Power Customization= sickness?




Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
I did it the other way around: I've got my Poison vibrantly colored instead of the sickening dingy yellow/green it was before. All the powers are colored according to the buff or debuff they do: purple for the mez protect, dank teal for the -speed, orange for the hold, etc. With the shocking contrast on the character's costume, it actually looks pretty good.
Ummmm, I don't believe the word "dank" is one used as an adjective to modify colors.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
6) All the cool combinations of colors that Phantom Army can have
I'm planning to make an Illusion/ controller sometime soon just so I can have red and white PA. They look very, very similar to Longbow soldiers.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



I'm guilty of "dark" Illusions myself.




Originally Posted by GuyPerfect View Post
Of course black is a popular color. Half the people who play the game sit in their rooms with the lights off and they can't open the window because they're in the basement. Either the bright lights hurt their eyes, or it's cool to be evil even if you're a good guy.

Incidentally, based on conversations with people, I believe more people are likely to roll a Warshade as their first kheld rather than a Peacebringer. Why? Because dark is cooler than light.
Evil is more fun than good. And warshades aren't as weak as peacebringers.

/runs off to play his black/red color tinted darkmelee/willpower brute

or maybe the black/red tinted darkblast/rad corruptor

or maybe the black/red tinted fierymelee/darkarmor brute....

Ok. I have a sickness.

edit: oh wait! My earth/earth dom is all green shaded crystals, so there's one.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
My Rad/Fire Blaster uses Radiated Fire.
My Fire/Rad Corruptor uses Fiery Radiation

If I have a sickness it's that I dislike neon green - sadly since telling my friend of this affliction he has revelled in using neon green for a lot of his characters' powers



Originally Posted by dj13 View Post
... I was in a cave map with a grotesque bubbler that had such hard bright bubbles I couldn't see anything most of the time.
This! Bubbles of white might look like cute soapy things while in Icon, but they absolutely suck when you're on a large team... nearly opaque!



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Ummmm, I don't believe the word "dank" is one used as an adjective to modify colors.
dank /dæŋk/
–adjective, -er, -est.
unpleasantly moist or humid; damp and, often, chilly: a dank cellar.

The grellow Poison looks like an oozing something that came out of somewhere. I'll keep my vibrant splishy-splashy powers over that.



I just wish you could change the confusion bubbles to your power colors instead of the pink/purple or what ever color they are....



I'm oh soooo grateful for Power Customization, especially on my Fire/Fire Scrapper, because the combination of his Heat Shield and Plasma Shield, not only made it impossible to see him it turned him into a flippin' plasma torch that I couldn't bare to look at.

Now they're a barely describable steamy mist. Well, until my friend throws his Plant/Therm Fire and Plasma Shields on me. *sigh* Doc

Personally, I tend to go muted on most thing unless there's a thematic reason behind it, like my FF/NRG Def 'Rainbow Sherbet' where FF's are Mint Green/Yellow and her blasts are a Tangerine Pink-Orange/Yellow.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
Ummmm, I don't believe the word "dank" is one used as an adjective to modify colors.
Colors can be, and usually are, described in conjunction with emotion. "Dank" is a word that can convey a sort of emotional theme due to the settings the word is generally attributed to, such as a dungeon, cave, cellar, or some other possible locale, all of which can convey differing feelings or emotions.

Admittedly, not one you would typically use for colors but it's not really a stretch by any means.

Blue: ~Knockback Squad on Guardian~
Red: ~Undoing of Virtue on [3 guesses]~




A good way to avoid hurting people's eyes and brains and such is to go by this simple rule:
The more of the screen it covers, the dimmer the color should be.

Searing bright yellow works great for laser-eye powers, but is a very bad idea on, say, Dispersion Bubble.

The way the colors are placed on powers, picking a dim version of any color will usually result in a power that is less bright, but still the color you chose (whereas on costumes, the dimmer colors are greyer shades of the bright colors)

So like, choosing Red is really bright and even painful, but going a few bubbles to the right and choosing the dim red- it is much less intrusive on the eye but still red.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
I would say, do whatever you want... and make adjustments based on teammate complaints.

(Still wishes there was a way to turn OFF customization so that you didn't have to see other people's [sometimes] abominations.)
/supressclosegfx? i know it's somethin' like that if that is not the exact slash command.

The validity of your statment does not increase in direct proportion with the frequency and volume at which you speak it.



Originally Posted by Thirty_Seven View Post
I would say, do whatever you want... and make adjustments based on teammate complaints.
We get 5 slots so if I want my fire/fire blaster to have black/red fire for one of my costumes (cuz he does ) why should I let anyone tell me not to use that? On the other hand I can't imagine what would possibly give me the right to tell someone else "Hey your neon green and yellow radiation is ugly change it".

It's a game I say play how you want. I play with another blaster on a regular basis who uses hot pink for their fire. I certainly wouldn't pick it... but to each their own.

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Oh gods. I created a kin/son defender the other day, and originally colored her blasts contrasting blue and red. It looked rather awesome.

However, I was changing those suckers to solid white not five minutes after hitting the game proper. The wave sequence gave me a headache. Not just from the contrast - in game it was really hard to see, weird that. And I certainly didn't want to subject anyone else to that (and they might have a worse reaction than I did)

White. So much better, and easier to see.

Currently playing:
The Domestic: Broom/WP
Shadowhex: Dark Control/Dark Affinity
Defenestration Lass: Grav/Kin

"See, this is what happens when you have to shove all this stuff into your pockets: it's easy to misplace a suborbital warhead." -Arcanaville, on how crowded our power trays are getting lately



Hi guys and gals. I am just returning to the game after quite the hiatus.

Can someone tell me how I can change my power customizations? I am lvl 8 or so but dislike my current choice.



Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Mr. Tealeaf has informed me that bubblers who set to black and red are very annoying and should be beaten with a shovel. So, perhaps that might be one to avoid.
Awww, that's too bad.... I've had a bubbler put black bubbles on my characters before, and due to the "dark nature/look" of many of my toons, it actually looked really good and matched the uniform...


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Originally Posted by b5rksm5n5 View Post
Hi guys and gals. I am just returning to the game after quite the hiatus.

Can someone tell me how I can change my power customizations? I am lvl 8 or so but dislike my current choice.
Your previously created character will need to visit the tailor. Once there, you'll find a new toolbar at the top that allows you to move between wardrobe and powers. Keep in mind that several power sets are not customizable. For those that are, click on the "original" to get a list of options. A very few powersets have different animation choices as well as color choices.

Originally Posted by Chompie View Post

A good way to avoid hurting people's eyes and brains and such is to go by this simple rule:
The more of the screen it covers, the dimmer the color should be.

Searing bright yellow works great for laser-eye powers, but is a very bad idea on, say, Dispersion Bubble.

The way the colors are placed on powers, picking a dim version of any color will usually result in a power that is less bright, but still the color you chose (whereas on costumes, the dimmer colors are greyer shades of the bright colors)

So like, choosing Red is really bright and even painful, but going a few bubbles to the right and choosing the dim red- it is much less intrusive on the eye but still red.
That's very good advice. I find I get more nauseous the more saturated a color is. Working in the more pastel regions of color has yielded some good results. Subtlety is actually a good thing when coloring here.

Originally Posted by Tealeaf View Post
Mr. Tealeaf has informed me that bubblers who set to black and red are very annoying and should be beaten with a shovel. So, perhaps that might be one to avoid.
Its pretty bad on thermal buffs as well. I teamed with a fire/thermal controller the other day who had a garish red and black for everything. With the whole team buffed, it was awful. The crazy thing was I didn't get sick, but it made it nearly impossible to see what else was going on in tight quarters. Fortunately, a couple of missions later he switched to a different costume and power customization. This one was kind of a glowing mint green and was much less intrusive.



I always thought that power customization would be a great thing and for the most part it is, but I would have never thought of it being a bad thing. I've ran into a few instances where the the colors of powers chosen on my teams had been overwhelming making it difficult to see.

The worst part is that I am sure there are people out there that decide to make their powers as obtrusive as possible.



I was in the Rikti War Zone and saw a Vanguard Adept with Lightning Field. Now, I don't deal with Vanguard much, and this is the first time I actually saw that. The electricity was green, and I immediately thought "what a terrible color choice" before realizing it was an NPC.



Originally Posted by Eek a Mouse View Post
I also wish to be able to turn off customization, but not because of the poor color choices. It's because I use the colors to know what powers people are using and what is happening around me. Used to be if I had an orange bubble around me, and there was a green glow on that boss over there, I could tell immediately that I had a sonic resistance buff and the boss was being targeted by the rad defender.
Yeah, I have the same issue, as I'm largely unable to memorize animations I used to go by colors. I console myself with the thought that (1) the games not THAT hard, so I can live with it, and (2) it lets other people enjoy the game more, so there will be more people for me to play with, which is good.



I remember when the Sonic Resonance set came out, the colors on the buff powers actually was causing some people to get sick, so they changed them to the gold-ish orange that's the current default. With players now able to choose their own colors for their powers, it's possible that there would be certain combinations that could cause sickness like Sonic Resonance's old defaults, though I haven't heard reports of it actually happening. Maybe the devs screened out the potentially seizure-inducing colors before I16 went live, but I can't say for sure since I'm not a dev.

Currently published Mission Architect arcs:
Arc ID# 70466: From the Abyss.
Arc ID# 403174: The Serpent's Revenge.
Arc ID# 534236: The Clockwork Angel.



Originally Posted by Spectreblade View Post
I remember when the Sonic Resonance set came out, the colors on the buff powers actually was causing some people to get sick, so they changed them to the gold-ish orange that's the current default.
This is actually a tad misinformed.

When Sonic came out it was the SOUNDS that it made that were making people woozy. The loud, wailing screech noises were causing headaches and migraines in some people and making them sick.

The COLORS were changed because the default gray was too light and it was hard to tell who was buffed and who wasn't, or where to stand for the bubble, and which people had Disruption on them.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
This is actually a tad misinformed.

When Sonic came out it was the SOUNDS that it made that were making people woozy. The loud, wailing screech noises were causing headaches and migraines in some people and making them sick.

The COLORS were changed because the default gray was too light and it was hard to tell who was buffed and who wasn't, or where to stand for the bubble, and which people had Disruption on them.
I actually seem to recall the barely visible hyper-active graphics of the set to be causing sickness, not (just?) the sound.




Originally Posted by Ghost Vision View Post
I actually seem to recall the barely visible hyper-active graphics of the set to be causing sickness, not (just?) the sound.

Yes, there were definitely people complaining that the visuals caused health problems. I couldn't tell you why the devs changed the visuals, but it was always my impression that they made the change because of the complaints about headaches and nausea.

For those who weren't around, the original sonic graphics weren't just a different color, they were a different visual FX. It was like being surrounded by rings that were rotating in different directions. Never bothered me, but I don't doubt that some people found it nauseating.

Avatar: "Cheeky Jack O Lantern" by dimarie



I've been looking for pictures and videos of the old Sonic Resonance to no avail. Does anyone have something I can look at? Although I've been playing since Issue 6 and they changed the set in Issue 10, I guess I never really paid that much attention to it before it took place.