Meet and Greet with us at PAX East! - Discussion




I believe that's wrong. I imagine that people who don't buy GR will still be able to use DP, DS KM and EC. They will just be coming with the GR update I imagine. GR as far as I know consists of Praetoria and the side-switching system (and the one level of Incarnate).

Bad Voodoo by @Beyond Reach. Arc ID #373659. Level 20-24. Mr. Bocor has fallen victim to a group of hooded vigilantes who have been plaguing Port Oakes, interfering with illegal operations and pacifying villain's powers. He demands that revenge is taken on these miscreants and his powers are returned! You look like just the villain for the job. Challenging.



Originally Posted by BeyondReach View Post
I believe that's wrong. I imagine that people who don't buy GR will still be able to use DP, DS KM and EC. They will just be coming with the GR update I imagine. GR as far as I know consists of Praetoria and the side-switching system (and the one level of Incarnate).
The powersets are a GR feature, and you will need GR to unlock/use them.



Originally Posted by BeyondReach View Post
I believe that's wrong. I imagine that people who don't buy GR will still be able to use DP, DS KM and EC. They will just be coming with the GR update I imagine. GR as far as I know consists of Praetoria and the side-switching system (and the one level of Incarnate).
Check it again, Posi states it very clearly:

Empashis at seconds 0:17 - 0:29... DP is part of GR, if you prepurchase it now, you can play it now, otherwise if you don't buy either the prepurchase or GR at July you won't be able to play it at all. AND yet again at 7:09 - til the end, this time regarding participation in the End Game system.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts:



I had a great time at the meet and greet!

My only regret is that I didn't get to talk to every single person there.
And, I didn't get the userhandles of some of the people I did talk to, hehe.

I was shouting out in broadcast a lot... Looking for teams and whatnot (More often yelling silly things).

Lots of really nice and friendly people everywhere I turned.

The CoH team was really great and so friendly. From harassing EMPulse at the entrance (Although, she's too sweet to let it phase her), sitting with Ocho while he ate dinner and just hanging around and talking with Posi, WW and the others... It was a lot of fun!

Unfortunately, we had no camera. Otherwise I'd post and link pics... Hopefully others will do that

The only snag we hit was on the drive home, right out of Boston they decided to close 2 of the 3 lanes on I90 West!
Not a huge deal, but a 50 or so minute delay in getting home.

It was wonderful to just chat with Posi about the game (And games in general) and especially to see the joy he had in talking about CoH (It was especially evident when he was talking about the End Game content he's personally working on).

And... Melissa/WW is as sweet and friendly as you can imagine!

Well worth the 3 hour drive to spend some time with the CoH community!


"Now at midnight all the agents and the superhuman crew come out
and round up everyone that knows more than they do"



I wanted to go so badly but seeing as all my champion friends weren't going and my bf was too young to get in I would be alone so I didn't go.

I wonder if the devs liked the turnout of an east coast event, maybe next year they can have another east coast event.



It was a good turn out for both the panel and the meet and greet. =)

*plays around with his shiny new iPod Nano*



Originally Posted by Electric-Knight View Post
I had a great time at the meet and greet!

My only regret is that I didn't get to talk to every single person there.
And, I didn't get the userhandles of some of the people I did talk to, hehe.
Who was the guy wearing the red ball dress? I didn't see him but my friend said there was one. I LoL'd.

Did you win any of the raffles? I didn't, but I agree with you it was still a lot of fun.. though I wanted to go bowling too, but there was a 2 hour wait on lanes, so we opt'd out.



It was great fun. I won a signed copy of COH Architect Edition in the raffle.

*shakes fist at Bayani*

And War Witch was super nice!

"I have a cunning plan..."
Heroes-Justice: Neutronium Man (50 Grav/FF), Silver Spider (50 MA/SR),Masked Arrow (50 Arch/Dev)
Villains: Sundragon (50 FC/FA): Justice, Mech Lord V (50 Bots/FF): Protector, Erl King (50 SS/Inv): Justice



Originally Posted by Sir_Foxbat View Post
It was great fun. I won a signed copy of COH Architect Edition in the raffle.

*shakes fist at Bayani*

And War Witch was super nice!
*waves cheerily back*



Yea I met Bayani and a bunch of other people (you must have switched tickets with me while we talking!!!).
I was there with Mr P Nut & Pitch Blue, both Senior Captains in the Paragonian Knights. They gave PK Coins to David Nakayama and War Witch respectively (Posi left his on his desk).
They were so great to see and sit down and chat with. Now every con we can coin check them. It's one way us in the PK know each other when we meet in real life.
Leaving Boston tomorrow...sorry to see it end.
Next year!



TopDoc and I had a great time. Devs and players were awesome, and I won a Logitech G330 Gaming headset in the raffle. Can't wait for the next one.

Well, this is TopDoc we're talking about. TopDoc would respec to gain 3 points of damage per day. - Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Shadow Wail View Post
I wonder if the devs liked the turnout of an east coast event, maybe next year they can have another east coast event.
Well PAX East will be in Boston next year, and in an even bigger venue, so my guess is they might return for a PAX panel and M n' G.

I had fun at this one, and I won the 4650 HD!

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Originally Posted by Mental_Giant View Post
Well PAX East will be in Boston next year, and in an even bigger venue, so my guess is they might return for a PAX panel and M n' G.

I had fun at this one, and I won the 4650 HD!
I thought the Boston Globe stated that PAX East was booked in the same venue for 2011 and 2012. If it was to move to the larger convention center in Boston it would have to happen in 2013.

Regardless, it is very cool to have an event like this in my backyard!

Go Team Venture!



I rolled up to the Meet and Greet with my girlfriend and my buddy from Virtue in tow. He told us a while ago he'd be going to PAX so we said, 'Hey, we'll take a vacation while you're there and we can all meet up!' Pretty crazy finally meeting someone you've played City with for almost 6 years. :P

My girlfriend won an signed copy of the Architect edition as well. Me, I was hoping for some hardware but alas. XD We had a really great time, and not only the turnout but the atmosphere as well were a very pleasant surprise. Hoping the same kinda thing rolls around next year (or maybe even sooner, in New Jersey? ;P).

The next day, though, I realized I had COMPLETELY missed my chance to ask whether the Devs had any plans for the Malta Group. Too busy gushing about how Dual Pistols is the greatest human invention since fire, I think. :/

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



the problem I have is that when I started playing this game (22 year-old) all my friends were 20 or 19 and now that 6 years have passed most have moved on and most have married and popped a kid out so they no longer play.

Then all my champions arent on anymore or they live on the other side of the US so I get to go alone. If they tell us that they are coming to pax way before tickets sell out then Ill go.

I told my BF that I was going but then they announced when tix were sold year I will be there or if they are going to SDCC-10 I am going there



I had a good time talking to the folks there and hope everyone else did as well. I had some interesting conversations with some Virtue folks about PvP and RP, y'all had a good sense of humor.

Malta- did I meet you there (sorry I'm bad with names (globals)), I just noticed your loc and that's very local to me.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Slax View Post
Malta- did I meet you there (sorry I'm bad with names (globals)), I just noticed your loc and that's very local to me.
Hmm. 5'6", Asian dude, medium-length black hair, tan-colored button down shirt and black dress slacks, brown cowboy boots, drinking from the time I walked in to the time the event closed down, really embarassingly bad at pool? :P

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



My Global's @Bayani. I didn't catch most people's globals while I was there, so feel free to drop me a note and say hi. I should jump servers a bit more often anyways.



Meet and Greet was indeed a fun time! Those AT Buttons are AWESOME, so glad I got the hero set.

Was great meeting everyone and Jillians sure did feel like a dive bar from the Rogue Isles!

w00t Radio



Ah, man, I grabbed a Scrapper pin, got a Brute pin for free later... I was entertaining the idea of getting one for each AT that my main's been created as [2 Blasters, 4 Scrappers, 2 Stalkers, 2 Brutes, 2 Masterminds, 1 Soldier], but I decided not to so I could spend more money on drinks. >_>

Really should've got those pins. Ah well. Hopefully they'll be put up for sale on the website or something? :P

@Ghost of Malta: The world's #1 Malta Group fanatic!
"Liberty and Justice by any means necessary."



Originally Posted by BlackSun17 View Post
I thought the Boston Globe stated that PAX East was booked in the same venue for 2011 and 2012. If it was to move to the larger convention center in Boston it would have to happen in 2013.!
I think they're committed to the city, but from reading on the PAX forums it sounds like moving to the BCEC next year is a done deal.

Agua Man lvl 48 Water/Electric Blaster

"To die hating NCSoft for shutting down City of Heroes, that was Freedom."



Maybe next time, they could have something like a big whiteboard where people could write their names and their global handles if they wanted to, so you could find people you'd talked to, but hadn't remembered to get their name/global handle?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Took me an hour to fly from Baltimore to Boston Saturday afternoon. Took me close to 2 hours to get from my hotel to Jillians, most of which was my fault.

The gal at the desk at my hotel said a cab would cost about $40, and that the train station was only a couple blocks away, so I decided to just do that. A combination of poor direction, misunderstandings, and not paying attention to the subway stops resulted in it taking roughly 90 minutes to get from the hotel to the point where I had to switch trains. It was already 8 o'clock so I decided to just take a cab from the Park St, station and I got to Jillians around 8:15 or 8:20.

Understandably, the food was pretty much gone by then, and the bartender said I had to go out front to order. I decided to just eat out there and by the time I was finished, the raffle drawing had started. After the raffle we were told they were kicking us out shortly so the general public could use the room, so I picked up the stuff I wanted to buy and just headed back to the hotel. The cab ride back cost $20, including a generous tip.

I didn't really talk to anyone at the meet n' greet, other than Mod 8 at the door when I first got there, but I'm generally an introvert, and since I didn't really know anyone to begin with, that wasn't surprising. All in all, I was really surprised by the turnout and I'm hopeful that the Paragon Studios folks were happy with it and will mke a return trip next year, for which I will plan better.

(Sometimes, I wish there could be a Dev thumbs up button for quality posts, because you pretty much nailed it.) -- Ghost Falcon



Enjoyed the meet and greet myself. However, I really felt that since it literally looked like Pocket D's red side it definitely needed a Jolly Roger flag on the wall.

Spent the night talked to some guys who were just returning to the game, met up with Arbi-fab and got to meet TopDoc. Also got a chance to chat a bit with Electric Knight from Paragon Universe. I even managed to walk away with a CoX comic signed by the dev team.

Good fun overall, I think my only kibble is the place was just a bit to far in the cold from the Hynes. Hopefully they'll have an exhibitor's table next year for PAX East 2011.



I'm going to need to warm up my fingers a bit because this girl has lots to say! (And my fingers are cold; it's early.) I'll give you the play-by-play of my trip to Boston.

So I actually took an extra day and flew out to Boston (my first time ever, by the way) on the Thursday. I lost most of the day due to the long flight and the time difference, but when I arrived at Logan and stepped outside I had to give my head a shake. It was warm! I was all ready to throw on my parka (because I'm wimpy now that I've gotten acclimated to California weather) and I had no need for it. It was positively balmy at 65ish degrees! I'm thinking to myself, "I totally wasted luggage space on those two sweaters and that parka!"

So I had a very vocal horn-honking ride in rush hour to the hotel, which I ignored because I was busy reading, and checked in. It was already getting a bit late, so I wandered around my local area, took some pictures before the sun went down, and then wandered a few blocks over to the Capital Grille for some a-maaaaazing food. I came back, unpacked, and then read my book, until I was ready to sleep. Which, never really came because I was exhausted/wired from the flight and thrilled/terrified/excited about the rest of the weekend. So not much sleep Night 1.

The next day, I woke up and got ready for my all-day Old Town Trolley Tour of Boston! I opened the curtains and it was gloomy and lightly snowing. Sad face for about five seconds, then I grabbed that snow jacket (which my cat secretly started eating the faux fur on, the little punk), some gloves, my knapsack, and went downstairs to eat the most expensive and least appetizing waffle of my life. Oh well. The strawberries were good!

After that, I wandered around aimlessly looking for the OTTT trolley car and didn't realize that one of the stops was right in front of my hotel. I ended up wandering to another hotel a few blocks away. No matter. Exercise is good for me. I had a few issues with the pre-purchasing of my ticket on iPhone (something about a parsing error), but they hooked me up anyway and off I went.

I did the full circuit and got to see the Monoument at Bunker Hill (I even went up those 295 steps - in record time - no less), wandered the Freedom Trail, saw Cheers, had Boston Cream Pie at its originating location, went past MIT, Boston Commons, and got the condensed experience. It made me wish, of course, that I'd had about 2 more weeks of vacation time to truly check it out.

I have a National Park Passport (now that I like to hike a lot) and I got to have it stamped at four different locations because I also visited the Navy Shipyards and the Bunker Hill Monument which are national parks. (If you don't know what the National Park Passport is, you should check it out, not only do you get to see some amazing vistas in your own backyard, (or far away), but every time you visit one, you get a cancellation stamp, and those are like COLLECTING BADGES!)

Anyway, that took pretty much my entire day. By the time evening arrived, the rest of the devs were arriving and we all met up for some great food at Legal Seafood. I had some pretty spectacular scallops, if I do say so myself. By the time we were done eating it was well past 10 or 11 (I can't remember - time difference!) and we had to be at Hynes at 8 a.m. for rehearsal.

So I scrambled off to bed, didn't sleep, tossed and turned, wondered and worried, and finally fell into something resembling sleep. I may have dreamed that I couldn't sleep, too. Up early, went through rehearsal, and then went to the food court for some breakfast. After that, I defeated a bit of time, and then our panel came up in Naga Theatre. I wasn't sure what kind of crowd we were going to get, but I was pleasantly surprised to see every seat filled with some standees at the back!

Everything went great, people seemed to enjoy it, and we had a fun time. After that, I had back-to-back interviews with Massively, TenTonHammer, and Really top notch guys, by the way, every one of them. A pleasure talking to them all.

Now I had a bit of down time before the Meet 'n Greet so I went to get some food (which was a good thing, because I had no time or inclination to eat at the Meet 'n Greet later on - too busy chatting!), change my clothes, and slap on some make-up before David Nakayama and I walked over to the Jillian's.

I got a teensy bit lost, but it was half a block. Barely worth mentioning.

We arrived at Jillian's very early and so I went in, dropped off my jacket, and came back out to say hi to some players who were already lined up. I spent the next half hour or so yapping my head off, and handing out necklaces (may as well make myself useful, right?) to the people in line. Once they let us in, I spent the rest of the night chatting with some amazing people, calling a few cell phones of people who didn't show, and taking pictures with the players.

This was, by far, my favourite part of the entire weekend. I had so much fun talking that when the lights came up and they started to wind down I was, like, "Whaaat?" What time is it?" You guys were so kind and respectful and passionate about the game, it just gave me goosebumps. I wish these things lasted longer because they are so much fun!

Once things did wind down and we packed up, then exhaustion hit, and we were all scheduled for an early flight, so I was ready to sleep by the time we got to the hotel. I close my eyes, open them and next thing I know I'm back on a plane to SFO.

Crazy wonderful weekend and I would do it again in a heartbeat. So I wanted to say hello again to all the wonderful people I met and spoke to this weekend and I hope we can do this again!

(Yes, I talk entirely too much, even in text, but if you spoke to me in person this weekend, this is probably not much of a stretch of logic.)

Thank you, every single one of you, for being loyal, passionate, opinionated, and dedicated. You guys are the reason I do what I do and why I love this game so much. It was truly an honour meeting all of you.

War Witch

"The challenge of leadership is to be strong, but not rude; be kind, but not weak; be bold, but not a bully; be thoughtful, but not lazy; be humble, but not timid; be proud, but not arrogant; have humor, but without folly."
(Jim Rohn)