Is it me, or is this just completely stupid?




Pictured: A display that I see every time I walk into an ICON store.

So why can't I actually USE the muscular chest on a female character? I mean, come on... the Cabal uses it, and I'd be perfectly fine with it remaining an NPC-only costume part, except... ICON is displaying it as if it's for sale. What gives?



Odd? Yes.
Inconsistent? Yes.

Stupid? Considering the hundreds of options and all the additions and reorganizations we've gone through over the years, no not stupid.

However this would be a more appropriate place to make your feelings known on this particular issue.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Oh noes, the horror. That image burned my eyes. Man or woman I could not tell.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Oh noes, the horror. That image burned my eyes. Man or woman I could not tell.
But... it has bewbz.



To me it just looks like the female upper body model has accidentally been given the male upper body texture. maybe not accidentally but if so this wouldn't be hard to add to the game obviously =)

However.. i would never use it, i don't even use the ripped male upper body let alone a ripped female D= the horror of it all



Clearly this is proof that the Praetorian Epic Archetype is going to be mannequins with developed muscles.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
But... it has bewbz.
So does Captain America...



Originally Posted by NeonPower View Post
To me it just looks like the female upper body model has accidentally been given the male upper body texture. maybe not accidentally but if so this wouldn't be hard to add to the game obviously =)
I've never looked at the mannequins closely enough before (my characters tend to be rather a lot taller than them), but that was the first thing I thought of when I saw this: "Yano... This looks like the male texture!"

And you know what? It looks good. The only give-away is actually is the pectoral muscles as they have the striations of skin stretched over dense muscle that a flat male chest would have. Everything else is in surprisingly correct places.

I gotta' say, I'd love to see that texture expanded to women a bit more. Our females are already dangerously slated towards the photoshoot model ideal to such an extent that making a female warrior is an exercise in frustration (specifically since their ***** increase more than their arms and rib cages with practically every slider), and a more muscular texture as an alternative would go a long way towards mitigating that.

A couple of idle facts:

1. Any half-glove texture that females get uses the male skin texture. Easiest example is the fingerless glove texture under Smooth/Bare, which has male bulging forearm muscles which don't flow well into the smooth female upper arms. In a sense, it's already half-way there.

2. For a while, the short-sleeved shirt Jacket sleeves used the male skin texture for the upper arm. Questions of why sleeves alter skin textures aside, I tried the variant and it actually worked pretty well, leading me to believe that, as an option, this would not be a bad choice.

In general, I've always wanted to see a choice of base skin textures, of which "smooth" and "ripped" can be two, along with scales, fur, granite and so forth. More precedented, however, is the approach Champions Online uses, which is basically a full-body bump map shader which defines muscle relief and allows you to control its strength via slider. So, you can pick either smooth as a shaped balloon or as ripped as something out of Rob Leifeld, and everything in-between. And, best of all, all shades, patterns and textures would apply over (technicly, I believe that's "under") that shader, so you wouldn't need different textures for ripped and not ripped.

Either way, I sincerely hope we get some more musculature for the Female model. That's a direction in which it has practically zero variety.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I mean, seriously:

That's totally a Captain A texture strechted over a female model, amirite?



He really needs to stay away from those spatial distortion fields.

Little did we know that version of old Cap was from Cthulhu's home town of R'lyeh, where things fit together in non-euclidean ways.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
That's totally a Captain A texture strechted over a female model, amirite?
But I have to ask: Suppose I like that kind of art style? I don't like this particular pic, no, but I've seen some of Leifeld's work and I don't share people's hatred of the man. His stories... Yeah, not even going to go there.

To be honest, our Huge model is about as Leifeld as you can get without actually involving Rob Leifeld, so it's not like the art style isn't already part of the game.

Besides, I wouldn't exactly quote Rob on muscular women, as his seem to be more folded than actually muscular. Not even as much as most other writers, or indeed not even as much as our own Top Cow comics. Oh, that reminds me...

There we go! I had a look through a few of the Top Cow comic books, and here's what I found. This is Miss Liberty's back. I'm a guy and even I'd kill to be this ripped. But that's not all. This is Dominatrix's front. Just look through that and note that it's not too far removed from the original screenshot. We have precedent for this stuff.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I don't know, every time I see that artwork all I can think of is:

Gee, when did Cap start undergoing Mitosis?

I swear it looks like a duplicate/clone is pulling itself out of him and the head just hasn't popped free yet.

6000+ levels gained and 8 level 50's
Hello, my name is Soulwind and I have Alt-Itis.



While we're at it, how about the tattoo sleeves/shirts that males get being given to females as well?



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
While we're at it, how about the tattoo sleeves/shirts that males get being given to females as well?
I asked for this in Jay's costume thread ages ago. My Stalker would be ecstatic, given that she's a Tsoo madam and all.

A female version of the Yakuza tattoos would be awesome as well, while we're on that topic - just add some cloth wrapped around the chest and we're golden.



Originally Posted by Eiko-chan View Post
While we're at it, how about the tattoo sleeves/shirts that males get being given to females as well?
Yeah, that really pissed me off when I couldn't find it on women. I realise it'd need an updated texture, but come on! Women need tattoos, too!

Speaking of which, we really need a more robust system for applying tattoos that fit with tight clothing, specifically tights with skin. Currently, the Yakuza/Tsoo tattoos are the entire texture, but men get the extra option of applying patterns to their bare chests that women don't, by virtue of not being allowed to walk around with bare chests. Right now, these tattoos just use the regular pattern mask layer, of which the entire game only ever supports one.

Well, I've always wanted to see at least two levels of patterns, with the upper level concealing the lower level, as well as a system that could mix textures over each other. Right now, Tights with Skin is just a bare chest with colour patterns applied to it, and they sort of look like clothes because the chest skin texture is so smooth and, more importantly, uni-coloured. However, try putting patterns over, say, Armour Plate and you'll see what I'm talking about - the pattern only tints the armour and looks like a coat of paint, NOT like a shirt.

And, again, I have to ask - would being able to do that be a bad idea? Is it bad to wear a tank top over your fish scales? Is it bad to wear a beaneu over your rocky skin? Technically, that's a large problem, obviously, but I mean conceptionally. Is it really wrong to want to put a character who has non-human skin in clothes?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



As the owner of several furred and scaled characters as well as my aforementioned Tsoo, I wholly support such an idea... if the devs ever have time to do it.



Originally Posted by NeonPower View Post
To me it just looks like the female upper body model has accidentally been given the male upper body texture. maybe not accidentally but if so this wouldn't be hard to add to the game obviously =)

pretty sure it is, somone posted about this during another talk on muscular females, the arm textures apparently mesh poorly because of the proportion issues, but yeah, thats the male muscular texture. Id prefer if they do muscular female(and i have nagged about it for years) they make it look more like some current female bodybuilders, the abs would look different.



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
pretty sure it is, somone posted about this during another talk on muscular females, the arm textures apparently mesh poorly because of the proportion issues
Not really. They mesh pretty much just fine. Well, you get some discontinuity around the seam, but it's actually no worse than between bare upper arms and fingerless gloves. And the shape isn't in any way odd, either. At least it didn't look odd to me. Maybe it will look stranger if I saw the arm without the sleeve, but I rather doubt it.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



its been a while since the thread, so my memory might be hazy , but that was just how people recognized that it was the male mesh, because the proportion issues. like i said, it would be better to make a whole newmuscular female from scratch, look at some of the competitive female bodybuilders and see how they look, a good version of one would work for a lot of my athletic female characters.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Not really. They mesh pretty much just fine. Well, you get some discontinuity around the seam, but it's actually no worse than between bare upper arms and fingerless gloves. And the shape isn't in any way odd, either. At least it didn't look odd to me. Maybe it will look stranger if I saw the arm without the sleeve, but I rather doubt it.
when new civilian outfits came out, female short sleeves used the male arm texture for a while. Trust me, unless they specifically make a muscular female texture, it looks weird.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I've been playing this game for years and never noticed it. The costumes were generally ugly so I never bothered to look at them closely. Kudos for bringing to light something I've never really "seen" before.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
The costumes were generally ugly so I never bothered to look at them closely.
That is my problem, too. Do you think it would be nice if devs did some sort of event and feature the winners' costumes in Icon? Y'know instead of these lazy old costumes.



Speaking of female tats, in the Star Trek Online character creator they have an option for FACIAL tats (only, I think) that is awesome ---- you choose the shape and color of the tat and then you can MOVE the tat all over the face! You could center it under one eye, the nose, the neck, anywhere. And the best part was that the tattoo ~flowed~ smoothly over the textures of the face.

AND you could even tweak the shape of the tattoo within reason, stretching it in the X-direction and shrinking it in the Y-direction to make a short/wide tattoo or shrinking it in both dimensions to make a smaller tat, etc.

REALLY impressive.

But I'd be happy with the Champions Online muscle slider and some "stock" tattoo options for females.

EDIT: Typo