would make sense to keep epics, but I dont see patrons being too happy about their brute switching sides

There's plenty of ways to explain it away (or not I guess). Do the patrons give you these powers or teach you them? If they give them to you with a string attached, how do they take them away? I know I used my patron powers while I was betraying ghost widow, hell I even used them against her, why didn't she yank them right then, lol?



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Stalker damage at cap = 1.000 damage scale * (100% + ~31% critical) * 500% damage cap = 6.55
Brute = 6.38
Scrapper = 6.19

Assuming 31% is a good number. I know nothing about Stalkers.
This would only happen once though from hide? Or maybe twice after placate? The rest of the time the stalker would have to scrap it out?

Putting them on 1.000 damage scale * 100% * 500% damage cap = 6.00?

Or do they get crits without hide?

*I know nothing about stalkers but didn't think they were the highest damage of the AT's outside of burst. I might be tempted into rolling one if they do come out top (Though I hate all AS animations).

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by PrincessDarkstar View Post
This would only happen once though from hide? Or maybe twice after placate? The rest of the time the stalker would have to scrap it out?

Putting them on 1.000 damage scale * 100% * 500% damage cap = 6.00?

Or do they get crits without hide?

*I know nothing about stalkers but didn't think they were the highest damage of the AT's outside of burst. I might be tempted into rolling one if they do come out top (Though I hate all AS animations).
The 31% crit chance (assuming 7 teammates on a 30' radius) is OUT of Hide. Stalkers, out of hide, have a 10% chance to crit plus 3% for every teammate in the 30' radius, so in the best case scenario they have a 31% crit chance.

When attacking from Hide or after Placating a target (provided you don't get hit by another mob before you attack right after placating), the Stalker always has a 100% chance to crit, except on AoEs. Spine Burst has a 30% crit chance from Hide (according to CoD) and One Thousand Cuts has 50%. Thundestrike is weird, the smashing portion has a 100% chance to crit from hide and the energy portion 50%. But ST attacks like Midnight Grasp, charged brawl, etc, all have 100% crit chance when the Stalker is hidden.



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
The 31% crit chance (assuming 7 teammates on a 30' radius) is OUT of Hide.
Ooh. It must be too late for my reading skills to work so I will avoid making late night posts in future, but that is definately interesting.

Princess Darkstar - Proud Member of the Handprints of Union, the #1 ranked SG in Europe!
British by act of union, English by grace of God, Northern by pure good fortune!
Originally Posted by Aggelakis View Post



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
Not sure how I feel about this rumor. If a fifty switches side, he basically has to reroll his powers? How/why did he forget/lose some of his powers? Hopefully fifties get an option here if this rumor is true.
Well, think about it this way. If you get a villain to, say 35ish, and then take them heroic, what do you do when you get to 41? You can't go visit the villain patrons, so you need to have versions of the hero ancillary pools.

Which means you have to make the villain patron pools available to heroes who do the reverse. This assumes, of course, that we'll be able to switch sides between level 20 and level 50 (which I could swear was said either at PAX or in one of the Going Rogue threads, but for the life of me I can't find it anywhere).



For me it amounts to this:
(with a good head of fury)
stone fist > slash
stone mallet > hack
heavy mallet ~ headsplitter

That leaves seismic smash vs disembowel, which is more like double disembowel with a mag 4 hold.

Stone animates faster and has no redraw. So for me because I've never found scrapper crits to be very good (hello massive overkill on a minion) I greatly prefer brutes in a comparison of the "heavy hitting" sets. When it comes to identical sets between the AT's I give the nod to scrappers.

A large part of it is that brutes still have access to a couple sets with inflated damage scale attacks (KO blow, Seismic, ET, TF). When it comes to IO'ing a build these really make a difference imo.

Where people see the inconsistency of a brute's damage I see a mechanic I can control to create consistent performance. I can't control scrapper crits and as a result have always found them to be the inconsistent performers (granted they range from really good to amazing).

Remembering the old BI index just to highlight it, KO blow is a 9.9? BI attack, ET was 12.x compared to headsplitter being a 7.2. Now if scrappers ever get any of the "tank" sets then it will be a happy day for them. But really a stone melee scrapper would kill every other scrapper for dps, burst, and mitigation. So.... I have stone melee ported to scrappers in my mids. It is amazingly broken.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
There's plenty of ways to explain it away (or not I guess). Do the patrons give you these powers or teach you them? If they give them to you with a string attached, how do they take them away? I know I used my patron powers while I was betraying ghost widow, hell I even used them against her, why didn't she yank them right then, lol?
Depends on the patron pool. Ghost widow and Mako teach you new abilities. As does Scorrio (or however it's spelled). Black Scorpion however gives you an Arachnos Mace and teaches you how to use it. Maybe it could be explained that if you become a hero, your not given access to recharge sessions and more grenades for the mace?

Other pools I don't know for.

"The danger is not that a particular class is unfit to govern. Every class is unfit to govern." Lord Acton

Madam Enigma's History



Originally Posted by Madam_Enigma View Post
Depends on the patron pool. Ghost widow and Mako teach you new abilities. As does Scorrio (or however it's spelled). Black Scorpion however gives you an Arachnos Mace and teaches you how to use it. Maybe it could be explained that if you become a hero, your not given access to recharge sessions and more grenades for the mace?

Other pools I don't know for.

Yeah, my point was that it could be explained and/or done either way really (though heroes going bad losing their epic abilities would be stretching it, imo), but that I hope you have an option to keep what you have if you already have it.