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So the general Consensus is that Old issues bad idea
well it was worth discussing atleast... i personally would still like to see it but that is fine i am happy with the game now... i just keep getting into teams that reminisce about the good ol' days
ok... i can see what your saying... and i know its not plausable to even see this change happen... but its just one of those things... i have been playing since beta... and i usually play each issue to check out the changes, i would just like a chance to re visit old issues... and the fact that its on the test client i doubt that it would get that popular with new comers anyway, as far as paying for 16 new servers, your right thats not even feasible but what about an event where they could post a different issue each week/month to give people time to check out how far the game has come, just something that i personally would like to see... this is a fun post anyway... i doubt devs read much of these
I know this is prolly never gonna get read, but i think it would be a really nice idea if all of the old issues would show up as seperate servers on the test server so people could see just how far the game has come... this would allow people to see what gameplay was like before ED, and IO's and AE, i think this would do 2 things, the first being that this would give new players a better understanding of game mechanics, the second being that players that have been around for awhile and have witnessed all the changes would be able to go back and see just how come the changes that were made were needed... being a 5 yr vet myself i can still remember dumpster diving in drek map, or spawning 15-20 imps... while this was fun for me... its hard for me to accept all the new changes because they happend so gradual and it just seems like such a big change... to be able to go back to Issue 1 would be just great... and i think i would get much more enjoyment out of the game