Scrapper Patron Powers?

Bill Z Bubba



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
At peak performance? At peak performance a Brute will be at the damage cap where they'll do much more damage than a Scrapper.



Well, absolute peak performance would technically involve the scrapper being lucky enough to critically hit with every single attack, and I think such a scrapper would edge out even a damage-capped brute... but that's silly.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
At peak performance? At peak performance a Brute will be at the damage cap where they'll do much more damage than a Scrapper.

IIRC, a Brute matches Scrapper damage at 80% Fury. At the damage cap they'll do much more damage than a Scrapper.
How many times has the numbers been crunched? Seriously. I recall the comparison resulting in overall equivalence considering the Scrapper just does *more* damage from the start and +dmg bonuses on top make it better.

The Brute might eek out a bit more damage at the cap, but constantly being up there is not easy nor guaranteed. Just like there is randomness in a Scrap's crits, there are factors with a Brute's dmg cap that ultimately puts them on even footing.

Also, in DPS comparisons, number crunchers tend to wrap crits into that which discounts the nature of crits. It's an attack that does *double damage*. It surpasses damage caps. It gives you something besides DPS. It's called Burst Damage.



I don't do many comparisons of archetypes, so I may be missing something, but it looks to me that Leo G is right, and a Brute will do "a bit more damage" than the equivalent Scrapper if both are at the damage cap. So perhaps Silverado was disagreeing with the "much more damage" comment. It's not much more. It's just a little bit more. For 350% more of a damage buff.

Scrapper damage at cap = 1.125 damage scale * (100% + ~10% chance of critical) * 500% damage cap = 6.19
Brute damage at cap = 0.75 damage scale * 850% damage cap = 6.38

And I don't think this proves anything about which AT benefits more from buffs.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
I don't do many comparisons of archetypes, so I may be missing something, but it looks to me that Leo G is right, and a Brute will do "a bit more damage" than the equivalent Scrapper if both are at the damage cap. So perhaps Silverado was disagreeing with the "much more damage" comment. It's not much more. It's just a little bit more. For 350% more of a damage buff.

Scrapper damage at cap = 1.125 damage scale * (100% + ~10% chance of critical) * 500% damage cap = 6.19
Brute damage at cap = 0.75 damage scale * 850% damage cap = 6.38

And I don't think this proves anything about which AT benefits more from buffs.
Ah, fair enough. Yeah, it's not "much more damage".

As a whole though, because of their higher offensive and defensive caps, I do think Brutes benefit more from buffs.

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Told ya, Bill.

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*rubs forehead*

I should have known better.

Brutes do a bit more damage than scrappers at 'peak performance' but not so much more that it's significant to go home and cut yourself over it, and it's difficult to get to 99% fury and stay there. That being said, it's fairly trivial for me to stay between 80-85ish with the brutes I've made. So let's just simplify and say they do roughly equal damage.

Brutes then also have higher HP caps, resistance caps, and damage caps (I assume to account for fury). They also get punchvoke, which I happen to like, so yay punchvoke.

And then darkest night plops it's big fat *** into the equation and I wind up *really* preferring brutes. Not that scrappers are *bad* at all, Brutes are simply *better*.



Originally Posted by Silas View Post
I will laugh so hard if Scrappers get Stalker patrons.
I don't see why Scrappers would get Brute pools, if this PPP/EPP switch happens IMO it will be:

Trollers - Doms
Defs - Corrs (that's a guess, I think Def epics fit Corrs better than Blaster ones)
Tankers - Brutes
Scrappers - Stalkers (although /EA Stalks would have access to 2 conserve powers and /Nin, 2 caltrops, so well there will be some changes if that happens).

MMs and Blasters i really don't know.

I'd be favorable to Stalker PPP buffs. I find it unfair that Brute's Mu Lightning does the same base damage as Stalker Mu Bolts, not even gonna comment on Dark Blast vs Gloom. Although Stalker blasts have lower recharge and end costs it's not a big concern at those levels.

I also think Regens and Shield scrappers would love Hibernate, and very high-recharge regens, /DA, /Elec, /Fire, /WP with like 15% def would love to have softcapped defs half the time with Shadow Meld.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Not that scrappers are *bad* at all, Brutes are simply *better*.
Unless you want your damage front-loaded, or prefer a more relaxed pace sometimes. I kind of hate red side, but I'll be tempted towards Brutes once we can swap sides. I seem to like something about halfway between a Scrapper and a Tank, so Brutes seem like the obvious answer. But even though I don't have much trouble maintaining fury due to my normal go-go-go pace, I also don't like the game mechanics dictating my pace to me. Maybe it's just something I need to accept rather than be annoyed by. I DID enjoy my Super Strength/Willpower Brute. Just not enough to IO him out when he hit 50.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Fury is a love-it-or-hate-it mechanic. Personally, some of the most fun I've had in the game has been while I was frantically rushing along, trying to keep the bar from dipping lower, keeping it as high as possible. It's like an adrenaline meter for those players among us who love our Brutes. Your damage will be 'front loaded' after the first spawn, assuming you take the alpha and are not in a group of 7 Dominators.

On the flipside, I hate Scrapper criticals because Stalker crits are so much more fun and reliable. And more frequent. The randomness and unpredictable nature of Scrapper crits more often than not just ends up throwing off my flow and rhythm when something accidentally dies a little faster than I expected once or twice a mission.
I also hate the Defense mechanic, mind you. Dying to a random number generator is incredibly frustrating. Off topic, yes, but I'm just trying to explain my dislike for Scrappers. Either way I look at them, they're either squishy Brutes with random uncontrollable damage spikes as opposed to the reliable Fury mechanic, or Stalkers with lower crit chance and without all the other things that make Stalkers fun to play.

Say, number crunchers? I'm just curious, how much damage would a Stalker put out in comparison to a Scrapper, at 'peak performance'? Damage cap and 31% chance to crit, that is.



Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
how much damage would a Stalker put out in comparison to a Scrapper, at 'peak performance'? Damage cap and 31% chance to crit, that is.
Stalker damage at cap = 1.000 damage scale * (100% + ~31% critical) * 500% damage cap = 6.55
Brute = 6.38
Scrapper = 6.19

Assuming 31% is a good number. I know nothing about Stalkers.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Unless my memory has eroded from alcohol abuse, 31% would be the hypothetical best case scenario.
10% base critical chance + (3% critical chance per team member within range of the Stalker's passive x 7 team members) = 10 + (3 x 7) = 10 + 21 = 31% chance to critical strike.

As I said, hypothetical best case scenario; if I recall correctly, the radius of the passive is comparable to Grant Cover (or was it Phalanx Fighting?), and thus you're unlikely to have the ranged toons on your team close enough to benefit from them at all times.



Nothing to add since it's all guesswork anyway... except to say that I like very much that this conversastion can happen. The idea that we can side switch to gain access to different powers makes me smile.

I gotta make pain. I gotta make things right. I gotta stop what's comin'. 'Least I gotta try.



Originally Posted by Col_Blitzkrieger View Post
As I said, hypothetical best case scenario; if I recall correctly, the radius of the passive is comparable to Grant Cover (or was it Phalanx Fighting?), and thus you're unlikely to have the ranged toons on your team close enough to benefit from them at all times.
Really? Where's the radius information from?

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Unless you want your damage front-loaded, or prefer a more relaxed pace sometimes. I kind of hate red side, but I'll be tempted towards Brutes once we can swap sides. I seem to like something about halfway between a Scrapper and a Tank, so Brutes seem like the obvious answer. But even though I don't have much trouble maintaining fury due to my normal go-go-go pace, I also don't like the game mechanics dictating my pace to me.
I'm the same way. I don't have a problem with Fury, but I prefer Scrappers because if they have to stop and wait for something, it matters not in the least.

In general, real-world play, I don't find there to be enough difference. In a few specific instances, a Brute's HP and higher caps are pretty useful.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Really? Where's the radius information from?
The radius is 30':

Stalker i12 changes

The following changes affected both PvP and PvE:
* Increased Stalker Melee damage multiplier from 0.9 base to 1.0 base.

* Increased Stalker Hit Points multiplier from 0.95 to 1.125 (note that the Stalker HP cap is unchanged, and will be reached with only 33.5% extra hitpoints)

* Hide Suppression for Stalkers reduced from 10 seconds to 8 seconds.

* Placate will no longer suppress hide

* Missing an Assassination Strike will not suppress Hide, although other forms of stealth will suppress normally. Note that this only applies when AS misses. A successful AS will still suppress Hide.

In addition to these global changes, there were some PvE only changes:

* A successful Assassin Strike will now Demoralize your enemies. The Demoralize effect has a 30ft radius and will apply an irresistible 7.5% Tohit debuff for 8 seconds. Demoralize also has a 25% chance to apply a mag5 Terrorize for 8 seconds. The target of the AS must survive the attack for the Demoralize to take effect.

* All Stalker attacks now have a chance to crit while not hidden. The base chance is 10%, although some attacks have a higher chance

* In addition to the improved out of hide crit chances, Stalkers now have a scaling crits. For every teammate within 30ft, a Stalker gains an additional 3% crit chance when not hidden. Combined with the improved crit rating, a Stalker can get upwards of a 30% crit rate!

Taken from W_G guide to i12 Stalker changes, I cleaned it up because it was all messed up with the forum migration.

And note that Stalkers will lose on some areas compared to Brutes and Scraps because they don't have damage auras and usually some PBAoE damage power is removed except in ELM where they removed Lighting Clap, the 'skippable' power of the set



And note that Stalkers will lose on some areas compared to Brutes and Scraps because they don't have damage auras and usually some PBAoE damage power is removed except in ELM where they removed Lighting Clap, the 'skippable' power of the set
But LR doesn't crit but still a good attack.

"All right, they're on our left, they're on our right, they're in front of us, they're behind us...they can't get away this time"- Chesty Puller US Marine Corps



Originally Posted by BrokenPrey View Post
But LR doesn't crit but still a good attack.
At least on a Stalker it doesn't unhide you (not that it makes sense, the power is just a bit flashy lol) so you can get a Thunderstrike crit or an AS (better if you have a defensive secondary for AS)

Originally Posted by Santorican View Post
It should and so should Quills but for some reason they won't let it.
Wait, doesn't Quills crit? Isn't it the only damage aura that crits or did they change it? I remember it critting on my 20ish Spines (last played in the first days of i14)



Originally Posted by Kioshi View Post
At least on a Stalker it doesn't unhide you (not that it makes sense, the power is just a bit flashy lol) so you can get a Thunderstrike crit or an AS (better if you have a defensive secondary for AS)
On a Stalker it doesn't unhide you because you're not doing the damage. A pseudopet does.

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Oh yeah, I know it's a pseudopet Silas, I just think it doesn't make sense because you go all ka-boom, but I did write like I had no idea, sorry.

(Ok now I want a elec/sd Stalker to go boom twice and crit later lol, and to think the first announcement before open or closed beta included Stalkers)



As I said, hypothetical best case scenario; if I recall correctly, the radius of the passive is comparable to Grant Cover (or was it Phalanx Fighting?), and thus you're unlikely to have the ranged toons on your team close enough to benefit from them at all times.
And then there's the free crit and extra crit available that rarely gets mentioned in these scenarios. That has to count for something too.

At least on a Stalker it doesn't unhide you (not that it makes sense, the power is just a bit flashy lol) so you can get a Thunderstrike crit or an AS (better if you have a defensive secondary for AS)
Could be a really bright flash that momentarily blinds the enemy. It'd be kind of hard to spot a stealthy guy in the middle of a flashbang without eye protection.

For my Elec/Regen Stalker, I rp that he creates a huge electric construct of himself that blows up when he makes contact with the ground. Again, it'd be hard for the enemy to pinpoint my guy if he was inside a giant lightbulb that went boom before they could see him...they only saw the giant lightbulb from the start.



Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
*rubs forehead*

I should have known better.

Brutes do a bit more damage than scrappers at 'peak performance' but not so much more that it's significant to go home and cut yourself over it, and it's difficult to get to 99% fury and stay there. That being said, it's fairly trivial for me to stay between 80-85ish with the brutes I've made. So let's just simplify and say they do roughly equal damage.
99% Fury is pretty much a fantasy.

If the actual in game display can be trusted, then I think I've hit what looked like 99% Fury...once.

Considering I play Brutes primarily over all ATs, we're talking a considerable chunk of time.

80-90% is the normal amount. This is on a Brute built to take alphas, to hold and survive aggro on the ITF, LGTF, RSF, and built to farm solo set for anywhere from +1 to +4 x 8 - enemy type depending.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Brutes then also have higher HP caps, resistance caps, and damage caps (I assume to account for fury). They also get punchvoke, which I happen to like, so yay punchvoke.

And then darkest night plops it's big fat *** into the equation and I wind up *really* preferring brutes. Not that scrappers are *bad* at all, Brutes are simply *better*.
Brutes are a very different animal.

To state they are *simply better* is simply your subjective opinion.

While you can limit the situations a Brute might be in where maintaining Fury is actually hindered by circumstance, those circumstances still exist.

Taunt happy Tankers or other competing Brutes. Teams with lots of pets, or control, or missions where you simply cannot keep up combat to maintain fury (the Hami/Mito fight on the LGTF comes to mind, once the pylons are down fighting the mitos tends to be a fury sink).

Scrappers perform, all of the time. And they are unfettered with needing to hold aggro, or take alphas they may not be built for.

Tankers can tank, without billion inf builds. This is not true of all, or even most Brutes.

I love Brutes, and I enjoy the space they occupy somewhere between Tankers and Scrappers. They have very high highs, but can also have some very low lows.

Back on topic, it'll be interesting to see how the whole epic/patron pools plays out amongst the melees. Looking forward to it, regardless of what it brings.