Dark Mirror foe speculation




Praetorian Mirror Spirit!

1. She can match you 'blow for blow' because either she reflects your attacks back at yourself (like Confuse, but you can only attack yourself), or, she summons a mirror image of you as a pet that has your powers.

2. The new foe will appear in the revamped Posi TF which ends up in the dam in Faultline... where Primal Mirror Spirit is!

3. The new foe will appear in level 20-30 missions, and Primal Mirror Spirit is in a level 15-25 zone!

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*Everything they can do we can do better*

I think should be Paragon Studios new motto.

*looks down at DCUO and CO*



Whatever it is, it has to be a lead into GoRo. Althought War Witch said there won't be a Nemesis type system in i17, she didn't say there wouldn't be one in GoRo.

I was thinking, what if the enemy we faced was just a mirror of everything around it? That it wouldn't be an enemy that was a specific to you, but to everyone on your team. Whatever player it targets, it takes on the Mirror Image of the target.

As was said before, Cut-Scenes used in arcs are there for the game to scan and load data based on the team in it. It scans to see how many players there are, and adjusts itself so that you're fighting an amount of enemies based on the team.

Well... what if a cut-scene was used to scan the team, see what builds people have, and load them into a queue, so that when you are targeted by the enemy, it takes on your image and hits you with an attack that you have. It targets another player, takes on that mirror image, and attacks that player with something from that powerset?

Who's to say that the technology isn't there? Well, the Devs. But, with what we've been getting over the past two years, and what we know we're getting in i17, I don't doubt that much can NOT be done in CoH.

pohsyb: so of all people you must be most excited about the veats
Arachnos Commander: actually, I am
pohsyb: I mean you kinda were one already anyways ^_^
Arachnos Commander:



Originally Posted by Commander View Post
Whatever it is, it has to be a lead into GoRo. Althought War Witch said there won't be a Nemesis type system in i17, she didn't say there wouldn't be one in GoRo.

I was thinking, what if the enemy we faced was just a mirror of everything around it? That it wouldn't be an enemy that was a specific to you, but to everyone on your team. Whatever player it targets, it takes on the Mirror Image of the target.


Well... what if a cut-scene was used to scan the team, see what builds people have, and load them into a queue, so that when you are targeted by the enemy, it takes on your image and hits you with an attack that you have. It targets another player, takes on that mirror image, and attacks that player with something from that powerset?
I quite like this theory - not so sure it'll be implemented soon, but I like it



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Praetorian Mirror Spirit!

1. She can match you 'blow for blow' because either she reflects your attacks back at yourself (like Confuse, but you can only attack yourself), or, she summons a mirror image of you as a pet that has your powers.

2. The new foe will appear in the revamped Posi TF which ends up in the dam in Faultline... where Primal Mirror Spirit is!

3. The new foe will appear in level 20-30 missions, and Primal Mirror Spirit is in a level 15-25 zone!
This is what I'm thinking as well. Mirror Spirit is too cool a character to not use more, especially how her powers work.

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.




I think it will be Malaise.

My Stories

Look at that. A full-grown woman pulling off pigtails. Her crazy is off the charts.



The "can match players blow for blow" line makes me think it's a Preatorian version of yourself. I imagine that the new foe would be Archvillain/Hero class and have the same powers that you have. If you're on a team, main villain/hero is the mission holder and he's backed up by Lieutenant and Boss class versions of everyone else.



I'm extremely skeptical about "match your player blow to blow". Even if it worked for solo such a thing breaks with teams.

I just would love to see something that would always have a chance to kill anyone no matter how much regeneration/healing they had (we already have resist/def caps to technically do this but regen/healing go unchecked) without forcing these things to insta-kill squishies.



Originally Posted by Starsman View Post
I'm extremely skeptical about "match your player blow to blow". Even if it worked for solo such a thing breaks with teams.
Not if the whole team found itself up against a mirror of the team

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Just to clarify the Nemesis notion.

In my point of view, a nemesis is an arch-enemy that you will encounter often and is a big match for you (ex, X-men vs Magneto). It's an enemy you've been fighting for ages.

For me, it is different than a copy of ourselves (or praetorian version).
I then believe that it is possible to see a version of our hero from Praetoria.

But I may be wrong.

Level 50 ice/ice/ice blaster



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
1. She can match you 'blow for blow' because either she reflects your attacks back at yourself (like Confuse, but you can only attack yourself), or, she summons a mirror image of you as a pet that has your powers.
I expect the second, since the first would be no fun. My guess is that the mirror images of us end up spawning in advance, rather than being summoned like pets. The MA lets us make rough copies of our characters and place them in mission maps, so it's possible there could be a mechanic coming that does this automatically.

2. The new foe will appear in the revamped Posi TF which ends up in the dam in Faultline... where Primal Mirror Spirit is!
Ooh. Good call.



I'm going with the evil/good version of your character.

Wondering how that's going to work with villains more than heroes.

The City of Heroes Community is a special one and I will always look fondly on my times arguing, discussing and playing with you all. Thanks and thanks to the developers for a special experience.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
Not if the whole team found itself up against a mirror of the team
A well built tank can take so much damage he can tank himself x8, specially with a defender backing him up.

At the same time, a defender can dish enough damage to slaughter himself without him ever having a chance.

A blaster may be able to kill extremely fast his own doppelganger, but he would have to do it fast or die. That takes a lot of fun away from the epicness such system implies.

It's very tricky to make this without screwing up squishies and making Tankers required in these teams.



Just the break away from the usual speculation...
The new foe is The Battalion, which was mentioned a long time ago as a very powerful group that we'd need the Invention System to fight (If I remember correctly). Hence the comment about them being able to match us blow for blow. Also the reason for the Craftable Temp Powers getting an overhaul.

They haven't made it to Earth yet, they've just been able to send scouts (or maybe just reflections of themselves) using the "Dark Mirror" (an actual thing, rather than a concept or system). The story arcs will involve finding and destroying this object/deepspace portal/whatever to stop the scouts from coming through.

This is a prelude to The Coming Storm, rather than a prelude to GR.



Ooooh. That could be spiffy, Xaph...

My personal speculation is that you finally meet whoever's been sending you the notes through Ouroboros, and that's either your mirror self/dark self/future self.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
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378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



My speculation had failed to initiate significantly until this thread.

Regarding the praetorian self: I highly doubt it. Given the rampant plans for people to create such a character when GoRo launches, I doubt our devs would step into that.

On the other hand: being able to replicate the player or players on a team, a la, a shape shifting villain is possible. And would be cool.

However, the Mirror Spirit suggestion in the OP is actually quite intriguing and the Dark Mirror label ties in with that character and the imminent arrival of GoRo quite nicely. that is speculation I can appreciate - especially if her powers actually encompass power replication somehow.

City of Heroes was my first MMO, & my favorite computer game.

Chyll - Bydand - Violynce - Enyrgos - Rylle - Nephryte - Solyd - Fettyr - Hyposhock - Styrling - Beryllos - Rosyc
Horryd - Myriam - Dysquiet - Ghyr
Vanysh - Eldrytch
Inflyct - Mysron - Orphyn - Dysmay - Reapyr - - Wyldeman - Hydeous



More speculation:
The new foe really is an alternate universe version of our characters. However, they are not Praetorian... they're only pretending to be.

This alternate Earth is one where the Internet has replaced all other forms of entertainment and communication. No TV, no phones, nothing but the Internet. As a result, society has shifted in a horrible direction... where nearly the entire human race has become nothing more than a bunch of Net Trolls.

These trolls come to Primal Earth, and attack us while pretending to be from Praetorian Earth. Their goal is to get us to counter attack (hence the events of Going Rogue) and cause a massive (flame) war. But why? What are their goals? Do they have some Nemesis-like master plan? Do they intend to let us fight it out and then destroy both Primal and Praetorian Earths while we're at our weakest.

No. Nothing that grand.

They did it for the lulz.



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
More speculation:
The new foe really is an alternate universe version of our characters. However, they are not Praetorian... they're only pretending to be.

This alternate Earth is one where the Internet has replaced all other forms of entertainment and communication. No TV, no phones, nothing but the Internet. As a result, society has shifted in a horrible direction... where nearly the entire human race has become nothing more than a bunch of Net Trolls.

These trolls come to Primal Earth, and attack us while pretending to be from Praetorian Earth. Their goal is to get us to counter attack (hence the events of Going Rogue) and cause a massive (flame) war. But why? What are their goals? Do they have some Nemesis-like master plan? Do they intend to let us fight it out and then destroy both Primal and Praetorian Earths while we're at our weakest.

No. Nothing that grand.

They did it for the lulz.
This needs to be written into lore. Maybe their leader can the a mixture of Nemesis and T3h C0mput3r?



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
More speculation:
The new foe really is an alternate universe version of our characters. However, they are not Praetorian... they're only pretending to be.

This alternate Earth is one where the Internet has replaced all other forms of entertainment and communication. No TV, no phones, nothing but the Internet. As a result, society has shifted in a horrible direction... where nearly the entire human race has become nothing more than a bunch of Net Trolls.

These trolls come to Primal Earth, and attack us while pretending to be from Praetorian Earth. Their goal is to get us to counter attack (hence the events of Going Rogue) and cause a massive (flame) war. But why? What are their goals? Do they have some Nemesis-like master plan? Do they intend to let us fight it out and then destroy both Primal and Praetorian Earths while we're at our weakest.

No. Nothing that grand.

They did it for the lulz.
OMG, they're coming to steal our LOLCATS!!!1111!



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
More speculation:
The new foe really is an alternate universe version of our characters. However, they are not Praetorian... they're only pretending to be.

This alternate Earth is one where the Internet has replaced all other forms of entertainment and communication. No TV, no phones, nothing but the Internet. As a result, society has shifted in a horrible direction... where nearly the entire human race has become nothing more than a bunch of Net Trolls.

These trolls come to Primal Earth, and attack us while pretending to be from Praetorian Earth. Their goal is to get us to counter attack (hence the events of Going Rogue) and cause a massive (flame) war. But why? What are their goals? Do they have some Nemesis-like master plan? Do they intend to let us fight it out and then destroy both Primal and Praetorian Earths while we're at our weakest.

No. Nothing that grand.

They did it for the lulz.
.... is this not basically what the Nemesis did with the Rikti? Does this means The Nemesis is just a Steampunk Net Troll?



Maybe the new foe is a shadow shard reflection of yourself. Rularuu has been quiet for way to long. That and it would be a neat way to introduce another of Rularuu's aspects, Uuralur. Isn't he the one responsible for the reflections in the shard.

Work in progress no more. I have decided that I'm going to put my worst spelling errors here. Triage Bacon, Had this baster idea, TLR

"I'm going to beat the Jesus out of Satan!" My Wife while playing Dante's Inferno



Originally Posted by Xaphan View Post
They haven't made it to Earth yet, they've just been able to send scouts (or maybe just reflections of themselves) using the "Dark Mirror" (an actual thing, rather than a concept or system).
A mirror metaphor used for an interdimensional portal in City Of Heroes? What a ridiculous idea...



The character in the I17 banner is wearing Valkyrie costume pieces. The Valkyrie costume was a bonus that came with the Mac edition.

The Dark Mirror enemy is Steve Jobs. If you try to fight him, he will launch a sleeker, shiner version of your hero that sells better to the 18-24 crowd, taking away a large chunk of your market and eventually rendering you obsolete.

Character index



I vote it's a shrewd way to recycle the old Tyrant and company skins. Arent they redoing all the skins for GR? What more productive way then merging them a bit and voicing them to us earlier. Surely we couldn't be able to stand toe to toe with them solo?

Just a thought.




Originally Posted by Silver Gale View Post
The Dark Mirror enemy is Steve Jobs. If you try to fight him, he will launch a sleeker, shiner version of your hero that's intended to sell better to the 18-24 crowd, but ultimately just annoys everyone with its endless advertisement.

My story arcs: #2370- Noah Reborn, #18672- The Clockwork War, #31490- Easy Money

Sartre once said, "Hell is other people." What does that make an MMO?