Pyro's Custom Built Rig




Pfft. You're only gonna get 9x more FPS.



That's insane... I won't even report what mine gets currently as it's well below the lowest admitted number so far... I would probably never turn the game off if I was getting that kind of response....

But I have to question... is that the framerate with all the bells and whistles of the game on full? If it is, I am immediately sinking my computer into the lake behind my apartment building.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Pfft. You're only gonna get 9x more FPS.
I'm not jealous. Pyro's going to use up all his frames in just a couple of days, while my computer still has billions of frames left.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not jealous. Pyro's going to use up all his frames in just a couple of days, while my computer still has billions of frames left.


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Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
I'm speechless a.t.m.
I'll let others answer... anyone else want to post what they are getting
for average frames per second? The in-game commands to check are in the post above.

At what resolution? Maxed settings?

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Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
anyone else want to post what they are getting
for average frames per second?
Sure, with all detail settings at maximum, I get this:

Here's the thing, though. That's not a cutout. That's the entire screen capture. And even at the ridiculous resolution of 333x20 pixels I *still* can't get 224 frames per second.

(That small dark spot at the bottom center of the image is the top of my character's head.)

Of course, I'm slightly constrained by that 4350 that shipped with my system. And the fish and game commission has set the legal kill limit on 5850s to just two per month.

[Guide to Defense] [Scrapper Secondaries Comparison] [Archetype Popularity Analysis]

In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
(Please support the best webcomic about a cosmic universal realignment by impaired angelic interference resulting in identity crisis angst. Or I release the pigmy water thieves.)



When I run around say Talos or PI I get around 40fps on a good day set to performance on the slider. If I manually adjust things and run no shadows or dof I can get 50. Throw a team at me and if anyone is a controller or fire anything then forget it. I have to move the slider to minimum and still get a slide show sometimes.

All in all I'm super jealous!! Pyro if times get hard and ya need to sell this thing to make ends meet then PM me! :-p (Okay that sounds meaner than I wanted but you get the picture!)



On Performance mode, flying around an early morning empty Talos...

High: 22
Low: 12

Generally: about the 17-19 range...

My system rocks!!

(or... my system is a rock?)

Edit to add:

At Recommended I am at about 8 or 9 and at Quality about 4



You're still doing better than I am, Caemgen.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Sorry for the big delay between posts I am working like crazy to get at least two of the other systems done in time so people can have them to give as Christmas presents...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
I'm not jealous. Pyro's going to use up all his frames in just a couple of days, while my computer still has billions of frames left.
HAH! Good one ville (can I call ya ville?).

Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
That's insane... I won't even report what mine gets currently as it's well below the lowest admitted number so far... I would probably never turn the game off if I was getting that kind of response....

But I have to question... is that the frame rate with all the bells and whistles of the game on full? If it is, I am immediately sinking my computer into the lake behind my apartment building.
Don't be so hasty about chucking your system I'll double check the settings...

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Sure, with all detail settings at maximum, I get this:

Here's the thing, though. That's not a cutout. That's the entire screen capture. And even at the ridiculous resolution of 333x20 pixels I *still* can't get 224 frames per second.

(That small dark spot at the bottom center of the image is the top of my character's head.)

Of course, I'm slightly constrained by that 4350 that shipped with my system. And the fish and game commission has set the legal kill limit on 5850s to just two per month.
Lol never tried it on that low a setting hmmm...
and yeah the 5850's are a bit scarce and that is partly why Pyro had to wait this long for his system... I feel it will be worth it though in the long run as this agonizing wait will be forgotten weeks and months down the road but this system will Kick Assssstronaut (lol @Kenny Blankenship) for years to come.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
On Performance mode, flying around an early morning empty Talos...

High: 22
Low: 12

Generally: about the 17-19 range...

My system rocks!!

(or... my system is a rock?)

Edit to add:

At Recommended I am at about 8 or 9 and at Quality about 4
Ouch I feel all your guy's pain
it almost makes me not want to post the rest...

Almost but not quite haha

Ok I figured I better double check the setting cuz that is a 2nd account I activated for my niece to play on her laptop and I noticed some of her settings were on med/high instead of maxed and the resolution was lower for her smaller screen... so I upped the resolution to match what Pyro's monitor at home will display (1600x1200, highest 32bit color quality, 60hertz, yadda yadda) and manually cranked all the visual settings to max and....




Hunh whaaaaa? the FPS went up????


Ok OE now you can tell your pc it's gonna sleep wit da fishies.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ok Ok That surprise lasted all of about 10 seconds until I figured it out.

What happened is when I last logged out I was still in mid air and so upon logging in I fell a short distance and found myself facing a rock wall... with no depth to the frame the FPS shot up into the low to mid 300's... so that explains it, still though, in the words of the immortal Ron Simmons... DAMN!

Ok so for a real test, since this is an ATI card and the fix for the water/AA/DoF bug hasn't gone through yet (as I understand it the bug is fixed they just haven't implimented it in a patch yet), I tested twice with the opposite settings maxed which is the best you can do until they patch it.
For Depth of Field (the further away something is the fuzzier it gets and fog effects), Water Quality maxed (self explanatory) and all other settings maxed (200% world and character detail 50,000 particle count etc) I faced out across a huge lake with an unobstructed view so it had to draw as much into the fame as possible and I got...
Note: this is only the upper corner of my screen in the image so you can clearly see the FPS trust me it's a wide open area zoomed waaaay out.

I then turned up Anti-Aliasing to max (4x) which turns off DoF and makes the water quality auto set to low (all other settings still maxed like 16x anisotropic filtering and 200% yadda yadda) and picked a fight with a huge multiple mob of reindeer and witches in Croatoa and zoomed the camera in tight so there would be tons of lightning and particle effects and bodies filling the screen to draw and I got...

This is how I run my own comps that have ATI cards (AA with everything clear and sharp out into the distance over having fog and fuzziness).

Ok so those are the two worse case scenarios... so how does it run just in normal use with Anti-Aliasing and everything on max?
Jumped on a team of 4 for a few minutes and fought Snaptooth in his little cave and got...

So it would seem, under normal usage (read maxed settings running missions on indoor maps), to get between 160 and 185 FPS.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Pyro your system is ready to be shipped out tomorrow morning and with any luck (never know about shipping around the holidays) you and the others should all have your systems in time for a very Merry Christmas.

P.S. A little birdie (this time not a Swan lol) told me another "friend" has decided to add to your already awesome system... can't say any more but yeah... wow.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
STOP EETTT!!! I can't take much more...

/e passes out
He'll, even I'm anxious to find out!!



Well guys, this will be my last post... once I'm done, my ancient Dell is going into the lake. Thanks CR.

Pyro, I hope you enjoy your beast of a machine... GR should be quite an exciting time for you!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Heh good luck on posting them all Pyro... I lost count myself hahaha.

Even though I'm up to my elbows in my next two builds I feel like celebrating the completion of Pyro's rig by sketching something (after I close up shop for the day or maybe tomorrow).

Tell ya guys what... since I don't have a whole lot of time and The Hot Pencil (which is all about the quickness ) needs some attention the first person that can correctly guess how many USB ports Pyro's new rig has total (that's USB 2.0 and USB 3.0 ports combined) I will do a quick sketch of their avatar or a bust of their main (if the avatar is animated or not CoH related) and put it up in THP thread.

Only one guess per person... no cheating, good luck all and Happy Holidays.

I make no guarantee of how it will turn out (but the last two came out pretty decent I think) just that it will be fast and in pencil. So take your best guess...

P.S. Pyro sit this one out please so others can get some stuffz too.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Congrats Pyro on your upcoming new computer. I'm not going to lie, I'm really going to miss this thread and watching it grow and come to fruition. Thanks again to CR and Pyro for sharing this journey with us. I will be contemplating a new computer now.

Member of the Hyperion Force



Thankyou Manny... and it's not over just yet. I still a few surprises and tech musings to share yet and I'm sure Pyro will have much to say and reveal when he receives his system next week.

P.S. Wow over 30 pageviews and not a single guess for free sketch artz... am I in the right forum???
Maybe I posted one too many wall o' texts (my bad lol) in this thread and now people are just skimming my posts and missed it.

Ahem... Take a Guess, Win Free Artz?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



ok I'll guess: 12, an even dozen.




Or eight. Is that more reasonable? Eight.

Wait, does this include with the little USB dongle thingy plugged in, too?



Hat the Foo?!?! 8 was so my guess!!

Ah well, guess i'll go with 9



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
I'm figuring a cool 14 usb ports.
Well, I've already PM'd CR my guess. I guessed 15, but that depends on if that 52-in-1 reader is using one of the internal USB ports.

If it is using one, then you are right at 14 plus one inactive USB port on the front-side of the case.

If it isn't using an internal port, then it is 15: Twelve on the back plate, 2 internal, plus the "bonus" port on the 52-in-1 reader. (By the way that is 12 USB2 ports, 2 USB3 ports, and the "Bonus" port).

Triumph: White Succubus: 50 Ill/Emp/PF Snow Globe: 50 Ice/FF/Ice Strobe: 50 PB Shi Otomi: 50 Ninja/Ninjistu/GW Stalker My other characters



Guess I'll Guess 10.

CR said "Good guess Bubba, lol 12 would be nice but nope. Others?"

Which makes me think that it's less, and well, people have already claimed most of the other "less but still plenty" amounts.

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too