Plz tell me traps/ice ain't awesome!
It's one of the few ones I would pick with Traps. I would go, /sonic, /ice, and then /dark if you are looking for min/max. I would do /dual pistols when defenders get them just for the pure sexy factor.
Traps/Ice isn't awesome. You've been told.
Space reserved for a super awesome Signature, someday...
It's one of the few ones I would pick with Traps. I would go, /sonic, /ice, and then /dark if you are looking for min/max. I would do /dual pistols when defenders get them just for the pure sexy factor.

Thanks! Wasn't very convincing tho.

...and don't forget the improved gfx.

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Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
Traps is a horrible, horrible set. It does not give all of your teammates approximately 20% defense which cannot be backed up with a reasonably large ToHit debuff and the ability to give a regeneration boost to allies. Offensively it doesn't have a power that gives a 26.6% resistance debuff along with a nice defense debuff. Finally it doesn't have a power that not only acts as a short duration hold but also debuffs enemies.
To summarize, Traps is an awful set that should be removed from the game.
I hope that helps
CURSE you Adeon for linking to TV Tropes.... CURSE YOOOOOOOOUUUUUUU!!!!!!
Traps is a horrible, horrible set. It does not give all of your teammates approximately 20% defense which cannot be backed up with a reasonably large ToHit debuff and the ability to give a regeneration boost to allies. Offensively it doesn't have a power that gives a 26.6% resistance debuff along with a nice defense debuff. Finally it doesn't have a power that not only acts as a short duration hold but also debuffs enemies.
To summarize, Traps is an awful set that should be removed from the game. I hope that helps |
Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
Traps is a horrible, horrible set. It does not give all of your teammates approximately 20% defense which cannot be backed up with a reasonably large ToHit debuff and the ability to give a regeneration boost to allies. Offensively it doesn't have a power that gives a 26.6% resistance debuff along with a nice defense debuff. Finally it doesn't have a power that not only acts as a short duration hold but also debuffs enemies.
To summarize, Traps is an awful set that should be removed from the game. I hope that helps |
Its just not utilized in a manner that you see, for a defender? Probably not, but they'd be rather annoying.
Traps is a good set, if used correctly, removed from the game? No.
Its just not utilized in a manner that you see, for a defender? Probably not, but they'd be rather annoying. |
Also incase that isn't obvious enough, my actual opinion of traps:

It has insane potential, both offensively and defensively, teaming and solo.
I have one stalled in the high 20's that I just haven't played with in a long time. Got frustrated at the lack of mid-level IOs (namely stealth oriented ones) and just let it sit while I did other things.
Traps is a good set, if used correctly, removed from the game? No.
Its just not utilized in a manner that you see, for a defender? Probably not, but they'd be rather annoying. |
i mean it's not actually a good set, but i've played far worse.
And pairing it with Dual Pistols for a gadgeteeer/suyperspy themed character? Ludicrous!
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Über lol over your references Adeon!
A bit more sticking to the subject, is Ice/Traps 4 Corrs about the same amount of nice as Traps/Ice for 4 Defs?
@Global: Difficult One
Playing on European Servers (Union, Defiant)
If a person turns down an idea, he turns down an opportunity to evolve himself
I'm loving traps/ice but am noticing one problem. More than once I've laid a string of trip mines ( 10 or so ) and pulled enemies over them only to see them walking over them all without the earth shattering kaboom. Now that's the worst thing about traps.
Every other aspect, short of me writing a guide here, with Traps/ Ice is pure win.
Well, I run a Traps/Rad, and I absolutly love it.
My mix does the goodness Traps offers, and my Rad Blasts take down the mobs Def%, damage is decent, with plenty of AoE to back it up.
In the case of Traps/Ice, youd be adding massive toggle stopping, and slows to mobs on top of your Traps.Not to mention the damage is good, as well as large AoE patches with your Ice Storm and Blizzard powers.
I see a Traps/Ice doing insanly hard missions solo.My Traps/Rad, im unsure of its potential, and almost regret taking Rad Blasts, but it hasnt dissapointed me yet.That and the fact that Proton Volley is the sexiest mob puller out there!
Traps/anything is a awesome mix.
Ice is nice but it just wasn't doing much for me, so I rolled a traps/energy. It's interesting.
My traps/ice called Frosthold on Freedom is now 23, and he's tons of fun. Popping 2 purples, I even managed to not only survive, but take out 2 full 0x8 spawns at once when I hit 22 and had snowstorm + SO's. It did take quite some time, but it was doable.
The damage from ice storm isn't that impressive so far. It's an insane amount of ticks on the DoT, but it's tiny amounts and I feel sorry for blasters if they do 0.42dmg/tick as well.
Also, the scatter is a bit of a problem. I can tell that I need to increase the hold duration on PGT, and add slows to caltrops and the ice powers.
I haven't picked up Triage, and so far I haven't found a need for it either. There's just not enough damage left coming through, since all the mobs are busy puking, trying to get away from the debuffs, caltrops, icestorm to be worth wasting a power slot on a fixed position heal yet.
Conclusion: Huge potential in this toon. I've found myself on teams several times already, where not only have they waited for me to recharge the good stuff, but they've completely altered tactics during play to where I set up, and the team has gone herding/pulling into the traps to get nice and tight bunches. I've even been the lead tank on one team (not the fastest, I admit that, but it worked).
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Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!
My traps/ice is stalled at 20 (stalled static team, not from lack of interest). Definitely a fun character to play, nice and busy, but not spamtastically so like kinetics. I only hope my static team picks up again or Joe the Mechanic might not make it much further.
Bringing up a traps/ice now, it makes any team a pretty much unstoppable force. FFG+Poison is incredible, acid mortar takes em down without a thought from me, and caltrops+ice storm is an incredible way to keep the alpha broken after you send in seekers. (Everyone is trying to run away from death by 1's, but they are so slow... so slow.)
Freeze ray recharges way faster than I remember, excellent for snagging the first person to run away from your field of infinite doom.
I also like having triage. Right after the group snags one spawn, I send my drones to another, plant the mortar between them, set a triage down (radius and duration are huge) and proceed to pull all the spawns in sight to that area. Poison trap means everyone's puking, triage means everyone recovers from each new influx.
Seriously, traps... so great, and ice storm is a perfect match for caltrops.
"Fascinating. I'm not bored at all, I swear." -Kikuchiyo
...because my altitis is acting up again, and I have this picture in my head of traps/ice doing some seriously insane things. I might be very wrong tho, but on paper it looks pretty decent to me.
Any and all spelling, grammar and logic errors are intentional so this post will blend seamlessly into the Internet
Unbelievable. You, [subject name here], must be the pride of [subject hometown here]!