Feeling more....well....SUPER!




OK i searched and searched, and didn't come up with anything, so here goes

So lately as im playing a 50 or, hell, any of my characters, i get the feeling that im not very "super"

To illustrate: Hypothetically you are one of those guys/ladies walking along *anystreet in paragon city. Also hypothetically this Shield/Elec Melee tanker walks up in front of you and Solo's an entire base of malta's who happening to be fighting the some Circle of Thorns, and, for the sake of being hypothetical, a few knives of artemis are there too. He is set to "Be perceived as Equal to 8 heroes" and uh....all his enhancement slots are empty...i dunno.

Anyways he pulls it off! saves 10 people from evils clutches and......exits the mission door and stands there

Now, i realize that the above example is ludicrous, but, when we finish a particularly difficult arc or take on some daunting task, or even finish a tf/sf, you'd think the local populace would be a little more appreciative. I mean, go thru galaxy city or atlas and there are plenty of statues of heroes that have accomplished monumental tasks...And they have statues built after them!

So my question/idea is, would it be possible to show a little outward recognition to us heroes or villains out there? can we get npc's cheering for us or cowering from us in the streets? Can we have people asking for our autographs? can we have...dare i say it...statues of our presently greatest heroes or some other form of public recognition?

This is a daunting task, and maybe its not even possible, and i admit, im not really sure the extent of what im suggesting here. but i for one would like to feel a little less average when im in paragon city fighting crime, and a little more like my character matters

Anyone else share my sentiments?

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



The only problem with this is the following:

While it is easy enough to recognize one hero because of their accomplishments, how do you handle that across 100K+ heroes?

If you want a statue, who gets it? Which of the 100K+ heroes is going to have that new statue built after them, and where? Do we have enough space for all of those statues? Probably not. Even if we kept it to the last 10 heroes to have hit level 50, it would likely change fast enough that you'd never know that your character got a statue. Especially because this would need to be across all of the servers to make the zones match up, most likely.

If you want a throng of adoring fans, that's fine. But what happens when 8 of you exit the same mission, only to be met by the crowd? Do they all call out to one person? Each one a different person? Does each get it's own crowd? Would the chatter fill up your chat tabs so much that you couldn't see tells and team chatter? If everybody gets their own crowd, what about the lag that would probably create for people?

Things like that need to be addressed before something like this goes in, and I'm just not sure if I think that it is worth it or not.

I certainly understand your desire to feel more appreciated within the city. I really just don't know how to do it well enough, given the number of players we have.

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus



NPC reactions? Sure, certainly. They already can react to being rescued from a mugging, or comment about us as we are heading from a mission to the Market/trainer/etc.

Statues? I'd say no. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but there would either be statues on every single block in every zone or there would be a lot of folks left out.
There would be fewer statues if it were server-specific, but then you run into the problem of maintaining seperate databases for each server, or so I've heard.
The other alternative is for it to throw up a few very crude statues, remember your characters names as you log in and when you click on the plaque:

Plaque reads: "After all his sacrifices and hard work, you would think that they would have gotten $CharacterName's costume right"
You would still get a statue that says it's dedicated to you, at least when YOU are reading the plaque. And you can't tell what other people see when they click it.
Remember, each player is the hero in thier own story, and as they do the story arcs, they are the first one to find out the secret behind Crey cola, rescue the Fortune Teller or learn what Paragon Protectors are really made of.



Maybe there should be a new veteran reward: Parade.

When you execute this command, admiring citizens swarm around you, praising you, throwing rose petals and confetti, and tootling on little party favor whistles and trumpets, and they follow you everywhere you go for the next 30 minutes.

(And now I foresee dozens of veterans gathering in Atlas Park to simultaneously unleash their parades, bringing the servers crashing down.)



Originally Posted by konshu View Post
(And now I foresee dozens of veterans gathering in Atlas Park to simultaneously unleash their parades, bringing the servers crashing down.)
That used to happen, back when people you saved from muggings would follow you doggedly until they got a chance to thank you, no matter what. People whose characters could fly would elude their rescuees' attempts to thank them and cruise around Atlas Park accumulating a vast horde of grateful citizens, then take them to the plaza and get their bizarre kicks out of seeing how low they could make the local frame rate.



ok, so statues are out (i didn't think anyone would go for that )

Im not suggesting a crowd of people surround you or we bog the servers down with a crapload of npc's swarming you at a moment of triumph, But something a little more than occasionally getting a comment about "I heard pyroguy defeated a bunch of malta!" would be nice, imho

For an example: i recently played spiderman:web of shadows, and enjoyed it. In this game when our red suited hero roams the streets, people who pass by him cheer him on. Switch to the black suit, the npc's are a little more apprehensive, backing away cautiously. Something like that would be wonderful

I'm not suggesting a /summon groupie flock veteran power, and i certainly didn't mean to suggest that we should have atlas sized statues of everyone who completes a tf But we get badge titles like "Saved the World" because we've done something truly difficult and something that should matter at least a little to the vast hordes of citizens aimlessly wandering the streets

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



Technically, we already have something a little like this. Occasionally NPCs walking by you on the streets will say something relating to what your character has previously done. By extending that to an emote as well as the comment, one could pull this sort of thing off.

Now if the NPCs could actually be taught to do that is beyond my ken, of course.

Head of TRICK, the all Trick Arrow and Traps SG
Part of the
Repeat Offenders

Still waiting for his Official BackAlleyBrawler No-Prize



Originally Posted by Pyroguy View Post
ok, so statues are out (i didn't think anyone would go for that )

Im not suggesting a crowd of people surround you or we bog the servers down with a crapload of npc's swarming you at a moment of triumph, But something a little more than occasionally getting a comment about "I heard pyroguy defeated a bunch of malta!" would be nice, imho
Don't you guys have that already? We have stuff like that in CoV. I hear NPC comments all the time "I hear Smurch wrecked a bunch of stuff in Paragon City!" and "I heard Smurch stole the plans from the Council!" and that sort of thing quite often.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Yes, blueside gets the NPC comments too. The OP wants something just a little....more.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Yes, blueside gets the NPC comments too. The OP wants something just a little....more.
How about, if you click on the NPC, they generate a comment about a recent deed of yours and praise you for it.

And to balance it, villain side, if we click on the NPC, we can TARGET AND KILL THEM.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
The other alternative is for it to throw up a few very crude statues, remember your characters names as you log in and when you click on the plaque
Hey, this idea is actually nice.... There could be even more then one plaque with that same style so we can get a badge for them.... That would be nice, a badge reading our names...lol

"Looks can be deceiving" - Statesman (in Memoriam)



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
You would still get a statue that says it's dedicated to you, at least when YOU are reading the plaque. And you can't tell what other people see when they click it.
Remember, each player is the hero in thier own story, and as they do the story arcs, they are the first one to find out the secret behind Crey cola, rescue the Fortune Teller or learn what Paragon Protectors are really made of.
This Is gold. Great idea and not tooooo terribly time consuming to implement. Add in some badges/tasks that need to be earned in order to get the plaques and then an accolade for reading them all. Great idea.
Originally Posted by konshu View Post
Maybe there should be a new veteran reward: Parade.

When you execute this command, admiring citizens swarm around you, praising you, throwing rose petals and confetti, and tootling on little party favor whistles and trumpets, and they follow you everywhere you go for the next 30 minutes.
Another good idea. There seems to be a shortage of good, new ideas for vet rewards short of adding in new temp attack powers. I'm not so sure about 30 minutes but an actual parade of 20 or so npcs marching down a street with a band and a float... that would be sweet.

Wash: "I've been under fire before. Well ... I've been in a fire. Actually, I was fired. I can handle myself."



Originally Posted by BBQ_Pork View Post
Statues? I'd say no. I'm not trying to be argumentative, but there would either be statues on every single block in every zone or there would be a lot of folks left out.
There would be fewer statues if it were server-specific, but then you run into the problem of maintaining seperate databases for each server, or so I've heard.
They might be able to use the AE hologram code to super-impose your image (colored slate grey) over a "generic" statue. You click the plaque, which loads a costume creator, you save your costume in it, it gives you a grey stone skin and shows you on the platform. Like with the AE hologram, only you see your modified statue. Everyone else sees the default "plain grey" statue or their own statue.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Uh oh, its becoming a Plz Give us Statues! thread

as someone stated earlier, my original idea was just for something...."more" than we already have. Yeah it is cool that if you stand in the same spot for a few minutes, npc's will comment on your accomplishments, and they say "thanks" if you save them from an enemy mob, that is all well and good.

My point is that we are super heroes in game, which has its own sort of celebrity factor with it. People should be cheering us on when we happen to drop in next to them, or saying omg lets get the hell out of here when a particularly fearsome villain comes there way. Im not asking for anything complicated, just a bit more than we already have. Tie in an emote with the random comment of "I heard pyroguy beat up some freakshow dude"

Or you could do this: the code already lies in place for npc's to respond to certain characters they encounter, ie when Bob the npc runs across warrior slasher he cowers and eventually runs away. Well, reverse it. Bob the npc is walking along when all the sudden pyroguy drops his flight toggle and lands near him. Bob heard that pyroguy did this great deed (perhaps linked to his current badge title? excluding exploration and wentworths, etc) and runs up to him and says, cheering "way to go taking out praetorian earth, can i have your autograph?"

again im not saying we need groupies but a little more on the public recognition side would be a great QOL improvement in my opinion. We carry badge titles around like "saved the world" and "synapses cohort" around so why not have people on the street recognize it

Come to think of it, tying in npc comments to your badge title would be pretty cool...

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



Originally Posted by Pyroguy View Post
But something a little more than occasionally getting a comment about "I heard pyroguy defeated a bunch of malta!" would be nice, imho
For your information, if you click a pedestrian with name starting with H, he/she will say "Isn't xxx just the best?" xxx is a hero in the zone.

There is a Paragon City Community Information kiosk in each zone. It seems like it's broken now, it worked in the past. The only information that it can show now is the Arena ranking, which I'm not sure is updated.

For the statues, I think maybe an LCD panel is more convenient. The panel can change its content every couple minutes to show different heroes.



I think nearly all of those heroes with statues of them are dead. I can think of atleast a few of them that died in one of the rikti wars. I'd still like to see them bring those heroes back for a ouroboros time travel arc or something.

But I have to agree that i'd love to see more of the citizens do more than just walk around talking about your deeds.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Originally Posted by Twilight_Snow View Post
For your information, if you click a pedestrian with name starting with H, he/she will say "Isn't xxx just the best?" xxx is a hero in the zone.

There is a Paragon City Community Information kiosk in each zone. It seems like it's broken now, it worked in the past. The only information that it can show now is the Arena ranking, which I'm not sure is updated.

For the statues, I think maybe an LCD panel is more convenient. The panel can change its content every couple minutes to show different heroes.
haha, yeah i have noticed the "xxx is great!"

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
People whose characters could fly would elude their rescuees' attempts to thank them and cruise around Atlas Park accumulating a vast horde of grateful citizens, then take them to the plaza and get their bizarre kicks out of seeing how low they could make the local frame rate.
Either that, or have them all swarm on top of Ms Liberty so that nobody could train...




Originally Posted by Pyroguy View Post
Now, i realize that the above example is ludicrous, but, when we finish a particularly difficult arc or take on some daunting task, or even finish a tf/sf, you'd think the local populace would be a little more appreciative. I mean, go thru galaxy city or atlas and there are plenty of statues of heroes that have accomplished monumental tasks...And they have statues built after them!

So my question/idea is, would it be possible to show a little outward recognition to us heroes or villains out there? can we get npc's cheering for us or cowering from us in the streets? Can we have people asking for our autographs? can we have...dare i say it...statues of our presently greatest heroes or some other form of public recognition?

This is a daunting task, and maybe its not even possible, and i admit, im not really sure the extent of what im suggesting here. but i for one would like to feel a little less average when im in paragon city fighting crime, and a little more like my character matters

Anyone else share my sentiments?
Not to be rude, buuuuut... when is the last time you went up to a local fireman or police officer who either just came out some dire situation that basically affected your life without you knowing it and said: "Hey Officer Murphy. You're the best. Thank you for all that you've done to keep the streets safer for myself and my family, sir!" ? And it really is pretty much the same thing. I mean, most of the population of Paragon or the Isles doesn't know what we are doing in an instance or even in a TF/SF; why would they be seeking you out for particular adoration above what the NPC's already do say?

I sorta understand a bit of what you're saying, but as others have stated: "those Heroes with the Statues are dead." Besides, the last thing I need when I am on Global Hide is for some wiseacre NPCs blathering on about me as I pass by a Black Market where some people I am avoiding are standing. Awkward.

Statues? Not going to happen (of course); it would end up as City of Ceramics. Besides which, the people of Paragon and the Isles see supes all the time... not exciting enough anymore. Sort of like how we don't usually go up and thank every Police Officer, Firefigther or Soldier we see. Pity.

Let's remember the everyday unsung Heroes. Thanks, Officers, Firefighters, Soldiers! Keep up the good work... I know you're out there.

Ninus Lvl 50 Bots/Dark/SM Mastermind Badges: 1384 @Ninus on Global
Put an Ebil MasterMind in the Obal Office: It wont be the first time
Campaigning for Global Global Ignore Champion since 2009!



I like the "click the plaque" idea. Another could be exiting the building/cave/warehouse would lead to a small open area still in the mish where a crowd has gathered to applaud your efforts (or even boo your failure).

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



I've been thinking about the "generic statue with plaque idea" and have a few more details that I'd like on it.

There would be maybe a half-dozen statues in a prominent area in a populous zone. We're not going to turn this into city of statues.

1) Not all of your characters deserve statues. Should you be able to run up to a statue and click on it to see that it's dedicated to that L1 that you rolled up 6 months ago to name-squat? No. It should be one of your L50's who has done something for the city. I would say that he/she should have a few mission accomplishment badges as well. As much as the AE can be a legitimate method of leveling, a character that spent his whole career training hasn't actually done anything in the public eye.
2) The plaque under a generic statue should only tie to a character of yours that has the same basic bodytype as the statue. Otherwise, you can get a result of clicking on a Galaxy Girl type statue and seeing it dedicated to your Invuln/SS Tank "Macho McSmasher". Wow, didn't know he had such a sweet rack.

3) Lord Recluse wouldn't allow statues built in anyone's honor except his own. Sorry redsiders, but adding this in the Isles is going to be a bit of a stretch. Might need the "Usurper" badge at the very least, and then there would only be one statue. What one body-type would this single statue be?
I'd go with having it covered in scaffolding and tarps as it is a very recent piece still in construction, with it's body type obscured. Clicking on the plaque gives you the following message:

"People aren't sure why Recluse is allowing a statue built in honor of <YourCharacterWhoMeetsRequirement>, but folks learn not to ask questions around here."



The idea of player statues around the city has been suggested before, though I prefer the base item route, such as the idea of a Supergroup badge granted by having X level 50s in the group, which allows all designated ranks (chosen through Permissions) to be able to add a personal statue to your base, which would be a copy of their default costume slot. (damn that was a big sentence.)

Other than that, what about Graffiti? Have pre-chosen spots in alleyways, on walls ect dotted around the city which, when a level 50 Hero goes near has a chance to spawn as a model picture of their default costume as a 2D picture on a wall, possibly with their name written underneath in a random set of colours.

Have them spawn under the same rules of NPCs, in that they spawn when someone enters an area of the zone and despawn when left alone/out of range of a player after X minutes. It's graffiti, so could have just been cleaned off the wall anyhow, and can be explained for both Heroes and Villains.


Smeg, I did it again. Must learn to stop typing at times..

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



Originally Posted by Ninus View Post
Not to be rude, buuuuut... when is the last time you went up to a local fireman or police officer who either just came out some dire situation that basically affected your life without you knowing it and said: "Hey Officer Murphy. You're the best. Thank you for all that you've done to keep the streets safer for myself and my family, sir!" ? And it really is pretty much the same thing. I mean, most of the population of Paragon or the Isles doesn't know what we are doing in an instance or even in a TF/SF; why would they be seeking you out for particular adoration above what the NPC's already do say?

I sorta understand a bit of what you're saying, but as others have stated: "those Heroes with the Statues are dead." Besides, the last thing I need when I am on Global Hide is for some wiseacre NPCs blathering on about me as I pass by a Black Market where some people I am avoiding are standing. Awkward.

Statues? Not going to happen (of course); it would end up as City of Ceramics. Besides which, the people of Paragon and the Isles see supes all the time... not exciting enough anymore. Sort of like how we don't usually go up and thank every Police Officer, Firefigther or Soldier we see. Pity.

Let's remember the everyday unsung Heroes. Thanks, Officers, Firefighters, Soldiers! Keep up the good work... I know you're out there.
As you said, not to be rude, buuuut...

First, we're not cops or firefighters: we're supposed to be super heroes. Completely different. They don't write comic books about every-day cops and they sure as hell don't make computer games about them and call them super heroes. Normal cops and firefighters don't save the world. Not even in movies. And in the movies, when they come close there is always some kind of fanfare played out.

Second, there's a hundred different examples already in the game of things happening focused at one hero. When you click on any NPC you get that NPC saying something nobody else can see. There's no reason this fanfare would have to be seen by anybody else or would have to slow down or interfere with anyone else's game.

Third, given the AE holographic statue that already exists, there could be one single statue in the game which would show a different visage for each player, or could even show the team leader for whatever team you're on. It would be easier by far to just make it reflect back at you whatever your primary or current costume is, but whatever.

Last is something I would never bring up but since you did I'll respond: cops and firefighters are doing a job. In a lot of cases they're either lazy and doing poorly or, worse yet, powerhungry taxfeeders. They get paid by having money stolen from other people and put into their pockets. When it comes to soldiers they're not only paid but trained to... Well, that's getting even more political and I don't want to get banned so I won't go any further there. My point is that our political opinions about certain jobs are not, and should not be, relevent when discussing how our characters are responded to in game. The two things are entirely unrelated.

I, for one, would very much like to see some of the OP's ideas carefully considered and implemented in whatever fashion the devs deem feasible.


--If we can have huge sig images, why can we have only five lines of text?
--...faceplanting like a Defender pulling an AV (Nalrok_AthZim)
Originally Posted by Techbot Alpha View Post
...I have the patience of a coffee-fueled flea...



Originally Posted by Pyroguy View Post
Can we have people asking for our autographs?
You mean you HAVEN'T been asked for your autograph in the game yet? Pfft! I get that all the time.

Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
First, we're not cops or firefighters: we're supposed to be super heroes.
Yes. In a city that probably has more super heroes than firefighters...

And CoX has a LOT of such citizen appreciation for you already. I'm fine with that. Sometimes even annoyed by it. And not every hero from comic books ever got their statue or parade you know.



Originally Posted by CoyoteShaman View Post
First, we're not cops or firefighters: we're supposed to be super heroes. Completely different. They don't write comic books about every-day cops and they sure as hell don't make computer games about them and call them super heroes. Normal cops and firefighters don't save the world. Not even in movies. And in the movies, when they come close there is always some kind of fanfare played out.
This is what i was trying to say originally. We're super heroes! We have literally saved the world a few times over. i dont want npc's running up to me every 2 minutes, but ocassionally, if one ran up to me and made some comment possibly related to my current badge title, i think that would be really cool, and add to the immersiveness (not sure if that's a word ) of the overall experience

I dont have a siggy.....sad huh