The February 2010 FArt Battle




I humbly submit my February FArt.

Strawberries and Creme

EDIT2: I made some corrections and reposted the image LAter in the thread.



The face is especially good!



Maybe it's just me but in the domin'/lib' piece I figured the red "panties" were more like bloomers. It didn't make sense to me that domin' would strip to spank lib'. If I was gonna do it, I'm in control, why did I take my panties off?...caem, just go to your bunk.

That said lets fit the story, perhaps domin' made a bargain...of which lib got panties and then lib got more than she bargained for...

I'm just thinking out loud. Why is food and naked girls so sexy? Am I a hungry pervert?

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by Power_NA View Post
Might try linking to the actual image and not the thumbnail.

From what I can make out though it looks like the Zig is on fire and Lord Recluse is gloating. Looks to be Synapse in the lower left and someone in green armor hovering both saying something. Oh and the building itself seems to be talking (or perhaps people inside n stuffz).

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Is anyone else having a problems uploading to dA?



damn, I was going to do swan! but a nice job anyway scoots



Feel my pain Eddy..

LD picked the same subject as my first pick....I had to change up.

after the figure skater debacle.

edit: Thank you for all the compliments. you know who you are.

edit2: now dA wont let me put it in the folder for this month.



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
Maybe it's just me but in the domin'/lib' piece I figured the red "panties" were more like bloomers. It didn't make sense to me that domin' would strip to spank lib'. If I was gonna do it, I'm in control, why did I take my panties off?...caem, just go to your bunk.
Right-o! I'll wait for you there

That said lets fit the story, perhaps domin' made a bargain...of which lib got panties and then lib got more than she bargained for...
I was thinking they were either taking turns or Lib was being "punished" for going further than she had permission to...

I'm just thinking out loud. Why is food and naked girls so sexy? Am I a hungry pervert?
Satisfies two hungers at once?

Food brings attentions to a girls mouth?

The naughtiness factor?

*shrug* It just is.



no fair.. I JUST got my new lightbox and tracing paper today...

I think im one of the few people that hasent turned in an image so far, and February hasn't even started yet :*(



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
no fair.. I JUST got my new lightbox and tracing paper today...

I think im one of the few people that hasent turned in an image so far, and February hasn't even started yet :*(
Errr, this is February 2nd....

But don't fear - I haven't turned in an image yet either and probably won't



Me, Lousy Day, battlewraith, frost, and Cristopher robin havent either IB. no need to sweat bullets until the deadline date.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I was thinking they were either taking turns or Lib was being "punished" for going further than she had permission to...
*shrug* It just is.
I was thinking that I just wanted some panties on the ground

Liberty wasn't an option because I didn't want any actual nudity. Plus, I don't think there's any rules against going commando when you spank someone.. just do what feels right




Plus, I don't think there's any rules against going commando when you spank someone.. just do what feels right



Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
Me, Lousy Day, battlewraith, frost, and Cristopher robin havent either IB. no need to sweat bullets until the deadline date.
I haven't turned one in for February, either - but its only Feb 2nd. (I'm trying to do better work than my Jan entry, seeing as everybody set the bar so freaking high already! so I'm using the time I have )

But its okay, cuz we've got until the 19th. I do hope I'll be done before then. but I'll take all the time I have if I'm going to have any hope of competing!



I just saw BeeDub's (FD) wip on dA...he's going 3D I am soooo boned.

It was nice to compete with ya'll for 2 months.

good luck with the rest of the contest.



Originally Posted by Scootertwo View Post
It was nice to compete with ya'll for 2 months.

good luck with the rest of the contest.
*waves fist*.. dont give up.. fight the good fight!!



What good fight I'm a redside player... live to stab another day.

and my comment was made in jest...I think I'm in the running this month. maybe not immunity but with the new voting rules I'll get at least a couple nods.



Double Post <cringes>

Updated Version of My Entry

Strawberries and Cream

Image links to the DA Page for full view.

Also I still can't actually enter it to the FArt gallery for February.



that's no bueno she's wasn't nekkid.

Fine I'll host it myself...stoopid terms of agreement.

funny thing the first image is still good.

Edit all fixed.

Somebody must've reported me with out actually looking, and even though I have a paid photobucket account I had no way of appealing it.



Commented on dA Pyro.



Pyro's is so terrible, people should sign up on DA just to see it and make fun of him.