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  1. well my attempt at fixing my vet rewards was full of fail. I gave them as much info as i could and it still wasnt enough. I wonder how many more month my 2nd account will pass my first account that was 6 month behind, it only needs 3 more month for both to be at the same vet lvl.

    May 27,2004 to may 27,2010 = 6 years right? add 1 month for the 1 month i quit and rejoined.

    Is there anyone else on the dev team that i could contact? If my math is right i should be at the 69 month.

    My take on all of this is that i only started having this problem when i rejoined after quiting nov 2009. So it must be the system not knowing how to recalculate the account time correctly which is also hindering the ncsoft team from fixing the rewards.
  2. just sent in my info and now i play the waiting game...or coh.
  3. For the 2nd time in a row i did not get my vet rewards updated. As of feb 26 i should have gotten my 69 month badge but here i am still waiting so i log into my ncsoft account to see they bumped my vet reward to march 26 now so now i would have paid for 120 days before getting my reward. So then i think maybe they didnt take a payment...wrong they didn't forget to take their money.

    Now i go ahead and file a petition regarding this and they "escalate my ticket to bla bla bla whats his nuts" to find out that my account is "correct all rewards have been rewarded".

    So if i recieved my 66 month badge on nov 26 wouldn't 90 days paid time be feb 26 when they took my money? When they fixed my account the first time they had to "add paid time to my account" guess they didn't add enough in the first place. And my 2nd account didn't get a reward for almost 7 month when i had them look into that mess. I gave all my info the first time and im sure il have to give it to them again and probly every 90 days it's looking like.

    Also i noticed my file with all the dates my badges were given to me are totally wrong which is what is probly screwing up the support person from helping fix my badge reward. Everyone should double check also that ncsoft is taking out double payments when they screw up your vet reward day...luckily they didn't for me.

  4. Nerfadomus

    Vet Reward Issue

    does this make sense or is my ncsoft account wrong...

    "total time paid" 4 years 6 month
    "veteran reward time" 5 years 7 month

    if i have paid for 67 month how can that be off by 13 month shouldnt it say 5 years 7 month also? I have petitioned but they said it was correct but it looks messed up to me lol.

    Just hoping this doesnt screw up my entry to coh:gr beta
  5. Nerfadomus

    The Fonz!

    Before i leave Paragon City i wanted to say thanks to everyone on Triumph for 66 month of fun and many lost hours of sleep. Also a huge thank you goes out to everyone on the dev and support teams they have and continue to bring new ideas and great products (i.e. Booster packs,Cov, CoH:GR) and for taking the time to read our post's and answering them.

    Looking back on my time here i remember alot of great memories im sure il never forget them along with alot great players and real life heroes fighting over sea's. We also had some really great event's il never forget.

    So with me gone what does this mean for heroes and villain's? For villains it's means nomore easy kill's and easy rep in pvp zones on my lol dm/regen and for heroes it means they lose their bait to lure villains to a mob of heroes.

    So again Thank you all for the best game experience ever and i wish you all the best ingame and in the real world.

    Leelow lvl 50 emp/rad def -deleted
    Da Fonz lvl 50 dm/reg scrap - deleted
    Da Fonz SR lvl 50 ma/sr scrap - deleted
    Epic Leelow lvl 50 ws - deleted
    David Hasslehoff lvl 50 spi/sr scrap - deleted
    Leslie Nielson lvl 50 kin/elec def -deleted
    Soul Ravager lvl 50 dm/sr - deleted
    Death Wish v2.1 nrgy/nrgy blast - deleted
    Ninja Leelow lvl 50 kat/nin stalk -deleted
    Evil Da Fonz lvl 50 dm/inv brute- deleted
    Mystic Leelow lvl 50 storm/ def deleted ;(
    Incredible Lilo lvl 50 wp/ss tank

    way too many 50's to list all deleted

    P.s. I didn't quit CoH for Chumps Online!

    goodbye everyone you will be missed!
  6. Nerfadomus

    "Moral Combat"

    <---disgusted by that video clip. nuff said
  7. alright thats great news for us poor sr scrappers..just one question left to answer.

    Will we all be getting a free respec to adjust to yet another defence change it may now be worth slotting some powers like cj, hover, and maybe even weave?

    If you dont give us a respec there's no real point since alot of us have used up our respecs trying to adjust to i3 and i6.

    I cant see why handing out a free respec along with i7 being too much to ask