Old issues




I know this is prolly never gonna get read, but i think it would be a really nice idea if all of the old issues would show up as seperate servers on the test server so people could see just how far the game has come... this would allow people to see what gameplay was like before ED, and IO's and AE, i think this would do 2 things, the first being that this would give new players a better understanding of game mechanics, the second being that players that have been around for awhile and have witnessed all the changes would be able to go back and see just how come the changes that were made were needed... being a 5 yr vet myself i can still remember dumpster diving in drek map, or spawning 15-20 imps... while this was fun for me... its hard for me to accept all the new changes because they happend so gradual and it just seems like such a big change... to be able to go back to Issue 1 would be just great... and i think i would get much more enjoyment out of the game



The main problems I see with this idea, aside from increasing cost to maintain 16 new servers, and another at each drop of a new issue is...

1: Everyone who hates one particular thing that's changed would flood to these servers. For instance, PvP. A lot of people would go to servers that don't have the current set up for PvP.. I think it dropped in I13, but not sure. So then any new player who's interested in PvP, would have a harder time finding it on their local server.

2: New power sets/power proliferation would be inaccessable on servers for issues that they hadn't come out on yet. Bug fixes, and balancing. A lot of things undone for just a bit of nostalgia seems... wastefull.

3: You said newer players would get a better understanding of game mechanics. How is that exacty? A new player picks one of the servers, prossibly before ED. They play on that test server, learn the pre-ED game mechanics, and then comes back over to a live server, and... "WTF?! Why are my enhancments not working?!"

I understand to a point what it is you're trying to accomplish, but overall I just don't see it working. Instead, I ask(since I have no right to tell you to) to look forward to how much more the game can change and improve itself, as opposed to looking back, and living in yesteryear.



I doubt the devs even have issues past the last 3 or 4 on file. At least, not in any presentable form.

Current Published Arcs
#1 "Too Drunk to be Alcoholic" Arc #48942
#2 "To Slay Sleeping Dragons" Arc #111486
#3 "Stop Calling Me"



ok... i can see what your saying... and i know its not plausable to even see this change happen... but its just one of those things... i have been playing since beta... and i usually play each issue to check out the changes, i would just like a chance to re visit old issues... and the fact that its on the test client i doubt that it would get that popular with new comers anyway, as far as paying for 16 new servers, your right thats not even feasible but what about an event where they could post a different issue each week/month to give people time to check out how far the game has come, just something that i personally would like to see... this is a fun post anyway... i doubt devs read much of these



Maintaining multiple code bases is an awful lot of work for what is essentially a museum of how CoX looked X years ago.

My scrapper doesn't need an AoE. She IS an AoE.




CoH is a game that is so staunchly opposed to 98% of all progress by the community that the idea of taking AWAY some of that and essentially relying on old, outdated content just escapes me for words. No. Nay. Nada. Not a chance. No such thing.



Originally Posted by DLancer View Post
I doubt the devs even have issues past the last 3 or 4 on file. At least, not in any presentable form.
Certain things dont even exist anymore, like the models for Axis America Soldiers. There is a reason in the Baracuda SF why you have to fight renamed Council models; the Axis units got deleted when the 5th got shunted by the Council =[

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Certain things dont even exist anymore, like the models for Axis America Soldiers. There is a reason in the Baracuda SF why you have to fight renamed Council models; the Axis units got deleted when the 5th got shunted by the Council =[

Er, the last time I went through the Barracuda SF I was fighting Axis Amerika soldiers...

My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.



Person who represents the "first year" players here. I've done a lot of Paragon wiki reading in my first 10 months, and from what I've read about ED, past issues and such, I'd still prefer the "now" game as opposed to the "then" game. No pink pom-poms on my brute.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
Person who represents the "first year" players here. I've done a lot of Paragon wiki reading in my first 10 months, and from what I've read about ED, past issues and such, I'd still prefer the "now" game as opposed to the "then" game. No pink pom-poms on my brute.
There wouldn't /be/ any Brutes in "pre-ED" issues. Villains didn't exist before Issue 6.

My characters - all on Virtue.
Gabe's Internet [censored] Theory
RMT spammers WILL steal your credit card.



Originally Posted by kusanagi View Post
There wouldn't /be/ any Brutes in "pre-ED" issues. Villains didn't exist before Issue 6.
This. Was waiting for when this was going to be pointed out. LOL

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by kusanagi View Post
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
Certain things dont even exist anymore, like the models for Axis America Soldiers. There is a reason in the Baracuda SF why you have to fight renamed Council models; the Axis units got deleted when the 5th got shunted by the Council =[
Er, the last time I went through the Barracuda SF I was fighting Axis Amerika soldiers...
From what I can tell, they've re-added them since. For a while after the issue was published, they were using Council Empire models. For a good few months if I remember correctly.



So the general Consensus is that Old issues bad idea well it was worth discussing atleast... i personally would still like to see it but that is fine i am happy with the game now... i just keep getting into teams that reminisce about the good ol' days



Originally Posted by Cookie-HSD- View Post
So the general Consensus is that Old issues bad idea well it was worth discussing atleast... i personally would still like to see it but that is fine i am happy with the game now... i just keep getting into teams that reminisce about the good ol' days
"The good old days weren't always good, and tomorrow ain't as bad as it seems"

There's truly nothing about the game as it once was that I want back more than what we have now.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



I would like a "pre-invention" server - where the game mechanics never really progressed past I8 (except for a couple vital things, like VEATs, costume pieces, power customization, vet rewards, etc). But that's about it.