addressing market glut




Wentworths ("WW", hero side) is experiencing a heavy market glut on many kinds of invention salvage. It is not uncommon to see 5,000 to 10,000 of the same piece of salvage for sale. It happens villain side too, but not at anywhere near the number of items seen at WW.

This leads to my two-part proposal to address the glut. Both parts would apply to hero and villain sides alike. The first part I expect to be popular, and has been suggested before.

* Offer an instant-sell capability of items at the NPC-store price

I'm guessing that the upcoming rewrite of the front end will offer this obvious quality of life improvement. It will also help immediately address the glut. When a seller sees that there are already 3,548 kinetic weapons for sale, it's likely they'll opt for the instant-sell.

The second part of my proposal won't be so popular, but I think something like it is necessary to address laggard momentum on some items, especially very expensive ones. It is also more complicated, probably involving some sort of market script that will be run each Thursday during scheduled maintenance. Several steps would be involved:

  1. For the first two scheduled maintenance periods since an item was offered for sale, its offering price would be unchanged. This would be from 15-21 days, depending on what day the item was offered for sale. (I was going to say two weeks, but then I realized this would probably be done during weekly maintenance. So at even 15 days, it's longer than my first thought.)
  2. Beginning at the third maintenance period, the current offering price would be lowered by 10%. WW/BM would refund part of their 5% surcharge of the offering price.

    For example, assume an item was offered for sale at 1,000,000 influence. During the third maintenance period since his offer, the offering price would drop to 900,000, and he would be credited with 5,000 influence (the difference between a 1M surcharge and a 900k surcharge). Next week, the offering price would drop to 810,000, and he would be credited with 4,500 influence.

    A player could avoid or minimize the price drop by removing it from market and re-offering.
  3. The price drop would continue weekly until the new price was at or below the NPC store price, at which point the item would auto-sell at the NPC store price
  4. Items with no NPC store price would be given some bottom value. For example, NPC's won't buy crafted IOs, but there is still a known value to them; a player receives that if he sells it during a respec.
  5. After the prices are calculated, bids will be examined. Any item which now meets a bid price will sell to the highest bid in excess of or equal to the new price.
  6. Any item which was offered at or below the NPC store price would instant-sell at the NPC store price. In fact, that could be one way to handle instant-sells without a new button. Offer something up for 0 or 1 gp, and it sells at the NPC store price.

Yes, I'm hoping that one effect will be to get the price lowered on the items being offered at 20-80 million or more. I don't believe these prices would even be possible without the inflationary and destructive influence of the real money transfer (RMT) dealers. That said, I believe the proposal is good on it's own merit, adding life to an often dead market.

Constructive feedback will be appreciated. Thank you.

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



*Grabs snacks and sits back to enjoy this movie...*



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post

* Offer an instant-sell capability of items at the NPC-store price
This is as far as you needed to go. Simple and effective.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
This is as far as you needed to go. Simple and effective.
I agree it will help a lot, as stated in first post. Perhaps it could be a first stage, and give time to see if, in itself, it is sufficient.

- - - - - - - - - -
I'm thinking for NPC stores to remain a viable alternative, perhaps WW/BM should auto-buy at maybe 10% below the NPC-store price. This would also be the point at which an item dropping in offering price would be auto-bought. Buyers could then bid for items at the NPC store price. WW/BM would also still receive a commission, presuming they sold the auto-bought stuff at an NPC store.

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



I've done a lot of experiments on a variety of things. At one point, I transported about a lot of low-priced high-level salvage villainside (I don't remember, Hydraulic Pistons or something. Let's call them Hydraulic Pistons for now. ) from the market to a vendor. I took it from something like 3900 items down to 2800.

Those 2800 were all priced at 50,000 inf or more.

Someone tried cornering the market -maybe two people- and driving the prices up to high levels and keeping them there.

It didn't work, and they left their slots full of overpriced Hydraulic Pistons and went about their other business. No reason to pull them, there could be a global shortage or double XP or something.

I put up fifty or a hundred low-priced Pistons and flipped them a couple times at no net profit while the stock built back up, so I didn't accidentally let the market BUY those pistons.

It turns out that 52 "automatic price drops" will take a 50,000 inf item down to autosell level. So it would eventually get rid of EVERYTHING. It's a different world that you're setting up there.

... but why the refund on their 5% down payment? If someone is greedy, or stupid, or incredibly patient, or whatever, and they put up ten Improved Cybernetics at a million inf each, why should they get their half-million inf back? (Yeah, I did that last double XP. A month or so back, they sold. Improved Cybernetics? Who knew? )

Mini-guides: Force Field Defenders, Blasters, Market Self-Defense, Frankenslotting.

So you think you're a hero, huh.
@Boltcutter in game.



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
Wentworths ("WW", hero side) is experiencing a heavy market glut on many kinds of invention salvage. It is not uncommon to see 5,000 to 10,000 of the same piece of salvage for sale. It happens villain side too, but not at anywhere near the number of items seen at WW.
I recommend more aggressive marketing. You need to stand around in Atlas or Cap, constantly broadcasting messages like:Hopefully, by these stratagems, you can drum up some demand for goods that aren't moving well.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



I'd rather have a function that auto-deletes certain types of recipes or salvage once it drops for you; this would save me the hassle of having to delete loot that isn't worth the effort of carrying to the vendor. I'd turn off everything except purples and rare Pool As.



Originally Posted by Laevateinn View Post
I'd rather have a function that auto-deletes certain types of recipes or salvage once it drops for you; this would save me the hassle of having to delete loot that isn't worth the effort of carrying to the vendor. I'd turn off everything except purples and rare Pool As.
Giving players options on what pools to not drop would be too confusing for the masses. Getting rid of common IO recipes should be doable.



i'm hoping that for double xp AE is still "bugged" or whatever it was that kept it from being double last time and as a result. people have salvage to sell again.



I'm hoping they give us the ability to right click and delete cheap crap so we don't have to go to the NPC or WW to get rid of it.



It's weird. We have some people saying that Wentworth's has too much common salvage and the market should automatically delete it, and other people saying that Wentworth's doesn't have enough common salvage and we should add additional AE ticket purchase options to allow people to buy common salvage directly instead of rolls.

We have people who want to automatically delete nearly all drops, while others are starving for those very drops.

Part of the problem with the salvage glut and salvage famine is that there are three separate tiers of salvage: 1-25, 26-40 and 41-50 (they actually drop from 1-25, 20-40 and 35-50 -- though it may 21-40 and 36-50, I'm not exactly sure). There are thousands of Ceramic Armor Plating and Kinetic Weapons for sale, yet there's historically a lack of Luck Charms, Scientific Theories, etc.

The nature of the game is that characters reach level 50 and stay there. They tend to play at level 50 because they have all their powers. This results in there being lots of items at level 50, and a dearth of items below that.

However, though level 50 characters do not usually produce items at lower levels, they consume large quantities of them: many players get IO sets at level 35 and below so that when they exemplar their characters they get the bonuses. That means there's a higher demand for mid-level salvage and recipes because level 50 characters use it frequently.

Some low-level salvage is in short supply because characters are at that level for so brief a period that no one is really producing it, and there are certain items that are heavily used in desirable recipes (Luck Charms in Accuracy, in particular).

Rather than changing the way the consignment house works, perhaps the devs should rethink the way salvage works. Possible options:

  • Eliminate the tiers of salvage: just have one set for all levels.
  • Increase the mid-level salvage drop zone from level 21-40 to level 50. This would fix the glut and famine at the same time.
  • Remove the incentive to run only level 50 content. Right now you get powers obtained 5 levels above your exemped level. If you could use all your powers at level 35 a lot of people would run Ouroboros missions, producing recipes and salvage at that level. Making that 10 or 15 instead of 5 would give players more content to run while still having their full powers.
  • Provide a way to indicate the level of a random recipe roll bought for merits or tickets. Right now it's at your level if the recipe goes that high. Ticket rolls for common salvage allow you to specify the level of the salvage; recipes should work that way too.



or... make AE drop salvage and remove ticket rolls for salvage.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
other people saying that Wentworth's doesn't have enough common salvage and we should add additional AE ticket purchase options to allow people to buy common salvage directly instead of rolls.
This is more a function of annoyance at the randomness of random rolls for common salvage than a belief that not enough common salvage is available. It is vexatious to burn through a bunch of random rolls and fill up your salvage bag and still not come away with the item that you need.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison



the real problem is most people don't think about rolling for salvage because they view it as secondary. in their head they think "man, i really want this recipe, i hope i get it in these 15 rolls" it doesn't even cross the average mind that the salvage they will need for the recipe may be severly overpriced or unavailable.



Originally Posted by Postagulous View Post
I'm hoping they give us the ability to right click and delete cheap crap so we don't have to go to the NPC or WW to get rid of it.

The tongue sticky out thing is there because you know that you can already do this, right?

I'm not sure what the problem is. Having 10,000 demonic threat reports or whatever sitting on the market doesn't cause me any problems. It's not like I have to scroll through the whole list of each individual threat report every time I open the market. If someone else is willing to waste their transaction slots on it, let them. Maybe they'll come in handy someday. You can use them for those whatchammacallit buffs in bases right?

If the devs do want to reduce the supply of some of those oversupplied items, I hope they do it by adding some new recipes that use exactly those salvage pieces. That would be easier and more fun than some complicated system of forcing people to sell things for less than they wanted to.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I think this would be a bad idea. I mean, you know that purple recipies only sell at an NPC for 10K, right? So, if i wanted to be REALLY patient, i'd just set up bids at 11K or so and wait for the prices to drop.

Also, it's not completely unreasonable for them to be at the prices they're at now. A buyer wouldn't even get their listing fee back if it got sold at the NPC price.

Also, lots of things (like crafted IOs) don't HAVE an NPC buyer price. What do you do then?


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



Originally Posted by EmperorSteele View Post
Also, lots of things (like crafted IOs) don't HAVE an NPC buyer price. What do you do then?
Sell them at the prices you would get from a respec.



Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
A player could avoid or minimize the price drop by removing it from market and re-offering.
So the consignment house is going to change my selling price without my permission and the only way I can avoid this is by removing and relisting the item, thus incurring another fee?

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Much ado about a completely irrelevant topic that should receive no dev time. The discussed button would be a nice convenience, but not to make you see less huge numbers while searching.

A game is not supposed to be some kind of... place where people enjoy themselves!



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
So the consignment house is going to change my selling price without my permission and the only way I can avoid this is by removing and relisting the item, thus incurring another fee?
The real world is a failure then.

Take a look at this statement from an actual consignment house:

Consignments are taken on a 3-month contract.

We discount items 10% after 30 days, and 25% after 60 days. After 90 days we can continue to sell your item at further discount, or you can pick it up.

Your items always belong to you, and you can always take them back. As the consignor, you will receive 60% of the selling price for your items. You will receive a check monthly with a detailed statement of your sales for the previous month. When comparing locations to sell your items, remember that we have an extensive customer base, a super location, and a strong desire to sell your items quickly and at the best price.
Perhaps my suggestion does propose too high of a fee for relisting. OTOH, the RL consignment house takes a 40% cut from the consignor, not the 10% which our WW and BM take (total from consignor and buyer).

-- Rich
* Thresholds CoH: What to do When
* My Comics Collection



Originally Posted by Fulmens View Post
A real consignment house- or THAT real consignment house- doesn't take 5% of your attempted sale price up front, either. (Real-life one is a variant on Yog's Law, I suspect.)
You're more patient about dealing with the silliness of comparing a real life consignment house with a fake video game one.

I would have just typed EPIC FAIL and be done with it.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Like this:




Originally Posted by cohRock View Post
* Offer an instant-sell capability of items at the NPC-store price
While it would be a nice QoL feature, I suspect this is unlikely because it has the potential to trivialize the badges associated with selling on the market. SCR* applies to any statement about the ability for the badge tracking system to differentiate sales to other players on the market from sales at the insta-sell price. For all I know, pohsyb has already figured that one out, though.

* = Standard Code Rant

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Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
This is as far as you needed to go. Simple and effective.

That'd definitely work.

I'd prefer a system like the one WoW introduced to sop up oversupplied basic goods- they turned it into currency you could trade in for 'rep' with this or that faction in the game. It eliminated long-term oversupply and made a lot of basic stuff worth listing on the AH again.

I mean, we wouldn't necessarily need to trade salvage for rep, but introducing more uses for oversupplied salvage would do wonders to cull supply.

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