Super Strength DPS




I know this is not the Tanker forums but this is the Scrapper forum so this seems like the best place for DPS calculations.

I'm wondering what the highest DPS attack chain is and what powers and recharge are needed.

Thanks in advance.



Knockout Blow (+227%) -> Haymaker (+189%) -> Fire Blast (+98%) -> Boxing (+0%) -> Haymaker -> Fire Blast was the best I could work out when I looked at this a lot more closely several months ago. Probably something better than Boxing for the gap, but on a real build, where you need to take Boxing anyway to get into Tough and Weave, and where power picks are in short supply, it seemed the best choice in practice. Obviously you're going to want Rage as stacked as possible.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by Werner View Post
Knockout Blow (+227%) -> Haymaker (+189%) -> Fire Blast (+98%) -> Boxing (+0%) -> Haymaker -> Fire Blast was the best I could work out when I looked at this a lot more closely several months ago. Probably something better than Boxing for the gap, but on a real build, where you need to take Boxing anyway to get into Tough and Weave, and where power picks are in short supply, it seemed the best choice in practice. Obviously you're going to want Rage as stacked as possible.
Boxing over jab? Really? Jab activates fast.

"All problems can be solved by throwing enough scrappers at it."

@Riez on Virtue, Protector, Champion, and Exalted server.



Originally Posted by Rieze View Post
Boxing over jab? Really? Jab activates fast.
Don't they both have an activation time of 1.07 seconds?

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They do have the same activation time but Boxing actually deals slightly more damage than Jab.
Punch however has a higer DPA value so it might be better to use it instead of Boxing.

@Scorpio EU



Originally Posted by Scorpio_ View Post
They do have the same activation time but Boxing actually deals slightly more damage than Jab.
Punch however has a higer DPA value so it might be better to use it instead of Boxing.
Boxing does 3.5 more unenhanced level 50 damage but Jab recharged .5s faster and has a lower endurance cost.



Has anyone ever posted how Super Strength (if it were ported to Scrappers) would stack up with the rest of the primaries we have? I'd be very interested to see the data.

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Should have been covered in the "results are in" threads in the scrapper forums. But I might have missed it.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm thinking more along the lines of on the whole, rather than specific attack chains. Would Super Strength outclass the other sets by a significant amount, would it be fairly even with the other sets, or would it be lower damage compared to the other sets?

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This is my completely unfounded opinion, but if the level of damage we got with FM is supposedly ok, then I can't see how anyone can make the argument that SS would be OP.

Billz worked out I was doing like 250 ST DPS on my FM/Shield doing a pylon in a thread I made a while back. That's on a build that I just threw together to get myself soft-capped. I wasn't specifically building for an optimised ST chain, and in fact, my main focus was on doing as much AoE damage as I could without totally gimping my ST abilities.

With the Rage penalties (I suspect castle's desire to revisit Rage, but his lack of time/priority for it are why we're still waiting for SS) SS on scrappers would be slightly better in overall AoE damage than FM thanks solely to Footstomp. With ST, I doubt it could touch an optimised DM or FM on an overall basis, especially considering it's pure smashing damage. Of course this is all purely speculative.

IME, my SS/Shield Brute with Dark Obliteration seems to be about on-par with my FM/Shield scrapper who does not have an AoE from the APPs. The biggest difference I've noticed is that my SS brute gets tedious to play because I'm constantly running out of end and my recharge rate causes me to have to deal with more Rage crashes more often.



Please tell me you were saturating AAO during that...

Be well, people of CoH.



Psst... FM isn't the problem here.



I've got the house to myself this weekend and planned to drink heavily and hit the spreadsheets again.

I do not believe, based on prior calcs, that SS on scrappers is any more of a problem than claws on brutes. Same goes for EM.

Be well, people of CoH.



Well then I wish they'd give us Super Strength and Warmace already. I have two characters waiting on that stuff!

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

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I want stone melee. Would make me level scarppers again.



Originally Posted by TRTerror View Post
I want stone melee. Would make me level scarppers again.
I'm sorry, but Scarppers only use carp melee.

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Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it



Originally Posted by Scorpio_ View Post
They do have the same activation time but Boxing actually deals slightly more damage than Jab.
Punch however has a higer DPA value so it might be better to use it instead of Boxing.
Originally Posted by Vitality View Post
Boxing does 3.5 more unenhanced level 50 damage but Jab recharged .5s faster and has a lower endurance cost.
The longer activation time of Punch takes away from the higher DPA attacks in the rest of the chain. I *think* that I calculated that that made Boxing superior, but I can't remember. I could easily be in Boxing simply to save a power choice.

As far as Jab, the recharge doesn't matter in that chain. Endurance might be an issue, but wasn't something I was worrying about when I came up with that particular chain. And again, saving a power choice.

"That's because Werner can't do maths." - BunnyAnomaly
"Four hours in, and I was no longer making mistakes, no longer detoggling. I was a machine." - Werner
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Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Well then I wish they'd give us Super Strength and Warmace already.
You are going to be so sad when the next powerset proliferated to scrappers turns out to be Ice Melee, aren't you?




Originally Posted by bAss_ackwards View Post
Well then I wish they'd give us Super Strength and Warmace already. I have two characters waiting on that stuff!
I would actually delete my level 50 scrapper and reroll if they ever ported Ninjitsu to Scrappers. I think there's quite a few sets folks are waiting on - like, every set that hasn't already been ported, at a guess.




Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I've got the house to myself this weekend and planned to drink heavily and hit the spreadsheets again.

I do not believe, based on prior calcs, that SS on scrappers is any more of a problem than claws on brutes. Same goes for EM.

Agreed. I think its all about flawed perceptions. People see the positives of the set because they are very apparent.

Everyone sees footstomp on a team and sees how good it is, but ignore the fact that it's the only aoe in the entire set and its the last power in the set - so it should be pretty damn good. Now we have a power like shield charge that, imo, is even better, yet I haven't heard nearly as many cries to nerf SC as I've heard to nerf FS.

Everyone sees rage gives you a great damage bonus but ignores the fact the set is still on par damage-wise as the rest of the sets (and would be pretty sub-par without it), and the fact SS has to use a power pick just to do damage on par with the other sets. They see the great to hit bonus it offers, but ignore the VERY annoying crash that results in zero dmg for 10 seconds, a defense crash, and a very tangible endurance crash.

The fact SS has not been ported to scrappers is truly a damn shame, and it's probably due in large part to flawed, incorrect perceptions that it's vastly better than other competing sets.



Originally Posted by Jabbrwock View Post
I would actually delete my level 50 scrapper and reroll if they ever ported Ninjitsu to Scrappers. I think there's quite a few sets folks are waiting on - like, every set that hasn't already been ported, at a guess.
I'm sure there are lots of sets that people WANT ported, but super strength is probably the at the top of the list among iconic 'super powers' and fits in with scrappers as much or more as any other power set. I mean, people WANT scrappers to have pistols, lol.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
I'm sure there are lots of sets that people WANT ported, but super strength is probably the at the top of the list among iconic 'super powers' and fits in with scrappers as much or more as any other power set. I mean, people WANT scrappers to have pistols, lol.
Unfortunately...what they are doing with Martial Arts make's it seem less likely that Scrappers will get Super Strength.
Crippling Axe Kick and Haymaker have the same exact animation.



Originally Posted by Cyber_naut View Post
I'm sure there are lots of sets that people WANT ported, but super strength is probably the at the top of the list among iconic 'super powers' and fits in with scrappers as much or more as any other power set. I mean, people WANT scrappers to have pistols, lol.
Actually I think SS hasn't been proliferated to Scrappers because, like Mace and Axe, it's a set that conceptually relies on brute strength and very little finesse. (And yes, Broadswords take a lot more finesse than axes or maces--trust me on this, I'm a certified stage combatant. ) The devs seem to view brute force without great finesse as the province of tankers and brutes.

So, if you think that SS fits scrappers "as much or more than any other powerset," then it might be a function of the fact that *you* want it proliferated.

But think about it: scrappers got fire melee and electric melee already, and IMO are likely to get the other "exotic/elemental" sets (ice melee and energy melee) next, before getting those "brute force" sets SS, WM and BA.

Then again, the community clearly wants to see SS proliferated a lot more than they do Ice Melee (lol) or Energy Melee (now that it's been nerfed). And now that CoX has some competition within its own niche, we're starting to see the community get the things that the community has asked for the longest. (Power customization, the 5th Column back, dual pistols, a new MM set...)

So time will tell. But IMO, Ice Melee and Energy Melee will be next if the devs hold true to what I perceive as their established form.



Slamming folks in the face with fire takes finesse?

I had thought that scrappers didn't get mace and axe because they were so close mechanically to broadsword.

I don't think your view on this is wrong, however. I just see no reason not to port them all when the "skill based" scrapper concept was already questionable with dark and fire melee.

Be well, people of CoH.



Try it sometime. It takes some skill that *I* haven't got.