Power Pool: Size manipulation
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Castle explicitly said at HeroCon that the game engine cannot support any sort of "size-changing" powersets, and as such, it will never happen. What we can do at character creation and via the Super Tailor is the long and short (no pun intended) of it.
Positron: "There are no bugs [in City of Heroes], just varying degrees of features."
Sorry to burst your bubble, but Castle has explicitly said that the game engine cannot do any sort of "size-changing" powersets. What we can do at character creation and via the Super Tailor is the long and short (no pun intended) of it.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility.

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
Even though this was a result of unauthorised hacking, the fact a tech-savvy used was able to make a really big character at least shows that having oversized characters is possible.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explicit is tomorrow's possibility. |
Also by the same logic, Granite Armor and Dwarf forms wouldn't be possible either.
There's a big difference between setting a static costume form or setting a basic size for a creature, and being able to scale that skeletal base in the engine.
While there's no question that a growth powerset could work, the question is how computationally expensive the procedure would be. Could it fit within the same animation and processing envelopes as existing powers? Could the engine modifications to the animation systems and power systems still fit within the same performance envelopes?
The short version is: probably not
So ideas like this, as cool as they might sound, aren't going to be a tomorrows possibility without changing the underlying processing engine. They are going to remain an explicit no.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility.
The removal of redraw is actually something that has been requested for a long time, so you can't just claim it "wasn't in epic demand". The removal of redraw in combat and the ability to recolor powers has been around for almost the entire duration of the game. In fact, redraw has been altered at least twice over the lifetime of the game to account for this very fact. Power colorization and customization follow the same suit: people have been asking for it for a long time and it spent a long time in development.
Assuming that just because you want a power pool that allows you to alter the size of a character upon demand (which is the problem, that character was made by overcoming the size limitations for a costume slot rather than having the size be a variable attribute) and then simultaneously assuming that it will eventually happen even though it's a niche powerset, would require Castle to do all kinds of power tweaking on the first two, and be completely impossible for the second two (because you can't simply change the level, con, and reward of a target based on an arbitrary assignment from a power, even if it would be even close to balanced), completely ignoring the fact that it would require a great deal of resource expenditure for a rather small payoff.
It's not going to happen because the benefit of adding it to the game is too small to account for the costs of implementing it. I'm reasonably sure that it would be possible for BABs and pohsyb to go through all of the code to make it so that height had a variable scalar attached to it, but it's not going to happen unless a lot of stuff changes simply because it would require an amount of coding on par with power colorization, possibly more (i.e. changing fundamental engine attributes to be changed to account for specific new variables).
Even though this was a result of unauthorised hacking, the fact a tech-savvy used was able to make a really big character at least shows that having oversized characters is possible.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility. |
I support this idea, granted it will take quite a time to wait for the system to support this.
So many things were said to be impossible but later accomplished.
Give it time and maybe some day we can see it accomplished.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility. |
even as I speak, BaBs is working on redoing the weapon sets so they can function without unnecessary redraws, another issues that was fairly 'minor' and wasn't in 'epic demand either. |
You are entitled to your opinion, but you'd be surprised how often their tune changes when a redname comes in to save the day. Personally I take with what was paraphrased in the past with a pinch of salt (More than three months old specifically). |
Alrighty then, that's about the end of my rather ironically huge thread, it's now time to hear your views. Think this power's viable this year? Even as suggested? Or are you going to be ironic yourself by replying with one of the problems I just answered? |
We're going to tell exactly what we've been told before: it doesn't work. There are too many problems with the idea to implement. If you're not going to believe us, then you're wasting both our time and yours by making us repeat this song and dance every time.
We'll always have Paragon.
Even though this was a result of unauthorised hacking, the fact a tech-savvy used was able to make a really big character at least shows that having oversized characters is possible.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility. |
Hack whatever that is really cool and who ever did it must be a so smart I wonder how long it took ncsoft to ban the account.
I see the problem being indoor missions. There are size limitations for a lot of rooms unless your max size varies with the room your in with your max reachable when outside. The problem here, would be that your power would also vary with your size, but honestly, I personally wouldnt have a problem with this.
"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."
Even though this was a result of unauthorised hacking, the fact a tech-savvy used was able to make a really big character at least shows that having oversized characters is possible.
As for the engine not being able to create a powerset over it, I'll just have to sit and wait for a change there. It's like what I said before, today's explitic is tomorrow's possibility. |
I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled.
There's a difference between setting the scale of an entity and changing the scale of an entity...much less doing that via the powers system.
I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled. |
I see that Size manipulation is ready for the trashcan, better to try and fail than not at all I suppose.
Thank you for your feedback everybody

Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11
I see the problem being indoor missions. There are size limitations for a lot of rooms unless your max size varies with the room your in with your max reachable when outside. The problem here, would be that your power would also vary with your size, but honestly, I personally wouldnt have a problem with this.
Also: Why can only people that have size power be bigger than 8 foot and smaller than 4? Why does size make a difference on them, while otherwise size and body mass of a character never effects anything? What about shrunken ones and PvP? Will they be much harder to see? Will they be able to fit trough openings that normal-sized chars dont? Will they be stuck at invisible walls all the time instead?
I can very much see that. The game and the world simply weren't built to check how big a character is.
There's a difference between setting the scale of an entity and changing the scale of an entity...much less doing that via the powers system.
I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled. |

Let me never fall into the vulgar mistake of dreaming that I am persecuted whenever I am contradicted.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
"I was just the one with the most unsolicited sombrero." - Traegus
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Biggest Troll on the forums? I'll give you a hint:

You know... one of these days, we're gonna say something silly like this, and then Brawler's gonna go ahead and do it, just to spite us... >.>
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)
I call dibs on filming it! I swear, it would totally be worth it to see this Godzilla-sized fire imp go stomping through Atlas Park.
Michelle aka Samuraiko/Dark_Respite |

Does this mean we can raid it's nest full of baby Fire Imps?

There's a difference between setting the scale of an entity and changing the scale of an entity...much less doing that via the powers system.
I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled. |
[CENTER]Euro side: [B]@Orion Star[/B] & [B]@Orions Star[/B][/CENTER]
Boy, I guess the Oxygen Destroyer would finally have a use outside of being the butt of radio mission jokes. How else are you gonna put out a giant flaming monkey?
Dame Silverwing (50 Kat/SR Scrapper) Virtue
Professor Bikini (50 Bots/Dark MM) Virtue
Dame Silver Fury (41 Peacebringer) Virtue
Operative Velvet (50 Fortunata) Virtue
Petal Dancer (35 Plant/Kin Contoller) Virtue
Tanegashima (Rapidly levelling DP/Ice Blaster) Virtue
(and more)
Well, from reading this thread I learned something.
Size DOES matter.
If the game spit out 20 dollar bills people would complain that they weren't sequentially numbered. If they were sequentially numbered people would complain that they weren't random enough.
Black Pebble is my new hero.
There's a difference between setting the scale of an entity and changing the scale of an entity...much less doing that via the powers system.
I can make a 400 foot tall fire imp in about 10 seconds by changing a couple of values in a script. But I can't do that via a power, I can't make the imp actually grow to be 400 foot, there's nothing to prevent me from doing that in an office map or while standing under an overpass, and there's nothing to fix the dozens of different problems that come from having a giant anything in the game...much less a giant something that's player controlled. |
Problems like what? Accidentally activating it in the elevator. Look it's tuna man. :P
Make a great shield. Just block up the hallway with your corpse. Run out and eat hamadon.

Still you could mock up something a little simpler if it weren't for the time limit on switching costumes.
Wasn´t there a secondary set called growth in the poll for the new melee power sets, which was won by Dual Blades an Shield Defense?
Why let us choose this, if it´s nearly impossible or to time expensive to do it?
Wasn´t there a secondary set called growth in the poll for the new melee power sets, which was won by Dual Blades an Shield Defense?
Why let us choose this, if it´s nearly impossible or to time expensive to do it? |
Why talk about power sets or gauge the interest in game options if there's no actual intent to follow through? Well, lets look at HeroCon and the suggestion to allow Super-Speeders to run onto of the water level. Posi said something to the effect of "Lets Do It" after a quick vote during HeroCon. When the animators and coders actually sat down and thought about that example, it was realized that the idea wasn't actually that feasible on the current engine revisions with the current performance profiles. If you check out BaB's post history, he goes over just some of the technical hurdles.
The other thing that you have to keep in mind is that the polls and surveys that go out... Do Not Guarantee The Results. Hard to believe, but it's true. The reason why the results are not guaranteed is that sometimes stuff just doesn't work out. Sometimes an idea that looks great on paper winds up being a complete hash once coded into the game. Case in point, that idiotic massive fear on Burn. Looked great on paper to be used as a power to enforce the teaming aspect of the game. Wound up being one of the worst powers, ever, once the changes were actually implemented.
Now, stuff like growth has been demonstrated in Champions Online, and much like the water zone, players say, "Cryptic Made it work, why can't Paragon Studios make it work?" Well point of fact, Cryptic hasn't made it work. A couple of CO players who also play CoH have commented that Lemuria is one of the biggest ... um... screwups... ever to come out of a professional design team. The growth system as well generated a string of odd bugs, as evidenced by this particular post on a CO Wiki.
The other objective lesson is to examine the min system requirements, the performance envelope that I like to keep harping on about. CO's processor and graphics minimum envelope requires three times the computational power of the City of Heroes engine, circa launch of City of Villains. One of the big deals with our upcoming Going Rogue expansion is that the underlying processing engine isn't being changed, so, if you've got an older computer, or your looking at a Google ChromeOS netbook, chances are you'll still be able to play City of Heroes and the Going Rogue expansion.
With a heftier engine requirements, and a larger performance envelope to work with, Cryptic still couldn't get some of those design ideas correct. So, it's not a matter of a development team being tacky. Sometimes ideas are given before any real work is done to see whether or not that idea is actually feasible.
You know... one of these days, we're gonna say something silly like this, and then Brawler's gonna go ahead and do it, just to spite us... >.>
Someone did - someone said "You heard it here first, folks - a giant Jello salad in the game next issue! And thus was Hami born.

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CoH/V Fan Videos

Today's suggestion is another Power Pool power I thought of for a while now, and for this one I decided to search on past threads using the search to see what I was up against, but without any more delay, I begin my proposal. The purpose of this power pool is not only to allows characters to exceed the current minimum and maximum sizes for characters, but also provide a see-saw effect on their stats that provides equal strengths and weaknesses.
Size manipulation
Tier 1: Body Expansion [Toggle]
Tier 2: Body Reduction [Toggle]
Tier:3: Reduction Wave [Cone AoE]
Tier 4: Expansion Wave [Cone AoE]
+Damage, +Range, +Resistance, -Knockback, +Run and +Jump
However the character is debuffed by
-ToHit, -Defence, -Stealth, +Threat and -Recharge
+Defence, +Stealth, +ToHit, +Recharge and +Recovery
While it debuffs the character with
-Damage, -Range, -Resistance, -Knockback, -Run and -Jump
Due to the fact that Body Expansion is a toggle already answered how characters can fit through doors, clicking mission doors automatically detoggles and retoggles powers like flight, so why can't it do the same with BX?
If enlarged enemies offer more risk to the player, then it's reward in that state is increased. If the reduced enemies become less threatening to the player, then it's reward in that state is reduced. And to prevent exploitation with trying to defeat enemies when their shrink timer runs out, all critters remain enlarged or reduced indefinitely until they are affected by an opposing effect. On top of that, the state that had the most damage inflicted on it becomes the reward modifier.
In this powerset, the growth aspect is the most problematic. Shrinking is almost universally flawless, especially with interior maps it will rarely clip into. But the scale of growth wouldn't have to be really intense at all.
Most people would think doubling in size when they think of growth powers, but clipping wise, 50% can achieve a good enough effect as well. This would bring most normal size characters up to the scale of Behemoths and those really big Lost guys (These lost especially appear in office maps where they clip doorways a lot, so it's not like it doesn't already happen)
But ideally, setting a flag would enable growth powers to be limited in interior maps, while more extravagant scales could be used in outside missions, double or even triple normal size. I would assume a character who could enlarge themselves could control how large they grow, and these flags could reflect this.
Another possibility involves making crouch animations for enlarged characters that duck low enough to avoid ceilings/doorways while maintaining their movement, ignoring the 'too much work' excuse, if the character doesn't fit in the environment, adapt! Most of these issues come from being unable to reduce in size, which is not a problem at all with toggles, but a bit more problematic with duration effects.
- Problem: Do these powers stack, wouldn't it be unfair to shrink a character into nothingness or crashy to make them grow forever?
Solution:Expansion/Reduction won't stack, nor will their effects.
- Problem: If everybody starts going huge, isn't this game going to get laggier or crashier?
Solution:If you say that huge characters would cause lag, you'd have to ask yourself why giant monsters exist in the game, why did they make Lusca with all his gigantic tentacles? As far as lag goes, that would be more of how many giant characters are on screen rather than how big they get. If you were standing around in AE buildings (back before the nerfs), you'd find that regardless of size, it was the number of characters/objects on screen that caused the lag, not their size.
Furthermore, my suggestion isn't calling for Atlas sized heroes either, it's more likely that heroes with such powers won't exceed normal giant monster sizes.
- Problem: It's not cost-effective to implement such a power because of the work needed to do it. It doesn't have enough demand and devs have said in the past it was impossible or unlikely to ever be done!
Solution:They also said that power customisation would be almost impossible to do ever, and even as I speak, BaBs is working on redoing the weapon sets so they can function without unnecessary redraws, another issues that was fairly 'minor' and wasn't in 'epic demand either. Just because someone said it was impossible or too difficult in the past doesn't mean it's impossible or too difficult now. Paragon Studios has moved a long way and have done a lot of super gaming feats in the past, you can trust them to find a solution where others had given up.
Problem: This power pool is unbalanced, enlarged characters would be tons more powerful and reduced characters would be useless.
I made it very clear that Enlarging and Reducing character sizes would give a see-saw effect on their abilities. Enlarged characters possess increased power and strength from their size, but find it harder to hit 'smaller' opponents as well being slower, also more likely to be seen and aggro mobs.
Shrunken characters aren't useless squishies either, they possess an increased accuracy for attacking larger opponents, harder to hit and actually lighter so they use up less energy in movement and attacking. Also to mention that they have bonus stealth that allow them to sneak past certain opponents.
Enlarged and reduced characters are equally good in certain situations, and overwhelmed in others. THAT is the balance! (As well as to mention the fact that Toggles use up Endurance and the Wave powers CAN MISS!)
- Problem: We've heard in the past this will never happen, so I will tell you that right now! This will NEVER happen!
Solution:You are entitled to your opinion, but you'd be surprised how often their tune changes when a redname comes in to save the day. Personally I take with what was paraphrased in the past with a pinch of salt (More than three months old specifically). I would guess that the situation changes every quarter of the year, and will definitely change once Going Rogue is released and thus release all the GR-staff members from the task to work on other tasks.
Alrighty then, that's about the end of my rather ironically huge thread, it's now time to hear your views. Think this power's viable this year? Even as suggested? Or are you going to be ironic yourself by replying with one of the problems I just answered?
Home server: Victory
Characters on: Victory & Virtue
My first 50(0)! 18/11/11