Knock Back vs Knock Down/Up

Ad Astra



I seek understanding and perhaps a means for a solution...

I have several scrappers and tankers, being melee based, I end up using Kinetic Combats to acquire the desperately needed Defense against Smash and Lethal.

Among the Kinetic Combats there is a recipe which does extra knockback.

While my Axe tanker alledgedly does knock-down and ups, because of the Kinetic Combat Knockback IO, like my Scrappers as well, the game exprience became a Hit, knock the mob way away, run after it, be ranged pummeled by the mob, get melee struck by it when I get next to it, I hit and knock it away, run after it, get ranged pummeled, melee strucked by the mob, get my hit and subsequent knock him away, rinse wash and repeat.

This chasing of the mob, is quite annoying, yet I need away to make my Tanker and Scrappers more survivable using the game sets.

I know someone will reply with, just don't use that set. While its easy to say, there are no other sets that would provide me the effect I need for survibabilty with out the blasted knock-back effect.

As I understand, somehow the MAG strength of the Knock effect, reduced by the victim's inherent resistance to Knock dictates how far you are knocked away. Thus if the effect is 1 or less, you are effectively knocked down/up, greater than MAG 1 you are knocked away.

Am I understanding this right?

Would suggesting to the devs to re-look at Knock effects, and split the two into different effects, where MAG is used to see if the effect goes off in the case of Knock-up/down and have no knock away effect regardless of the MAG effect difference; while Knock-Back continues to work under the same mechanics as it is now?





Are you sure that Kinetic Combat does what you are seeking?

When I look at its set bonuses, I don't see anything about KB (protection or resistance) at all.

There is a set bonus of 3 pts. KB protection in Kinetic Crash for having 4 pieces of the set - but that one is a Knockback set and 5 of the 6 pieces increase KB.

Also - nice try putting your standard "KB should be KD" suggestion here in the form of a Player Question.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



You only need four out of the five Kinetic Combats to get the defense bonus. You can use the four enhancements that don't have the proc.

EDIT: If you're really getting 'pummeled' in the time it takes you to hit the F button, you've got more problems than knockback.

First, when something is knocked back, it is effectively held, until it stands up. It cannot hit you until it stands up. If it takes you longer to get to the enemy than it takes him to stand up, you either have stupidly slow reaction time, or you should turn off rooted.

Second, you seem to be relying on melee defense. If an enemy is standing toe to toe with you and fires a gun, it's still a ranged attack. Whether it hits from 80 feet away or 8 inches, melee defense will never protect you from a ranged attack. You are either exaggerating the problem in your mind, or you are this annoyed with having to follow your target that you create a problem that doesn't exist.

Your post is full of ignorance, otherwise mine wouldn't be this full of snark. You don't have to use the knockback IO. Even if you did, it's only a slight chance to knockdown. It has to fire at the same time that your other powers fire their chance to knock down to become knock back, which is a ridiculously low chance. Even then, it would only be a mag 1.34 knockback, so they can't be flying 'way away' unless you are fighting green and blue con mobs, in which case, they shouldn't be 'pummeling' you. Furthermore, if they were green and blue con, it wouldn't matter whether you had the chance for knockdown IO slotted. They'd still get knocked back.

Finally, get your lame attempt at a hidden agenda out of the player question section.

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Is the Wiki incorrect?

Two enhancements reduces the duration of Immobilize effects on you by 2.75%.
Three enhancements increases maximum Health by 1.5%.
Four enhancements increases Smashing and Lethal Defense by 3.75%.
Four enhancements increases Melee Defense by 1.875%.
Five enhancements improves your Run Speed by 5%.
Five enhancements improves your Flight Speed by 5%.
Five enhancements improves your Jumping by 5%.
Retrieved from ""
I don't see anything about KB Defense in there. Is it wrapped up in "Melee Defense"?

Now I'm confused.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
I don't see anything about KB Defense in there. Is it wrapped up in "Melee Defense"?

Now I'm confused.
He's saying he takes the KC sets for melee defense, not knockback defense.

Somehow, he's under the impression he needs the "chance for knockback" IO to get the melee defense bonus, which comes after four enhancements.

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Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison View Post
Finally, get your lame attempt at a hidden agenda out of the player question section.

This has been brought up before (thread).



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Are you sure that Kinetic Combat does what you are seeking?

When I look at its set bonuses, I don't see anything about KB (protection or resistance) at all.

There is a set bonus of 3 pts. KB protection in Kinetic Crash for having 4 pieces of the set - but that one is a Knockback set and 5 of the 6 pieces increase KB.

Also - nice try putting your standard "KB should be KD" suggestion here in the form of a Player Question.
I don't see ANY of what you're talking about in the OP.

The OP wants the Melee defense of Kinetic Combat without the proc adding extra KD to the EXISTING KD in their attacks, which turns it into Knockback.

To the OP: As was mentioned, you don't need the proc. Get everything else from the set, and you have the defense. Unless you're running a stoner and want the +movement, there's no reason to take the proc.

Your understanding of KD/KU/KB is a little off. Here's how it actually works:
KD is KB of less than mag 0.75. If the attack does more than 0.75, or has two effects that when added total more than 0.75, then the enemy goes back.
KU is just like KB, but on a different vector. KU less than 0.75 is still effectively KD, but raising it over 0.75 makes the enemy fly UP, landing fairly close to you.
KU and KD/KB do not add. Having large amounts of each result in the enemy flying up AND back.




For those with the hidden agenda, can you please tell me what that hidden agenda is?

I simply and clearly said, I don't want to have to go chasing each mob I hit all over the map every time I hit them, and I sam eeking a reasonable solution to that!

What is your problem with that?

I been systematically replacing the Kinetic Combat KBs with the other incredibly much more expensive choice, that has reduced some of the hit and chase annoying situations.

I still would like to see a "MAG" increase only to be used in a test to see if the mob is affected by the knock effect, with out it automatically becoming a knock-away effect. I do understand Knock-away is great, and do use it with my Blasters, but for my melee its simply annoying.

I wonder about those who ciritique my ignorance on the subject matter, I thought comming here was a way to get a better understanding and be able to propose situations and get feedback which are constructive and educational. Did I miss-understood the purpose of this specific forum?

Once more, please explain, why asking this is such a horrible, earth shattering issue?




It's not, but when there is a much, much simpler way to fix this (i.e., don't use the KD proc), it seems kind of unnecessary.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



You would be better off asking for that proc to be switched to Knock-up.

Unlike other "mez" the magnitude IS duration - in this case, distance - of the knockback. What you are asking for - that mag only be checked to see if it affects the target - would require a complete rewrite of the mechanics of Knocks, and piss off a good number of people besides.

Also the alternative - changing the existing knock "down" into knockup - would probably also piss off a good number of people, as a lot of melee attacks used to have clear knockback, but was changing to knockdown. This was done so those who wanted to could slip in an enhancement to put it back to knockback.

If you get an immobilize effect, most of them include knock resistance... but that also completely protects them from being knocked.

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Originally Posted by Roderick View Post
I don't see ANY of what you're talking about in the OP.

The OP wants the Melee defense of Kinetic Combat without the proc adding extra KD to the EXISTING KD in their attacks, which turns it into Knockback.

To the OP: As was mentioned, you don't need the proc. Get everything else from the set, and you have the defense. Unless you're running a stoner and want the +movement, there's no reason to take the proc.

Your understanding of KD/KU/KB is a little off. Here's how it actually works:
KD is KB of less than mag 0.75. If the attack does more than 0.75, or has two effects that when added total more than 0.75, then the enemy goes back.
KU is just like KB, but on a different vector. KU less than 0.75 is still effectively KD, but raising it over 0.75 makes the enemy fly UP, landing fairly close to you.
KU and KD/KB do not add. Having large amounts of each result in the enemy flying up AND back.

Thank you Roderick, at least someone read my post with a neutral mind...

I regret using the Kinetic Combat as an example, which some took as a license to flame in as many ways as possible. No need to even read what I wrote, the temptation to flame was just to great to have the courtesy to read what I wrote.

All I want is: To stop Knocking away a mob each time I hit.

I see as aprt of the problem that some sets forces the KB effects, some cases you need the full set of 6 if you want quicker recharges, better regen, and what not.

I believe Roderick did understand the intent of what I want, all I want is for knock down/up powers to remain as such regardless of the MAG Knock capacity your alt may have.

If you have powers that are specifically Knock-back, I have no issue on how the MAG increases work with them.

Basically the intent of this thread, was to capitalize from all of your knowledge and experience on how to best address what I am asking for, and be able to intelligently phrase a suggestion on how to achive it.

Perhaps by the sheer poison in most of the responses, I am lead to believe, what I am asking is incredibly horrible, game shattering, and what not. Perhaps due to my lack of understanding, I fail to see it. Maybe you can break out the box of crayons and explain why so?




Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Perhaps by the sheer poison in most of the responses, I am lead to believe, what I am asking is incredibly horrible, game shattering, and what not. Perhaps due to my lack of understanding, I fail to see it. Maybe you can break out the box of crayons and explain why so?
Open your eyes, we just did.

Knockdown is merely fractional knockback. To separate the two would require a rework of the code and would change game mechanics. Right now, you can slot a knockdown attack so that it becomes knockback. Your way would have that changed, and many people like how it is.

In short, you're wishing for a solution to a problem that doesn't exist.

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It is not game-breaking. What it is, is a lot of work, for very little payoff, that doesn't need to be done, as the problem with the current situation is entirely of your own making.

Basically, IOs are an optional system. If you want a specific set bonus, but don't want the effects of that set, then that is a choice that you have to make. Neither the Devs, nor the other players, are forcing you to slot that set, and there are likely other ways to go about getting what you want without the penalty that you dislike.

To change how KD works would require the Devs to completely rewrite how the KD/KB mechanic works, and it really just doesn't need to be done. As such, it is much easier for you to change what you're going for, than to change how the game works.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
It is not game-breaking. What it is, is a lot of work, for very little payoff, that doesn't need to be done, as the problem with the current situation is entirely of your own making.

Basically, IOs are an optional system. If you want a specific set bonus, but don't want the effects of that set, then that is a choice that you have to make. Neither the Devs, nor the other players, are forcing you to slot that set, and there are likely other ways to go about getting what you want without the penalty that you dislike.

To change how KD works would require the Devs to completely rewrite how the KD/KB mechanic works, and it really just doesn't need to be done. As such, it is much easier for you to change what you're going for, than to change how the game works.
I am emphasing what Aett_Thorn said.

IO's are optional and you have to make choices. It would piss me off greatly if they changed the game just to make the OP happy and not chase mobs - a situation the OP created.

I have lots of melee toons, and I chase them if they are KB'd. It's not that hard or big deal and I want the KB there. I (and many players I team with) use it as a form of control. Now the OP wants to gut out one of my control mechanisms just because they can't chase them down.

I'll ask yet again from the other thread referenced since the OP won't answer it - don't you think that the set bonuses were accounted for when it was designed to make it more desirable/attractive to players? IMO, it was.



All of the above, and further: If you absolutely must keep the IOs the way you have them, learn to position yourself so that the mob flies into a wall, instead of down the hallway. That way you chase much less (and it's kinda satisfying to watch, too).



Knock Up attacks only work on female enemies, anyway.



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I apologize - I did misread the OP.

I guess I was reading it thru the various anti-KB threads she had previously posted down in S & I (in which the difference between KB & KD was explained to her as being merely a difference in MAG and what that value is).

I allowed my other reading to color what she was asking in this thread. Probably because it ended with this suggestion:

Would suggesting to the devs to re-look at Knock effects, and split the two into different effects, where MAG is used to see if the effect goes off in the case of Knock-up/down and have no knock away effect regardless of the MAG effect difference; while Knock-Back continues to work under the same mechanics as it is now?
edited for typos

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



Originally Posted by Tyrrano View Post
All of the above, and further: If you absolutely must keep the IOs the way you have them, learn to position yourself so that the mob flies into a wall, instead of down the hallway. That way you chase much less (and it's kinda satisfying to watch, too).
My martial artists love Crane Kicking Freak Tanks, among others, into various architectural features and watching them flail helplessly with their heads lodged in the wall/pillar/crate/etcetera.

One of my Katana/Dark Armor users slotted the KU attack with Kinetic Crash for the KB protection, but it's fun seeing how high some enemies bounce.

In all of these cases i use and slot the powers while being mindful, and appreciative, of their advantages and limitations. In my somewhat humble opinion anyone who understands the game well enough to consider using things like sets should be expected to do the same, but i'm odd like that.

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Originally Posted by Stormfront_NA View Post
Perhaps by the sheer poison in most of the responses, I am lead to believe, what I am asking is incredibly horrible, game shattering, and what not. Perhaps due to my lack of understanding, I fail to see it. Maybe you can break out the box of crayons and explain why so?
The problem is that the knockback system is intertwined with the physics engine of the game. Knockback isn't really a "mez" in the normal sense of the word. It has a magnitude, and the game treats all Knockback of 0.75 or lower as a knockdown, and all knockback of 0.76 and higher as a knockback, and that magnitude is passed to the physics engine which throws things around. The magnitude of the KB is used as both the trigger of the process and the strength of the process. At the moment, there's no way to specify both a "triggering magnitude" and a "strength magnitude" for knockback, because such attributes don't exist within the powers system. To add it just for knockback would probably require making changes to the core parts of the game engine, or ripping KB out completely and reengineering KB as a brand new special case system.

Basically, what you want can't be done by the powers designers with the current game system (not without a lot of complex twists and tangles) and the developers are unlikely to get permission to go poking around in the KB system just to modify knockback in this way.

Or to put it another way, its possible in the sense that everything is theoretically possible, but its not possible in any other sense of the word.

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Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post

This has been brought up before (thread).

Just wondering why two names I've never seen answer a single Player Question are suddenly jumping down this player's throat, insulting him and calling him names?

You and Dechs, please leave and never come back k?



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Just wondering why two names I've never seen answer a single Player Question are suddenly jumping down this player's throat, insulting him and calling him names?

You and Dechs, please leave and never come back k?
Ummm, no. K?

Edit since you needed some examples:




oh look a thank you to the post above...




Bottom line, some sets that are desirable for their bonuses are not so desirable for their other qualities. Some enhance KB, (which I also hate, so you have my sympathies there!) some don't enhance attributes you'd like them to; for instance, most mez sets don't enhance damage.

That's just a limitation of the Invention system that you learn to live with. I would never slot an attack with just Taunt set IOs or just Stun set IOs for that reason. In the case of Kinetic Combat, it's tempting to slot the KD proc since it's much, much less expensive than some of the other KC enhancements, but the KD can be a problem.

You have a few options:

1) Bite the bullet, spend the influence/infamy and buy the other IOs. (Or save your merits and get the expensive ones that way.)
2) Slot it in a non-KD/KB attack. If you've taken Tough/Weave, Boxing is a good choice; if you're not using it as an attack, you can slot it with the cheapest KC IOs you can find.
3) Slot it in a Knock *Up* attack if you have one; the KD proc will just increase the mag of the KU, which is much less annoying than knockback, IMO.
4) Slot the KD proc, and live with the fact that it'll cause KB on occasion. Since it's a proc, it'll only fire some of the time, at other times your attack will work as usual.

Your OP seems to suggest that you are attributing the fact that your attacks now do KB rather than KD to the Kinetic Combat proc. If that's the case, since the proc doesn't fire every time you use the attack, something else has to be going on other than just the KD proc to change your attacks to KB. The most obvious cause is if you're fighting less than even level foes; it has always been the case that using a KD attack on anything lower than level 0 will result in KB rather than KD.

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Originally Posted by PennyPA View Post
Ummm, no. K?

Edit since you needed some examples:




oh look a thank you to the post above...

Good Penny, I stand corrected. Let's play nice tho, even if something's posted in the wrong section or has been discussed many times before. There are ways to get a point across without calling someone "stupid" "ignorant" and "lame" - which YOU did not, granted, but did seem to endorse the poster who did.



Originally Posted by RobertoLyon View Post
Just wondering why two names I've never seen answer a single Player Question are suddenly jumping down this player's throat, insulting him and calling him names?

You and Dechs, please leave and never come back k?
Penny had a good idea.


Here too

Also here

And I'm in here

Not to mention here

Looky here

Alright, I'm tired of looking

I'm plenty helpful when the person asking the question deserves it. The point is, he came in here to complain about how knockback is annoying and further his agenda found in the suggestion forum, not to ask for help. Ad Astra hit it spot on before I had the chance to get snarky about it.

Am I rude? Yes.

Was it uncalled for? I do not believe so.

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