ATTN: Dev's - PvP 2.0 Proposed Changes and Fixes
Remove the base resists altogether or at least give an option to turn them off in arena.
Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit
Seems like a reasonable good start - nicely done Bitters.
I've been talking about a reward/merit system for PvP zones to most of my friends/teamates since PvP IOs first came out. I can't see why a mission contact couldn't be added to RV like the other PvP zones. Sure, like anything else it may be exploitable, but it would hopefully curve the frustration of playing for hours/AFK farming AND adjust the ridiculously high price/availability for some of the more desirable PvP IOs.
On a side note, if range damage is adjusted (reduced) for melee ATs, then I would like to see an adjustment to the travel suppression in order for melee builds to be able to "close the distance" if their range damage gets reduced.
Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2

Way too many things i disagree with.
- The rep system is dumb and therefore should not be cornerstone of a pvp merit system. It fosters dumb play and lowers the overall skill level expected of a player engaging in PVP. The goal should be having a system that teaching newbies how to play by rewarding intelligent gaming. The rep system gives you optimal results when you cycle through targets sequentially. No good pvp team does this; it's dumb. People don't learn to evade when they are never targeted. People don't learn to spike coherent if there are no good evaders. Either the system for PVP merits needs to be objective-based (ie, capture the flag, team wins, final match kill differentials, etc) or contribution based (ie, warhammer-style rep where healers get "rep" depending on how much they heal and who they keep alive).
- If you remove the critical effect from stalker patrons, AS needs to be buffed. Either through raising the base damage or lowering the DR curve on damage for stalkers. Back in the day, one hit after getting AS'd meant you were dead on a squishy. The interrupt time on AS should be used when calculating the base damage.
- Kheld damage is ok. As much hell as I give them kheld players, the problem at this point is that all the kheld data points are coming from really inexperienced players that have yet to learn how to build one adequately. It's essentially like saying that Regen is a bad secondary because Demon Slayer dies on it.
- Speaking of Regen; scrappers needs to be looked at after another zone pvp revamp. The current rule-set makes them far too easy to play in a zone environment. Regen needs to be looked at too, as it is currently the only viable scrapper secondary.
- Offensive toggles cause travel suppression. Either their recharge should be tripled while in a PVP zone, or suppression should last only during the first 4 seconds of being toggled (my preferred fix).
- Remove base resists from No DR matches. We've been asking for this for over a year. Curious Observer told us back in i13 that it was the most requested change back then; can we please get that done?
On a side note, if range damage is adjusted (reduced) for melee ATs, then I would like to see an adjustment to the travel suppression in order for melee builds to be able to "close the distance" if their range damage gets reduced.
At this point, TS only makes zone pvp gangbangs a lot easier.
Way too many things i disagree with.
- If you remove the critical effect from stalker patrons, AS needs to be buffed. Either through raising the base damage or lowering the DR curve on damage for stalkers. Back in the day, one hit after getting AS'd meant you were dead on a squishy. The interrupt time on AS should be used when calculating the base damage. |
Yep, both NW and Fort versions.
- If you remove the critical effect from stalker patrons, AS needs to be buffed. Either through raising the base damage or lowering the DR curve on damage for stalkers. Back in the day, one hit after getting AS'd meant you were dead on a squishy. The interrupt time on AS should be used when calculating the base damage.
Also with the proposed Mez change getting off an AS should be relatively simple under proper coordination.
Live : @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
Test : @Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
A question that needs answered is: What is the point of playing a defender? With DR, the extra 7-12% you get isn't really worth the damage reduction, lack of pets/controls that you get with controller or corruptors.
I see where you're coming from but you also aren't taking into consideration why Energy Transfer and Total Focus saw the nerfs that they have over the time. Its obvious the Developer's don't want 1 archtype to be able to 2 shot another Archtype in 3-5 seconds like the prior system allowed. I think that as long as Double *** can take out a target (which it can and still will be able to) then everything is "ok".
AS works slightly better against targets not running resist-based shields, or targets who haven't built for +HP. I managed to one-shot a Controller with AS in RV last night - target had only the base 1017 HP and all 3 procs in AS went off (a very rare occurrence as I'm not using the PvP IO proc but rather the ToD proc which only has a 15% chance to fire) for a total of 1052 damage. That won't happen often (in fact, it's the first time I've managed to do that), but it's kind of unfortunate that I need to resort to expensive procs in order to do any decent damage with AS even while hidden. The problem here is that unless your target is AFK, just plain stupid, or didn't build for at least some HP (which isn't all that common, even among casual PvPers/PvEers), you won't be getting solo kills.
I agree with most of what you've suggested but some seem odd. I like the idea of PvP merits but only if they're added in conjunction with the current drop system (similar to pool C/D recipes now: you can buy or roll for them with merits or they will in rare cases drop off bosses).
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
With all due respect, most of us don’t want to work with this 99% garbage PvP 2.0 system, we want it in the trash where it belongs.
Here is my quick list...
No DR. That’s what debuffs are for.
No TS. That’s what debuffs are for.
TS like TribHavok suggested.
No HD.
Put back -Max Run Speed.
Get rid of Elusivity.
Keep Phase combat.
Get rid of PvP damage resistance.
Keep damage holes closed in our “shields” but offer “shields” at lowbie levels. So in other words, get rid of the level 41 only epic requirements crud and make them like any other PP. Scaling the powers just like everything else. No it won’t unbalance PvE and it will offer “shields” to those PvPing in low level zones.
If attack damages are to remain higher then all ATs and attacks need to reevaluated not just blasters. Also, the amount of base resistance, defense and HP should be looked at as well.
Base HP for PvP should be evaluated irregardless of whatever changes take place.
Rep cash in system for PvP IOs.
I've been a fan of limiting certain buffs from being stacked as well.
Review every AT set and power for PvP compatibility.
*I have an idea for a Mez system but I need some time to work out details.
When it comes to melee ATs I personally feel there are just too many limitations and sacrifices being made when building for PvP in order to be competitive. After having to take and slot all of the armors and utility powers for survival I'm generally left with 1 travel power and very few (7') attacks. I think they should combine all (under tier 9) armors into 1 or 2 toggles that have utilities built in as well so that basic survivabliity does not become such a huge performance sacrifice compared. Then they could throw in a couple of "useful if taken" but "skippable if desired" powers like other sets have.
Just provide all melee with tier 9 "super armor" toggle armor that cancels out the other armors.
Either way melee toons need to have more flexibility.
A very sad story about War Witch and the neglected kitty.
Originally Posted by Black_Barrier
Guess it's hard to click while actively trying to keep the drool away from the keyboard...
What i would like to see before ANY changes are made, is for the devs to admit that there are vast unbalances since I 13.
I would like to see proposed changes by the devs, that the community can vote on, we don't need another I 13 beta where they don't listen & implement whatever they think is right by the noobs.
I really don't think they need to look at /regen, it is one, not if the only set that does seem to work right, and that fact, in comparison to the others that got the heaviest nerf makes it seem overpowered. The other sets need to be..unbroken to be brought up to par with regen.
DR, HD,& especially TS need to be scrapped.
There should be no reason someone with a raptor pack should be able to fly faster than someone with 3 slotted flight. As someone else pointed out, TS only makes the 8 vs. 1 gankings easier.
From my observance DR has completly disabled the abilities of buffers, inspirations, and most secondaries.
I've heard people complain about pre I13 not being able to hit widows & that was why they needed to be nerfed so badly. I had played on both sides of this so-called issue, not only did mine have no problem being hit by a properly built character, but i had serveral heroes that could damage them 1 vs. 1, admittedly not killing, but just damaging ( claws sucked for scrapper then as much as now).
Now i take a fortunata in RV and she loses 72% of her defense, with defender like damage, and low hit points its just a target.
As long as i'm pointing out toons that were once good but got severly nerfed, /willpower scrappers. I don't even need to go into whats wrong with this, i just dare any dev to go into zone and see how long they last vs. anything else, the only fair fight for a /wp is another /wp, then its just fight clubbin'
If activation time is supposed to affect damage, then why does something like the snipe moonbeam still suck for damage for both sides?
Why will web gernade bring you down from flight, but not hover?
If several people on a team have tactics, & it stacks to allow them to see stalkers in thier primary defense, hide, then why can't several stalkers on a team have hide stacked to overcome that? If its fairness , and equality they want across AT's for PvP so the noobs can compete, shouldn't something of this nature apply?
Why, after all this time have the badges needed for accolades for red side not been moved from PvP zones, for those who don't wish to participate in that aspect of the game?
If the special effect of critical attacks applies to widows melee attacks, why not to fortunatas ranged attacks?
The drop rate is a joke for the PvP recipies, all one has to do is look at the market & see what was sold & when, how much is even more of a joke, but lends to factsof extreme rarity.
So many things need to be fixed, or should i say unfixed, they already know what system the public prefers. Take that pre I13 system & build off that, BUT NOT WITHOUT CONSULTING THE PLAYERS... they know who we are, the customers.
I see where you're coming from but you also aren't taking into consideration why Energy Transfer and Total Focus saw the nerfs that they have over the time. Its obvious the Developer's don't want 1 archtype to be able to 2 shot another Archtype in 3-5 seconds like the prior system allowed. I think that as long as Double *** can take out a target (which it can and still will be able to) then everything is "ok".
Also with the proposed Mez change getting off an AS should be relatively simple under proper coordination. |
While I do agree that in packs of +3 stalkers, sharks are truly unbalanced; stalkers are in the "about right" to "below-average" point if you take the 3+ condition away. That's what needs to be reworked.
What i would like to see before ANY changes are made, is for the devs to admit that there are vast unbalances since I 13.
Most shocking experience I have ever had; logging into RV on my stalker and hitting a 950 pt AS on a PB.
Never mind that I had BU and a 55% global damage buff on.
Now I am depressed.
I blame barrier.
In all honesty, stalker's need to have AS buffed and sharks toned down. Possibly tone down impale. POSSIBLY. As it stands, AS is pretty weak now. A lot of the people don't consider the time it takes for a coordinated stalker team to get a double AS off. In zones, that time is equal if not more then it takes for a single blaster to down 1 possibly two squishies depending on what kind of squishy it is.
Stupid is stupid.
The Merit system needs work.
I proposed a Merit System in the Market forums. Simply award Merits on completion of team matches 1-3 per player. Award additional Merits for being on the winning team (3-5) and a lesser amount to each member of the losing team (1-3). Additionally, see about incentivizing Merits in PvP for good play. A timely phase that saves you should get a Merit, so should a good heal. Award them for kills as well, but stagger these so you can't just set up a Merit farm in the Arena.
Make the sales 40 Merits for a random roll. Exclude recipes you think should remain at the high end as needed, if you only want these as drops.
For zone play, award Merits for time spent in zone outside of bases. A base buffer shouldn't be getting anything. Award 1-3 Merits for every 50-10 minutes spent in a zone. Award additional Merits for accomplishing zone objectives (perhaps?) or even winning various stages of combat. Of course, to avoid farming you can cap how many Merits a player can earn in a certain amount of time.
Do not under any circumstances award Merits uniquely for kills. That will create farming/exploitive scenarios which should be discouraged. A close 4-3 match should be rewarded just as much as a 12-2 one, if not more.
Place the Merit vendors in the Arenas and base hospitals in zones.
Other items:
Restore cages to 6 seconds or so. Keep cage suppression, but change that so that the cage durations lessen if the same target is under that attribute.
Remove global resists altogether or at least reduce them somewhat.
Otherwise list looks interesting, but no comment on the AS etc stuff as it doesn't involve my style of play.
Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes
In all honesty, stalker's need to have AS buffed and sharks toned down. Stupid is stupid. |
Think about it. AS is arguably the hardest thing in the game to do. I mean, in a game where all you have to do to attack someone is click a button, having to be right next to someone for a good couple seconds (5-8 secs with Freedom's lag) puts AS on a different level from everything else.
In my opinion, the fact that AS is weak and sharks are strong is completely intended. It makes newbies less dependant on the most skillful thing in the game, and more dependent on pretty much the easiest. This makes I13 a success. Newbies become better than they're supposed to be.
Good luck getting the devs to go back on their entire goal of I13....a goal they willingly lost like 70% of the PvP community to attain.
- If you remove the critical effect from stalker patrons, AS needs to be buffed. Either through raising the base damage or lowering the DR curve on damage for stalkers. Back in the day, one hit after getting AS'd meant you were dead on a squishy. The interrupt time on AS should be used when calculating the base damage. |
I don't see the justification for any AT being able to 2 shot a squishy, even one that uses a 4 second interuptable melee attack. I would rather they reduce the base activation and the interupt time by 1 second each and maybe even extend the range a bit, but keep the damage as is.
I don't see the justification for any AT being able to 2 shot a squishy, even one that uses a 4 second interuptable melee attack. I would rather they reduce the base activation and the interupt time by 1 second each and maybe even extend the range a bit, but keep the damage as is.
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."
I don't see the justification for any AT being able to 2 shot a squishy, even one that uses a 4 second interuptable melee attack. I would rather they reduce the base activation and the interupt time by 1 second each and maybe even extend the range a bit, but keep the damage as is.
isn't this exactly what we're trying to avoid?
To solve the problem of AS:
Upon entering a PvP zone, a hero gets the following macro put into every empty slot in their tray.
/Macro AS Prevention ++Forward$$++Up
This game is harrrrrrrrrd
So you want the game to be more stupid.
kk? isn't this exactly what we're trying to avoid? |
In what way does being capable of 2 shotting a squishy make it smarter? No AT should be able to do that. 3 shots, sure as that at least gives noobs a chance to survive for a few seconds. Increasing their damage makes AS the I Win button that so many people already feel they have.
I agree that something should be done about AS, as there are way too many bad Stalkers that can't manage to do more than spam Impale, but increasing the damage isn't the best way to do it.
In what way does being capable of 2 shotting a squishy make it smarter? No AT should be able to do that. 3 shots, sure as that at least gives noobs a chance to survive for a few seconds. Increasing their damage makes AS the I Win button that so many people already feel they have.
I agree that something should be done about AS, as there are way too many bad Stalkers that can't manage to do more than spam Impale, but increasing the damage isn't the best way to do it. |
Any stalker fighting a person of comparable skill that has a build of comparable wealth, WILL NOT get a two shot off. Ever. Even Post-I13, running a stalker with 55% global damage and oft-running reds, two shotting was near impossible becuase the target would move/heal/phase/resist/not-have-downs
The only reason I can see this, is watching Mr. Casual-Warshade walks in, stands still and get 2 shotted by someone with 3-4x the money put into the stalker.
But, lets compare, in order to two shot, we are looking at a minimum 6 seconds. In 6 seconds, a blaster can do the same. From a distance. And can repeat it again with less delay then a stalker.
So in all actuality, you're arguement is about as effective as a submarine with screen doors.
PvP 2.0 Desired Changes
(Values of proposed changes are debatable; my main concern is the idea behind the changes).
PvP Merits:
- Would stop the complaining of PvPing in zones for hours and receiving nothing but maybe a few inspirations drop on you.
Damage Tier Calculation:- Gives back the sensible endurance usage of “Nukes” and adds to them a reasonable damage component which can once again be used in a PvP setting.
Global Resists vs. Buffers:- In contrast, Only 1 “Shield-type” of buff can be placed on any character at a given time, and the higher value buff trumps the lower one.
Elusivity Buff:- Boost the Elusivity numbers on appropriate powers by 5%.
- Fix delayed damage calculation from Psi Blast (If possible).
Controllers:- Cage-type powers fixed at a six(6) second duration.
Defenders:- Cage-type powers fixed at an eight(8) second duration.
Scrappers:- Nothing huge ATM (admittedly I don’t play scrappers so inform me if there are issues).
Tankers:- Re-evaluate Ancillary Power Pool range-type damage powers. Fossilize does more damage, or equal damage, than some blaster big hitters (Bitter Ice Blast, Blaze, etc.)
Kheldians:- Warshades would need a complete revamp to pose viable in any mildly serious form of PvP.
- Lingering Radiation permanently travel suppresses and slows without DR being applied.
Brutes:- Working as Intended?
Stalkers:- Remove the Critical effect from Stalker Patron Powers. A stalkers main power, Assassinate, is and can easily be trumped by “Trowin’ Shraks”. This is detrimental to the fundamental structure of the Stalker AT and thus needs to be re-evaluated.
Dominators:- Domination Revamp:
Masterminds:- Working as Intended?
VEATs:Live : @Emo Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter
Test : @Bitter / @2Emo2Bitter