Meet and Greet with us at PAX East! - Discussion




Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe next time, they could have something like a big whiteboard where people could write their names and their global handles if they wanted to, so you could find people you'd talked to, but hadn't remembered to get their name/global handle?
Yeah, I was trying to get some idea of whether or not anyone I knew would be attending beforehand but there were just too many avenues to hit to rule everything out. -.o The whole 'cram your global and possibly your real name onto one little nametag' thing didn't work out so well, I think.

Next time I'm totally printing myself up a badge to wear to the event. I kinda feel like more people will probably be familiar with my forum avatar [or my main, who is depicted in it] than the name itself.

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
So you do hand out beads!
Naw, they were little green-glowing necklaces with... I think the Razer logo on 'em? I forget. >_>

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by GhostofMalta View Post
Naw, they were little green-glowing necklaces with... I think the Razer logo on 'em? I forget. >_>
Yep, Razer logo and link to the website:



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I had fun too.
Thanks, Posi. That was enlightening.



Originally Posted by Gerad_Gantert View Post
Thanks, Posi. That was enlightening.
Maybe the marketing ninja got to his entry before it posted.

Originally Posted by War Witch View Post

Crazy wonderful weekend and I would do it again in a heartbeat. So I wanted to say hello again to all the wonderful people I met and spoke to this weekend and I hope we can do this again!

(Yes, I talk entirely too much, even in text, but if you spoke to me in person this weekend, this is probably not much of a stretch of logic.)

Thank you, every single one of you, for being loyal, passionate, opinionated, and dedicated. You guys are the reason I do what I do and why I love this game so much. It was truly an honour meeting all of you.

War Witch
Didn't get to chat with you too much this weekend, but thanks for coming out, autographing my comic, and the iPod! It was alot of fun. =)



Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I had fun too.
Did you really go to all that trouble to make that clown summoning graphic just for a single joke?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Capital Grille and Legal Seafood? Sounds like someone had a nice expense budget.

War Witch you did things in a weekend that I haven't done in 15 years living in Boston. All the touristy things one only tends to even consider when someone visits from out of town.

Sadly I didn't get a chance to chat with WW. At least I have that to look forward to next time.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



Had a great time at the M & G!

Wife (Clipp) and I enjoyed the atmosphere, conversing with fellow players, losing at pool to Clipp and a few others, and getting to meet most all the devs/community relations team at one point or another.

Unfortunately, I didn't get a chance to chat/congratulate War Witch on her new position as Dev Overlord; she had quite the crowd around her most of the evening, and trying to find a break in between the "fix nao's" and "here's what you all need to do at Paragon Studios" folks that took up most of her time, I was lucky enough to at least get a photo of her. By the time things were closing up, you could tell she was on her last erg of energy.

Posi was awesome as usual; great sense of humor and you can tell how much he loves this community and the game in all he said and did that night.

Community Team did an outstanding job, and Ocho was fantastic to chat with, as was EM Pulse!

It was a shame the evening ended so early (ok, early for me), but with most of the team on morning flights out of Logan, I fully understood.

I truly hope this can be an annual event for NCSoft/Paragon Studios.

Having them here on the east coast was indeed a rare treasure, espcially for us New Englanders. My thanks to the devs and community relations team for a solid "10" out of 10 on performance and interaction!



I'm jealous I didn't get to go. Sounds like everyone had a great time and honestly, got some great info on the boards already, so that's fantastic. I'm glad everyone had a good time, and it makes me look forward to hero-con that much more.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Did you really go to all that trouble to make that clown summoning graphic just for a single joke?
Not the first joke he made about Clown Summoning.

Honestly, I think it's obvious that Positron thinks the clown summoning idea is both silly and absurd, and he likes making a punch-line out of it.... By any means necessary.

"Where does he get those wonderful toys?" - The Joker



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Did you really go to all that trouble to make that clown summoning graphic just for a single joke?
Yes...he did. And it was brilliant.



Originally Posted by Major Deej View Post
It was a shame the evening ended so early (ok, early for me), but with most of the team on morning flights out of Logan, I fully understood.
Yar, as things were wrapping up I was trying to convince them to stick around and keep drinking with my crew, but alas. :P

I'm still kicking myself over forgetting to ask about the Malta Group. Argh!

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by Ice_Wall View Post
Not the first joke he made about Clown Summoning.

Honestly, I think it's obvious that Positron thinks the clown summoning idea is both silly and absurd, and he likes making a punch-line out of it.... By any means necessary.
It's his defense mechanism to deal with his crippling fear of clowns.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
It's his defense mechanism to deal with his crippling fear of clowns.
Wouldn't it be better then to make a clown summoning set, but also make it very weak, and then smack them about for hours?

Although, MM pet customization should take care of the problem

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Maybe next time, they could have something like a big whiteboard where people could write their names and their global handles if they wanted to, so you could find people you'd talked to, but hadn't remembered to get their name/global handle?
Something like this could be a great idea!
Like I've said, my only real regret is that I didn't get a chance to talk to more people and find out their global names. It turns out that I may have just met someone in-game about a day before we were in the same place at the Meet and Greet... But we had no idea, hehe.

So, if we can't get full holographic projection names and /info options floating over our heads for next time... a board with all of our globals/forumhandles could be the way to go. *nods*

Originally Posted by War Witch View Post
Thank you, every single one of you, for being loyal, passionate, opinionated, and dedicated. You guys are the reason I do what I do and why I love this game so much. It was truly an honour meeting all of you.

War Witch
Thank you WW and everyone on the team! You all do such a great job with our game and everyone was an absolute treat to meet and chat with!

Actually... My other regret is that I totally didn't find/recognize you until later into the event, haha. A certain team member, who shall remain nameless (Or numberless), told me that I couldn't find you because you were short... But I'd never mention that here. <.<

When I finally did find you, you were so kind and acted as upset as I was that I couldn't find sooner, haha.

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I had fun too.
Haha! Posi, it was great to meet up and talk. From gushing about the game, talking about GR possibilities, to other games (Including the old SWG) and just hanging out and listening and taking part in the round of conversation.

I do wish to apologize for calling you a "noob". I am, however, very glad that you had a good time despite that

Seeing everyone on the team's love for the game (Especially Posi's excitement of getting his hands dirty with the Incarnate stuff) was a real treat.

Seriously, if you guys are free next weekend, I'd love to do it again.

(I could keep rambling on and on, but no one wants to read my ramblings that much! Plus, I should probably be busy with other things!)

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Oh, Ransim, it was a pleasure sitting down and talking with you and everyone at the table! Very glad we met up. We should, at the least, run some missions some time soon.
I meant to head over to your table sooner, as it was one of the first to respond to my loud broadcasts looking for a team from Virtue.

(I didn't realize how much it did look like Pocket D in there until I just looked at that pic! Glad I didn't realize or I likely would have run for the base teleporter ASAP)

Slax, it was nice meeting and talking with you. I actually did want to hear more of your perspective on pvp (Actually, talking about it made me decide to read up on the forums about it a bit to garner my own opinions on it... as it is a subject I'm largely in the dark about). Which... makes it kind of funny that I was having a bit of a one-on-one with Posi about PvP options earlier, hehe (Before I'd even run into you).

Hmmm... GhostofMalta, we might have passed by and exchanged some words on our way to the Men's Room a few times, hehe. *waves*

And Mrs and Mr. Topdoc, I believe we (KarmicAvenger and I) may have been hanging out by you two and chatting a bit during the Raffle giveaways!
(I was the one who kept shouting, "Ooooh! Ooooh!" every time the number they called out began with "145" [which, every single number did, of course])

Wish I had gotten more names of the people I chatted with!
Did anyone take pictures and have you posted them yet??

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



So, I wasn't able to make it as it was anniversary weekend with my gf. Did everyone just mix it up or were there tables set up for the various servers just to act as icebreakers? What happened? ( ' :




Originally Posted by Positron View Post
I had fun too.
Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Did you really go to all that trouble to make that clown summoning graphic just for a single joke?
Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Yes...he did. And it was brilliant.
Agreed. It was hilarious. Wish I'd been there for it live. Not to mention that his 1 sentence post after War Witch's tl;er (too long, enjoyed reading) was good too.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Texarkana View Post
So, I wasn't able to make it as it was anniversary weekend with my gf. Did everyone just mix it up or were there tables set up for the various servers just to act as icebreakers? What happened? ( ' :
It was basically a free-for-all mix-it-up thing.
I did not see any indicators for teaming up, other than our name tags.

I may have missed something though...

My story was this:
My wife and I hopped into the car and drove 3 hours straight to be there. (Entered the Blue Caves district for a few minutes before getting back on track and finding our way) Then we raced straight for the bathrooms (Which, of course were at the farthest corner from the entrance to Jillian's) with zero regard to anything else going on around us...
Upon exiting the bathrooms and feeling much better... We saw a sign by these stairs tucked away in a dark corner for the VIP rooms...

So, we walked up them and came into the main room via somewhat of a back entrance, where only the Dev team were hanging around, getting ready, chilling and shooting some pool.

David Nakayama was super nice and greeted us and we chatted it up a bit (Sadly, I didn't get a chance to talk with him later on).
Jesse/Ghost Falcon came and joined us and we were just casually having a conversation when I asked if we were even supposed to be there yet (It was probably 6:50ish at that point).
I can't remember if it was Positron who yelled and kicked us out (Hehe... Just kidding... someone did say that they were just asking people to hang out on the main floor until they were ready).

So, we politely went back downstairs and ordered something to drink when I noticed a long line of people by a City Of Heroes sign.
That was the official entrance and people were jammed in waiting there.
I walked over and said hello to people (But mostly got shunned... I think they were all talking in SG chat)... (I probably could have tried harder)

Then, the two of us waited for the line to go in before we walked over and got our name tags, fancy glowing necklaces and costume codes from Ocho and Empulse.
We walked in and everyone was sitting at tables and grabbing food and drinks.

Then I started spamming broadcast and trying to be as social and friendly as possible... Which eventually worked out well enough

Everyone was just mixed around the room (Some sitting, some standing). I enjoyed hanging by Posi in one corner, because 1) it was nice chatting with him and 2) it was cool to hear what everyone was coming and saying and such.

Those were the basics of my experience there, hehe.

Oh, one other point:
We spent a lot of time looking at people's name tags, trying to spot someone we might know through the forums or the game...
My wife said, "It is weird staring at everybody's chests..."
I told her I was used to it.

"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



Cool beans on the new info. I am really hoping there is more to GR. If this is it then...well... color me disappointed.

I was hoping someone would ask if the mission maps would be new. Also if there were any new game systems going to be added that are different from what we have.

Dopplegangers sound really interesting.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
I was hoping someone would ask if the mission maps would be new. Also if there were any new game systems going to be added that are different from what we have.
There will be some new mission variations for sure - and maps

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork