Pyro's Custom Built Rig




Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
If anyone wants to pay me $1000, I will build them a system. Parts will cost extra. Dissatisfaction guaranteed.
I dunno Foo can I get that Dissatisfaction Guarantee in writing?

Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
Very cool update, looking forward to the final spec list... I will have many, "why did you such and such..." questions. Be prepared for a press conference CR.
Lol, I'll do my best but don't expect me to give up all mah "trade secretz."

Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Building your own computer is actually very easy these days. It's mostly a matter of inserting things into the only slot they'll fit in, and putting screws in holes (though not necessarily in that order).

Let's see the list of specs!

Also, as always, I highly recommend: Tom's Hardware's Best Graphics Cards For The Money as a resource!
While this is mostly true Foo there are exceptions. You can still plug a internal Firewire cable onto a USB
pinout and it will line up fine... of course it will also wreck your motherboard as soon as you turn it on.

I know what you mean though and there certainly are more people building computers now than in the past
but I think good system building is something of an art. It's like drawing, just about anyone can put
pencil to paper (like say for 5-ish minutes cough cough Hot Pencil Thread, cough, Get to it, cough... ahem )
and make a decent sketch but those that take the time and really study their craft, hone their technique
and pay attention to the details usually can produce better (sometimes amazing) results.

This is a custom system (built by someone else) a customer brought to me years ago for a full overhaul,
"keep the case (which was a classic Coolermaster ATC 201 ) gut the rest, and make it awesome
again... don't go over two grand" were his instructions to me and since he had a big side window installed
and wasn't in a hurry I decided to take my time with the cable-gami and really show it off. Before and After.

That guys still comes to me for everything computer related... not that the first guy who built his
custom machine gave him a failed machine, he put everything in the right slot and tightened
down all the screws (though he had forgotten the two screws that go on the back end of the hard
drive to keep it level... you might be able to see in the first pic it's sitting on a bad angle sloping down
towards the front of the machine) and it had run ok for two years (some overheating issues due to
blocked airflow) but it wasn't what I would call a great build.

P.S. While your link is to the UK version of the site, Tom's is one of many great resources for those with questions.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Okay see this is what I mean. I built my current computer and it likes like your before pic. I want an after pic computer! I guess I'm going to have to be Scrooge this Christmas and buy lightly for everyone else lol.

Did you polish the inside of that case? Man it's clean!



Haha thanks Power Stream, and yes actually I did buy some electronically safe
cleaning fluid +pads and some metal polish and cleaned it up.

The biggest improvement in that case I think (other than the look of it) is I routed and folded and even braided cables
to get them all out of the way so it wasn't blocking the airflow. The main source of cool air are from two front fans just ahead
of the hard drive and it was a royal mess before... afterwards though even the ribbon cables are laying flat against the back of the case
so there is nothing in that space at all... I could literally stick my hand in the air passage and spin it around without touching anything.

That is really a beautiful case, (they don't make them like that anymore) it has an automotive quality paint job
and is made of all aircraft grade aluminum... it's very sturdy but yet light weight. I went looking, after
seeing how nice it was, and found one for sale on Ebay (no window in it though) and grabbed it
for my own main box.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Dude, that IS a piece of art, wish I could afford your skills. Looking forward to more...



Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
I always wanted to see how this process worked, (and partake in it eventually). Maybe this will give me an idea of how working with CR is when it finally comes time that I have the funds to afford a gaming rig, he is my first choice for a builder now. I look forward to the updates.
Thanks GK

Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Has been for quite some time, TBH No jumpers to set for IRQs or the like any more. So *very* nice.

(Starting this process myself, ATM. Have most of the parts selected, first bits getting shipped - nice having a $159 power supply for $90, and then getting rebates on top of that. )
I was soooo happy when jumpers went the way of the dodo...
they came back for a bit with the early SLI boards (D'oh) but
hopefully they stay dead this time.
(sounds like i'm talking about zombies or something lol)
Yeah the big holiday sales make this a good time of year to buy/upgrade.

Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
You know when I first read that CR built custom PCs, my brain had a little flicker. i built my last comp and it really is on it's last leg. I can't wait to see this thread unfold.

CR why do you not partake in the Tech section then? I read it and this one religiously.
Didn't know there was one?
I've been playing since the tail end of Issue2 but when I logged into the
forums the first time all I saw were a bunch of people complaining about what powers should or
shouldn't be nerfed and I promptly tuned out. Only stumbled onto the art forums (maybe has something
to do with the fact that nowhere in the title for the art section is the word ART! ) by accident when
I tuned back in for that big (failed) costume contest a few months back.

Looking through the categories briefly I don't see one called the tech section either. :P

Originally Posted by Manny View Post
hmm I've been contemplating custom built computer for some time, this thread will be very interesting to follow. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
Thanks Manny I was thinking to put up (yet another) wall of text post (I really need to work on economy
of speech ) about who is a good candidate for going custom. Kind of a pro's and con's list of buying
off the shelf from a big box store vs. having one custom made. Perhaps this would be the time, any thoughts on this?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Thanks Foo, just went there and put up my first post.

Side note: Sorry but the section titles here stink on ice...
with a title like Technical Issues and Bugs I would think it's
only for talking about in-game issues and nothing to do with
computer hardware.

Wonder what else I'm missing out on? Is there a secret "Bacon and Gravy"
section titled "Old Socks and Knitting Issues" or something???

P.S. Pyro isn't that the scene from Citizen Kane where Orwell is clapping in
response to the terrible performance his characters wife just gave?
Did I wax poetic off key or something?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



There is if you look just to the right of insanity and behind my left ear lobe.



No problem buddy I figured as much.

Sidenote: I did have to learn about that movie for film study a while back and it pioneered many of the
effects that are now commonplace in film. Also many film aficionado's, critics and standards committees
consider Citizen Kane to be the best movie ever made... it's worth seeing.

*Looks behind GK's ear* Hey there's nothing back here cept some hardened wax... Kheldarn must
have beat me to it and sealed it off from the inside, Curses!

Ok now that I realize there is a place already here for longwinded highly technical discussions
I will try to make my answers in this thread be more about putting things in simpler terms for those
who don't have tech degrees and just want an easier understanding of my process in general and
how it applies to Pyro's Uber-box in specific.

Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
Dude, that IS a piece of art, wish I could afford your skills. Looking forward to more...
Thank you very much Bobby.
I should point out that while custom systems do cost more it's not excessively so and they are still better built than
what you will get from a big box store... I can even build systems under a grand you just won't see as many bells and whistles added.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Well I'm glad I stumbled onto this thread. I have been building systems, while not professionally, for 4 years now. I worked heavily on the AIONsource tech board (the basement as it was formally known) for the better part of the summer arguing some sense into them and up till the final beta tests was able to show them them light. Then the popularity of the game pulled in some people that could shout louder than I could argue. This is primarily why I avoid "tech sections" as they are full of fan boys and extremists. I therefore spend most of my time working AI ( true we only have full service for Asus motherboards but I find that many problems we run into revolve around other components of the PC and the OS.

So, history aside, I will be watching closely. As proof I have a correction. 1080p > 1600x1200, 1080x1920 =~ 2.0736Mpixels while 1600x1200 =~ 1.92Mpixels. Though for the purposes of hardware stress a hundred thousand pixels or so is not an exceptional difference. There are other benefits to a 16x9 or 16x10 format display, HD movies require no scaling and in gaming you can see more around, important for those shootouts in the streets.

I'd be more than happy to help anyone else with their computer building needs questions and complaints, just send me a PM.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Sorry CR...first applauding gif I came to...not ment to reference the movie, only my approval!
That world've been the best referential burn ever.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

Thanks Manny I was thinking to put up (yet another) wall of text post (I really need to work on economy
of speech ) about who is a good candidate for going custom. Kind of a pro's and con's list of buying
off the shelf from a big box store vs. having one custom made. Perhaps this would be the time, any thoughts on this?
I would be very interested in this. My girlfriend wants to get me a gift and I was thinking a new computer would be great. I would love any input or advice on custom computers you can offer. Thank you.

Member of the Hyperion Force



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
It's the Tech and Bugs section which in years past has been full of helpful people. Some of those helpful people have gone off into the wild blue yonder some are still there. Unfortunately it's also the Bug section which means for decent tech help you have to slog through a bunch of "Mission X is broken....again!"

But all in all it does have some helpful information. Pretty much anything Father Xmas says there is worth listening to. But don't get me wrong, we have you here in the S&FC and we don't want you wandering too far!



I'm interested to see how this goes and what CR picks out for Pyro. I'm going to be looking for a new rig in a couple of months and keep going between building and buying....

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
That world've been the best referential burn ever.
Hahahah I know, right?
Just the right amount of subtlety that I would think it a compliment until i looked it up then... what the $@#@%??
I'm reminded of this.

Originally Posted by Manny View Post
I would be very interested in this. My girlfriend wants to get me a gift and I was thinking a new computer would be great. I would love any input or advice on custom computers you can offer. Thank you.
Ok great I will start a pro's/con's list and add some of my thoughts and observations and others
on here who build systems feel free to add to it and it should make a good reference for those
considering what route to go for a new system.

Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
It's the Tech and Bugs section which in years past has been full of helpful people. Some of those helpful people have gone off into the wild blue yonder some are still there. Unfortunately it's also the Bug section which means for decent tech help you have to slog through a bunch of "Mission X is broken....again!"

But all in all it does have some helpful information. Pretty much anything Father Xmas says there is worth listening to. But don't get me wrong, we have you here in the S&FC and we don't want you wandering too far!
Oh look a tech section... shiny!
***wanders off***
Yes I already stumbled across Father Xmas, Human Being, Je Saist and a couple others and
recognize the wisdom of Alpha geeks when I see it.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Hey CR...I know that you have shared the timeline through emails with me, but could you maybe give us an generic idea (basic breakdown) from when you first order parts, to delivery, through your steps of installation, and finally what stress tests you put the system through before it gets your stamp of approval?

Then maybe go into more of a detailed walkthrough once you actually start receiving pieces and parts for mine? (I might be asking for what you already intend on doing, but just wanted to throw that out there)


(how's that for speech economy? )

Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
I'm interested to see how this goes and what CR picks out for Pyro. I'm going to be looking for a new rig in a couple of months and keep going between building and buying....
Good I hope you pick up some useful info.
And thank Pyro, this thread was his idea.

P.S. I am trying to make sense of your avatar... it looks like blonde in a white dress holds
up picture of pepperoni which lures in a bald naked dude and they make out, then woman in
a red dress shows up and banishes them so she can take a big bite out of some kind of large
fruit? ... I could be wrong about the fruit tho.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Ransim, please edit your post to remove the $ amounts as mentioning costs is against the forum rules.
Besides Kheldarn will pelt you with bacon that's been overcooked.

Also please read the original post thoroughly... and welcome to the discussion.

Edit: Not at all Ransim, your gearhead post is welcome (and I did not ask to remove it at all) just remove the dollar amounts.
While being fairly new to the forums myself I see it repeated many times not to mention prices or talk of transactions
and I just don't want your post to be banned or the thread to be modsmacked for any reason is all.
Also the OP mentions it.

P.S. I do hope you realize I was joking about getting pelted with overcooked bacon... Kheldarn would never overcook it.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Nah its quite alright, my post was more geared towards a few other responses here asking about custom builds then really to the OP. You seem to have a good idea already with what you're building, though I am always curious what components other people choose. I don't get into custom modded cases, I'm entirely too OCD for it.

Regardless, good luck, I'm off to wander back to lurking elsewhere.



Good I hope you pick up some useful info.
And thank Pyro, this thread was his idea.

P.S. I am trying to make sense of your avatar... it looks like blonde in a white dress holds
up picture of pepperoni which lures in a bald naked dude and they make out, then woman in
a red dress shows up and banishes them so she can take a big bite out of some kind of large
fruit? ... I could be wrong about the fruit tho.
LOL it's from Buffy... there's an episode where this nerd is video taping their lives and he's doing introductions of everyone and it's showing it from his perspective. It flashes quickly, but the original scene is kinda funny... to me anyway since I'm a Buffy nerd....

It's a REALLY crappy copy, but this 4 minute clip shows the whole intro and the last part of it is where my avatar comes from. If you care to watch it!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
LOL it's from Buffy... there's an episode where this nerd is video taping their lives and he's doing introductions of everyone and it's showing it from his perspective. It flashes quickly, but the original scene is kinda funny... to me anyway since I'm a Buffy nerd....

It's a REALLY crappy copy, but this 4 minute clip shows the whole intro and the last part of it is where my avatar comes from. If you care to watch it!
Ok now I see it haha. Yeah that is totally SMG and that is a box of cereal
with red berries on it (still looks like pepperoni when small though lol)
and spike isn't bald and naked just shirtless and bleached.
While I am familiar with the cast I haven't seen that many eps of Buffy
(although I loved the Buffy Musical) but I was/am still a huge Firefly fan though.

Oh and the first few parts have started to appear on my doorstep.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Buffy was good campy fun. This Time With Feeling and Hush (pretty sure that's the title) were the two best episodes hands down... Plus Willow was totally edible back then



I'm a big Buffy Buff... I even have a tattoo to prove it. lol I have all the DVD box sets and randomly cycle through them. I'm currently on season 2, the one that makes me teary eyed the most!

And yes, Hush was an awesome episode! And so was The Body, from fifth season. I dare you to watch every episode up to that one and not cry.

Ok, I'm done threadjacking... back to the shiny computery goodness!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Ok, have seen all the episodes in order and not cried once... I be man. Me no cry.

Don't recall the Body espisode specifically off hand so can't say if I even got a hitch in my throat or not... But probably wouldn't admit it anyway.



The Body was the one where Buffy comes home and finds Joyce on the couch....

I call you a liar if you say you did not cry! :P

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
The Body was the one where Buffy comes home and finds Joyce on the couch....

I call you a liar if you say you did not cry! :P
I did not cry and my pants are not on fire... Besides, I always found Joyce annoying.

Off hand I would probably guess the closest I ever got to crying during Buffy would be when Tara was shot... But that led to Evil Willow which was super hotacious!