reasons why Rob Leifeld should be neutered with rusty cigar trimmer IMHO




well this IS an art forum.. we should help others to explain about Liefeld before he
publishes " how to draw the liefeld way " books, and makes a mass out break of imitators

heres a link to someone that can some it up better then me..

WARNING: link contains LEIFELD ARTWORK , NSFW.. NSFPLE ((no suitable for personal life either ))

sadly, I will admit that some of his art work I do like (namely anyone where theres a female character like Domino what has no irises.. at least I THINK she has no irises ).. while most of it I totally hate..

While I know most people here love Rob.. I thought I would let his haters allow themselfs a post to help them express there feelings properly...

in the issue of fairness.. anyone that wishes ta make a " we luv liefeld" post.. should feel free too...

this post is only for peoples "IMHO" posts that might want to share with others there views on the topic..



You know what I discovered though? Before he left for Image and got such a darn swelled head, when he had been working for DC under good stern editorial watch - he was okay. Not amazing, not great, but better than adequate.

Take away the editor and deadline and (oh yeah) the writer and the rest of the bunch that keeps everyone else in check... and you get exactly those things in the first post. Highly flawed, from start to finish.

Please read my FEAR/Portal/HalfLife Fan Fiction!



I think the worse crime that Rob Liefeld committed was being the inspiration of artists who tried to copy his style and actually managed to put something out. It's like "wow a crappy artist just like us made it big, it gives us hope that our haphazard work will get noticed too."

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



I've made some of his mistakes and then some, but unlike him, for me it was a learning process of things I want to fix. I look back at my older work and some of it sickens me, but that gives me inspiration to do new versions.



I try not to bash anyones creative efforts and won't do so here... But I will ask this:

who is really to blame? The artist or those who hire them?

My lack of skills has been displayed several times in this forum but if someone offered me a nice fat paycheck I would cash it in a heartbeat, even if I was cackling like a madman while I did it



Every time I see a Lefield piece, it makes my eyes bleed a little.



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I try not to bash anyones creative efforts and won't do so here... But I will ask this:

who is really to blame? The artist or those who hire them?

My lack of skills has been displayed several times in this forum but if someone offered me a nice fat paycheck I would cash it in a heartbeat, even if I was cackling like a madman while I did it
this is a very good point. there are thousands of people to blame for liefeld being what he is, everyone who bought all of he's comics/ fans and the folks that hired him. he should have been lynched years ago. instead he just made millions of dollars.

also like Zekiran_Imortal mentioned there was a time when he was fine, but he got to taken up in he's own popularity. and he should never have been given the freedom he got. I think it's a similar story to silvstri, I noticed as he improved in stature he's work declined as well, but he actually developed some great stories and characters, I really like Sarah pez from witchblade and the darkness in particular, I also noticed though as sylvestri took the mantle of leadership he was smart enough to pass on the pencil. he has since started producing some nice pictures again, but I think he had a real slump there for a while where laziness took him over because there was no one to hall him over the coals. same goes for liefeld he just didnt have the sense to hang up the pencil.(and he was much worse then sylvestri still :P))



I just did a memory lane through all my art, let me just say, I would like to thank all my clients for buying my schlock... and I vow to get better, for the both of us.



I will only marginally blame those who bought the comics since it's hard to give up a title you loved for years just because of a crappy artist... Though if your talking about a new title that started off with him then that's a cat of a different color...

And I don't know the histories, names, stories of artists like many here seem to... I just look at pretty pictures and ooh and ahh when deserved... But it kind of sounds like this guy got to thinking way too much of himself... And while I won't blame someone for not being talented I can blame them for being egotistical



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
well this IS an art forum.. we should help others to explain about Liefeld before he
publishes " how to draw the liefeld way " books, and makes a mass out break of imitators

I never understood bookburning before now.

The only way something like that could be saved, is if it's set up as what NOT to do.



Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
well this IS an art forum.. we should help others to explain about Liefeld before he
publishes " how to draw the liefeld way " books, and makes a mass out break of imitators

heres a link to someone that can some it up better then me..

WARNING: link contains LEIFELD ARTWORK , NSFW.. NSFPLE ((no suitable for personal life either ))

sadly, I will admit that some of his art work I do like (namely anyone where theres a female character like Domino what has no irises.. at least I THINK she has no irises ).. while most of it I totally hate..

While I know most people here love Rob.. I thought I would let his haters allow themselfs a post to help them express there feelings properly...

in the issue of fairness.. anyone that wishes ta make a " we luv liefeld" post.. should feel free too...

this post is only for peoples "IMHO" posts that might want to share with others there views on the topic..

My company firewall blocks that site under the category "Tasteless and Offensive".

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Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
this is a very good point. there are thousands of people to blame for liefeld being what he is, everyone who bought all of he's comics/ fans and the folks that hired him. he should have been lynched years ago. instead he just made millions of dollars.

also like Zekiran_Imortal mentioned there was a time when he was fine, but he got to taken up in he's own popularity. and he should never have been given the freedom he got. I think it's a similar story to silvstri, I noticed as he improved in stature he's work declined as well, but he actually developed some great stories and characters, I really like Sarah pez from witchblade and the darkness in particular, I also noticed though as sylvestri took the mantle of leadership he was smart enough to pass on the pencil. he has since started producing some nice pictures again, but I think he had a real slump there for a while where laziness took him over because there was no one to hall him over the coals. same goes for liefeld he just didnt have the sense to hang up the pencil.(and he was much worse then sylvestri still :P))
Plus I think Silvestri didn't have as much time early on to do full issues with managing TPC, but yeah, with other talent, not a bad idea to pass it onto the new talent, and then when stuff is running smoothly, do maybe a series or two here and there, like with the recent Hunter-Killer and X-Men mini arc.

I'd agree a bit that who hired him and people who bought the comics he did are a bit of a factor, most so on the new titles.

Though on the flip side, Rob has gotten a little, emphasis on little heh, better with his art. his stuff is decent enough in the new Image United dealie from the 7 Image creators. Mainly just the 6 of the 7 for the issues, but Jim Lee has provided a cover at least for Issue #1, dunno if there will for the rest.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
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Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!



I'm not sure what annoys me more; Leifeld's odd anatomy issues, or people constantly harping about him.



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
I'm not sure what annoys me more; Leifeld's odd anatomy issues, or people constantly harping about him.
dunno.. but I get a chance ta harp now



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post
I'm not sure what annoys me more; Leifeld's odd anatomy issues, or people constantly harping about him.
it's the internet, everyone is always harping about something.



*shrugs* He must be doing something right if he's making a living out of being an artist. THere's a pretty big market out there (I'm guessing...if there wasn't, he wouldn't sell any books). And it's not like he's hurting anyone with his art. I don't find his art particularly appealing and quite frankly there are plenty of artists out there selling their services who draw just as terribly. Why isn't anyone hating on them? Is it because they don't make as much money as Liefeld? Looks and sounds petty to me. I'm sure Liefeld, artistical taste aside, is a nice person who's good to his friends and family, and I wouldn't go so far as to try to be mean-spirited and humiliate him at a convention or on a website. Seriously, there are better things to focus efforts on.



I'm glad you posted that link Bayani, because that's exactly what I had in mind when I posted above. Some people just spend too much time on the man.

And as to your comment about him being a good guy... I've never met him, but by all appearances, he looks like a loving father and decent chap.

Far too much hate for the sake of hate, on the Internet sometimes.



Originally Posted by Bayani View Post
*shrugs* He must be doing something right if he's making a living out of being an artist. THere's a pretty big market out there (I'm guessing...if there wasn't, he wouldn't sell any books). And it's not like he's hurting anyone with his art. I don't find his art particularly appealing and quite frankly there are plenty of artists out there selling their services who draw just as terribly. Why isn't anyone hating on them? Is it because they don't make as much money as Liefeld? Looks and sounds petty to me. I'm sure Liefeld, artistical taste aside, is a nice person who's good to his friends and family, and I wouldn't go so far as to try to be mean-spirited and humiliate him at a convention or on a website. Seriously, there are better things to focus efforts on.
A very rational and fair evaluation of the situation. I think its the fact that he is so sticking rich brings it out in people.



From the tales I hear, the reason people rag on Rob is because he's a genuine a**hole in real life as well. One who apparently doesn't actually make it well in the business because he owes a lot of people a lot of money. Combine that with the bad quality of work here and you've got a recipe for trolling. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



hes got websites devoted to people hating him...

hes got people saying hes a pain in the *** to work with..

..for some reason, I havent found anything of the same for stan lee or most any other
of the image artists... just him..

..what PISSES me off is that, that spot hes in.. deserves ta be given ta a better, more deserving artist/human being.

..if I see a cockroach,running on the ground... im gonna think.. "wow, he must be a good father for raising so many kids".. and THEN im gonna squish him, cuz hes gross and creeps me out..

Leifeld is a turkey, hanging out in the swans area of the pool.. someone needs ta take the turkey out and find a nice swan ta replace it..

..Leifeld has the same magic aura that Seth Rogen has...

where as Seth Rogen can be funny and charming while not actually doing anything funny and charming... Leifeld can be an artist while not actually doing anything artistically pleasing..

sometimes people NEED ta be the little old lady with the bible in hand, and poke out there winkled fingers at anything they see is wrong and shout "EEEVVVIILLL!!!"



Originally Posted by Suichiro View Post
From the tales I hear, the reason people rag on Rob is because he's a genuine a**hole in real life as well. One who apparently doesn't actually make it well in the business because he owes a lot of people a lot of money. Combine that with the bad quality of work here and you've got a recipe for trolling.
If that's the case, then so be it. Like I said, I've never met him. If you or someone you know has... ok.

Sometimes I wonder though; what comes first? The bad attitude, or the bad rumors. Because one can often spawn the other.

Originally Posted by Implicit Bookcarrier View Post
hes got websites devoted to people hating him...

hes got people saying hes a pain in the *** to work with..

..for some reason, I havent found anything of the same for stan lee or most any other
of the image artists... just him..

..what PISSES me off is that, that spot hes in.. deserves ta be given ta a better, more deserving artist/human being.

..if I see a cockroach,running on the ground... im gonna think.. "wow, he must be a good father for raising so many kids".. and THEN im gonna squish him, cuz hes gross and creeps me out..

Leifeld is a turkey, hanging out in the swans area of the pool.. someone needs ta take the turkey out and find a nice swan ta replace it..

..Leifeld has the same magic aura that Seth Rogen has...

where as Seth Rogen can be funny and charming while not actually doing anything funny and charming... Leifeld can be an artist while not actually doing anything artistically pleasing..

sometimes people NEED ta be the little old lady with the bible in hand, and poke out there winkled fingers at anything they see is wrong and shout "EEEVVVIILLL!!!"
You seem to have some serious hate-on man.


Comparing the guy to a cockroach seems a bit much, no?



Originally Posted by Juggertha View Post

You seem to have some serious hate-on man.


Comparing the guy to a cockroach seems a bit much, no?
*sniffle*.. your probably right..

still, ive been thinking there might be something to the way he draws..
hiding feet, not bothering ta correct mistakes.. ect...

Leifeld is aiming for a D+ or C- in his artwork..but perhaps thats all thats really needed
in the long run..

if he was like jim lee and could do two comics a month or more.. I would say
his speed would make up for his lack of details.. but from what ive heard is that
he keeps missing deadlines...

ahh well, im thinking to much.. *puts away rusty cigar trimmer* ,,maybe I will aim for drawing as good as Leifeld and then work on as good as campbell or lee or silvestri later...

it was a fun flaming/trolling post while it lasted at least



The thing with Liefeld is that he seemd liek he was going to be a prodigy... at 16, when he was first hired.

Except, he never really got all that much better,

Granted, for the most part, i think he was better with a pencil at 16 than I am now (give or take his anti-foot fetish), but the fact that he hasn't improved much in 20-odd years, THAT's the issue.


Allied to all sides so that no matter what, I'll come out on top!
Oh, and Crimson demands you play this arc-> Twisted Knives (MA Arc #397769)



he probably could do better yes, anyone can. I dunno about him being a pain to work with or how he is in real life. I've never met him, I unfortunately missed my chance when the 7 Image creators were all in once place here. But from watching his tweets, he seems normal enough. That and he's one of 6 of the 7 original Image creators working on the Image United project. The only one not contributing at the moment is Jim Lee, for obvious copyright issues of his characters. But I'd figure if Rob was really that much of a pain, the Image people might have been hesitant about it as well.

I'll admit I don't like his artwork a bunch, among the Image United stuff his isn't my favorite cover, but his stuff is done decently enough to hang with the other Image chars so far.

@Hericane @Hericane2
MA Arcs - #67636, #92202
deviantart page
Slag Heap: Why you hurt Guardian!? Guardian no hurt you!