My vet rewards are screwed up...again >_<
they can see all the relevant info to insure you are getting the correct badges. all you have to do is petition it and wait.
Welcome to the club, i've lost about 3 months worth to this, and support absolutely REFUSES to see the error. They keep throwing out some vauge reasons that i was cancelled during a period, which was all of 1 hour when i changed to my new credit card.
No matter how i try explain it, they just say "it's correct" bla bla bla.

Once it gets thrown off, expect it to stay thrown off. I've had mine fixed twice so far, and can already see it's off by a month again when my next one comes due. I have a feelign I will be annoying Support every 3 months like clockwork from here on out.
My veteran rewards haven't updated since September 23rd.
Once it gets thrown off, expect it to stay thrown off. I've had mine fixed twice so far, and can already see it's off by a month again when my next one comes due. I have a feelign I will be annoying Support every 3 months like clockwork from here on out.
I noticed a few days ago that the latest reward was showing March, and not February. Whereas last time it took a lot of back-and-forth to get it fixed, this time it was escalated and fixed within 24 hours.
(I imagine the next one will be in June instead of May and I'll have to petition again, though...)
Forum mod: less obtrusive signatures
I had this issue also, so I PM'd the OCR team to see what the best way to handle it was. Was told to Petition it and bam, they got me caught back up, but I can see that I"ll ahve to do it again.
I was also told it is a known bug that they are slowly trying to fix.
Defcon 0 - (D4 lvl 50),DJ Shecky Cape Radio
Twitter: @DJ_Shecky, @siliconshecky, @thecaperadio
When you air your dirty laundry out on a clothesline above the street, everyone is allowed to snicker at the skid marks in your underoos. - Lemur_Lad
Yup. Got screwed out of another round of Vet Rewards. It's obvious that they current system is broken, and needs to be replaced.
I said as much when I used the "Ask A Question" on the Support Page. I also asked them to set the award date as Feb 19, the date it was supposed to award. They set it as March 2, and said nothing about the system being ****** up.
Looks like it's time to contact Niv or Kim and find out who the big guns I need to talk to are. It's past time to fix/replace the system.

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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
![]() |

Main Hero: Chad Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1396 Badges
Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093
It is my believe the complete system is broken. I also had to request them to look into my vet rewards now for the fourth time. is the interesting and confusing part...
my account name here:
City of Heroes®
City of Villains®
Created On: Feb 15, 2005
Account Type: Standard
Account Status: Playable
Playable Until: Mar 28, 2010
Subscription: 1 Month ($)
Renewal Date: Mar 28, 2010
Total Paid Time: 3 Years, 11 Months
Veteran Rewards Time: 5 Years, 1 Months
My account is paid every month from my primary checking has NEVER lapsed.It is an auto paid subscription.
Please note the vet reward time and the Total paid time !!
Explain to me how they are not only different, but almost a full year in difference?
Something is terribly wrong... Yes I have paid for 5 years of service.I started this game with a 14 day buddy trial and subscribed before the 14 day trial expired,so the 5 year 1 month vet reward is correct.
I am wondering if perhaps this is what may be causing the problems so many of us are having with this bug.
Perhaps it is time Niv or some other higher up take a look to see what corrupted the system they are using and make attempts to fix this.
I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*
just sent in my info and now i play the waiting game...or coh.
@Death Wish
Explain to me how they are not only different, but almost a full year in difference?
Something is terribly wrong... Yes I have paid for 5 years of service.I started this game with a 14 day buddy trial and subscribed before the 14 day trial expired,so the 5 year 1 month vet reward is correct. |
In all cases, paid time will be smaller than that, which is why they are listed separately!
You may have been "paying for 5 years", but you have not "paid for 5 years of service". ALL free time added to your account will still count toward Veteran time, but it is NOT added to your "Paid Time" cause it was FREE!
In my case, I have the following codes on my account:
CoH Retail
CoV Retail
Total Paid Time: 4 Years, 3 Months Veteran Rewards Time: 4 Years, 9 Months |
In your case, it sounds to me like you also gained a free month of service for each of the retail versions you added to your account over the years, and possibly referred at least a couple friends and got some free time that way as well. Mine is only 6 months apart, but I am missing a few retail versions that would have added time to my account as well. Did you buy them and/or refer a bunch more people?
On a side note, how are time cards handled? I know it adds to Veteran time as well, but does that count as "Paid Time"? I never used them before.
How exactly do you contact them about fixing your vet rewards?
Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
How exactly do you contact them about fixing your vet rewards?
You can also file a /petition in the game as those go to CS as well.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
Yes I have all booster packs as well as the Good v Evil(download only version,did not give free play time)and the retail version of CoV, IIRC the only booster that gave a free months time was the Mac version, the CoV Retail and perhaps the Good V Evil. But I could be wrong on that. I did not however get any free time for friends joining. I never sent any invitations.
Strange thing is,it used to say 4 years + for time paid. Now it seems to have lost some of those.Although I do have the badges for my time paid. Perhaps it is simply a typo,but I highly doubt that since I remember it showing 4+ years before.
I am not sure,but I think time cards show as time paid also,but again I could be wrong on that aspect and I did use a time card once.
So..1 free month for CoV retail,1 free month for Mac download,1 time card(cannot remember if the time card gave 1 or 2 months play) but again, I do remember it saying 4+ years last time I sent a support ticket for the vet rewards.
I am not complaining mind you,I have always had great responses from the support team.I am simply attempting to show that something may be wrong with the system they use to calculate the vet rewards versus time paid.
I believe our children are our future and I reflect on the lessons and values we taught them.
I believe the world has many real Villains,what we need are more Heroes.
*May you all be a hero in someone's life.*
Time included with purchased products isn't free its just included in the purchase - i.e. its still paid time.
Free time would be time given on trial accounts, that gained from prizes and presumably the extra months given for loyalty recently. It would also include time granted as compensation when the problems on he servers became excessive.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
Time included with purchased products isn't free its just included in the purchase - i.e. its still paid time.
If you subscribe to the "12 months + 2 free" plan, it adds 14 months to the veteran time, but it might only add 12 months to the paid time.
well my attempt at fixing my vet rewards was full of fail. I gave them as much info as i could and it still wasnt enough. I wonder how many more month my 2nd account will pass my first account that was 6 month behind, it only needs 3 more month for both to be at the same vet lvl.
May 27,2004 to may 27,2010 = 6 years right? add 1 month for the 1 month i quit and rejoined.
Is there anyone else on the dev team that i could contact? If my math is right i should be at the 69 month.
My take on all of this is that i only started having this problem when i rejoined after quiting nov 2009. So it must be the system not knowing how to recalculate the account time correctly which is also hindering the ncsoft team from fixing the rewards.
@Death Wish
Don't ask the Dev Team. Instead, go here, click on Ask A Question, and fill in the info.
For the subject, put Veteran Rewards Not Being Awarded.
For the question, put the following, editing the italicized parts as needed to match your info:
My City of Heroes Account last recieved a Veterans Reward, xx Months - Name, on Month Day, Year. The account is currently paid up through Month Day, Year.
The Account Details page does not show information for the next Veteran Reward, xx Months - Name. Based on the last date I recieved a Veterans Reward, I should have recieved my next one on Month Day, Year.
Please adjust my account to have xx Months - Name, and have it issued from Month Day, Year, and the next one, xx Months - Name, scheduled to be issued Month Day, Year.
For product, pick City of Heroes, and then select your home server under that.
For category, pick Account Support, and General under that.
For department, pick Account Support.
Fill in your PlayNC Master Account name and your log in name, where it asks for them, pick your OS, and then click the Continue button.
It'll load a page with the typical (incorrect for this problem) solutions. Say they didn't help (if it asks. I don't remember), and click the button to submit. Then, watch your e-mail.
That's what I've done the past two times. And when I did it the other day, they awarded my 30 Month badge that was due 2/19 on 3/2, but then calculated my 33 Month badge to be awarded on 5/22.

[ ProTip: The banner is a link to art refs!! | The Khellection | The HBAS Repository | Brute Guides (4/16/10) | How To Post An Image - A Quick Guide ]
Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

I should've received my 57 month reward, I sent a petition and am awaiting a reply. I just found out my partner hasn't received a vet reward since November last year. She's not too impressed. This problem seems to have possibly started approximately November but not necessarily affecting all accounts. She's only due to get her 36 month reward so it's not like it's affecting only people wiht 60+.
I've also messeged Niviene regarding the situation, to see whether she can get something in motion, as people here have said, their accounts have never lapsed for more than an hour and are 3 months out according to support.
My account has been active since October 2004. I got my 60 mo. vet reward on October 25 without any problem, but haven't gotten my 63 mo. reward yet. Hadn't really even thought about it until last night, so I checked my account status before I filed a ticket. There's definitely something broken in the system.
Created On: Oct 26, 2004 Account Type: Standard Account Status: Playable Playable Until: May 25, 2010 Subscription: 6 Month ($) Renewal Date: May 25, 2010 Total Paid Time: 4 Years, 7 Months Veteran Rewards Time: 5 Years, 1 Months |
In addition, the Veteran Rewards table at the bottom hasn't been updating.
Reward Level Date Awarded 3 months - Trustworthy Nov 6, 2006 Details 6 months - Faithful Nov 6, 2006 Details 9 months - Dependable Nov 6, 2006 Details 12 months - Loyal Nov 6, 2006 Details 15 months - Zealous Nov 6, 2006 Details 18 months - Staunch Nov 6, 2006 Details 21 months - Steadfast Nov 6, 2006 Details 24 months - Devoted Nov 6, 2006 Details 27 months - Dedicated Jan 25, 2007 Details 30 months - Committed Apr 25, 2007 Details 33 months - Unswerving Jul 25, 2007 Details 36 months - Addicted Oct 25, 2007 Details 39 months - Ardent Jan 25, 2008 Details 42 months - Fervent Apr 25, 2008 Details 45 months - Eternal Jul 25, 2008 Details 48 months - Battle Hardened Oct 25, 2008 Details 51 months - To Be Announced Jan 25, 2009 Details 54 months - To Be Announced Apr 25, 2009 Details 57 months - To Be Announced Jul 25, 2009 60 months - To Be Announced Oct 25, 2009 For complete details visit our Veteran Rewards Program page. |
The Players' Guide to the Cities

Got a response back today from support stating that they were "able to verify that an error has occurred" and had adjusted my account status to show that I was eligible for the 63 mo. Vet badge.
Logging in my characters tonight, the 63 mo. badge is now awarding correctly.
Checking my account information, my Veteran Rewards Time has now been updated to show 5 years, 7 months, and the Veteran Rewards table is indicating that I will receive the 66 mo. badge on April 30. Seems I lost five days somewhere in this process, but I suppose I can live with that.
The Players' Guide to the Cities

Bah, My Second account got hit by this. I should've had my VR hit Feb 13th and it's already into March.
Thanks to Kheldarn for the detailed post on what to say to get the issue to support.
I got the usual immediate email listing a bunch of links that aren't relavent, so now I wait for Support to look into and correct this.
For the 2nd time in a row i did not get my vet rewards updated. As of feb 26 i should have gotten my 69 month badge but here i am still waiting so i log into my ncsoft account to see they bumped my vet reward to march 26 now so now i would have paid for 120 days before getting my reward. So then i think maybe they didnt take a payment...wrong they didn't forget to take their money.
Now i go ahead and file a petition regarding this and they "escalate my ticket to bla bla bla whats his nuts" to find out that my account is "correct all rewards have been rewarded".
So if i recieved my 66 month badge on nov 26 wouldn't 90 days paid time be feb 26 when they took my money? When they fixed my account the first time they had to "add paid time to my account" guess they didn't add enough in the first place. And my 2nd account didn't get a reward for almost 7 month when i had them look into that mess. I gave all my info the first time and im sure il have to give it to them again and probly every 90 days it's looking like.
Also i noticed my file with all the dates my badges were given to me are totally wrong which is what is probly screwing up the support person from helping fix my badge reward. Everyone should double check also that ncsoft is taking out double payments when they screw up your vet reward day...luckily they didn't for me.
@Death Wish