friendliness vs play2win




Now i have been playing CoH for 5 years now and i STILL love the game. The kind of ppl you meet are generally nice ppl willing to give a hand to newbies. Those who know me in game know i can be harsh but I always try to answer questions and help where i can. From running a tf to sitting talking through builds/game play with newbies.

I have recently started playing Streetfighter 4 online and tho its not a MMORPG I still want friendliness and sportsmanship when playing. However its seems these 2 things (streetfighter and friendliness) cannot coexist.

Here in city of* i have been accustomed to things being nice and relaxed and helpful to other for example this thread shows how ppl react to new ppl to the game. reading through the thread you dont see a single sign of PL TO 50 GET PURPLES GO PWN there is not even any go read/watch videos/guides to playing. Its all very nice, so nice i think i have been spoiled when it comes to online gaming.

As previously stated i dabble a little in streetfighter 4 i aint a raw noob but i aint a mega combo king either. I play because i enjoy the game. This apparantly is the wrong attitude to have in games! note this site catagorically describes why my/our attitude is and i quote 'superfluous and counterproductive' the guys in street fighter would have me powerlevel/farm/gank in anyway just to get ahead. I cannot belive this is the attitude becoming of gamers these days. am i getting just too old and wrapped in my cloak of niceness or is it something else i am having trouble sorting right from wrong here. i'd like your oppinions (fyi this IS CoH topic as its about your gamer attitude IN game)



Generally I help people out when I can, offering advice and some helpful tips and tricks.

As for SF4 there's a big difference between Coh and SF.
CoH is largely a cooperative experience whereas SF is entirely a competitive experience.

I don't know who you mean by the guys in SF, but the guys I know from SF while playing to win have also been helpful when asked for advice.



Originally Posted by DMystic View Post
Generally I help people out when I can, offering advice and some helpful tips and tricks.

As for SF4 there's a big difference between Coh and SF.
CoH is largely a cooperative experience whereas SF is entirely a competitive experience.

I don't know who you mean by the guys in SF, but the guys I know from SF while playing to win have also been helpful when asked for advice.
There is a difference in game genres but i am still the same person same personality it seems i need to change my personalitly depending on the game...

And i was refering to the streetfighter4 forums i asked for help in combating what i thought was 'cheap' players only to be ridiculed and called a 'scrub'



I'm curious as to which forums because the main one has always been helpful, most of the posters aren't exactly friendly to anyone with an 09 registration date for some reason, but generally the place is helpful.

Although I was talking more about the actual tournament competitors in NY. They've always been helpful when I've asked questions at the tournaments.



The friendliness of CoX is an anomaly. The majority of games online are simply not as friendly as CoX in my experience. This game is more like the exception that proves the rule.



Originally Posted by Antigonus View Post
The friendliness of CoX is an anomaly. The majority of games online are simply not as friendly as CoX in my experience. This game is more like the exception that proves the rule.
thanks i was affraid of that. but it was the same in Worms back in the day SFC3 Populous the begining and Phantasy star online (dreamcast)

The type of game i am drawn too are anomolies i guess..



Yeah, I tend to get a little too used to the nice, understanding and frankly pretty dang wise people around here, which is always a culture shock when I ship out to another game from time to time. Inevitably I find their forums unwelcoming and full of self-important people still lugging around old misconceptions I keep forgetting the world hasn't gotten over. And I'm a mouthy person, too, so I incur wrath pretty much at the drop of a hat. I've basically had to fight people tooth and nail until they realise I'm stubborn, at which point reasonable people tend to come in and take it from there, but my first impressions of almost every other game's board has been like it's populated by little kids acting big with the occasional adult who only gets off his chair if someone makes a point about it.

Here, while we have our fair share of idiots, jerks and internet bullies, at least I feel the community is a lot more responsible and a lot wiser. And, in general, I feel safer to speak out without making seven backup plans about what I'm going to do if I get any one of the dozen variants of unpleasant responses. Around here, as long as you're cool about it, you can dare to be stupid and people will be nice enough to play along, within reason. I don't feel like I have to be on my guard all the time, and I like that. A LOT.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Compared to pretty much...well...any MMO forum the CoH forum is the friendliest MMO forum I've ever had the pleasure to be on.

WoW official forum is notorious for being a practically unmoderated mess, people are not usually very helpful. AoC, CO, WAR all seemed to attract the same kind of people sadly. You know what I found odd to be a very helpful forum (and ingame)...

Eve, you wouldn't think it with it's PvP focus but the forums and people ingame were very helpful to the point of being escorted out of 0.0 sec by a friendly player when I ended up there by complete mistake, they could have quite easily blown the carp out of me but they realised I was in waaay over my head.



I am so happy to be here now more than ever! i love you guys! :P

This is just one of the responces i got

My god man wake up! WAKE UP!

You are now playing a competative game!

You are now in the fighting game genre.

Fighters, Shooters, Strategy. These genres are CUT THROAT.

There is no mercy. noobs die and pros win. Survival of the fittest is the code.
fun aye



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
I am so happy to be here now more than ever! i love you guys! :P

This is just one of the responces i got
fun aye
Well yeah that would be the response I would have expected.

The fact this game launched with no PvP meant the starters had no reason to be against each other. This set the foundation of a more supportive group. Even if PvP had been a successful cutthroat competition I'ld like to think the community wouldn't have moved too far away form where we are.

This is the only group of people I've tried to socialize with online where I was tempted to show cleavage after all (even if that seems to have lead to the necessity of moderator intervention SORRY MODS!). We clearly are within spitting distance of the right path.



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
note this site catagorically describes why my/our attitude is and i quote 'superfluous and counterproductive' the guys in street fighter would have me powerlevel/farm/gank in anyway just to get ahead.
From his 'Introduction' section:
The principles of winning apply equally to all zero-sum competitive games.
Right off, CoH is NOT a zero-sum game.
My getting to 50 does not hinder your getting to 50.
Me getting a full set of purples does not hinder you in getting a full set of purples.
Me amassing a billion influence does not mean there is less for you.

Poker is a zero-sum game. Every dollar that one person wins means someone had to lose a dollar.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
From his 'Introduction' section:

Right off, CoH is NOT a zero-sum game.
My getting to 50 does not hinder your getting to 50.
Me getting a full set of purples does not hinder you in getting a full set of purples.
Me amassing a billion influence does not mean there is less for you.
WoW isn't either, at least the PvE aspect, and yet every time someone asked a question or otherwise showed their inexperience over there the response was some variation of "noob" or "your mom" or "I have a level 70 and you don't."

The OP used a bad example I think, with a game that is inherently competitive. There are people who make cooperative games into a competitive thing. Even in CoH there are those few who think they are better than you because they have more 50s, or can farm better, or excel at whatever their chosen mini-game is. They are far fewer here though, and the majority of the community ignores them.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
From his 'Introduction' section:

Right off, CoH is NOT a zero-sum game.
My getting to 50 does not hinder your getting to 50.
Me getting a full set of purples does not hinder you in getting a full set of purples.
Me amassing a billion influence does not mean there is less for you.

Poker is a zero-sum game. Every dollar that one person wins means someone had to lose a dollar.
Lets use the poker analagy. Your playing poker at your friends house. your competitive your all the same level then your friends 10 year old kid pops up and asks to play. You cant say no as thats quiet mean but then do you A) slaughter him quickly and make him never come back or B) help him and teach him how to play so that in 3 years time he is the one everyone is gunna be trying to beat?

I personally always would help especially with the underdog i would lose if it meant helping. I CANNOT understand why ppl wouldnt. That is EXACTLY whats wrong with the world today



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the whole superhero setting gets people into the right mindset
Nah. I play villainside, and the same happens there.

....actually, the people I meet redside tend to be kinder/savvier than those encountered during my blueside bouts. Go figure.

It may be the vibe of the gameplay. Just about any archetype can help out in some way, and become powerful in some way. Much of the game is highly can't do some things alone, and where you can, it's faster/easier, oftentimes more interesting with other people. As such, it's bad for a player to be a jerk, alienating people that could help them, and messing up team vibes.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow
Yeah, I tend to get a little too used to the nice, understanding and frankly pretty dang wise people around here, which is always a culture shock when I ship out to another game from time to time. Inevitably I find their forums unwelcoming and full of self-important people still lugging around old misconceptions I keep forgetting the world hasn't gotten over. And I'm a mouthy person, too, so I incur wrath pretty much at the drop of a hat. I've basically had to fight people tooth and nail until they realise I'm stubborn, at which point reasonable people tend to come in and take it from there, but my first impressions of almost every other game's board has been like it's populated by little kids acting big with the occasional adult who only gets off his chair if someone makes a point about it.

Here, while we have our fair share of idiots, jerks and internet bullies, at least I feel the community is a lot more responsible and a lot wiser. And, in general, I feel safer to speak out without making seven backup plans about what I'm going to do if I get any one of the dozen variants of unpleasant responses. Around here, as long as you're cool about it, you can dare to be stupid and people will be nice enough to play along, within reason. I don't feel like I have to be on my guard all the time, and I like that. A LOT.
This has been exactly my experience as well. I haven't been around here long but with what little I've seen here I can safely say that these forums and the in-game community is way friendlier and much more mature than in other online games and game forums I've been in; even EvE Online, which reportedly has the highest average of players over 20 years of age (or something like that, I don't remember the exact statistic) has some very bitter and annoying players in it and in its official forum.



Hmm also think there's a key difference between WoW and CoH.

In WoW you team because you have to if you want the best gear or to get the quests done that lead into the 5-man dungeons, to accomplish anything at level cap that isn't marketeering or rep grinding (aka daily quests) you simply have to team.

In City of Heroes there's the TFs which you don't HAVE to run if you want the best gear, you could simply earn it solo through merits or have a level 50 get lucky with a purple recipe drop and buy most of your sets. People tend to be more easy going and friendly because they're not relying on you to get a chance at netting their next piece of loot. Infact the best loot in the game drops off regular mobs...

So in WoW if people don't know you they tend to be more suspiscious and probably a few bad PuG runs of a dungeon they've been running 10 times for the one piece of loot they need is going to make them a little hostile to newcomers because they simply don't want to bother to teach them anything, they just want the dungeon done so they can get their piece of loot and move on to raiding.

Plus the larger the subscriber base the larger the number of idiots. I remember WoW being described as 'an MMO for the counterstrike kiddies' because like counterstrike it was (and still is) THE MMO to play, who cares about making a good first impression on someone on a trial account because ten other people will replace them whereas here making that first impression good really does count.



Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
I play because i enjoy the game. This apparantly is the wrong attitude to have in games! note this site catagorically describes why my/our attitude is and i quote 'superfluous and counterproductive'
Those articles are... really bad. The writing quality is fine, but... the writer is simply an idiot.



The guy is pretty much the definition of the trope 'stop having fun guys' and that playing to win is the only way to play, he comes across as someone who would pummel his friends into the grounds at Street Fighter IV to the point they nolonger want to play with him.

I learnt this lesson the hard way with Super Smash Bros Brawl where thanks to many hours put into SSBM and at the time having a mate who had put as many hours into it as I had, I could thrash all my current friends at the game which completely turned them off it and thus...nobody else to play with and we went back to Mario Kart where the randomness of it all is both a bonus and a curse!



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
Those articles are... really bad. The writing quality is fine, but... the writer is simply an idiot.
This comment has gone along way into cheering me up. i was in a slump thinking i was some noob for my attitude.
vive'la CoH (or however its spelt)



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think the whole superhero setting gets people into the right mindset
I think you're right about that. Friends of mine who run a game store have told me that players of the superhero versions of collectible card games and miniature combat games tend to be nicer on average than those who only play the other flavors of ccg and mini games.

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Originally Posted by _gohan661_ View Post
This comment has gone along way into cheering me up. i was in a slump thinking i was some noob for my attitude.
vive'la CoH (or however its spelt)
I can understand people who want to be competitive. But whoever wrote that whole 'play to win' thing seems to be writing from a perspective that being competitive is the only true way to play. Which is really offensive to me, as both a generally noncompetitive player, and as someone entering into the game industry.



I don't have any problem with the Play to Win mindset when playing competitive tournament games. You enter competitions to win them.

CoX is not a tournament, and isn't subject to that philosophy in the general case. Its less tolerated for that reason.

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The article is evidence that anyone can declare themselves an expert.

As for playing to win, I play to win with my friends in game (PvP, speed runs, etc.) but I putz around too. The comunity here is waaaaay more laid back than any other MMO I've seen. I guess the moral of the story is to each his own. That or lolz dark armor.

Infinity and Victory mostly
dUmb, etc.
lolz PvP anymore, Market PvP for fun and profit



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I don't have any problem with the Play to Win mindset when playing competitive tournament games. You enter competitions to win them.

CoX is not a tournament, and isn't subject to that philosophy in the general case. Its less tolerated for that reason.
Perhaps you can tell me where you keep your power ranger morpher that enables you change not only your values but aspirations