Pyro's Custom Built Rig




Well yay me. I got most of em right the first time. Honestly I have been looking into building a comp for over a year now and am pretty familiar with a lot of things. Though I will be the first to admit when detail numbers start to get involved I don't know a whole lot. I know the basics on CPUs, GPUs, and Power Supplies. I know the general differences in the OS's now. I did build my current system so I'm sure I could do it again. BUT there's no way I'd feel as confident as if you, CR, or someone like you built it.

Numbered guesses time:

#4 - well you told us USB 3.0 which is really future proofing. But if it pulls extra power from the power supply do you now have to take that potential draw into consideration when buying a Power Supply?
#5 I'm going to guess a sound card based on the lovely Dolby label. This is one area I hear a lot of conflicting reports on. A lot of folks say the new gen CPUs and boards handle the sound just fine and that a card is overkill. I'm assuming you are not of this mind - why?
#6 The new Star Trek 2(10?) Movie communicator? Yeah I don't know here. I was thinking some kind of surge capacitor much like what automobile sound guys use giant fuses/capacitors for? But really I would guess a tape dispenser as well. lol

No Google here, just a really smart ***. See Foo may have been correct! Unless that wasn't the word he was going for... :-P



Top 10 things I could do besides give my hard earned money to CR for an Ubercomputa:

#10) Buy two 52" plasma screens - for porn of course.
# 9) Go to 10 college art courses - well at a fashion school in 1994.
# 8) Redecorate my kitchen - counter top, I likes marble.
# 7) Get a washer/dryer on those pedestal things - with front loading windows to watch the suds.
# 6) Buy everyone I know a lottery ticket. - I live in a really small town.
# 5) Donate it in CR's name to the Human Fund - NOT.
# 4) Send my cat's left foot into space - hey it could happen.
# 3) Have a lot of wings at Hooters - oh wait they do have wings right?
# 2) Stay married. Nuff said.

and the Number One thing I could do besides give my hard earned money to CR for an Ubercomputa is:

# 1) Pay for electric, internet, cable, groceries, car insurance, phone, mortgage, and xmas...

OR - I could play COH GR on it and pawn you all with my skillz!



Number 6 looks like a KikiJoy to me. Game controller to USB adapter. So I'm going with some type of peripheral connection hub. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
Top 10 things I could do besides give my hard earned money to CR for an Ubercomputa:

#10) Buy two 52" plasma screens - for porn of course.
Why would I want to downgrade on my TV size??

# 9) Go to 10 college art courses - well at a fashion school in 1994.
If only I had the skillz to get accepted into one... Or was 23 again!

# 8) Redecorate my kitchen - counter top, I likes marble.
I don't think I'd be allowed to redecorate my kitchen. I thinik the owners of those fast food and pizza places would think I was up to something strange and kick me out.

# 7) Get a washer/dryer on those pedestal things - with front loading windows to watch the suds.
I have big gosh darn TV with porn on it... Why on earth do I need to watch suds??? (Or need clean clothes, for that matter.)

# 6) Buy everyone I know a lottery ticket. - I live in a really small town.
Couldn't afford to buy one for everyone I know... But if I limited it to friends I don't think the $4 would put a dent in the computa budget.

# 5) Donate it in CR's name to the Human Fund - NOT.
Humans - The other "Other White Meat"

# 4) Send my cat's left foot into space - hey it could happen.
No cat, otherwise... *shrug*

# 3) Have a lot of wings at Hooters - oh wait they do have wings right?
If you would have said beer I'd have been on board....

# 2) Stay married. Nuff said.
No wife. No kids. No problem!

and the Number One thing I could do besides give my hard earned money to CR for an Ubercomputa is:

# 1) Pay for electric, internet, cable, groceries, car insurance, phone, mortgage, and xmas...
But then I'd have all the money I saved that I had budgeted for those things... To spend on an ubercomputa!!!!

OR - I could play COH GR on it and pawn you all with my skillz!
This is where I hit a snag... Not even CR has the skillz enough to build a Uber enough computa to allow me to "pawn" anyone at anything...



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Very cool...thanks Suichiro. I think I know what it is now.

During our phone conversation, CR and I were talking about a few different types of games, and gaming systems that we had both grown up playing. From the Atari 2600 to ColecoVision to Intellivision to Nintendo and so on... This is one of the surprises that CR was saving for me, so I'll let him explain it in more detail (if he chooses to). Basically, I'll be able to enjoy some of the old classics that some of us might have grown up playing as a kid.

Nice!!!! I'm loving it so far CR!

I've been meaning to get an mp3 of the original Super Mario song, and replace that Windows start up sound... thanks for reminding me.



wheres the uniporn plug in?



Way to make me look all stupid Pyro! Go back to not knowing anything about computers please!



Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
This is where I hit a snag... Not even CR has the skillz enough to build a Uber enough computa to allow me to "pawn" anyone at anything...
I don't allow "pawning" on my rigs anyway.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Very cool...thanks Suichiro. I think I know what it is now.

During our phone conversation, CR and I were talking about a few different types of games, and gaming systems that we had both grown up playing. From the Atari 2600 to ColecoVision to Intellivision to Nintendo and so on... This is one of the surprises that CR was saving for me, so I'll let him explain it in more detail (if he chooses to). Basically, I'll be able to enjoy some of the old classics that some of us might have grown up playing as a kid.

Nice!!!! I'm loving it so far CR!
Pyro your "Search-fu" is par excellent.
I cropped #6 to just barely show the bottom of the letters USB as a 2nd visual
clue in addition to the word convergence and while the brand is off (it's not a KiKi Joy)
Suichiro is correct, that is indeed an adapter to allow console controllers to be used
with USB for modern games (sometimes an analog stick is the right tool for the job)
like flight sims and fighting games... but it also lets you rock the classic games of Yore... more on that later.

Also since the theme of the PC is primarily black with blue accents and lighting
I went searching for one that was either blue or black (most are beige, ewww)
and found a blue one I also have a few other "blue" accessories to go with it.

P.S. It's triangular so as to be able to plug two controllers in at
once and go head to head with a buddy... or a wife.

Originally Posted by LadyJudgement View Post
I've been meaning to get an mp3 of the original Super Mario song, and replace that Windows start up sound... thanks for reminding me.
All my computers play the first half of the opening theme song to Firefly when it boots...and when I shut them down they play the last bit
"Have no place I can be since I found Serenity... but you can't take the sky from meeeee"... yeah I'm a hardcore browncoat what of it?

Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
wheres the uniporn plug in?
It's built into the mother board right next to the 12 USB ports.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
Hey's was your guesses that got me on the hunt. If it weren't for those, I'd still be sitting here wondering. so...good job!
Tag team guessing... High Five!

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



No matter how much I agree Pyro deserves it, I can honestly say I'm succumbing to a lot of jealousy. Enjoy your new rig Pyro. I'll be learning some ancient magical way to reverse the college money vaccuum.

I do have one question though. Will this new rig be purely a tower and a few cords, or will it include peripherals like a supermouse and the keyboard of Statesman?



All else being equal, and having seen how perty CR does the wires and all. I'd go with A

Though I'd also tell him to go with whatever was easiest and/or most convienent since my comp isn't anywhere to be admired by anyone but me...



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
I have a question / opinion for the group:

Say it's YOUR computer, and you get to choose between ONLY the following 2 cases, which would you go with. Let's say both are equal price, function, size, etc...the only difference is the cosmetic look. You can explain the reason for your choice, or you can just choose A or B...either way is fine. Which would you want for YOUR computer?

There are several differences between them beyond the cosmetic but I'm curious to see what
people think so I will refrain from making a long list and just point out two pertinent ones.

1. Different manufacturer... those who know cases will know the difference right away but for the majority they are just different brands.
2. The "Front" ports on A are located about midway down the facade and near the bottom, lit up blue, is a temperature monitor both are
more easily used at eye level so this is made to sit on top of a desk. On case B the "front" ports are located on the top of the unit and if
you notice the huge rubber feet that raise the case off the ground, that is for airflow since the power supply is mounted at the bottom
of the case... these features indicate a case that is made to sit under a desk on the floor.
I will leave the rest for people to notice/comment on.

Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
No matter how much I agree Pyro deserves it, I can honestly say I'm succumbing to a lot of jealousy. Enjoy your new rig Pyro. I'll be learning some ancient magical way to reverse the college money vaccuum.

I do have one question though. Will this new rig be purely a tower and a few cords, or will it include peripherals like a supermouse and the keyboard of Statesman?
What's an awesome machine without equally awesome peripherals to get the most out of it with?
There are 7 confirmed external accessories in addition to the tower. There were to be 9 but the last two are up in
the air depending on what case he goes with. You know of two (KB and Multi-tap) but have only seen one so far.

Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
CR may have a surprise or two, but all I asked for is the tower and a new keyboard. I'll be keeping my's the oldschool Logitech Trackball. Some people hate it, but I freakin' love it for CoH. Other than the tower and keyboard, only CR knows what else will be involved. Maybe he'll share his thoughts with us? Hmmm?
Yeah a surprise or two...

...or seven.

Close enough right?

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
All else being equal, and having seen how perty CR does the wires and all. I'd go with A

Though I'd also tell him to go with whatever was easiest and/or most convienent since my comp isn't anywhere to be admired by anyone but me...
A good case window does show off the internals and case wiring scheme to nice effect.
Between the two he has chosen to show here they would be equally easy for me. "A" would make
me spend a little more time with the wiring (though I'm very neat with cables anyways) and lighting
effects "B" would need a few adapters and longer cables to compensate for the power supply's unorthodox
position but I keep several of those in stock to accommodate.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Well, like I said, looks not an issue for me since I'm the only one who uses the "computer room" any my tower sits on a little shelf that hangs down from the desk almost to floor level... So it would seem B was right for me...

Of course when some asks "You paid how much??" it's easier to explain when it looks mega cool



A looks like it has better port placement and accessibility, but the clear panel on the side is obnoxious as I commonly leave my computer on while I sleep. The ambient light would make me want to huck it through a window.

Case B looks like it has better airflow, just judging by the placement of the case fans. It also looks like it's CD/DVD drive is tucked away more, which would make it more annoying for someone who swaps disks a lot, but that doesn't bother me.

Personally I'm all about the ground case, so B would be my personal choice. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post

Suichiro is correct, that is indeed an adapter to allow console controllers to be used
with USB for modern games (sometimes an analog stick is the right tool for the job)
like flight sims and fighting games... but it also lets you rock the classic games of Yore... more on that later.
I've used a lot of those types of controllers before and I was always happiest with my 5 dollar Radio Shack connectors. They didn't have a hub, rather it was simply a direct converter from cord to USB plug, which made it *lightening* fast in response time. I notice that KiKi Joys and the like have just a tad of input lag that bothers the absolute hell out of me, because when you're doing j.HK > s.HP > df+LP > dp+HP >> qcb,hcf+PP on a reaction, you simply have no room for input error. All the new adapters have more circuitry and chips within the hub and that slows down the input just that hair it takes for me to miss my moves.

They work fantastically for every other type of game though, and I doubt that Pyro is the kind of person that is OCD about needing to be able to juggle with an SDM on a wire attack. :3 -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



I currently have a comp now with a side window and bright blue lights inside. I tend to play in the dark a lot and it is nice as a "nightlight" of sorts. If this were in my bedroom though I don't know I'd like it as much. Of. Course I also use a back-lit keyboard too. Other than that I don't know much Apevia cases. But with CR's nice wiring job I might like to show it off a bit. But I keep my case under my desk so no one really sees the insides anyway.

Case B is a Cooler Master and that particular one is the exact one I would use if I didn't pick up an Antec Nine Hundred. B will be a great cooling computer especially if your power supply is the two fan variant. This case has a vent right under the power supply. Also the huge fan in front pulls air in and and across everything.

So I would go with B.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
I have a question / opinion for the group:

Say it's YOUR computer, and you get to choose between ONLY the following 2 cases, which would you go with. Let's say both are equal price, function, size, etc...the only difference is the cosmetic look. You can explain the reason for your choice, or you can just choose A or B...either way is fine. Which would you want for YOUR computer?

I'm more of a B person. Not a huge fan of the side windows. I'd rather make sure I have the fans needed to cool the beast (like B has the two on the side in lieu of the window). That said, I prefer the front of A better, with the display and such as they're set up.

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CoH/V Fan Videos



Oh I was going to point out that if you don't like how bright the lights are then you can easily swap the fans for ones without lights so in the end it's which do you like better.



Originally Posted by ChristopherRobin View Post
I wanted Pyro's system to be as future proof as possible so I went with the new 1156 socket. Plus some of the tech sites
claim there is a problem with the 1366 socket that can potentially leave an air gap with some coolers... Intel won't
confirm (yeah big surprise right? ) but their future roadmap looks good for the 1156, there is an i3 coming
soon but it will be budget option and should not affect the 1156's long term viability, so this
looks to be the best choice for performance computing at this time.
Technically speaking I think the best bet for future-proofing is going 1366. You get triple-channel memory and access to Core i9. All I've heard about the future roadmap with regard to sockets is that Gulftown will probably be a 1366 part. But since we're in-between processor generations (for Intel) I personally didn't think I was sacrificing much to get an LGA1156 system and at the moment you can get a better bang for buck deal on processor speed. I don't think you can go very wrong either way.

Sidenote: Long before I found the art forums and began posting anything I only came to the forums when I couldn't find
an answer to a question anywhere else... often times there were a lot of people speculating or outright
guessing/arguing with almost no hard numbers to support their claims.
There were however a few who really knew their stuff and took the time to do the work and research to actually KNOW
before they posted. After a time of wading through the tons of nonsense I began to just seek out a handful of
names and wait to see their take on a given subject... right at the top of that short list was Arcanaville
and since I never got a chance to say it before.

Thank you.
You're welcome.

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I would opt for case B. I'm not a fan of the neon look for PCs. It just seems like so much fluff to me and in my mind a PC is supposed to be built to work well rather than to look good.


"I am a Tank. I am your first choice, I am your last hope." -- Rune Bull

"Durability is the quintessential super-power. " -- Sailboat



I definitely like B better. The lights would be fun for about an hour and then I'd be annoyed. lol

The more I read this, the more I wish it were my computer being built. Why does February have to be so far away???

CR or Pyro, when this is said and done, are you going to be shocking us with the ballpark cost for this beast? Ya know, in case anyone else was thinking of attacking CR for his services.... Not that I would, just wondering...

@The Omega Elementress
Currently playing Project Willow lvl 50 DB/WP Incarnate Shifted Scrapper



Originally Posted by OmegaElementress View Post
I definitely like B better. The lights would be fun for about an hour and then I'd be annoyed. lol

The more I read this, the more I wish it were my computer being built. Why does February have to be so far away???

CR or Pyro, when this is said and done, are you going to be shocking us with the ballpark cost for this beast? Ya know, in case anyone else was thinking of attacking CR for his services.... Not that I would, just wondering...
Attack? No, I was going to have my associates make him an offer he can't refuse, well that or force him to watch Paulie Shore movies.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
I have a question / opinion for the group:

Say it's YOUR computer, and you get to choose between ONLY the following 2 cases, which would you go with. Let's say both are equal price, function, size, etc...the only difference is the cosmetic look. You can explain the reason for your choice, or you can just choose A or B...either way is fine. Which would you want for YOUR computer?

For me - it's B. I don't need my computers to light up my room, beep, flash, etc. I like a nice looking case, yes - which for me means "as few flashing/blinking/scrolling things as possible." (I'm not a fan of neon on cars, either.)

If my case has a side window, it's because I liked everything *else* on the case and couldn't find it without.

For instance - Current gaming system case: Antec Sonata II

Work system case - Ultra X-Blaster. Mostly for price.

This actually *has* the side window, since they didn't have any non-windowed cases and I didn't have time to wait for the next shipment. On the other hand, the window is facing my wall, and I don't have lights in side, so it doesn't bother me.

Cases for my upcoming build - Likely this, still potentially this whenever it comes available again..

Solid cases, good to build in... and as non-flashy-lit-scrolling-bright as I can find.

Now, aside from that - it's still "B" (I actually considered the case at one point.) I just like the look better.



I have B. I almost went with A, only cause I too needed night lights, since my old set up was in the bedroom, and I use to play while the wife slept. Now I have my own studio far enough from the bedroom, to close the door and turn on lights. Though now my illuminated keyboard thinks I punked out on him... my mouse also glows blue, being a death-adder...

CR - this is the site I used last year, could you build me a mock sky's the limit one with their "pc builder" and send me the link, I'd just like to see what you would choose, since you know what you're looking at... my local pc guru and I argued for days to get a system under $1500, in the end it came out to $1949 with taxes and shipping. All I can say is I love my wife, best Xmas present I ever got!