Pyro's Custom Built Rig




did you google all that DE?

personally i'm a little tired of all this beating around the bush, I just want to see a parts list, would have preferred to see one before parts were ordered but too late for that.

sorry if i sound like an A$$ but it's friday, it's been a long week so my patience is nil and i'm comin down with a cold. life is peachy, (how is that not some rage releaseing youtube video?)

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Oooooooooo, fancy.

*pokes Pyro for the hell of it, don't ask me why, I don't kow*

@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



OHHHHH a bit of a friday night ***** fight brewing



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
personally i'm a little tired of all this beating around the bush, I just want to see a parts list, would have preferred to see one before parts were ordered but too late for that.

If my understanding is right, there was no parts list before they were ordered. I believe CR had a good idea of the specs he wanted to end up with and a price range he could spend in but that the exact parts were dependant upon sales and availability...

That aside, I believe Pyro is in the dark about much of the final product and is enjoying the suprise... Since he's paying we either have to play along or ignore the thread I guess

If I go with a custom rig (which I'm considering doing around the time GR comes out) and I decide to go with CR... I'll try to get him to be as upfront about everything as possible in a similiar thread since I know jack all about components and them being a suprise would mean little to me



Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
1. Kick butt memory chip.

2. Solid State drive. If your game files were on this, your load times would be close to nil.

3. Cooling system.
Actually, your starting and zoning times wouldn't be bound by disk anymore, but sorry to say no instant zoning with the SSD. One of the first things I did after getting the new system up and running was copy the entire game client to a RAM disk to see what would happen. Honestly, it was only marginally faster than running off my internal drive.

I believe the bottleneck on zoning is due to the server having to send to the client an initial data bundle for the zone that is larger than the normal data stream it sends during gameplay. This is bandwidth-limited on the server-side (to prevent players with high bandwidth from starving out the other players) and places a limit on how fast you can zone no matter how fast your computer is. It seems to be about eight to ten seconds depending on zone.

On the other hand, *patching* the game client gets very zippy indeed.

PS: my guesses from the pictures were memory, SSD, and heat sink, but I didn't recognize the specific vendors. The memory was obvious, the SSD was obvious, but the heat sink was a lucky guess because I had recently done research on the heat sink changes between 1156 and 1366.

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In one little corner of the universe, there's nothing more irritating than a misfile...
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Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
How ya been Oathy? It's been a while, but hopefully (soon) I'll be back in the game. As you can see, CR is putting together a little something for me. Can't wait!
Indeed, and it's looking to be a sweet machine.

Originally Posted by Eddy_Swan View Post
OHHHHH a bit of a friday night ***** fight brewing
Nah, Pyro and I never fight, well except that one time I killed him and buried him under the porch...


@Oathbound & @Oathbound Too



Generally a parts list is posted before parts are ordered so the builder or buyer or both can get feed back on it from the community at large. This is done so that the buyer can find better deals or better parts. I'm not trying to be rude. I just don't understand the need for the secrecy. Given your old computer anything newer should be a big surprise for you as far as performance is concerned, even if you know the specs ahead of time, it wont compare to the experience of playing on your new computer.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
Generally a parts list is posted before parts are ordered so the builder or buyer or both can get feed back on it from the community at large. This is done so that the buyer can find better deals or better parts. I'm not trying to be rude. I just don't understand the need for the secrecy. Given your old computer anything newer should be a big surprise for you as far as performance is concerned, even if you know the specs ahead of time, it wont compare to the experience of playing on your new computer.
I know nothing about generally... I'm basically tech illiterate these days. Back when 1200 baud was cutting edge I actually knew about hardware and programming but alas, I got left behind decades ago

Anyway, I don't know for sure, but I think it's a deal where Pyro gave a price range he could spend and CR is building the most kick butt system he can for the money? So CR is having fun teasing Pyro about just how kick butt it is?

Or I could be totally wrong on all of the above,,, CR could just be trying to totally frustrate the technophiles... He does have a bit of a cruel streak.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
No one thinks you're an A$$ or trying to be rude, but if you feel compelled to include those said words in your posts, you might want to rethink your postings before submitting. It's all good.

Isn't there a saying about a pot, a kettle and one calling the other something??

(Pyro didn't feel compelled to include the words, he did i of his own free will!)




Obviously you missed the smilie which indicated I was just being silly!

(but by the same token, sometimes it's hard to get across what your trying to say without worrying that someone will take it harsher or more seriously than you intend... For the most part I've given up on the proactive apology route myself but only cause I don't really care what most people think of me.)



I wouldn't know what the numbers or parts meant anyway... Once he does post an update I'm going to start talking about bacon in this thread just so I know what's going on!



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
It's all good...and if CR would jump in anytime and throw around some parts, or spout off some numbers...we'd spend more time Oooo-ing and Aawww-ing rather than filling the thread with kettles, pots, and Buffy talk.
Or is this some secret coded way of you asking for a kettle and pot in your Rig of Awesome? It is isn't it! AH HA! I have you figured out good sir.

Ok that was a lame attempt to talk about your new rig - sue me.



Originally Posted by Pyro_Nympho View Post
It's all good...and if CR would jump in anytime and throw around some parts, or spout off some numbers...we'd spend more time Oooo-ing and Aawww-ing rather than filling the thread with kettles, pots, and Buffy talk.
But I just bought this lovely teapot with a Victorian area engraving and painting and a cozy hand knit from the wool of the last Brittish ram of 2006.

Seriously though, I can haz Sneek Peek?



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
did you google all that DE?

personally i'm a little tired of all this beating around the bush, I just want to see a parts list, would have preferred to see one before parts were ordered but too late for that.

sorry if i sound like an A$$ but it's friday, it's been a long week so my patience is nil and i'm comin down with a cold. life is peachy, (how is that not some rage releaseing youtube video?)

Some of us are smart, and have also been shopping computers lately, so don't feel put out if you had to google things to keep up.

If that's how they want to do it - teaser tidbits and such - then that's their prerogative. It's not necessary to play along, and if something like this irritates you, then just skip it! Life's too short.

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I think you're all *****, if it helps.



Ok sorry for the delay it's been a marathon last few days here but I have some time now and I will try and answer as many things as I can.

Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
Okay Pyro, I admit, you need this way more than I do. My laptop was pretty much top of the line as far as laptops go when I got it and it's still at least lower end of middle ground overall. You my freind have a dinosaur that should have gone extinct years ago. I call it divine intervention from the gaming gods that gave your PC the boot. I may not have a top of the line machine but I can run things like Oblivion and Half Life 2 without very many hiccups. ChristopherRobin, you are to give this forumite the gaming machine of all gaming machines. If you don't I will eat you.
Gah don't tell me you are a Jewish Zombie now too? Oh and no worries he will truly receive the gaming machine of his dreams.

Originally Posted by GeneralKnowledge View Post
P.S. CR, I'm moving locations in January to a studio apartment/dorm room at my new college and wanted to discuss some things about my new place and what it will mean as far as new output ports, stands and locking mechanisms. Anyone else is welcome to chime in as well.
Ok I answered as many of your questions as I could (getting a tons of questions as of late) in a Wall of text PM...
if I missed anything let me know, and if you feel any of what I sent you is relevant or that peeps here can benefit
from it (like that half price powered hub) feel free to pass it along. Many of those questions are ones I get asked pretty frequently.

Originally Posted by PowerStream View Post
1. Yes it is awesome but any guess what it is?
Okay that looks like RAM but I can't really tell.
2. Nicely done SW and correct on both guesses. But there is even more to it than that.
Yay me! Oh wait there's more and am I SW??
3. Nope (funny guess though) lol complimentary crossbow... bolts not included... some assembly required.
Okay I'll take a CPU cooler mounting bracket for a big *** cpu cooler for $1000 CR...
1. Yes it is indeed "gaming" RAM (whatever that means, lol @ marketing)
2. My apologies Powerstream I have answer so many tells and emails lately I got your mixed up with something I was typing to Eddy about Starwind's
art we are working on (Eddy has more time now that classes are done) for him. I meant PS.
3. While not huge it is one of the best coolers on the market (in terms of performance and quietness) but it does not fit the latest greatest Intel socket
(only a very few do as the socket is very new) so I either had to use the lame freebie stock cooler (Blahhhhh... nevah!) or find some way to adapt it.
Turns out a different company makes an adapter for their own coolers that makes them compatible so I bought it
separately so Pyro can have the best of both worlds .
Plus a hard core bolt on mechanism (with steel tension springs) like the crossbow provides a greatly increased surface contact pressure for better heat
dissipation and will hold up to anything the shipping company throws at it far better than the Intel plastic push pins.

Originally Posted by DarkEther View Post
1. Kick butt memory chip.

2. Solid State drive. If your game files were on this, your load times would be close to nil.

3. Cooling system.

1. Yep
2. Yes it is currently one of the two best SSD's on the market. Not quite nil as you are still capped by the servers how fast
you can pull stuff down to your client but that will be Pyro's only limit now... his pc will not slow his load times anymore...
maps will load almost as fast as he can pull info down from the net.
And for games or applications that are local (i.e. do not use the web)... freakishly fast comes to mind.
3. Close.

Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
did you google all that DE?
personally i'm a little tired of all this beating around the bush, I just want to see a parts list, would have preferred to see one before parts were ordered but too late for that.

sorry if i sound like an A$$ but it's friday, it's been a long week so my patience is nil and i'm comin down with a cold. life is peachy, (how is that not some rage releaseing youtube video?)
Sorry to hear you are coming down with a cold (get well soon bro ) but I think you are missing the point of the thread.

You would have preferred to see the parts list before I ordered parts for a machine that is not even yours???
Not sure I understand this sentiment, are you looking at having one built or are you vicariously following along with Pyro's build but hate surprises?

Let me assure you were this your machine you would have all the info upfront. Most people people fall into one of two categories
"I don't care about any of that techno-babble just make sure it does what I need it to do and doesn't go over this price" and
" I want to know everything! What parts, what brands, what costs... what color shoes were you wearing when you ordered
my Power Supply?! Were they brown?? My wife hates brown!! Wear sneakers next time!"
I can accommodate both.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
If my understanding is right, there was no parts list before they were ordered. I believe CR had a good idea of the specs he wanted to end up with and a price range he could spend in but that the exact parts were dependant upon sales and availability...

That aside, I believe Pyro is in the dark about much of the final product and is enjoying the suprise... Since he's paying we either have to play along or ignore the thread I guess

If I go with a custom rig (which I'm considering doing around the time GR comes out) and I decide to go with CR... I'll try to get him to be as upfront about everything as possible in a similiar thread since I know jack all about components and them being a suprise would mean little to me
Correct! I usually have a definite parts list by the time I have gone through the question/answer part of the process
where I learn what their needs and expectations are and how the new system will fit into their current space but around the
holidays it's all about knowing "ALL" the best parts that are compatible and will meet their needs and then seeing if any will go
on sale and if enough do I can give them a partial refund or (what happens more often) get them more and/or nicer stuff
which can change things around on a moments notice. I.E. "Saved two hundred here? oh cool now I can get that nicer motherboard
which means I need DDR3 instead of DDR2 and a better cooler and a set of right-angle SATA plugs cuz the videocard going
into the new mobo will now block some of the ports etc etc"
There are usually multiple lists (Version 1 Version 2 etc) and notes of what changes, if made, will require parts from what lists.
It's controlled chaos but it usually leads to the very best rigs I build all year.

P.S. ...and yeah this thread was Pyro's idea and it's his machine. When it's your dime you can play it however you wish.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Actually, your starting and zoning times wouldn't be bound by disk anymore, but sorry to say no instant zoning with the SSD. One of the first things I did after getting the new system up and running was copy the entire game client to a RAM disk to see what would happen. Honestly, it was only marginally faster than running off my internal drive.

I believe the bottleneck on zoning is due to the server having to send to the client an initial data bundle for the zone that is larger than the normal data stream it sends during gameplay. This is bandwidth-limited on the server-side (to prevent players with high bandwidth from starving out the other players) and places a limit on how fast you can zone no matter how fast your computer is. It seems to be about eight to ten seconds depending on zone.

On the other hand, *patching* the game client gets very zippy indeed.

PS: my guesses from the pictures were memory, SSD, and heat sink, but I didn't recognize the specific vendors. The memory was obvious, the SSD was obvious, but the heat sink was a lucky guess because I had recently done research on the heat sink changes between 1156 and 1366.
I concur Arcanaville in that I have not witnessed an insta-load either but on my highly tuned and optimized R.A.I.D. arrays I do
often see 6-7 second loads. My setup is highly tuned for gaming though and even my already blazing fast internet has been tweaked
so that gaming packets get priority over any other web traffic so it's as fast as I can possibly make it go and I can only guess
(no real way I know of to verify) that it's something on their (coh server side) end that prevents insta-zoning, that said on
most systems I would think the amount of delay caused by a slow machine and or interference (processes running
in the background) is far worse than the server side cap so the goal becomes to remove any bottlenecks
on your end and that is the best you can do. To that end there are a couple new technologies in this
setup that may have a bearing on this, the first being the Solid State Drive... the second I will
post more on a little bit later.

Also bear in mind, when you say it was only marginally faster than my hard drive, that you have one of the fastest single drives on the market.
The 7200.12 edition Seagates with Perpendicular Recording Technology (PRT) are just a hare slower than the Raptor drives drives from WD
and it doesn't get much faster without going to RAID's or SSD. Not everyone is on that end of the curve.

P.S. Guess 1 correct, guess 2 correct, guess 3 is close... the crossbow is not a heatsink but rather it is a mounting system
that makes heatsinks compatible with the newer sockets.
I wanted Pyro's system to be as future proof as possible so I went with the new 1156 socket. Plus some of the tech sites
claim there is a problem with the 1366 socket that can potentially leave an air gap with some coolers... Intel won't
confirm (yeah big surprise right? ) but their future roadmap looks good for the 1156, there is an i3 coming
soon but it will be budget option and should not affect the 1156's long term viability, so this
looks to be the best choice for performance computing at this time.

Sidenote: Long before I found the art forums and began posting anything I only came to the forums when I couldn't find
an answer to a question anywhere else... often times there were a lot of people speculating or outright
guessing/arguing with almost no hard numbers to support their claims.
There were however a few who really knew their stuff and took the time to do the work and research to actually KNOW
before they posted. After a time of wading through the tons of nonsense I began to just seek out a handful of
names and wait to see their take on a given subject... right at the top of that short list was Arcanaville
and since I never got a chance to say it before.

Thank you.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Originally Posted by the_fox_Rox View Post
Generally a parts list is posted before parts are ordered so the builder or buyer or both can get feed back on it from the community at large. This is done so that the buyer can find better deals or better parts. I'm not trying to be rude. I just don't understand the need for the secrecy. Given your old computer anything newer should be a big surprise for you as far as performance is concerned, even if you know the specs ahead of time, it wont compare to the experience of playing on your new computer.
This is your opinion and you are entitiled to it but I don't agree with you.

Had Pyro wanted help from the community the OP would read "hey I'm thinking about getting a new machine
and I need some help on the parts so I can give a list to CR" or something to that effect rather than "hey this is
what's already happening and I wanted to share my experience with you all so you can all follow along and hopefully
gain some good insights and info to help if you are trying to decide on a custom rig yourself."

It's more of a I'm sharing info and my custom builder is willing to answer questions than a I can't decide
between X and Y any ideas? kind of thread.
Read through the OP again and I think you will see what we mean.

P.S. As for secrecy, if I have not mentioned it before already somewhere, let me say that I include not only
a parts list and receipt for the system but a CD (& a folder on his desktop) with multiple photos of of
every single part that went into it. Every relevant technology, spec, model number, serial number
and all warranty info in one place for easy reference. I know of NO OTHER builder
that provides this service at any price... much less as a free bonus.

Why is this important? Lets say 5 years down the road he has a problem with his ram
and someone asks him what kind he has? Most people have to hope they saved
the paperwork that came with their comp and dig through and then try to
make sense of what the receipt says if it even lists it at all
(many don't tell part names at all).

Pyro on the other hand can either open the folder on his desktop (or if the machine is
inoperative grab his CD receipt and load it into any other computer) and click through
to the section on RAM and there he will find several full color pics clearly showing
the brand, what make/model, the serial number, the sticker with the voltage
info and all the default timings for the BIOS and oh hey here is a card
that says I have a lifetime warranty on my premium ram from
the manufacturer that I forgot all about and here is the
number to call.
Once the system is delivered he can post up examples if he wants to but if he
chooses not to it's his call and it is certainly not a result of any secrecy on my part.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I know nothing about generally... I'm basically tech illiterate these days. Back when 1200 baud was cutting edge I actually knew about hardware and programming but alas, I got left behind decades ago

Anyway, I don't know for sure, but I think it's a deal where Pyro gave a price range he could spend and CR is building the most kick butt system he can for the money? So CR is having fun teasing Pyro about just how kick butt it is?
Right in one!

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Or I could be totally wrong on all of the above,,, CR could just be trying to totally frustrate the technophiles... He does have a bit of a cruel streak.

Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
I wouldn't know what the numbers or parts meant anyway... Once he does post an update I'm going to start talking about bacon in this thread just so I know what's going on!
I'll do my best to put it in a way that people can understand what's going and what things are important enough to warrant consideration.
If there is something you do not understand by all means ask and I or any of the other techies following along will answer I'm sure.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Wait, USB 3.0??????????? It exists?????? *homer drool*



The USB 3.0 spec was just ratified and is only just starting to appear on a very select few highend boards...
true there are no devices in existence yet that can make use of the "order-of-magnitude" (10x faster )
increase in throughput speed... but when there are Pyro will already be good to go.

SATA3 (called SATA 6G) on the other hand, while also a just released cutting edge tech, has devices (like SSD's in RAID )
that are starting to hit the limits of the current bandwidth limit imposed by SATA2 (commonly called SATA 3G
so as to confuse the hell out of people not familiar with PC specs and nomenclature) so this potential quadrupling
in speed (if raided) was needed a while back but is just now starting to appear.

The USB Power 3x is something new to accommodate those times when you plug in something and the system tells you not enough power for that
on the USB port for that... this particular motherboard can draw extra current from the PSU and triple the power to the USB ports to make sure that never happens.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



I think I understood that technobabble. Sounds amazingly fast and cool. Almost as cool as Truck Surfing earlier tonight.



Hahaha it does look a bit like a high tech tape dispenser... maybe some others have a guess as to what these mean/are?

I will give a small hint on #6... it has to do with convergence.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris