The Fonz!
I was sad to hear this too (despite the generous stuff he gave me!). Good luck wherever you land!
Before i leave Paragon City i wanted to say thanks to everyone on Triumph for 66 month of fun and many lost hours of sleep. Also a huge thank you goes out to everyone on the dev and support teams they have and continue to bring new ideas and great products (i.e. Booster packs,Cov, CoH:GR) and for taking the time to read our post's and answering them.
Looking back on my time here i remember alot of great memories im sure il never forget them along with alot great players and real life heroes fighting over sea's. We also had some really great event's il never forget.
So with me gone what does this mean for heroes and villain's? For villains it's means nomore easy kill's and easy rep in pvp zones on my lol dm/regen and for heroes it means they lose their bait to lure villains to a mob of heroes.
So again Thank you all for the best game experience ever and i wish you all the best ingame and in the real world.
Leelow lvl 50 emp/rad def -deleted
Da Fonz lvl 50 dm/reg scrap - deleted
Da Fonz SR lvl 50 ma/sr scrap - deleted
Epic Leelow lvl 50 ws - deleted
David Hasslehoff lvl 50 spi/sr scrap - deleted
Leslie Nielson lvl 50 kin/elec def -deleted
Soul Ravager lvl 50 dm/sr - deleted
Death Wish v2.1 nrgy/nrgy blast - deleted
Ninja Leelow lvl 50 kat/nin stalk -deleted
Evil Da Fonz lvl 50 dm/inv brute- deleted
Mystic Leelow lvl 50 storm/ def deleted ;(
Incredible Lilo lvl 50 wp/ss tank
way too many 50's to list all deleted
P.s. I didn't quit CoH for Chumps Online!
goodbye everyone you will be missed!
@Death Wish
Great player and person. I will miss you for sure!
Thanks again for pushing my blaster to 50! It seems like forever ago...take care man! Good memories with you here on Triumph.
Best of luck in life, Leelow.
Fare well Fonz, you'll be missed. GL wherever the interweb trade winds take ya
Wait can I have all your stuff?
Someone had to ask.

Aww man, you will definitely be missed, Leelow.
It's been great running alongside you against Paragon's biggest baddies, especially in the Hami Raids. Take care and good luck in your future endeavors!
(I can't believe you deleted all those level 50s! OMGWTFKTHXBAI!
Mission Architect arc: The Hive Connection, Arc ID: 96660
Triumph: (@UltraBatz)
UltraBatz, lvl 50 MA/SR Scrapper (1355 badges)
UberBatz, lvl 50 Peacebringer (769 badges)
SG: The Steel Paladins, Fusion Force
Best of luck to you!
Arc 185502: Who Killed Snow Globe? a mini mystery Put together the clues to solve the case!
Arc 22832: And Hell Hath No Fury (extreme)
Will you be the key to the Knives of Artemis' survival? or the instrument of their destruction?
Later and take care Da Fonz!
Awwwww booo!
Sorry to see you go Fonz, but best of luck to you in whatever life brings your way.
Shard Warrior - 50 MA/Regen/BM Scrapper
Founding Member and Leader : Shadow-Force
Co-Leader: Council of Heroes
"Whatever evils come this way... we will be there to stop them."
I had gotten my global namesake up to lvl 50 and had gone into a hami raid or two and had no clue what was going on. One night, I run into Leelow whom I had teamed with on some PUGs and got the invite to get learned up on these here Hami thingys. As the raid was coming to its final conclusion, I DC'd (as so many of us with pants on did back then). When I logged back on, it was over and my tray was empty. I told Leelow thanks for the lesson and he asked if I got any drop...when I told him about my DC I hear the loose change sound effect and *plunk* my first Hami O was a gift from Leelow. My wife and i loved teaming with Da Fonz, we would laugh and enjoy teaming with a great player. And when we all had a team wipe, it was no worries and a great bit of comedy.
This is why I have 3 accounts, why I still play and why I will miss the core group that kept me here. I might give away a purple tonight to keep the Triumph vibe alive. I have any purples to give hmmmmm
"Oh NO! I'm so sorry baba! you and your wife will be sorely missed...s#@!, i did it again, didn't I?" - mintmiki
Animal Farm ID:71800
When Alts Collide: 134432

Take care Dan. I have many good memories of you and your bro. I will miss you. Another piece of TA that is gone.
Thanks for all the help over the years, Leelow. I appreciate all the raids you helped with after I talked you into them. Thanks for keeping things fun.
You'll be missed, but I hope you drop by to see us on reactivation weekends and such.
you will be missed Leelow, and no amount of slotting for accuracy can help us.
K Thx Bai
Oh wow. I am very sorry to see you go. The loss of a good player is a hard hit - the loss of a fun player is even worse. You will be missed for sure!
Aww! Take care Leelow
Always tough to see a long time vet leave. Hope to see you again for GR!
We'll miss ya Fonz!

Fusion Force
This thread deserved a necro since Leelow is back!
Thanks for jumping right back into raiding leadership dude!
Its cool to hear that Leelow is back, I totally missed the goodbye post.
Old School
Its cool to hear that Leelow is back, I totally missed the goodbye post.

When I first started playing in late winter of 05' the Fonz was there doing a great job .
You will be missed!
Don't go!
Come back Fooonz!