The February 2010 FArt Battle




this is some of the sketch for my entry and may actually end up being my entry.... been too distracted with school to get into this month sadly. there goes my chance of winning immunity for my birth month! eh...

I should add. I call the picture 'Sleeping with the enemy'



Shia, I'd almost totally forgotten about the KoA! That was a really good choice.



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Shia, I'd almost totally forgotten about the KoA! That was a really good choice.
How could you forget?? The caltrops! Oh, THE CALTROPS!!! *flashbacks*



For those of you who are having trouble submitting to the correct folder in the group, I'll see what I can do about getting that all situated later this evening. I'll be around working on some sketches for different school projects, watching the deadline.

Voting will be up later on Saturday, or early Sunday. It takes a while to get that post all put together with the clickable thumbs and whatnot.

I can also get March's theme going (which I just realized I COMPLETELY forgot to give to Foo.... whooooooops) this weekend if desired by the participants.



I think the consensus is the quicker the new theme the better...



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I think the consensus is the quicker the new theme the better...

It gives me more time to procrastinate.



Originally Posted by Frost View Post

It gives me more time to procrastinate.
... yea.. this last theme took me forever to find sumthin for it..

its like 90 percent thinking of what to draw and only 10 percent
actually drawing it :*(

..I need INSPIRATION!!.. gimme the theme, two bottle of Saki and
a slightly scratched Tatu cd..



Alright. I'll get the March theme up this weekend after starting the voting.



put some finish on it. so it looks better.



I think I've caught up with everyone that's submitted for the dA group. Some just need approval from the artist to go up.

Less than 3 hours to submit!



Too late to update mine? Cuz I updated mine;



My Entry:

"When you're spending your nights fighting crime, it can be hard to take in the city night life. But don't worry! has your back! Using our 34 point personality and power matrix, we can match you with your perfect relationship companion. Try our service for 30 days free! We guarantee that you'll be satisfied!"

Like I mentioned, this one was giving me some difficulty, but I think it pulled together right at the last minute. I'm not embarrassed to show it now anyway This is my first ever attempt at designing a poster.

Made with Illustrator and Photoshop, pulled together using InDesign. And since it's an InDesign project, if you REALLY want an 18x24 inch poster of this for some reason, you can grab the PDF:



Hahaha, that is adorable, Frost. Am I allowed to say that in reference to a dating site ad? Gah, but it is! LOL

Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
I don't know why Dink thinks she's not as sexy as Jay was. In 5 posts she's already upstaged his entire career.



I'm organizing the Red Caps, Fir Bolg and Tuatha into a giant rally in protest of their exclusion from this particular "dating service." Racism is uncool, be it supernatural based or not!



They're excluded due premiums. Yeah, that's it. It'd be way too expensive, what with the Red Caps stabbing people all the time.



with only moments to spare - here's my entry!:

February's "Girls of the Zig" is Brutal Wendy




2-click, 2-click, 2-click!



Alright, posting so I know that the deadline has come and gone.

Way to get in under the wire, U-Naught and CR! Unfortunately, I don't see an entry from Crestent, so he is out.

Because we have one entrant dropped due to lack of submission, we will not do another elimination via vote for February. I don't want to do multiple eliminations unless needed later in the year.

BUT, still to stave off the problem of having to "vote someone off the island", we WILL be voting in a 1, 2, 3 manner. All votes will have to include a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice or they won't count!

Stay tuned for the voting thread and new theme to go up this weekend. I'm going to bed!



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
Alright, posting so I know that the deadline has come and gone.

Way to get in under the wire, U-Naught and CR! Unfortunately, I don't see an entry from Crestent, so he is out.

Because we have one entrant dropped due to lack of submission, we will not do another elimination via vote for February. I don't want to do multiple eliminations unless needed later in the year.

BUT, still to stave off the problem of having to "vote someone off the island", we WILL be voting in a 1, 2, 3 manner. All votes will have to include a 1st, 2nd, and 3rd choice or they won't count!

Stay tuned for the voting thread and new theme to go up this weekend. I'm going to bed!
It looks like Crescent has one on DA, and in the CityOfHeroes February folder - but has asked for someone to post it here and "can someone tell Wassy I got my entry in on time in the thread, I don't think she's read the note I sent her yet..."

At least, thats what it says under his DA entry. (ducking quickly!)

D'oh! I could've included the link to his:



According to the Submitted time on DA he made it under the wire...



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
Ok I linked it to DA (instead of Photobucket) which has a mature filter on it... is that ok or do I need to do something else?
Best bet is to link your DA page in general and then people can clicky on the image if they want to see it?