Preperations for GR/Iss17




I don't know about all of you but as each passing day goes by I get alittle more excited about the future of our game. Each issue that we have gotten has added little bits to the puzzle, which I feel have gone along way to making our game superior to some of the other MMO's out there. (we may be smaller, but we are mighty.)

So, as time has gone on here... I have started to farm again. What enhancements will my new GR characters need? I should get them now, is my thinking. Free character transfers has got me going too. Lately I have been logging on to all my "shelved" 50's, not because I am prepping them for this awesome endgame... but because I want to yank out all of their purples, and then move them to some other server that I never play on.

I have a few 50's that I am dedicated to, but not that many. I am looking forward to the future of our game, alot. I am also looking forward to playing new characters... I mean playing, instead of just PL through everything as I have done lately. (just cant play through it anymore) I have cleared out so many alts on virtue, moving them to those other servers... I am not able to make just about 15 new characters.

One thing I thought was strange while moving my characters all over the place, was I didn't have to rename any. I moved a bunch of characters to Freedom... and no one had their names. "Red Pop" was one."Natural Stimulant" was another.

Anyways, I am just wondering what you guys are doing in prep for our upcoming issue and expansion.?



Playing Drake's Fortune and hanging out at the The Secret World forums pretty much.

Rabbits & Hares:Blue (Mind/Emp Controller)Maroon (Rad/Thermal Corruptor)and one of each AT all at 50
MA Arcs: Apples of Contention - 3184; Zen & Relaxation - 35392; Tears of Leviathan - 121733 | All posts are rated "R" for "R-r-rrrrr, baby!"|Now, and this is very important... do you want a hug? COH Faces @Blue Rabbit



I've stopped playing my Sonic/Sonic defender because the idea of re-rolling him as a corruptor makes me happy.

I've gone through my character list, purging all the characters I didn't consider that fun or important to me anymore. I used the slots that were freed up to make placeholder characters for my praetorians (the counterparts to the eight or so characters I have left), so I know I'll have the slots when the time comes.
I've been playing with costumes and power colouring and such so that while it could all change once I get playing GR (I don't know that much about it yet), I have a general idea about their personalities and where their morals lie.

I've also stopped playing my undercover longbow agent/night widow because I don't want to advance her when I know in a few months I could be earning experience and giving her a more heroic status. Maybe even a true spy status if that's a type of feature they include.

Regardless, I am excited, and really quite ready for whatever further teasing they have for us.



I've been shuffling around some of my less-played toons to make room. My focus in the game has always been IO builds. I love creating builds, tinkering, seeing what insanity I can come up with (a soft-capped elec armor stalker, a perma-dull pain scrapper, a sapper tank etc) so I'm definitely looking forward to the new IOs that might come out of Praetoria.

I have the feeling ALL my villains will go Rogue simp[ly because that resolves the Merit crisis red-side. I can't see many of my toons fully switching sides, but quite a few new vigillantes will be born with GR (I'm a HUGE fan of the Shadow, so you know damn well I'm making a homage Dark/Pistols Vigillante)

Plus.. I am looking forward to diving straight into the STORY of Praetoria. I'm a sucker for anti-heroes and such (my favorite comic characters are Moon Knight, Punisher and Deadpool) so i love to see the world from that angle.

"Well, there's going to be some light music and a short note of apology saying, 'The universe ended last week, we're really sorry, we don't know what you're doing here, didn't you get the message?'"- Steve Moffat



Although committed to playing on as many servers as I can, I spent Januaury, and around $40 on extra slots for my Virtue server and build a Hero base there. 3 weeks and its up and running with TP's to all zones and global friends in both my Villain Group and Hero Group now, so any swapping will already have a base on both sides, with people to invite them.

Seemed like a plan to me



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Anyways, I am just wondering what you guys are doing in prep for our upcoming issue and expansion.?
I'm waiting to see what happens, and playing the game as I have done for (very nearly) the last 5 years.

I see no point in getting massively over worked up about it, since even if the beta process goes 100% smooth with no glitches at all (I can hear the programmers and previous beta testers laughing maniacally from here), we're still looking at (at a very rough guess) 2-3 months at LEAST after the game goes Closed Beta until release.

Until then, I'll be selling generic IO's on the auctions, pulling in a small but steady profit on my two mains, and playing some of my other alts since I finally finished the last push to the Leader badge on my original toon.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Um...I just want to chime in here, wave and say hi to that puppy licking person hosting this post from that ...(ahem) other "content charging" hero game. As I am also a refugee from said game. But I am really glad I'm here...even if that puppy licking person doesn't really remember me...

...though the current puppy she's using doesn't seem to be licking.

Anywhoose, my first post..., sorry to interrupt. As you where. <3

If it's small and pink, it's probabley a Gnome.



Originally Posted by Utakata View Post
Um...I just want to chime in here, wave and say hi to that puppy licking person hosting this post from that ...(ahem) other "content charging" hero game. As I am also a refugee from said game. But I am really glad I'm here...even if that puppy licking person doesn't really remember me...

...though the current puppy she's using doesn't seem to be licking.

Anywhoose, my first post..., sorry to interrupt. As you where. <3
Welcome!!! This is my MMO home Play on Virtue, its the bestest server ever Are you new to here?
If so, I would have you check out all the coming awesomeness.

There is a graphical update coming that is just plain ol' amaZing!
Its called Ultra Mode!

My favorite AT (arch type) is Controller, but theres bunches to chose from.

Here is a link to the incoming awesome >.>

Welcome again I post alot more over here and some people (evil people) say the puppy licking is alittle excessive.



I never found puppy licking excessive, Perfect.

...I believe I have toons on Virtue...though I'm not sure they are my Heroes or Villians. Though, I'll check.

I have been here before...and has been my refuge from WoW fatigue from time to time. Though I'm not sure I level'd anything past 36. But now I here to remind myself how much more freedom I had missed in comparison to... (ahem) Roper's Online.

Anyways...I shall check out that link. Thank you again, Perfect-san.

Edit: Oh yes that! I saw the vid looks great. Though I hope our models get individual fingers. <3

Edit 2: It looks like I have all my evils over on Virtue. Though add this to your Friends if you wish: Utakata Manastu.

If it's small and pink, it's probabley a Gnome.



Just alittle reminder if you havent already seen it, in the announcements section:

Free character server transfers through the end of Feb.

Not saying you need to, just saves you money if your interested



I am upgrading my computer, apparently while the most of it was good, the power supply was tiny and wouldnt support any real graphics cards that posi had suggested for ultra mode, so upgrading that, and just going through and getting my higher level guys some io's, since with posi's apparent reassignment to work on endgame (and unspecified other stuff) i get the feelign that just being able to fight through the itf is no longer the power level that i will be able to get away with.



Thank you, Perfect...I may consider that.

If it's small and pink, it's probabley a Gnome.



I'm kinda taking a break. Not playing at all during the week, and about halved my play time over the weekends. While the new story, zones, and graphics will be awesome, I don't have a whole lot of new characters I want to make, or characters that are going to switch sides. (One exception: my brute will become a hero and finally complete his story that involves two characters and a MA arc.)

So, it'll be nice when it gets here, but I'm not going crazy for it.

...I forgot what experience means.



I must push a grav/something to 50 so that I can focus on electric control (as well as others, hopefully). Right now, it's the only control primary I haven't taken to 50.

Other than that just waiting...



Life as usual. PLing when I feel like actually advancing a character, getting the easier accolades now. Wandering off to play MW2 when I get bored.

@macskull, @Not Mac | XBL: macskull | Steam: macskull | Skype: macskull
"One day we all may see each other elsewhere. In Tyria, in Azeroth. We may pass each other and never know it. And that's sad. But if nothing else, we'll still have Rhode Island."



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I don't know about all of you but as each passing day goes by I get alittle more excited about the future of our game. Each issue that we have gotten has added little bits to the puzzle, which I feel have gone along way to making our game superior to some of the other MMO's out there. (we may be smaller, but we've done the impossible, and that makes us mighty.)
Fixed that for you.



The only thing I've done in the game really GR related is make some placeholders* for new characters, and think conceptually about the existing ones that'll switch sides.

Otherwise I'm just playing as usual. I'm also trying to get through Dragon Age, but that accursed "memory leak", aka each loading screen increases the length of the next, until it takes FOR-FREAKIN'-EVER to load, means I can't seem to play that game for more than an hour. I recently cancelled my subscription (again) to AoC, I've already secured my access to The Secret World anyway, and I've had my fill of decapitations and stylish neck-breaking for awhile. A little bit of Titan Quest IT, a bit more of Sacred 2 (GRRR at having to buy the International edition to get access to the expansion...), the whole RL thing, and I have plenty to do 'til GR.

* - Never fear, I'm 99% sure the names I've taken don't include The One you desperately want.



I have a psy/psy......something, named 'Horizon' that will be a shades of grey kind of person. Other than that, not much.



I'm aggressively stockpiling resources of all sorts (influence, merits, various rare and valuable IOs) while waiting for further news. I'll refine my plans once news regarding the new endgame system is released.

I don't have any plans to make new characters once GR is released, but when the time comes I'll probably cave in and make a Dual Pistols something. I even have a cute gunslinger costume picked out.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
Anyways, I am just wondering what you guys are doing in prep for our upcoming issue and expansion.?
During the winter event, I looked at which villains I was planning to take blueside and found that there was only one (a Brute) I plan to take all the way over. So I gave him a halo on one of his costume slots.

I've considered switching him from my villain server to my hero server so that he can be in a group after the switch, but it's so far off, that I think I'll make use of the base amenities until he actually does the GR arcs and is locked out.

I was surprised that I only had one character that I wanted to take all the way across, but several that would explore the mid-ground. (Although a blueside Crab would be interesting, I imagine that it'll be done.)



Im literally just logging in just to chat to friends really. Whenever i get close to an issue release/beta, i find myself playing less and less because i keep thinking i want my characters to level up via the new way to give myself a target while playing it.

Im wierd

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
Im literally just logging in just to chat to friends really. Whenever i get close to an issue release/beta, i find myself playing less and less because i keep thinking i want my characters to level up via the new way to give myself a target while playing it.

Im wierd
No you're not. I do that too. I haven't REALLY played in months... ever since I found out about GR.... it's killed my desire to play.



Gonna re-roll a TA/AR Defender as a D(ual)P(istols)/AR Blaster for my 'No Super Powers' concept.....and looking forward to taking PP Redside!