If you could redesign a canon faction (or two)




Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
I keep thinking there some gated Goldbricker content somewhere that I'm just missing. There's not, but i can't help but think there's some reason for them to exist.
They need some TF or SF that investigates a nefarious plot based in the Port Oakes candy factory. That would be sweet!



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
They show up (I think) once outside of ship raids, and thats as Boss level mobs in the RWZ arc for Serpent Drummer where you save the PTS.
They were actually first introduced in Angus McQueen's "Division: Line" story arc, (spoiler) wherein the Rikti begin kidnapping and transforming individuals with "Mu" bloodlines so that they can begin utilizing magic, which happened a good deal before I11 (I believe it was I1, in fact).



Originally Posted by UnicyclePeon View Post
I would also love to see Banished Pantheon go up to level 50, and actually be a regular group for missions and for newspaper/radio missions. They are awesome, and their various death mask guys and the storm/avalanche/thunder guys are seriously irritating. Enough so that I don't think you'd have to ramp them up to justify raising their level to 50.
Plus they are played up in the 20s to be a major rival of the CoT and they took over an entire damn zone of the city, so it makes even less sense for them to vanish at 30.



Originally Posted by RosaQuartz View Post
I keep thinking there some gated Goldbricker content somewhere that I'm just missing. There's not, but i can't help but think there's some reason for them to exist.
I have a feeling King Midas has at least a small amount of knowledge about the Coming Storm. The way the Goldbrickers constantly mention Midas wants them to get information and that something big is coming would hint that. It's a shame Midas doesn't physically show up anywhere in the game though there is at least one arc/Flashback about him.

I say +1 to adding more Wyvern and Legacy Chain. Since "Wyvern cheats" and Legacy Chain has magic, they have much more room for some unique powersets. I'd also saying adding a few more to the Paragon Hero and Rogue Island Villain groups would be nice for papers/scanners and the followup Mayhem/Safeguard.

In some ways I'd say add more to the Rogue Island Police. PPD is so unique and varied while RIP is essentially the same from 1-40 and they have no outside presence past Mercy despite canonically having reason to be "ritzy" places like Villa Requin and Jackpot.



Well, the sequel mission arc to my Secret Weapons AE arc (before several maps were pulled and various AE limits added in beta severely damaged the arc and made me put the whole thing on ice until I felt ready to retackle it) was going to partially retcon the Paragon Protectors as being Crey experiments connected to experiments that predate Brainstorms proliferation work and the Origin of Power revelations. I think there's a lot of fertile ground to cover there.

Although to be honest, if I could redesign any canon group now, it would be the Malta. I would add to the canon that they have secretly reorganized and have been observing and conducting reconnaissance of Praetorian Earth for years, and have been building an arsenal of technology with the intent to launch a surgical strike on Emperor Cole that draws the rest of the Primal Earth into a war with the Praetorians. And I would update them to make them a lot more badass.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Consider me /signed to most of the above in this thread.

The main thing I'd like to see, if I was to pick one thing, would be an enemy group spawn profiling system that takes each foe in a group (minions, lts., bosses, uniques) and gives the stats on them for every five levels on a range of 1-50 (e.g., 1-5, 6-10, etc.). That way your spawning program selects foes with powers / defenses appropriate to every 5-level segment, and you can have every foe group available from 1-50 with minimum fuss.

I know AE automatically matches the player to the level of the content. But it does not automatically match the levels of the foes to each other, and it does not really address the issue of how some foes are designed to be fought at early (trainer or DO) levels, and some are designed to be fought at later (SO + Stamina) levels. It would also clear up the annoying problem of level gaps within a group.

The next thing I'd want after this would be customized named bosses for all enemy groups. That's what I do in my arcs; it's not much trouble, and it has the added feature of showing / telling more story.

Speaking of which - and I apologize in advance for a tiny thread jack here - but I'd like the see content designed with more of an emphasis on storytelling-as-you-go, as opposed to the expository lumps we get from contacts and clues that many players never see or read. In my AE arcs I try to tell as much story as I can through pop-up windows, dialog, and mission objectives. As far as I can tell it works pretty well, but it could be helped with the addition of a few more tools.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I've always wanted to expand upon the Legacy Chain. They are underused and interesting.

If we ever had a "scourge" like event, I'd like to ditch the Goldbrickers and put The Family back to the low to mid-level roots. The idea of level 40 mobsters with Tommy Guns still boggles my mind.
the issue with high level family isnt that they are high level, its that they are gravity controll... It should be MIND CONTROLL. Makes more sense to me, as they bully people into believing they need to do whatever crime, the mob needs them to do.



For the Warriors; I'd make higher level ones that not only have access to powersets like Shields and Dual Blades; I'd create a version that has access to looted/recovered magical weapons with nasty secondary effects ( and cool FX ). Also, Warriors with Willpower would be thematic, and nasty.

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I've always wanted to expand upon the Legacy Chain. They are underused and interesting.

Originally Posted by Castle View Post
If we ever had a "scourge" like event, I'd like to ditch the Goldbrickers and put The Family back to the low to mid-level roots. The idea of level 40 mobsters with Tommy Guns still boggles my mind.
I kinda like the Goldbrickers. As for the Family, I've seen some nice ideas in the Suggestions forums on how to buff them for higher levels. Personally, I'd have more Superstrength types due to their 'Dine usage, and have them start using more high tech weapons that they've "acquired". Being criminals, it would be thematic for higher level Family to be armed with a variety of weapons stolen from other factions.

"Hey, hero! Check out my new toy!"

< fires Rikti plasma rifle >

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I've always wanted to expand upon the Legacy Chain. They are underused and interesting.

If we ever had a "scourge" like event, I'd like to ditch the Goldbrickers and put The Family back to the low to mid-level roots. The idea of level 40 mobsters with Tommy Guns still boggles my mind.

Part 1: Legacy Chain + Luddite convergence of some sort so they're powerful enough to be level 30-40.

Part 2: I only hate the Goldbrickers because flight makes them harder to run from + SS + resistance debuffs.

Part 3: Gatling Guns. 'nuff said.

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Oh, another idea for high level Family: Pinstripe Powersuits!

Always remember, we were Heroes.



The Warriors....given that they are supposedly the main perptrators in the Hellion-Outcast-Warrior artifact trade, they have a serious lack of people with strange powers.

While I admit that the majority of them (including all minions) should simply be really skilled martial artists, I think there should be at least twice as many lieutenants as their currently are (total of 6) with the extra three having "weird" abilities based on artifact use.

OR, probably better, you can design them like the Tsoo, with lots of strangely powered bosses and a small selection of predictable minions

Really, these guys should be going toe-to-toe with the Tsoo for martial weirdness. With the Warriors basing their powers on artifacts and "gifts from the gods" in contrast to the Tsoo bosses that learn strange, mystical arts.

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Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Bring back multiple Sappers per spawn!
I have a dream. And in this dream, I get programming to add the tech that allows an attack to execute a SetMode that suppresses a random power of the target for a specified length of time. And in this dream, sappers get that power.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
the issue with high level family isnt that they are high level, its that they are gravity controll... It should be MIND CONTROLL. Makes more sense to me, as they bully people into believing they need to do whatever crime, the mob needs them to do.
The reason behind the grav control is, IIRC, the fact that the bosses of the family have a purer, less dangerous (to the user) form of Dyne.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
Something of that style, but like a modified version of the hard suits the PPD have. maybe with one hand replaced by a tommy gun. and a wearing a steel fedora.

Always remember, we were Heroes.



Originally Posted by Lycanus View Post
OR, probably better, you can design them like the Tsoo, with lots of strangely powered bosses and a small selection of predictable minions

Really, these guys should be going toe-to-toe with the Tsoo for martial weirdness. With the Warriors basing their powers on artifacts and "gifts from the gods" in contrast to the Tsoo bosses that learn strange, mystical arts.
That sounds like a good idea. I think the Tsoo are among the best designed enemy groups in the game so giving the Warriors that design sense would be great.

Originally Posted by Obscure Blade View Post
I kinda like the Goldbrickers. As for the Family, I've seen some nice ideas in the Suggestions forums on how to buff them for higher levels. Personally, I'd have more Superstrength types due to their 'Dine usage, and have them start using more high tech weapons that they've "acquired". Being criminals, it would be thematic for higher level Family to be armed with a variety of weapons stolen from other factions.

"Hey, hero! Check out my new toy!"

< fires Rikti plasma rifle >
Yeah, I'd rather see more Goldbrickers rather than less. However, "high tech tommy guns" sounds like an awesome idea for the Family. It was mentioned elsewhere that psi would be a good idea to represent the mobs hold over people and I think it would be better suited to have the Leadership pool and maybe a MM-esque summon. Also, with /grav it might be thematically appropriate to give them Teleport Foe and Recall Friend.



Originally Posted by Castle View Post
I've always wanted to expand upon the Legacy Chain. They are underused and interesting.

If we ever had a "scourge" like event, I'd like to ditch the Goldbrickers and put The Family back to the low to mid-level roots. The idea of level 40 mobsters with Tommy Guns still boggles my mind.
Does this mean you'd want to move the Goldbrickers to higher levels? I could get behind that... though I want more content with the Goldbrickers too, they're a fun mob. Heck, I wouldn't mind if they combined with or replaced the Sky Raiders, to be honest, though I could understand some people might prefer keeping the Raiders.

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Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Agree to Banished Pantheon and Warriors - BanPan could be a much bigger threat and even the CoT is working to stop them while the Warriors are about as threatening as Steve Urkel.

If I was able to muck around with some canon factions, I'd work on making Longbow, Vanguard and Wyvern fit together. Currently they are three different factions that have a similar alignment if different methods, with Longbow dominating. I'd look to make them follow a more well defined ranking system (i.e. costume changes so they don't all look so bland, especially Longbow). To that end I'd take the PCPD as a good model - as they level up they end up looking different and having different abilities. And by 'fit together', I also mean 'fight each other when necessary'. Although aligned, they do have their differences.

And if I had the ability to fool around with the lore, I'd start a Clockwork War. The Clockwork King isn't the most stable of incredibly powerful telekinetics and if he started to doubt himself I'm sure that would manifest as an opposing Clockwork side. Boomtown would be the setting for this war, the King having taken over the ruins and built a Clockwork Kingdom in the rubble.



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
And if I had the ability to fool around with the lore, I'd start a Clockwork War. The Clockwork King isn't the most stable of incredibly powerful telekinetics and if he started to doubt himself I'm sure that would manifest as an opposing Clockwork side. Boomtown would be the setting for this war, the King having taken over the ruins and built a Clockwork Kingdom in the rubble.
I... I think I love you.

This is the single coolest idea I've heard for an event/expansion. I LOVE the Clockwork, they're just such a fun group and one of the more interesting backstories tied into lore. Not to mention that the idea of a Clockwork Kingdom... it's so steampunk in my head I can't even begin to describe how awesome it looks. Also would present an opportunity to bring Blue Steel into a story finally as an ally or what have you instead of just always sitting around in Kings. Just imagine taking on a beefed up, psychotic Clockwork King with his psychic abilities going out of control with Blue Steel fighting along-side you. Epic.



Originally Posted by perfect_pain View Post
what anime is that from?
big o! It's showtime!

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Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
City of Heroes is a game about freedom of expression and variety of experiences far more so than it is about representing any one theme, topic or genre.



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have a dream. And in this dream, I get programming to add the tech that allows an attack to execute a SetMode that suppresses a random power of the target for a specified length of time. And in this dream, sappers get that power.
All said power would do would be to ensure I never played against Malta again by any choice under my power. There is nothing in this game I have ever despised more than things that take my powers away from me. My powers are why I play the game, and being stripped of them is crap. It's why I despised anything in PvE that dropped toggles. (I hated it in PvP too, but I kind of got the reasons they came up with it.)

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I have a dream. And in this dream, I get programming to add the tech that allows an attack to execute a SetMode that suppresses a random power of the target for a specified length of time. And in this dream, sappers get that power.
And multiple power-sappers in the same spawn!

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