Feeling more....well....SUPER!




Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
As you said, not to be rude, buuuut...

First, we're not cops or firefighters: we're supposed to be super heroes. Completely different. They don't write comic books about every-day cops and they sure as hell don't make computer games about them and call them super heroes. Normal cops and firefighters don't save the world. Not even in movies. And in the movies, when they come close there is always some kind of fanfare played out.

Second, there's a hundred different examples already in the game of things happening focused at one hero. When you click on any NPC you get that NPC saying something nobody else can see. There's no reason this fanfare would have to be seen by anybody else or would have to slow down or interfere with anyone else's game.

Third, given the AE holographic statue that already exists, there could be one single statue in the game which would show a different visage for each player, or could even show the team leader for whatever team you're on. It would be easier by far to just make it reflect back at you whatever your primary or current costume is, but whatever.

Last is something I would never bring up but since you did I'll respond: cops and firefighters are doing a job. In a lot of cases they're either lazy and doing poorly or, worse yet, powerhungry taxfeeders. They get paid by having money stolen from other people and put into their pockets. When it comes to soldiers they're not only paid but trained to... Well, that's getting even more political and I don't want to get banned so I won't go any further there. My point is that our political opinions about certain jobs are not, and should not be, relevent when discussing how our characters are responded to in game. The two things are entirely unrelated.

I, for one, would very much like to see some of the OP's ideas carefully considered and implemented in whatever fashion the devs deem feasible.

Quoted just so that my response is clear.

So, since everything is apparently available; this is merely a matter of degree of narcissism? Not that I am against that necessarily; to each their own. But as you stated; NPCs say 'hundreds of things' already (a smidge hyperbolic, but every metaphor breaks down). All the threads I have seen over the years here about statues and more 'props' for our work just seem a little too self-indulgent for my own tastes.

Especially since many video gamers arent even near the level of the 'lazy' cop you decry or the (apparently) 'bloodthirsty' soldiers. But keep grinding that axe... it is rather dull.

Actually, Heroes (and Villains) in this game are doing a 'job' too; they even have a Work ID for it, and I see laziness, and bloodlust, etc. throughout the game. And aside from the 'publicity' seeking comicbook heroes, not alot of them get a lot of parades in the genre. Some may not think it enough for their egos, but there actually is a lot of notoriety for a Hero or Villain in game already, and I doubt it will increase substantially.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
How about, if you click on the NPC, they generate a comment about a recent deed of yours and praise you for it.

And to balance it, villain side, if we click on the NPC, we can TARGET AND KILL THEM.

New Rogue Isles system; Civilians dont get targetted with tab (Like Vault doors atm) but can be selected AND attacked.

Killing NPCs results in an Arachnos hit squad being sent after you, wanted for murder (read the background, Recluse does actually enforce the laws. Why do you think the Goldbrickers are always getting nabbed?)
Beating up the hit squad will result in more being sent, upgrading from, say, a few Wolf spiders to a Huntsman, his squad and some robotic back-up, moving steadily through to a whole Crab spider assault team, then a Bane Commando neutralisation unit, to the point of them sending in a Tarantula squadron, and then a Night Widow kill-team.

Etc, etc. Only targetted NPCs would be a trigger, not those caught in AoE. (Standard code rant?)

/random idea

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by Aett_Thorn View Post
The only problem with this is the following:

While it is easy enough to recognize one hero because of their accomplishments, how do you handle that across 100K+ heroes?

If you want a statue, who gets it? Which of the 100K+ heroes is going to have that new statue built after them, and where? Do we have enough space for all of those statues? Probably not. Even if we kept it to the last 10 heroes to have hit level 50, it would likely change fast enough that you'd never know that your character got a statue. Especially because this would need to be across all of the servers to make the zones match up, most likely.

If you want a throng of adoring fans, that's fine. But what happens when 8 of you exit the same mission, only to be met by the crowd? Do they all call out to one person? Each one a different person? Does each get it's own crowd? Would the chatter fill up your chat tabs so much that you couldn't see tells and team chatter? If everybody gets their own crowd, what about the lag that would probably create for people?

Things like that need to be addressed before something like this goes in, and I'm just not sure if I think that it is worth it or not.

I certainly understand your desire to feel more appreciated within the city. I really just don't know how to do it well enough, given the number of players we have.
I have to agree with Aett while it sounds nice there is no way to accomodate more than 100,000 players with HOW many different characters? I just hit the 48 month mark and, not bragging just using myself as an example, I currently have nineteen 50 levels and 6 more characters in their 40s on Virtue. So the Devs are supposed to look up the profile all 19 of my hereos and create and placea statue for all of them? Now I know for certain there are 60+ month vets that put those totals I just gave to shame so we'd need to create practically a whole new zone devoid of buildings just row after row of statues and that probably still wouldn't be enough.

The crowd suggestion? Let's eliminate the roaring crowd after simple ever day missions completely and just discuss Task Forces and Trials. At any given time on Virtue there almost always seems to be someone forming a TF someplace day in and day out. That's an awful lot of code to create and an tremendous amount of lag to deal with just for a momentary rush of appreciation. When I am on a TF I have as many as 7 team mates to offer congrats and a Good Job when the final mission is complete I don't need a huge crowd of NPC citizens greeting me at the exit to cheer me on. Think about this... We are costumed heroes and yeah we are sanctioned by the local government to operate but basically, like Batman, we are still vigilanties working just a little outside the law to get the job done the Police can't. I have a "secret identity and i most cases I on on an "undercover" mission from my contact to begin with. Do I want 40 civilains showing up when I complete the last mission to cheer for me? and if it's a secret how the heck did they know exctly where to be to cheer me one to begin with? TheDevs do what they can to give us a little appreciation. I have seen NPC text uncounted times quoting my character's name and referencing some mission I just completed. And that even includes radio and safeguard misions.

Mow if they really want me to feel more appreciated... How about coming up with a way for NPCs to walk polietly around me instead of shoving me all over the map while I am standing in PI trying to train. I don't need a pat of the back how about you just stop trying to run me over with your car?

Of course the Devs official stance would be that during any mission you gain inflence which they swear in not money but an increase in how the public view me as a hero. Uh HUH and when was the last time you bought a new pair of jeans by going to the store and telling the clerk "I want to take these home wth me and everyone loves me so it's okay" My other question on this "explanation" the Devs use is Okay I have 20 million in influence.. Boy people really like me and then I hit Wentworth and buy a few pieces of salvage I need and craft some recipes to make me stronger and suddenly I only have 5 million iin influence. HEY I didn't run over the Mayor's dog Fluffy with my car I invented some things. So why all of a sudden am I 75% less popular than I was half an hour ago? It's a Nemesis plot I swear! LOL

Early on in the game if you do any street fighting and say you save the lady in Atlas who is fighting with a Hellion for her purse they will come up and say something nice after you defeat the baddie and you get a small influence boost. That does continue all the way to level 50 if you take out some villains in PI that are harassing a citizen. That about as detailed as the Dev's can get without spending weeks or even month writing new code. The REAL recognition is from team mates and friends that offer a gratz when you level or earn a new badge and add you to their friend's list so they can look you up the next time they are searching for a team mate. An NPC is nothing more than a series of code doing what it's programed to do.. a team leader sending a tell thanking you for doing a great job Tanking or Healing/Buffing during a task force.. that's another human being and player, like yourself, ackowledging your accomplishment and your skills. I'll take that over a statue I have to spend a week trying to locate.. cause I am sure they aren't going to email every 50 level and say "Congratulations on level 50... your new Statue is lotaed in STEEL CANYON at just 150 yrds NE of Wentworths. Sorry it's next to an entrance to the sewer system but it was the only spot left to place one without putting them in the street."

Oh nd here's another question for you. *Takes a deeo breath and prays this doesn't start a flame war over FARMING again. Before they nerfed AE missions we had players bragginit from level 1-50 in hours doing nothing but mission after mission filled with Rikti Comm Officers and such. They never completed a single Task Force, Trial, ran a radio mission or a safeguard, or even left the AE building in Atlas. Heck during the 5 year celebration when every Giant Monster and all of the Signature Villains from COV were attacking they were in broadcast complaining that "OUR" chatter while defeating Lord Recluse, Black Scorpion, Ghost Widow and ever GM from Kraken to the Kronos Titan was making it hard for them to find team mate to FARM! A once in life time chance to get a ton of badges and XP/INF and it was an annoyance to them. THOSE 50 levels deserve the same statue I get for earning the Task Force Commander Accolade? (including the dreaded Positron TF). I've battled and helped defeat the Hamidon in the Hive, Raided the Mothership in the RWZ, taken out Romulus in Cimerora, and defeated what used to be Hero one on the Lady Grey TF. I helped defeat all of Recluses Lieutenants and then took down the Arachnos leader himself on the Stateman TF but a guy or girl that sat in Atlas pounding on one Rikti Comm Officer after another gets a statue JUST like I do? Okay rant done I have nothing against Farmers I have said it before there are hundresm maybe thiusands of ways to get from level 1-50 and none of them is THE one way. Just illustrating a point.. what criteria do the Devs use to decide who gets a statue since there is no way they can possibly erect say 300,000 (and that's probably very conservative) so that every 50 that ever player has gets a statue someplace in game. Looking at it another way lets say they decide a 50 level MUST have all of the following badges to qualify! (HUGE list of TF, Trials, GMs, etc follows) and the very next thing you see on the forums is some poor guy saying" Hey I only get to play a few hours a week and its at times when most are in bed. I soloed my way to 50 with my Scrapper and don't have any of those badges but it took me six months of hard work to get there why am I being excluded?" and guess what? He's got a point! It doesn't matter if you soloed from level 1-50, farmed from 1-50, or ran every type of TF, Trial, and door mission imaginable to get there.. You defeated enough villains and earned enough XP to get there.. so they all deserve the exact same amount of respect.

Now I don't think this is a viable way to give a pat on the back for say completing a radio or safeguard but how about at the end of a task Force or trial they have a short film clip of your contact, Positron, Sister Pysche, Manticore, ect.. come on and give you a short "Thanks for a job well done" speach. HEY I have done numerous Positron and if anyone needs to thank me for lending them a hand after what he puts level 10-15s through it's HIM! LOL I have done one Doc Q TF in the Shard that guy needs to set up my kids with free medical for the rest of their lives after that marathon!

Want another? Okay we have numerous ways of unlocking special weapons or costume pieces in game how about this... A player complets a Task Force, Trial, takes out a GM, or completes a instance badge mission they earn a small costume piece that allows them to wear that BADGE on thier uniform in the same was that the military awards decorations to its soldiers. And here's a novel idea since we are talking a LOT of individual badges how about those are FREE at any tailor or better still FREE at from the City Rep in Atlas Park! We just saved the city from the likes of the Clockwork King, Babbage, and a host of other bad guys so you'd think the Mayor would at least be willing to srping for the cost of the medal he just gave us! Okay that would mean MORE code so the City Rep was another sort of tailor let's just keep it there at Icon but you get the idea.

How about a few more accolades that grant powers. I succesfully stopped X number of bank robberies defeating 25 or more signature villains, saved more than 20 Police Officers, stopped 10 robberies, broken up 10 arms deals, prevented 5 arson fires, and stopped 10 sets of villains from blowing up portions of 9 different neighborhoods in the city. and I get 2 worthless accolades that that grant me no added power to continue battling evil? Okay one of thoseis for touching an exploration badge in all 9 zones but the other required me to take down some bad guys and save the lives and property of the citizens of Paragon City.. can I at least get a buff/debuff/attack/defeanse/ or something for all thise good deeds? How about a NEW accolade with a power of some sort? I defeated Kraken, Babbage, Lusca, Adamastor, Jurrasic, Eochia, Jack in Irons, and the Kronos Titan (Let's not include Sally in this anything I can defeat with one hit using brawl with NO enhancements is not a REAL GM LOL) but I battles and defeated the big 8 GMs all over Paragon City.. give me an accolade. let's call it GIANT BUSTER for lack of a better idea right now, and include some sort of special use power I can add to help me later on down the road.

There are plenty of ways to get pat on the back without assigning a crowd of NPC to show up and physically PAT my back after a job well done.. so lets try creating them. A heck of a lot easier to code and research than building what is probably closer to half a million or maybe even a million statues to every 50 in game.

�We�re always the good guys. In D&D, we�re lawful good. In City of Heroes we�re the heroes. In Grand Theft Auto we pay the prostitutes promptly and never hit them with a bat.� � Leonard
�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
New Rogue Isles system; Civilians dont get targetted with tab (Like Vault doors atm) but can be selected AND attacked.

Killing NPCs results in an Arachnos hit squad being sent after you, wanted for murder (read the background, Recluse does actually enforce the laws. Why do you think the Goldbrickers are always getting nabbed?)
Beating up the hit squad will result in more being sent, upgrading from, say, a few Wolf spiders to a Huntsman, his squad and some robotic back-up, moving steadily through to a whole Crab spider assault team, then a Bane Commando neutralisation unit, to the point of them sending in a Tarantula squadron, and then a Night Widow kill-team.

Etc, etc. Only targetted NPCs would be a trigger, not those caught in AoE. (Standard code rant?)

/random idea
...once defeated, you go to an Arachnos prison where you have to escape and fight you way out for no xp.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



instead of having huge mobs, maybe 1 or 2 people per team. As for statues, the city would be renamed Statue City. Maybe after completing a hard TF with your SG you can get a plaque or trophy (SG leader or insignia) to show off in your base.



What do you all think about a 50's database, including character description, and all of the costume slots for the characters?

Could have one in Grandville and City Hall.

All this info is already stored in the servers, so this would simply access it.

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=247787



Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
New Rogue Isles system; Civilians dont get targetted with tab (Like Vault doors atm) but can be selected AND attacked.

Killing NPCs results in an Arachnos hit squad being sent after you, wanted for murder (read the background, Recluse does actually enforce the laws. Why do you think the Goldbrickers are always getting nabbed?)
Beating up the hit squad will result in more being sent, upgrading from, say, a few Wolf spiders to a Huntsman, his squad and some robotic back-up, moving steadily through to a whole Crab spider assault team, then a Bane Commando neutralisation unit, to the point of them sending in a Tarantula squadron, and then a Night Widow kill-team.

Etc, etc. Only targetted NPCs would be a trigger, not those caught in AoE. (Standard code rant?)

/random idea

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters: http://boards.cityofheroes.com/showthread.php?t=247787



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
...once defeated, you go to an Arachnos prison where you have to escape and fight you way out for no xp.
Scrap the 'No exp' and you're sold

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Look at the people who get statues in Paragon City:

Atlas: Deceased
Talos: Deceased
Galaxy Girl: Deceased
M1: Deceased
Breakneck: Deceased

You get a statue when you die.



Originally Posted by NarfMann View Post
Look at the people who get statues in Paragon City:

Atlas: Deceased
Talos: Deceased
Galaxy Girl: Deceased
M1: Deceased
Breakneck: Deceased

You get a statue when you die.
And sometimes get a zone named after you.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



since it seems to me that the main reason statues are wanted is because people want physcal recognition of their deeds, I have an idea... what about rooms heroes ge where they can set up trophies for sory arcs? we READ about the souvineers hat we obtained from arcs, but niether we, nor anyone else, can see these mementos and keepsakes, leaving them unconnected and unsung.
what about a museum type building, with a room for everyone to mount thier souvineers, accessable via a search terminal? you click on a heroes name, and are teleported to their trophy room, where there are plaques under items that give essentially the same descriptions as souvineers in the clue tab, only reffering to the hero rather than the reader. the grander the scale, the bigger the trophy, such as, say, a freakshow arm from "the Freakshow war" which is fairly low scale, and a full 5th column assault bot for the Imperious tf? also, there could be civillians who ae constantly roaming the rooms, looking at the exhibits, and such. maybe the terminal could be in city hall, complimenting the setup in M.A.G.I. headquarters.

although... a possible STORY problem is that reading the plaque could cut down on the impact of the story if YOU end up playing the arc. maybe it would be best kept down to "Freakshow arm: Retrieved during (instert name)'s intervention during the Freakshow War."
any suggestions?



Originally Posted by Smurch View Post
They might be able to use the AE hologram code to super-impose your image (colored slate grey) over a "generic" statue. You click the plaque, which loads a costume creator, you save your costume in it, it gives you a grey stone skin and shows you on the platform. Like with the AE hologram, only you see your modified statue. Everyone else sees the default "plain grey" statue or their own statue.
I was wondering this myself, have it client side, so that if myself and 3 friends run past it, each of us sees our character if we did a few predetermined actions ora generic hero. but once we get the pre determied badges or missions doen with, we each would see our own hero rendered as a statue. in theory we'd jsut put up a mock up of our own character and texture it in stone.



I was just thinking "Client Side Rendering" when I reached the end of the thread and saw it has been suggested.

Could work similar to the billboards/in-game ads where it picks an image at the time of rendering on the client side. Could be something along the lines of a random hero/villian from your stable at level X or above will be rendered. Or you could tie it into influence/infamy.

Other players would see their selected statues, or the generic statue if they do not meet the qualifications.



I actually liked how AION handled it - the 'all hail the Protector of Poeta' cut scene with you in it, being cheered by the populace, and cutscenes like that afterwards.

Problem was, it got very old after a few runthroughs with alts.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
3) Lord Recluse wouldn't allow statues built in anyone's honor except his own. Sorry redsiders, but adding this in the Isles is going to be a bit of a stretch. Might need the "Usurper" badge at the very least, and then there would only be one statue. What one body-type would this single statue be?
I'd go with having it covered in scaffolding and tarps as it is a very recent piece still in construction, with it's body type obscured. Clicking on the plaque gives you the following message
Hmm how about instead of a Statue red side there are Wanted posters in Villain zones. You see the image you have on your Character ID as the photo on the Wanted poster.

Wanted (perfered) Dead or alive.
(Villain Character Name)
Reward $$$ (money value will increase as villain threat level rises.)



In this game, everyone gives you free stuff depending how famous or infamous you are.
That's some major appreciation right there.

Anyone Who wants to argue about my usual foolishness can find me here.
I'll miss you all.



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Hmm how about instead of a Statue red side there are Wanted posters in Villain zones. You see the image you have on your Character ID as the photo on the Wanted poster.

Wanted (perfered) Dead or alive.
(Villain Character Name)
Reward $$$ (money value will increase as villain threat level rises.)
I like the idea of a Wanted Poster, and probably it is easier to do thatn the statue...

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by RottenLuck View Post
Hmm how about instead of a Statue red side there are Wanted posters in Villain zones. You see the image you have on your Character ID as the photo on the Wanted poster.

Wanted (perfered) Dead or alive.
(Villain Character Name)
Reward $$$ (money value will increase as villain threat level rises.)
THAT....is a good idea

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



For statues, I'd simply have them be created client-side, or alternatively, an extra "mission" that you can travel to from the tram. You get'd the "I'm special" feeling, without everyone else's "I'm special" coming into it.

TW/Elec Optimization