The February 2010 FArt Battle




FYI, you guys should be able to submit your pieces to the February FArt folder on the group dA page. If you can't, let me know, as I'm able to move around pieces.

Once we get to the voting, all pieces will be posted with a uniform thumbnail as some can be direct-linked, and some can not. I don't want to give unfair advantage by having mere links alongside thumbs of actual "safe" pieces. Even if your piece doesn't need a 2-click, they're all going to be structured that way for fairness.



I am not able to submit art to the Feb gallery. Only the Jan gallery is open for me.



Hmph, I'm probably about 1/3 of the way through my entry? Hard to tell, sometimes these things take on a life of their own...

But all in all, I'm almost done since I got the hardest part done: I started it! Being the professional procrastinator I am, that is the toughest hurdle.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
But all in all, I'm almost done since I got the hardest part done: I started it! Being the professional procrastinator I am, that is the toughest hurdle.
That's about where I'm at Just started working out some thumbnail sketches to figure out how I want things situated. But at least I got started!



Originally Posted by Clutch View Post
I am not able to submit art to the Feb gallery. Only the Jan gallery is open for me.
Should be fixed now, but I submitted the piece for you anyway.

I should have everyone caught up with putting pieces in the folders. Just need the artists to approve them, and they'll show up!



After checking with Wassy that it's OK for me to do such a thing, I'm ditching my previous entry and replacing it with this one, which is a bit better, I think.

I still need lots more practice with the tablet and brush settings, because it's still really hard for me to control the brush effects, but it's still early days, I guess.



Originally Posted by Bindweed View Post
I still need lots more practice with the tablet and brush settings, because it's still really hard for me to control the brush effects, but it's still early days, I guess.
Well, if your improvement from the last one to this one keeps up that same pace, you'll be a pro in no time! Not that the last sucked, but this is a big improvement imo...



I may have to take a hand at the March one (even though I'm not in the long haul comeptition), when my Uni schedule isnt so choking.

Looking great, Bind.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



While I do think that is a technically better piece overall Bind and it does tie in CoH well and certainly covers the "hawt chick" rule I'm not sure I see the lighthearted pinuppyness (™) or romance aspect to joining a crusade on evil? Still needs a little something to really nail the theme I think.

The last entry while not as vibrant had the pinup vibe going on for sure... plus I gotta admit I loved the black Arachnos panties.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
The last entry while not as vibrant had the pinup vibe going on for sure... plus I gotta admit I loved the black Arachnos panties.
I must disagree...

To me his last entry just seemed like a magazine ad. A racy magazine ad, sure, but still just a magazine ad. To me pin ups are about selling the fantasy, not the product...

Ok, but does this one do a better job at being a pin up? For me it does. Not so much because it's selling the fantasy but because to me this harkens back to Rosie the Riveter...

Now those weren't typical pin ups exactly but to me they are a type of themed pin up... And I've seen some pin ups definitely inspired by them.

So imo, while not smack dab square in the middle of the theme, this does seem to come close enough to the mark (and closer than the last) to qualify...



I get a Rosie the Riveter Vibe of that one.

I approve.

not that it needs my approval.



I see what you are saying Caemgen but what makes the first more lighthearted pinup for me is Ghost Widow's "teehee" expression and her knees touching plus her feet being pointed (all very common among the classic pinups I've seen).

This is just my opinion but the Liberty image kinda reminds me more of a propaganda poster than pinup, it says lets team up and kick some asterisk (heh) more than I'm your fantasy (unless of course whooping on punctuation is your fantasy ). Plus she is fully dressed and has a serious expression compared to GW being in her undies looking naughty.

Still a fine piece by all accounts (it's nicely drawn no matter what Bindweed says about being a tablet newb ) and I'm sure it will be accepted as it is... I just think it's missing the mark a bit.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Then it will show in the voting I guess.

As far a propaganda thing wasn't Rosie the Riveter a propaganda ploy and a pin-up?

Sex sells my friend.



I guess I was thinking too much about the advertising poster concept and not enough about the original brief. I think CR is right in that this doesn't meet the romance element of the brief. I'd like to think, however, that it still meets the pin-up element - if I was a Paragon City denizen with a thing for Liberty Girl, I might have a poster like this pinned up somewhere (or use blu-tack. It's the 21st century, fer cryin' out loud - but then "tacked -up" sounds a bit naughty ). I'm just interpreting pin-up as having a much wider meaning. True, Betty Grable showed a lot of leg in 1944, but also Farrah Fawcett's face sold a lot of posters of her with all her clothes on as well as sitting in the surf wearing a bikini

It's no biggie if this doesn't meet the brief - I'll just do another one - it's still early days, after all

(*starts thinking about Gorgeous Glenda, in the surf, in a Freakshow bikini...* )



If the first one counted I dont see why this one wouldnt, neither apeared to be romantic in my eyes but hit the pin up mark square between the... eyes.



I still wanna see gorgeous Glenda in a freak bikini...kinda like a car wreck you don't wanna look but you can't help it.



As I said I'm sure either of Binds pieces would be accepted (and no doubt would get votes too) I just think an already good image could be made better by bringing in more elements of the main theme.

Glenda must be someone redside? *goes to look it up*

Well that would no doubt be an attention getter lol.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



*strolls back in*... wait bindweed, battlewraith, bubbawheat.. there are too damned many BW'S!

*leaves knife* fight to the death! wait... (remmembers Battlewraith's fight livestream) probably a bad Idea... *pockets knife*

I also had an idea for making your picture a little more in keeping with the type of pin up you were going for Bindweed. I'd consider overlaying some texture to the background and also removing the black line from the writing. in the time period that this image is homaging all type would have had to have been placed manually and would have been a pain in the **** to do a border like you've done. so it would look more authentic and wouldnt stand out so much, atm I feel it is rivaling the pretty lady for supremacy. which may be why people are debating the type instead of just being enthralled by boobs! just a nitpicky 2 cents worth.



Bindweed's piece instantly reminded me of Rosie the Riveter and other WWII-era nose-art, which is just about as classic as a pin-up can get. She's still an idealized female, and the point of his piece is obviously glorifying her, which is what the pin-up is all about. She also has a very teasing look to her face. That's a sly double-entendre smile.

He meets the criteria without issue.



Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
...I'd consider overlaying some texture to the background and also removing the black line from the writing. in the time period that this image is homaging all type would have had to have been placed manually and would have been a pain in the **** to do a border like you've done. so it would look more authentic and wouldnt stand out so much...
Nice idea, Eddy - I've revamped the background and replaced the text in a revised version on my DA site. I don't know whether or not to use this to revise the entry, but there's still a few weeks to go.



Shiny = wet!



You're gonna tell me she's not?

btw aside from my dA comment this is awesome...and done with a mouse. Imagine what Pyro can do with a proper tablet.