Pyro's Custom Built Rig




Way to have no soul.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
He has a 20", normal aspect ratio, high rez, flat panel which has a native resolution of 1600x1200
(already better than 1080p)
1080p is equivallent to 1920x1080 (2,073,600 total pixels). He's getting higher vertical resolution, but less horizontal 1600x1200 = 1,920,000 total pixels). A 1080p screen would provide a WHOPPING 8% more screen real-estate.

Seriously, at 16x12, he's perfectly fine and has zero real reason to look at a new monitor unless he's succumbing to "bigger=better" syndrome.

Clicking on the linked image above will take you off the City of Heroes site. However, the guides will be linked back here.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
/e yawns
My bad.... Shiny computer things and specs and stuff yeah!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



I think I've seen 3 or 4 Buffys total, and never from start to finish. Same goes for Charmed. I am just NOT a vampire lover... so you can Imagine how I feel about Anne Rice, True Blood and Twilight. All wasted on me...

I would like a 1080p screen, in fact I would like 2 or 3... and some razzleberry dressing.



I can't stand Twilight, but that's another thread. Buffy was in a league all on it's own!

I currently use a 42" Phillips 1080p TV for my monitor. It's absolutely amazing! Bigger is totally better!

But my ancient Dell Dimension 3100 with it's AGP graphics card is getting a little tired of trying to run on something that awesome... lol

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
I think I've seen 3 or 4 Buffys total, and never from start to finish. Same goes for Charmed. I am just NOT a vampire lover... so you can Imagine how I feel about Anne Rice, True Blood and Twilight. All wasted on me...

I would like a 1080p screen, in fact I would like 2 or 3... and some razzleberry dressing.
Wouldn't you prefer some Snozzberries?



I think Pyro may light someones pants on fire if he doesn't get some computer info to appease his wrath
(he's got flame throwing smiley's in his sig for jewish zombie's sake) so here are a few teaser pics
and I have some more answers/ideas to throw in shortly as well.

Teaser Pic #1

Teaser Pic #2

TeaserPic #3

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



They don't work CR. The pictures don't work. Fix it or I put you in the spam eating part of my game show.



Holy *****. Solid state drive?

People are more richer than I. I must start charging more.



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
LOL it's from Buffy... there's an episode where this nerd is video taping their lives and he's doing introductions of everyone and it's showing it from his perspective. It flashes quickly, but the original scene is kinda funny... to me anyway since I'm a Buffy nerd....

It's a REALLY crappy copy, but this 4 minute clip shows the whole intro and the last part of it is where my avatar comes from. If you care to watch it!
Just chiming in with some buffy love! Seen all the episodes start to finish and in order and I loves it!



Oooooooooooo, I am envious. Why can't college kids make money instead of losing it to school?



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Anyone other than CR (who obviously knows what he ordered) wanna take a guess or explain to me what I'm seeing here? I think the second pic would be the hard drive maybe. The other two...I've no idea.

Is the solid state 5" 60 GB a good thing? Crossbow? Gaming series (pic #1?)
Okay I'll give it a shot:
Teaser pic #1:
Teh Awesomes

Teaser pic #2:
Ok it really is a hard drive but looks like it also means this is the hardrive for OS ONLY no pr0n allowed here! And also means you are probably getting a ginormous storage drive... Just guesses

Teaser pic #3:
Sounds like he also bought you home security!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Anyone other than CR (who obviously knows what he ordered) wanna take a guess or explain to me what I'm seeing here? I think the second pic would be the hard drive maybe. The other two...I've no idea.

Is the solid state 2.5" 60 GB a good thing? Crossbow? Gaming series (pic #1?)

EDIT: sorry, was seeing the 5" and didn't realize it was actuall 2.5" (I think)
I'll let people take guesses and see what they come up with.
It is indeed 2.5" but I cropped it so it doesn't give it away too easily.

Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
Okay I'll give it a shot:
Teaser pic #1:
Teh Awesomes

Teaser pic #2:
Ok it really is a hard drive but looks like it also means this is the hardrive for OS ONLY no pr0n allowed here! And also means you are probably getting a ginormous storage drive... Just guesses

Teaser pic #3:
Sounds like he also bought you home security!
1. Yes it is awesome but any guess what it is?
2. Nicely done SW and correct on both guesses. But there is even more to it than that.
3. Nope (funny guess though) lol complimentary crossbow... bolts not included... some assembly required.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Ok...just to give you an idea of the computer that I currently have now (before it actually dies on me), and the basics of "how I have had to play the game" for 5 years now.

Ahhh...the wonderful Dell Dimension 8100

Purchased in 2001.
Intel(R) Premium(R) 4 CPU 1300 MHz
1.28 GHz, 1.25 GB of RAM (this is only after I added 2 sticks of 512...AFTER I had already been playing CoH a year).

I also added/upgraded to ATI Radeon 9550 vidcard (but something tells me that I have never gotten the full benefits from it).

So basically, you know the graphics slider in the game...the one that mentions "recommended"? Yeah, right!!! I have only used that "selection" in order to grab screenshots for reference of characters. I HAVE to play on the lowest graphic selection there is, AND tweak the other goodies down to practically ZERO.

Remember back in the good old days of the original Hami Raids? My first level 50 was an Illusion Controller, so I was often asked to join the "phase teams" that did the initial distraction runs. The lag was SOOooo bad, I couldn't keep up in the runs when it was my turn to go again. Team leaders hated me...and I hated that I couldn't participate when larger groups were involved (ran 2 Hami Raids in 5 years...and really didn't get to see the ones I did).

Zone PvP?...forget it. As long as there were only a few people in the zone, and spread out...I could do it. Larger events...lag kills everytime.

A good friend of mine that I introduced to the game was visiting, and wanted to check out the game from "my point of view". I managed to jump on a team of 7, several controllers (so you know graphics wise...I'm screwed).

He was speachless at first when he witnessed the lag, but then summed it up perfectly. "Wow...that looks like an impressive power point presentation!" We still laugh about that today.

So you see...THIS is why I'm having CR do it right. I love this game (my wife has mixed emotions), and I can't see myself continuing to enjoy it at the levels that I have been. It's going to be like a totally different game to me. What most of you see (and I'm only guessing) is what the dev's intended for you to see. I've yet to experience it...for 5 years.


PS - Get to work CR...I've beaten all of my TombRaider games, and Gran Turismo is getting a tad bit boring.
I have all the parts that have arrived (about 70%) cataloged and checked off my list... ready to start the build as soon as the motherboard arrives.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Okay Pyro, I admit, you need this way more than I do. My laptop was pretty much top of the line as far as laptops go when I got it and it's still at least lower end of middle ground overall. You my freind have a dinosaur that should have gone extinct years ago. I call it divine intervention from the gaming gods that gave your PC the boot. I may not have a top of the line machine but I can run things like Oblivion and Half Life 2 without very many hiccups. ChristopherRobin, you are to give this forumite the gaming machine of all gaming machines. If you don't I will eat you.

P.S. CR, I'm moving locations in January to a studio apartment/dorm room at my new college and wanted to discuss some things about my new place and what it will mean as far as new output ports, stands and locking mechanisms. Anyone else is welcome to chime in as well.



Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
Just chiming in with some buffy love! Seen all the episodes start to finish and in order and I loves it!
Yes, but did you cry?

(if so it'll prove Aussies aren't real men so consider your answer carefully...)

CR - Jewish Zombies? I don't sweat them, I'm definitely not Kosher.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Ok...just to give you an idea of the computer that I currently have now (before it actually dies on me), and the basics of "how I have had to play the game" for 5 years now.

Ahhh...the wonderful Dell Dimension 8100

Purchased in 2001.
Intel(R) Premium(R) 4 CPU 1300 MHz
1.28 GHz, 1.25 GB of RAM (this is only after I added 2 sticks of 512...AFTER I had already been playing CoH a year).

I also added/upgraded to ATI Radeon 9550 vidcard (but something tells me that I have never gotten the full benefits from it).

So basically, you know the graphics slider in the game...the one that mentions "recommended"? Yeah, right!!! I have only used that "selection" in order to grab screenshots for reference of characters. I HAVE to play on the lowest graphic selection there is, AND tweak the other goodies down to practically ZERO.

Remember back in the good old days of the original Hami Raids? My first level 50 was an Illusion Controller, so I was often asked to join the "phase teams" that did the initial distraction runs. The lag was SOOooo bad, I couldn't keep up in the runs when it was my turn to go again. Team leaders hated me...and I hated that I couldn't participate when larger groups were involved (ran 2 Hami Raids in 5 years...and really didn't get to see the ones I did).

Zone PvP?...forget it. As long as there were only a few people in the zone, and spread out...I could do it. Larger events...lag kills everytime.

A good friend of mine that I introduced to the game was visiting, and wanted to check out the game from "my point of view". I managed to jump on a team of 7, several controllers (so you know graphics wise...I'm screwed).

He was speachless at first when he witnessed the lag, but then summed it up perfectly. "Wow...that looks like an impressive power point presentation!" We still laugh about that today.

So you see...THIS is why I'm having CR do it right. I love this game (my wife has mixed emotions), and I can't see myself continuing to enjoy it at the levels that I have been. It's going to be like a totally different game to me. What most of you see (and I'm only guessing) is what the dev's intended for you to see. I've yet to experience it...for 5 years.


PS - Get to work CR...I've beaten all of my TombRaider games, and Gran Turismo is getting a tad bit boring.
I VERY much feel some of your pain. the first two years I played the game(AKA paid my subscription and every once in a while attempted to log on to see the pretty pictures), I used my Dell Dimension with the onboard graphics and a wireless connection. My slideshow was just as bad. I eventually added a low end card and some memory, and can at least play on "recommended" settings now, but trying to do anything with too many players causes me just as much lag as you described.

Which is why I have decided to watch this thread. Since I can't do anything about mine until February or so, I have to live vicariously through others! I hate being grown up and having bills and crap... blah!

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Yes, but did you cry?

(if so it'll prove Aussies aren't real men so consider your answer carefully...)

CR - Jewish Zombies? I don't sweat them, I'm definitely not Kosher.
Nah mate!, I am all man!

*punches a crocodile*

- seriously though, takes a fair bit to make me cry. or a women.



Well I'm just a mamby pamby wuss then, cuz I totally cried like a hundred times through the life of that series. I'm not ashamed to admit it though! I'm a real man!

::grumbly manly testosterone sounding rawr or something like that::

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
Well I'm just a mamby pamby wuss then, cuz I totally cried like a hundred times through the life of that series. I'm not ashamed to admit it though! I'm a real man!

::grumbly manly testosterone sounding rawr or something like that::
I agree it is a very moving show at times, I'm just introverted and suppress my emotion's as best I can and TV shows and Movies seldom evoke a powerful enough urge to make me cry unlike something that effects me directly.

I have nothing against anyone crying, we all have our way with coping with things. I bottle mine up and release it in other ways , which works fine for me.



not a rawr......



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

1. Yes it is awesome but any guess what it is?
Okay that looks like RAM but I can't really tell.

2. Nicely done SW and correct on both guesses. But there is even more to it than that.
Yay me! Oh wait there's more and am I SW??

3. Nope (funny guess though) lol complimentary crossbow... bolts not included... some assembly required.
Okay I'll take a CPU cooler mounting bracket for a big *** cpu cooler for $1000 CR...



Well there's nothing wrong with crying over something sad... But if some guy is crying because his mail got delivered late, because his gf forgot their 3rd and a half anniversary or because they accidentally drove a nail into their jawbone... Well, then they're just wimps and neat a good beating!

All in all, I think there were too many lighthearted moments in Buffy to ever get me into a place where I'd be close to tears. Not to say I never got a little bit of moist eyes over a movie or anything but it's generally been for much more "serious" dramas.

Oh, and HEY!

"Recommended"?? This game can be played on that mode??? I really can't push past "Performance" and expect to be able to do more than walk down the street.... (this makes me cry....)



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post

Oh, and HEY!

"Recommended"?? This game can be played on that mode??? I really can't push past "Performance" and expect to be able to do more than walk down the street.... (this makes me cry....)
I think recommended is what I play on... I don't enable the fancy stuff, just the basics. I play it one tick above the minimum. I think it's like, performance, recommended, quality, and high quality? Recommended gets real laggy but I like being able to SEE what my toons look like from time to time. If I go past that, I'm lucky to get 1 frame per day on my machine.

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper