Split the Assault Rifle powerset




Originally Posted by Azerrath View Post
I want a sniper power set. In general a gun set focused on single targets primarly. Never liked the fact they give you a sniper rifle for weapon customization but nothing really snipe orianted and I would rather not butcher Assualt Rifle so I could have my sniper.


If apparently we must have fancy shamancy animations. You could do it with the way the bullets travel/animate with the shotgun. FlameThrower ish weapon same way.

If anything, the only reason I know there wouldn't be a sniper set is because it would hard to think of that many animiations for point and shoot.

For a bit of extra honesty, while I will admit that Dual Pistols is cool... those animations actualy put me off the set. I'll watch others play it but a lot of that movement is just annoying/needless to me.
I agree, a sniper set would be interesting but I can't for the life of me think of more than a couple powers to add to it. How do you build an entire powerset around the concept of "one shot, one kill?" That's the only reason I didn't suggest it.

Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
The grenade launcher attachment for most assault rifles in the real world can provide most, if not all, of the abilities which assault rifle features.

There's a grenade round (M30 Grenade), obviously, however the grenade attachment can also take enlarged shotgun rounds (Buckshot/Beanbag) and there is such a thing as Dragon's Breath rounds (Flamethrower and ignite) and any assault rifle is usually capable of single shot (sniper rifle/slug), semi-auto (burst) and full auto (full auto obviously).
I actually used that dragon breath thing in my shotgun power examples, though I didn't know the name of it. Anyway, that's not so much a flamethrower as a quick burst of fire. It only lasts a split second, it's not like the current AR set where you can spew a continuous stream of fire.

Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
When did you start working at Paragon Studios? Are you the new powers guy they haven't told us they hired some time ago?
I've done this before with other games. In almost every game out there that I've modded or worked on, cloning is the most efficient way to go about adding new things. I have seen evidence this is also the case with CoX, like how so many weapon sets have almost identical stats (axe and mace, broad sword and katana), and during CoV beta IIRC when some descriptions weren't finished and had other set's descriptions instead.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh, like, hmm, all those other sets that do S/L damage;

Battle Axe
War Mace
Martial Arts
Katana/Ninja Blade
Dual Blades
Stone Melee
Super Strength

All sets that are 'penalised' for having S/L damage, by your logic.
First I said lethal, not smashing. And yes all those sets that do lethal damage are seen as penalized and weaker at end game. Anyone who's played this game for any length of time knows this.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Oh, like, hmm, all those other sets that do S/L damage;

Battle Axe
War Mace
Martial Arts
Katana/Ninja Blade
Dual Blades
Stone Melee
Super Strength

All sets that are 'penalised' for having S/L damage, by your logic.
That reminds me... don't Boardsword, Battle Axe, and War Mace use pretty much the same animations between them?

Oooo fuse ammo swap with those three and we get. *Dum dum DUMMMMM!!!! * Bases for Elemental Weapon powerset MUAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
When did you start working at Paragon Studios? Are you the new powers guy they haven't told us they hired some time ago?
well yah if you read the thread first you'd know that already.



The M203 grenade launcher (under an M16) can be use for plastic bullets/stun shot also certain types of these weapons can use oversized shotgun shells for buckshot

OK maybe they aren't called bean bags but the tech for an assault rifle to use em exists today.

The AR set is clearly inspired by 'Aliens', specifically the final sequence where Ripley takes a Pulse rifle and tapes a Flame thrower to it and goes hunting the little girl.

has data on the weapons there.

In a world where interdimensional travel is the norm for us, the AR set really isn't a technological leap.

And I find the set enormous fun, my first level 50 blaster was AR and he still gets played a lot.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



I actually used that dragon breath thing in my shotgun power examples, though I didn't know the name of it. Anyway, that's not so much a flamethrower as a quick burst of fire. It only lasts a split second, it's not like the current AR set where you can spew a continuous stream of fire.
It's the usual form of comicbook embelishment. Why would you rename/replace the Assault rifle set IF a real world assault rifle can pull all the same stunts though?

What I would agree with, however, is offering weapon attacks as a power pool choice, yes this lets you 'double stack' on some attacks but then you can double stack the leadership powers on a VEAT plus, if you're playing AR why would you take weaker versions of powers you already have (not to mention the horrendous amounts of redraw switching between them since the power pools would use the shotgun model)?

I know these would be better as APP's but 1) villains don't get access to them and 2) everyone should have the opportunity to 'keep something for close encounters'.

This example is just made up off the top of my head, whether it's balanced or not, I have NO idea.

Shotgun power pool:
Buckshot: Same as the Assault rifle power.
Beanbag: Same as the assault rifle power.
Rock salt: Single target attack with a chance to stun (Think a ranged version of Boxing).
Dragon's Breath: works like buckshot crossed with flamethrower, it's a cone but it's a quick burst of flame so only does frontloaded damage, equal to about half of ignites total damage.



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
In a world where interdimensional travel is the norm for us, the AR set really isn't a technological leap.

And I find the set enormous fun, my first level 50 blaster was AR and he still gets played a lot.
I'm not saying the set doesn't fit within the CoX universe, or that it isn't fun, but it's a little too specific. You'd have more thematic options with normal shotguns and assault rifles. Anyone can pick up simple guns and fight with them, but only a specific type of character is going to get their hands on something like the current AR.

We have 6 different powersets that essentially come down to hitting people with a simple melee weapon, and only 2 for guns. I just feel it should be more balanced and this is the way to do it.



Have you looked in Lady Jade's Power suggestion thread? There are alot of ideas in there.

Fair warning, I am only quoting these too because I'm biased and REALLY want a freaking sniper set.

Power Set Name: Sniper
Primary/Secondary/Pool: Primary
Archetype: Blaster

1. Quickshot
- Similar animation to Burst (Sniper uses a new gun model from AR)
- Ranged, Minor DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Recharge: Fast

2. Pot Shot
- Similar to Slug
- Ranged, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Recharge: Moderate

3. .300 Winchester
- Aim and shoot with rifle butt to the character's shoulder (hmm... clipping problems?)
- Sniper, Moderate DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Foe -Speed, Recharge: Slow

4. Laser Sight
- Adds a red laser to the gun model, which tapers off after a few feet
- Auto: Self +ACC, +DMG, Recharge: Long

5. .338 Lupa
- Character ***** the rifle and fires with the rifle butt to the character's shoulder
- Sniper, High DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Recharge: Slow

6. .50 BMG
- Character locks & loads a BMG shell before firing from the shoulder
- Sniper, Extreme DMG(Lethal), Foe -DEF, Fear, Recharge: Long

7. Conserve Time
- Similar animation to Conserve Energy
- Self Interrupt Reduction, Recharge: Very Long

8. 20mm Tank Buster
- Character loads a Tank Buster shell and fires from the shoulder while kneeling
- Sniper, Moderate DMG(Lethal/Smashing), Moderate (Targeted AoE) DoT(Fire), Special vs. Robots, Foe -DEF, Recharge: Very Long

9. Bunker Buster Rocket
- Character loads a rocket and fires rifle with gun in an arc while braced against ground
- Sniper (Targeted AoE), Superior DMG(Fire/Smashing), Moderate DoT(Fire), Knockback, Special vs. Objects, Foe -DEF, Self -Recovery, Recharge: Very Long

Power Set Name: Sniper Rifle (Orginaly wanted to called Specialist...)
Primary/Secondary or Pool Power: Primary
Arch-type it is for: Blaster / Corruptors
List of Powers
  • Power Name: Unaimed Shots
    Description of Animation: three quick shots from rifle (shorter burst animation used by assualt rifle)
    Power Effects: Minor to Medium Lethal Damage. 70 foot range.
  • Power Name: Pratice Shot
    Description of Animation: Holds up rifle to shoulder. (generic sniper animation)
    Power Effects: Medium to high lethal damage. 120 foot range. 4 seconds before firing, interrupt time of 2 seconds.
  • Power Name: Kneecap
    Description of Animation: Sniper animation but weapon pointed at a downward angle.
    Power Effects: medium lethal damage, -run/walk speed, -jump, 70 foot range
  • Power Name: Wound
    Description of Animation: Sniper animation, quick green flame from rifle when fired.
    Power Effects: Mid to high lethal damage. 120 foot range. 5s animation, 3s interrupt. -damage, -recharge.
  • Power Name: Accelerator
    Description of Animation: Holds weapon up vertically with what looks like energy pouring into it. Sound effect simular to 'Recluse Victory' Heavy suit powering up. Glow is only temperary.
    Power Effects: Toggle +10% to lethal damage, +20% to range
  • Power Name: Impact Round
    Description of Animation: kneeling with gun held in sniper fassion. Fires a bubble simular to force field/Nemesis Staff.
    Power Effects: 70 foot range medium smashing damage, knockback
  • Power Name: Precision Strike
    Description of Animation: Kneels while holding weapon in sniping position. A red laser pointer light apparent. Target zone would have a red crosshair marking it. When Attack hits, it is in the form of a single very large beam of energy.
    Power Effects: Targeted AOE (simular to powers like quicksand) High Energy/Fire Damage. 7 second animation 5 second interrupt time. 16 targets max.
  • Power Name: Targeting Lens
    Description of Animation: A yellow cross hair appeairs around the head of character then shrinks down till it disappears
    Power Effects: Toggle +To Hit, +perception
  • Power Name: Proffessional shot
    Description of Animation: Kneeling sniper animation, energy drawing into weapon before shot, very large flame burst when fired.
    Power Effects: 150 foot 1 degree cone. (maybe 2... the idea is it hits in a streight line rather then a cone. It's a piercing shot basicly) VERY High lethal damage. 8 second animation. 7 second interrupt.

Throw a bone and someone might dig up a skeleton.



The AA-12 Shotgun

USAS-12 Made in South Korea by Daewoo.

H&K CAWS automatic shotgun

Nope. Shotguns are fine just as they are in the Assault Rifle set. whether they be the main weapon . . .

Or as an attachment.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
First I said lethal, not smashing. And yes all those sets that do lethal damage are seen as penalized and weaker at end game. Anyone who's played this game for any length of time knows this.
Smashing and lethal are the two most heavily resisted types in game. And myself and others I've played with don't find them 'penalised' or 'weaker'. I'd love to see your evidence of this.
And passive agressively insulting my game knowledge is not appreciated.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Attempt at being funny following
Can he actively agressively insult your game knowledge?

This ends the attempt at being funny

What if there were sub versions of the existing powersets. Sort of like how they set up the Soldiers of Arachnos. Level to a certian point. Do respec force (so it's not just some willy nilly deal), and unlock the chance to keep the current set up even when you respec or switch to a more specialized version of the chosen set(s)?



Originally Posted by Azerrath View Post
Attempt at being funny following
Can he actively agressively insult your game knowledge?

This ends the attempt at being funny

What if there were sub versions of the existing powersets. Sort of like how they set up the Soldiers of Arachnos. Level to a certian point. Do respec force (so it's not just some willy nilly deal), and unlock the chance to keep the current set up even when you respec or switch to a more specialized version of the chosen set(s)?
They could probably do that but they would be Epic powersets since the only sets that do that sort of thing are the Veats and Heats. They could add a new EAT or two, to the Neutral Preatorian side but I doubt they'll go with guns. They'll probably do something different. Maybe focusing on magic or mutation.



Originally Posted by Azerrath View Post
Attempt at being funny following
Can he actively agressively insult your game knowledge?

This ends the attempt at being funny
Yup, much better that way I can bring out the big franken-gun

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



I would at least like the option of customizing the type of weapon I use for each power. Same set, but have the option to re-draw a different skin per power.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I would at least like the option of customizing the type of weapon I use for each power. Same set, but have the option to re-draw a different skin per power.
hmm.... i think i like this idea. but if you don't use a power that puts the weapon away between each shot you will have some major issues with redraw.



Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I could animate a gun firing in my sleep.
Got it, KittyKrusader.

Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I agree, a sniper set would be interesting but I can't for the life of me think of more than a couple powers to add to it. How do you build an entire powerset around the concept of "one shot, one kill?"
For one thing, snipes in this game are not "one shot one kill".

For another thing:
Originally Posted by Azerrath View Post
Have you looked in Lady Jade's Power suggestion thread? There are alot of ideas in there.

Fair warning, I am only quoting these too because I'm biased and REALLY want a freaking sniper set.
The first listed set was one I created

(Edit: IIRC, I designed the set because I wanted a character where it was possible to stack 5 copies of a Snipe's set bonus)




Originally Posted by Zaion View Post
I'm not saying the set doesn't fit within the CoX universe, or that it isn't fun, but it's a little too specific. You'd have more thematic options with normal shotguns and assault rifles. Anyone can pick up simple guns and fight with them, but only a specific type of character is going to get their hands on something like the current AR.

We have 6 different powersets that essentially come down to hitting people with a simple melee weapon, and only 2 for guns. I just feel it should be more balanced and this is the way to do it.
We have those 6 melee sets, and we also have dev acknowledgement that if they'd had a choice about a different way to do that, they would have. So why are you trying to push them down a design road they've already said is a bad idea?

I wouldn't mind if they revamped AR to make it more like Dual Pistols, and had an Ammo Swap, but dividing it into 3 full sets is not the way to go.

Especially since then you'd have to come up with a solution that handles what you've just done to all the people with AR characters who like having the options.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post

For another thing:The first listed set was one I created
The sugggestion was so awesome in my mind I had to qoute it yet again. What's the point if you don't qoute awesome?



Also, I really liked the idea of that self interrupt reduction power




Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
For one thing, snipes in this game are not "one shot one kill".
Exactly my point. Sniper rifles in reality are designed to kill people in one shot from a tremendous distance, how do you build a powerset around that principle in a game like this?

The suggestions posted here are certainly interesting, but IMO don't do the sniper principle justice. I don't believe most games do or could though anyway, so I'd be happy with more options in any form.

Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
We have those 6 melee sets, and we also have dev acknowledgement that if they'd had a choice about a different way to do that, they would have. So why are you trying to push them down a design road they've already said is a bad idea?
Me push the devs? I wish. I'm merely offering a suggestion in the suggestion forum, and I know it will never be read or considered by a dev. I do so only to put my mind at ease knowing I at least posted it so I don't have to keep thinking about it every time I play a character I'm not entirely happy with.

I'm truly glad they handled the melee sets the way they did. The alternative would be a simple "armed melee" set where you pick a weapon model but they all do the same animation using the same powers. So you'd "Slash" with a club and "Smash" with a dagger, and they wouldn't have any of the flair we have with the current sets. That's sort of exactly how I see the AR set though.

I think I should have used a different thread title.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
We have those 6 melee sets, and we also have dev acknowledgement that if they'd had a choice about a different way to do that, they would have. So why are you trying to push them down a design road they've already said is a bad idea?

I wouldn't mind if they revamped AR to make it more like Dual Pistols, and had an Ammo Swap, but dividing it into 3 full sets is not the way to go.

Especially since then you'd have to come up with a solution that handles what you've just done to all the people with AR characters who like having the options.
OH wow I'm pretty sure when I suggested that I got flamed and -repped for it

Join the Advocates of Fate on Infinity today!




I'm with Techbot on this one.

[The following is my attempt on understanding the working of the Developers minds] I think the reason why the Assault Rifle is the way it is is to add flavour to it. Look at it this way; how many ways can you fire a gun? Look at the Burst, Slug, Beanbag and Buckshot animations. They're practically all the same, but with slightly different sound effects. Now look at Flamethrower. It looks different, doesn't it? Not only does it look different, it's a different attack, while keeping in with the whole firearm theme.

Do this for me; give me nine different ways you can shoot a shotgun. For an extra challenge (and considering you like making soldier characters by the sound of one of your posts) give me nine realistic ways, because chances are, they'll all be the same. One handed? Well, sorry to burst your bubble but unless you're using a Sawn-off Shotgun and not a SPAS-12, USAP-12 or AA-12, you're going to skull yourself when the recoil knocks the gun back into your face is snaps your arm in half.

I'm going out on a limb here by saying this, but I'm assuming you only joined the game recently (or recently enough), because the only AR model used to the 'abomination gun' or the Legacy Assault Rifle. If you look at that you'll notice various barrels which correspond with the different functions (flamethrower, assault rifle, shotgun). The thing is though, it's not entirely unrealistic because you can attach a grenade launcher to an assault rifle, or a shotgun.



Originally Posted by Sharker_Quint View Post
hmm.... i think i like this idea. but if you don't use a power that puts the weapon away between each shot you will have some major issues with redraw.

Sure, but since it's on a "per-power" basis, you could leave those powers at default.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



A big hell no on this suggestion.

Do not assume people dislike the Assault Rifle just because you do. I would personally ruin your lawn ornaments if any of your suggestions got through.

I love my Franken-Gun. If it existed in the real world I would use nothing else.



Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
Look at it this way; how many ways can you fire a gun? Look at the Burst, Slug, Beanbag and Buckshot animations. They're practically all the same, but with slightly different sound effects. Now look at Flamethrower. It looks different, doesn't it? Not only does it look different, it's a different attack, while keeping in with the whole firearm theme.

Do this for me; give me nine different ways you can shoot a shotgun. For an extra challenge (and considering you like making soldier characters by the sound of one of your posts) give me nine realistic ways, because chances are, they'll all be the same. One handed? Well, sorry to burst your bubble but unless you're using a Sawn-off Shotgun and not a SPAS-12, USAP-12 or AA-12, you're going to skull yourself when the recoil knocks the gun back into your face is snaps your arm in half.
Why? Why try to come up with fancy ways to fire a shotgun or assault rifle? There aren't fancy ways in reality, so why would somebody pick that set expecting to get something like that? You can do all sorts of things with the projectiles, different colors, speeds, add visible wake effects to add to the appearance of power, explosions on impact (explosive rounds), but actually firing the gun no, you don't need to do back flips or back shots, just point and shoot. Maybe aim a little more on some shots, or hold the gun at your side on others, but that's all that's needed.

Originally Posted by ReclusesPhantom View Post
I'm going out on a limb here by saying this, but I'm assuming you only joined the game recently (or recently enough), because the only AR model used to the 'abomination gun' or the Legacy Assault Rifle. If you look at that you'll notice various barrels which correspond with the different functions (flamethrower, assault rifle, shotgun). The thing is though, it's not entirely unrealistic because you can attach a grenade launcher to an assault rifle, or a shotgun.
It lists my forum join date right under my name, Sept 2005. I actually started playing a few months before that. I remember very well the original monster gun, and I'm pretty sure I mentioned it here in this topic.

Originally Posted by Warkupo View Post
Do not assume people dislike the Assault Rifle just because you do.
I didn't. It says in the original post that I'm sure people like the current AR set and that it should be kept, just with a different name. Honestly why do so many people not read before posting replies?