Dual Pistols QQ

Bill Z Bubba



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
Stun != Hold. The former is significantly inferior to the latter.
Both incapacitate the enemy and prevent them from retaliating, saying one is inferior to the other is simply absurd.

Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
And the debuffs are amazing because of the fact that you can choose which to use.
Some degree of versatility, yes. Amazing? no.

Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
And stackable -dmg is not something that is available from most anywhere else.
That's about the only advantage it has as a Blast set. Still, the set doesn't allow you to stack too much -dmg because of the long animations (compared to say, Ice Blast whose secondary effect can be stacked relavitely high)



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
I don't think the devs care to buff the set to AV/GM soloing capability.
Then can they at least buff it to the point where it's not the second-worst set in the game? Right now every blast set except maybe Elec is better, and that's only because Elec's secondary effect is an all-or-nothing deal and the set doesn't have a tier 3 blast.

EDIT: Here are the issues with DP, relative to other blast sets:

* Lack of ability to front-load damage. Dark Blast and AR don't have Aim, but AR has really good AoE output and Dark Blast has really good debuff and control. Pistols has subpar AoE output, mediocre debuff, and acceptable control (discounting knockback, which isn't a given anyways). The funny thing here is that Aim (or a similar power) could've been added without taking anything away simply by replacing Swap Ammo with Aim and giving the Swap Ammo toggles as inherents at level 6 (or 16 for Defenders). Those who didn't want "just another blast set with Aim" could skip Aim, and they'd have another power pick open since Swap Ammo wouldn't take a pick, and those who did want Aim would be able to frontload their damage.

* Really long animations. Other sets have long-ish animation times, but no set other than AR has as many animations as long as DP has. This isn't a big deal in PvP where damage is based on activation time (though lack of Aim kills the set's PvP viability), but in PvE it means that DP just has a low damage per activation, and the root times of the attacks mean you're exposing yourself to danger far longer than you should be for the damage you're outputting.

* Weak secondary effects. The main "gimmick" of the set is that you can switch your secondary effects, and part of your damage, on-the-fly. Unfortunately this means the debuff effects aren't very powerful relative to other sets which have them baked-in, which means you're getting less bang for your buck, so to speak.

* Subpar AoE damage. The set has four AoEs (if you count Piercing Rounds, which for all intents and purposes is a single-target attack unless you come across a packed group of NPCs, and even then it has a low target cap), and they've all got long animations and the damage isn't great. Hail of Bullets can do Nova-like damage if you're using Incendiary Rounds, but its recharge and animation are too long. Bullet Rain's animation isn't too bad but it still isn't really a winner in the damage department. Empty Clip's animation is just too long for an attack that requires you to get fairly close and doesn't do great damage.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Both incapacitate the enemy and prevent them from retaliating, saying one is inferior to the other is simply absurd.
Oh please. If all you care about is shutting down their damage, sure. But Stun does not immobilize, while Hold does. This is a very important and not at all insignificant distinction, particularly since the issue with enemies staggering away at light speed is still around.

That's about the only advantage it has as a Blast set. Still, the set doesn't allow you to stack too much -dmg because of the long animations (compared to say, Ice Blast whose secondary effect can be stacked relavitely high)
If you built your toon right, you should be able to triple stack it consistently, which is quite a significant debuff from a Defender or Corruptor. Paired with a set like Dark or Rad, well, it's very, very good.



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
If you built your toon right, you should be able to triple stack it consistently, which is quite a significant debuff from a Defender or Corruptor. Paired with a set like Dark or Rad, well, it's very, very good.
Triple stacking, while good, is still comparatively crappy when you have sets such as Ice Blast (as I mentioned earlier) that can stack their secondary effects up to 6x (using all 3 ST blasts) and Sonic Attacks (using the first two blasts), which when paired with a set like Cold, Rad or Traps is *MUCH* more effective. It's not a matter of building your toon right (as there are no enhancements that reduce animation time), it's a matter of DP being a comparatively crappy set with crappy damage and crappy secondary effects; crappiness accentuated by the long animations.



Originally Posted by Marcian Tobay View Post
Ah, the Kristin Kreuk Syndrom, or "KKS". The tragic belief that because someone doesn't personally like something, it is harmful for the Intellectual Property at large. So named because many bloggers that did not like Kristin Kreuk's role on Smallville claimed she was damaging to the show, oblivious to the fact that she was one of the leading stars of a wildly successful series.

No, friend, just because you personally don't like it doesn't mean it's failing or will be ineffective. Please go to Atlas Park, Galaxy City, or Mercy Island and pick five random new characters. I promise more than one will be wielding Dual Pistols. I also promise that these low-level zones will be far more populated than typical.

The launch was generally well received, despite your KKS.

Incidentally, would anyone back me up if I entered KKS into the Urban Dictionary?
I LOLed.

Mom and I have watched that show forever. We used to take bets on how long it would be into each episode before Lana cried.

So, I would support a KKS entry, but maybe not for the reasons you think.



Originally Posted by The_Thorny_Devil View Post
Crying? Really? Thats just...... I can't think of a word suitable enough to describe how stupid that is....
What's more petulant is when someone spouts "QQ MOAR" in chat or the forums. It only makes them look like an ***.



Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Are you pondering what I'm pondering Pinky?
I think so, Brain. But if we give the Qs a chance, won't the Pews get jealous?



I'd just be happy if Hail of Bullets was buffed to compare to the other crashless nukes.




Originally Posted by Silverado View Post
Triple stacking, while good, is still comparatively crappy when you have sets such as Ice Blast (as I mentioned earlier) that can stack their secondary effects up to 6x (using all 3 ST blasts) and Sonic Attacks (using the first two blasts), which when paired with a set like Cold, Rad or Traps is *MUCH* more effective. It's not a matter of building your toon right (as there are no enhancements that reduce animation time), it's a matter of DP being a comparatively crappy set with crappy damage and crappy secondary effects; crappiness accentuated by the long animations.
Cry moar. Seriously, if you could 6 stack the -dmg in chem rounds it would be seriously overpowered. A Defender would be able to stack 75%(!) -dmg debuff on a target. A Corruptor would be able to put 60% on. Not counting stacking with 'Fender primaries or Corr secondaries.

A DP/Dark Corr would be able to apply 90% dmg debuff. A Dark/DP Defender could floor a character's dmg by himself. That's way, way too powerful. The effect would have to be nerfed.

As it stands, a Dark/DP 'fender can slap a target with a -75% damage debuff. If that's too weak for you, then I just can't help you.

In short, get over it... The animations are long. If you don't like it, play a different set, end of story.



I think the dev's dream powerset would be one that was able to maintain a high level of popularity without being one of the most powerful options.

It's a nice challenge from a design standpoint- how do you lure MMO gamers without engaging in ever-escalating levels of power?

DP is a blast (heh) not because it's 'powerful' compared to other options, but because it has a tremendous amount of individual flavor. Not to put to fine a point on things, it's "fun".

If they can make an 'average' set a lot of fun, I'll play the heck out of it and I bet a lot of other folk will too.

So far so good with DP.

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This thread is bizarre. Dual Pistols literally stopped "sucking" after the tweaking it received just before closed beta ended. Are some people here still playing closed beta by any chance because they're stuck in a strange time warp? I do recall having much difficulty with the set then, but after the boost it was fine.



I think it's a pretty nice set.

It doesn't have Rain of Arrows, but Rain of Arrows is...well...honestly, it's overpowered. No other blaster gets such a sweet nuke. It's like the wonderful warshade Quaser + 1 small cab + Stygian Circle to suck back full endurance, it's that cool. If you could shoot HoB from range instead of PBAoE, well, it'd be a pretty darn cool nova-lite, too.

never had an AR get high enough to see what their nova does since i don't particularly enjoy playing blasters. It's just a long cone like PR, but with more max targets, isn't it?



Originally Posted by TyrantMikey View Post
What's more petulant is when someone spouts "QQ MOAR" in chat or the forums. It only makes them look like an ***.
It's also important to tell the person that their tears are delicious.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
I think it's a pretty nice set.

It doesn't have Rain of Arrows, but Rain of Arrows is...well...honestly, it's overpowered. No other blaster gets such a sweet nuke. It's like the wonderful warshade Quaser + 1 small cab + Stygian Circle to suck back full endurance, it's that cool. If you could shoot HoB from range instead of PBAoE, well, it'd be a pretty darn cool nova-lite, too.

never had an AR get high enough to see what their nova does since i don't particularly enjoy playing blasters. It's just a long cone like PR, but with more max targets, isn't it?
I believe Full Auto is just a longer cone version of Burst.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I believe Full Auto is just a longer cone version of Burst.
Except it does a lot of tick damage. And looks far cooler. And is faaaar more powerful then the rest of the set. Yes, it has a long animation time, but it's recharge is short and has decent damage.

As for DP...haven't played the live version, but played it in beta and have been watching others play it on live...it's not the best set ever, but it's fun to play/watch and it isn't a terrible slouch in terms of damage. It does seem like it works better for 'fenders and corrs, and to be honest, I'm going to be a terrible person and say I'm ok with that.



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
Cry moar. Seriously *snip*

In short, get over it... The animations are long. If you don't like it, play a different set, end of story.
Aww, disapointing. I was wondering how long we could've kept the civilized discussion before you started nerdraging (and subsequently admitting none of your points were valid)



Erm... Nerd raging? I'm not even a little upset. You're the one who's being emotional. Hence "cry moar".

I like how you snipped the substance of the post so you wouldn't have to address actual numbers though.

Tell me again, who's tacitly admitting they're wrong?



Originally Posted by Umbral View Post
The best way to handle the entire thing would, honestly, be to just give PR's -res to every single ammo type, but I'm not entirely sure that's likely to happen. That way, ammo type only serves to control a small portion of your damage and which secondary effect you're generating rather than a great swathe of your damage capability that isn't even substantially better than simply sticking with your standard ammo.
I be missing something, but that sounds like an awfully frivolous idea for a buff to me. It's not like the debuff on the enemy just goes away when you change ammo types, is it? So switch to Standard Rounds to fire PR and then switch to something else if it is so desired.



My DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Trick Arrow Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Dark Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Ice Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
(Yes this was our DXP Team)

Maybe you should try corrupters? or defenders? Blasters we all felt meh about.


I delete more 50s, then you'll ever have.



Originally Posted by Bitt_Player View Post
Pistols don't go "pew". They go "bang".
However, "bang bang" is insufficiently onomatopœic to warrant changing the phrase just for that.

Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
I think it's a pretty nice set.

It doesn't have Rain of Arrows, but Rain of Arrows is...well...honestly, it's overpowered. No other blaster gets such a sweet nuke. It's like the wonderful warshade Quaser + 1 small cab + Stygian Circle to suck back full endurance, it's that cool. If you could shoot HoB from range instead of PBAoE, well, it'd be a pretty darn cool nova-lite, too.
Get on a fast-moving team and watch the fight move away from where you planted the location for your Rain of Arrows while the animation is playing... again and again... and then tell me that it's overpowered. Remember, it's a location AoE; if the mobs move out of the area before the attack finishes animating, or while the DoT is going on, they stop taking damage, just as they do with Rain of Fire and Ice Storm.

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Originally Posted by macskull View Post
Then can they at least buff it to the point where it's not the second-worst set in the game? Right now every blast set except maybe Elec is better, and that's only because Elec's secondary effect is an all-or-nothing deal and the set doesn't have a tier 3 blast.
Ok, here's the deal; the very second the devs say anything about improving elec blast's performance; I'll be right there with you with chants of "equality for dual pistols!"

Now, having said that, and admitting that I have not yet played DP... Many of my ranged characters use elec blast (most of those without a secondary set that compliments it by providing more '-end'), and I really don't see what everyone's problem with it is.

So if it is better than elec, then it is not THE worst... and if it's not THE worst- then any cries to re-work its performance should be directed towards that which is the worst, which is ostensibly elec blast. ... for which buffing pleas have fallen on deaf ears for a long time.

"My inner mind has become a reality-cracking overgod. He torments me! Help!"



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
My DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Trick Arrow Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Dark Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Ice Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
(Yes this was our DXP Team)

Maybe you should try corrupters? or defenders? Blasters we all felt meh about.

I think that team was a beast because you had 8 Corrupters, not because they were DP.




Originally Posted by The Grim Heaper View Post
Ok, here's the deal; the very second the devs say anything about improving elec blast's performance; I'll be right there with you with chants of "equality for dual pistols!"

Now, having said that, and admitting that I have not yet played DP... Many of my ranged characters use elec blast (most of those without a secondary set that compliments it by providing more '-end'), and I really don't see what everyone's problem with it is.

So if it is better than elec, then it is not THE worst... and if it's not THE worst- then any cries to re-work its performance should be directed towards that which is the worst, which is ostensibly elec blast. ... for which buffing pleas have fallen on deaf ears for a long time.
Indeed. My Storm defender has done just fine with Electric Blast. Granted, it's STORM, but I see nothing wrong with his damage output.



Originally Posted by JJDrakken View Post
My DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Trick Arrow Corrupter is a Beast
My friends DP/Dark Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Sonic Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Ice Corrupter is a Beast
My Friends DP/Rad Corrupter is a Beast
(Yes this was our DXP Team)

Maybe you should try corrupters? or defenders? Blasters we all felt meh about.

We may have different definitions of "beast"

Also, it's not about DP being completely unable to do remotely well (not sure if I mentioned before that my lolDP/TA corr can clear +2/x8 spawns of S/L mobs by himself), it's about being comparatively weaker than (almost) every other set (meaning that, while a DP/Rad can do well, an Archery/Rad for instance, could do much better)



Originally posted by Silverado:

This is how Dual Pistols compares to some other blast sets in single target damage, assuming a chain of T3, T2, T1 -> repeat.

Using level 50 Blaster numbers:

Dual Pistols (using standard ammo)
Pistols: Average Damage = 62.56 / Activation Time = 1s
Dual Wield: Average Damage = 82.58 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Executioner's Shot: Average Damage = 132.63 / Activation Time = 2.57s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 53.01

Radiation Blast
Neutrino Bolt: Average Damage = 62.56 / Activation Time = 1s
X-Ray Beam: Average Damage = 102.6 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Cosmic Burst: Average Damage = 132.63 / Activation Time = 2.07s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 62.82

Energy Blast
Power Bolt: Average Damage = 62.56 / Activation Time = 1s
Power Blast: Average Damage = 102.6 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Power Burst: Average Damage = 132.63 / Activation Time = 2s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 63.77

Snap Shot: Average Damage = 52.55 / Activation Time = 1s
Aimed Shot: Average Damage = 82.58 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Blazing Arrow: Average Damage = 161.72 / Activation Time = 1.83s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 65.96

Ice Blast
Ice Bolt: Average Damage = 62.56 / Activation Time = 1s
Ice Blast: Average Damage = 102.6 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Bitter Ice Blast: Average Damage = 142.64 / Activation Time = 1.07s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 78.14*

*Since Bitter Ice Blast has a recharge of 12 seconds, we're assuming a chain of Ice Bolt, Ice Blast, Ice Bolt, Bitter Ice Blast

Psychic Blast
Psionic Dart: Average Damage = 62.56 / Activation Time = 1s
Mental Blast: Average Damage = 102.6 / Activation Time = 1.67s
Telekinetic Blast: Average Damage = 122.62 / Activation Time = 1s
Base (unenhanced) DPS: 78.41

We'll leave out Fire Blast and Sonic Attacks because they're not exactly 'typical' blast sets.