Going Rogue and character slots
Nothing stopping you other than the additional monthly fee, you mean.
EDIT: Also, while spreading populations may be good for server load and anti-ghost-townness, it also splits up communities a bit more, which is bad. |
That argument won't fly with me. I'm disabled and live on a fixed income of $770. per month and still manage to live on a budget that pays my bills and covers my accounts.
Counter-example: as a student with no job, living off of savings, my base expenses are roughly three times what you earn as income per month, with nothing to offset it. Having one account is a luxury. Having two is an unnecessary expense.
Actually playing on several servers great, because players are expanding their communities not splitting them up. Private global channels are cross server as well as cross faction. Having characters on multiple servers means those players rarely have trouble finding people to play with. |
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
Well, I'm glad you have such a great understanding of everyone's financial situation. </sarcasm>
Counter-example: as a student with no job, living off of savings, my base expenses are roughly three times what you earn as income per month, with nothing to offset it. Having one account is a luxury. Having two is an unnecessary expense. |
Heck anyone can sell blood once a month which will net them around $40 bucks, and if you choose to sell plasma which only takes 30 minutes it will net you $35 per session, and you can have 2 sessions a week. That's $70 a week and it only takes an hour of your time. In a month you'd have $280 which is enough to pay for 18 accounts.
Oh please living off of savings is a personal choice. Lots of students work jobs and still manage to stay on the deans list. Some even work several jobs at the same time. Students can also get paid for participating in studies.
Heck anyone can sell blood once a month which will net them around $40 bucks, and if you choose to sell plasma which only takes 30 minutes it will net you $35 per session, and you can have 2 sessions a week. That's $70 a week and it only takes an hour of your time. In a month you'd have $280 which is enough to pay for 18 accounts. |
My point is that just because you feel it's an affordable expense, that doesn't mean it is an affordable expense for everyone. Nevermind the fact that a new account would be devoid of all vet badges and paid upgrades like booster packs.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
If you choose to limit yourself to playing on one server that's your problem not the devs. Your account has 132 slots It's not the devs fault you choose not to use them all. As to losing a name you can easily check each server to see if a name is available before doing a transfer. Of my 165 characters, 45 of them are on my main server. Like many loyal players I have multiple accounts. I know people here on the foums with 4 to 5 accounts. Nothings stopping you from doing the same. |
Proof, if ever it was needed, that us in the EU are unequal in the eyes of the Devs

Thelonious Monk
Oh, come on, man. That's completely unfair, and you know it.
If you choose to limit yourself to playing on one server that's your problem not the devs. Your account has 132 slots It's not the devs fault you choose not to use them all. As to losing a name you can easily check each server to see if a name is available before doing a transfer.
In fact, you have to have seen the continual requests people make to sacrifice slots on one server for extra slots on another. You can't just up and say "If you want to play on only one server, you're SOL. Neener neener!" Are you seriously going to claim that people are wrong for wanting more slots on their home server? Seriously? Because precedent has shown that the developers have continually increased the available slots.
Of my 165 characters, 45 of them are on my main server. Like many loyal players I have multiple accounts. I know people here on the foums with 4 to 5 accounts. Nothings stopping you from doing the same. |
And then even if I did, what about my veteran status? Half the costume pieces I use are from veteran rewards. What about my booster packs? I have at least $50 in bonus packs, and it's not something I want to just buy all over again just to break even.
I don't want, nor can I support a second account. And, frankly, I don't appreciate being told that what I want out of the game is stupid, unreasonable and shouldn't happen. What does it hurt you for people to ask for more slots on their favourite servers?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
My account doesn't have nearly that many.
Proof, if ever it was needed, that us in the EU are unequal in the eyes of the Devs |

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
But if your solution to the fact we get 1/6th the amount of free slots the US do is "Give NCSoft even more money for the privilige of a few more" it's not exactly a fair and equitable solution now is it?
No confirmation here. It's all idle speculation at this point.
Are we supposed to be impressed by that?...
What you think that people who haven't played as long as you aren't just as attached to their characters?... If you choose to limit yourself to playing on one server that's your problem not the devs. Your account has 132 slots It's not the devs fault you choose not to use them all. As to losing a name you can easily check each server to see if a name is available before doing a transfer... Of my 165 characters, 45 of them are on my main server. Like many loyal players I have multiple accounts. I know people here on the foums with 4 to 5 accounts. Nothings stopping you from doing the same. |
But going to a new server? Making a new account?
I have an account. I'm not into the whole 'playing two characters at once' thing, so one account does it for me in that sense. But to start a whole new account just because I'm full up actually is less advantageous than just more slot space. A new account will not give the nice veteran perks that come along...(Edit: and the boosters, which when coupled were indeed a chunk of change.) I've already begun anew once, and it was a bit of a let down. As to the new server thing, I can see that in some sense, but do they let you transfer you personal Sg/VG? Mmmmm...not so much. All the stuff I crafted for other characters, the base layout, all that goes.
I'm not saying "I demand you do this!" just that I would very much like this feature. And if they did give a new maximum # of slots per server, they can keep getting my money as I gradually purchase more. Win/win situation, for me, for them.
Are you seriously going to claim that people are wrong for wanting more slots on their home server? Seriously? Because precedent has shown that the developers have continually increased the available slots. |
In fact, you have to have seen the continual requests people make to sacrifice slots on one server for extra slots on another. You can't just up and say "If you want to play on only one server, you're SOL. Neener neener!" Are you seriously going to claim that people are wrong for wanting more slots on their home server? Seriously? Because precedent has shown that the developers have continually increased the available slots. |
This is no different than the people that start complaining that they have nothing to do in-game a week after a new issue is released because they plowed through the new content already. No matter how many slots the devs make available per server there will always be players that will want more slots because they filled up the ones they already have.
If we are going to indulge in our altitis then we have to take responsibility for our actions and accept that at some point we are going hit the limit and we'll to have to decide to . . .
A. Delete some characters
B. Transfer characters to different servers to make room
C. Start another account
We are very lucky that we have cheap server transfers so we can save characters we don't play as often as others.
I don't want, nor can I support a second account. And, frankly, I don't appreciate being told that what I want out of the game is stupid, unreasonable and shouldn't happen. What does it hurt you for people to ask for more slots on their favourite servers? |
Forgive me, the "playing since '04" comment was not meant to impress you,
No hard feelings, and I appreciate your responding with clarification.

The POINT of playing the multiplayer portion of the game is to play with people you like and enjoy teaming with. These people are, for the most part, on one server.
I'm pretty sure that coalition (which I think of as a Triumph grouping) plays together at leats in part on 4 different servers now.
You dont have to move servers on your own, you bring some people with you.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617
I never said that players were wrong for wanting more slots. I said I didn't think the devs are going to give us extra slots.
"Stupid, unreasonable, and shouldn't happen" Those are your words Sam not mine. I never used them, and again I also never said I was against getting more slots. What I actually said was that I don't think the devs are going to give us more. Big difference there Sam. |
Also, I'm not sure assuming the developers won't give us any extra slots is a safe bet. They gave us extra with City of Villains, they gave us extra with with one of the recent Issues. Who's to say they won't just plop down another page of purchasable slots? Who's to say they won't throw in another 6 free with Going Rogue? It would make sense, after all. The expansion would (or at the very least SHOULD) create plenty of new opportunities for unique characters. Now, you can easily say "Meh, so make them on another server." but why NOT let people have their cake and eat it, too? Is there any real downside to allowing more slots?
No matter how many slots the devs make available per server there will always be players that will want more slots because they filled up the ones they already have. |
If we are going to indulge in our altitis then we have to take responsibility for our actions and accept that at some point we are going hit the limit and we'll to have to decide to . . . A. Delete some characters B. Transfer characters to different servers to make room C. Start another account |
D. Sacrifice slots on other servers to get more characters on the one I'm currently playing? I will never EVER play on Virtue. Ever. And this has nothing to do with the people there. Virtue is a West Coast server and I live in Eastern Europe. For me, Virtue lags significantly more than, say, Victory or Pinnacle. I am practically incapable of playing on Virtue because the performance of the game on that server is garbage from my end. Of course, that's just fine - I have other servers I can play on. But that's till potentially 36 slots I'll never have access to.
I'm asking this seriously, do you honestly foresee a problem with this?
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.
Of course they do.
But if your solution to the fact we get 1/6th the amount of free slots the US do is "Give NCSoft even more money for the privilige of a few more" it's not exactly a fair and equitable solution now is it? |
I'm not proposing a solution to anything. Hell, I'm all for merging the server lists.
Carry on.

"Sorry bucko, but CoH and CoV are the same game." -BackAlleyBrawler
"Silly villain, CoX is for Heroes!" -Saicho
Buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo buffalo buffalo Buffalo buffalo
I think you underestimate our fools, sir.
Why /duel is a bad idea
I can't speak for the devs, but I am amazed that anyone else would try to do so.
I'd love to see an increase in the number of possible slots per server, as well as a stack of slots to be placed wherever we want or simply adding 2-4 slots to every server. I'm not picky. I think, given that a lot of people have slots filled on their favorite servers that it would only be a good thing to give us more slots to play the new powersets and the new 1-20 content.
I ain't gonna argue with anyone about this 'cause the devs have said nothing.
Elsegame: Champions Online: @BellaStrega ||| Battle.net: Ashleigh#1834 ||| Bioware Social Network: BellaStrega ||| EA Origin: Bella_Strega ||| Steam: BellaStrega ||| The first Guild Wars: Kali Magdalene ||| The Secret World: BelleStarr (Arcadia)
I think...
1) They will open up a 4th page of slots.
2) Going Rogue will come with 2 or 4 character slots. Not per server but slots you decide which server they go to.
Personally, I play on one server and I intend to continue on that one because friends are there, SG and VG bases, Channels, etc... It makes no sense they would force me to go on another server or delete my characters if I have all my slots taken.
Arc ID 104041 Attack of the Mini Phalanx Solo Friendly; Custom Characters; Comedy.
Arc ID 292449 The Shadow of Eihbon Solo Friendly; Canon Related; Magic.
I'd think that a couple extra slots per server would be the best asnwer, especially for the EU players because they have fewer choices. I couldn't imagine being limited by those few servers, with my altitis.
I have a couple servers that have all the free slots filled with characters I don't want to delete, like Virtue and Guardian, because I play on them quite a bit. I could probably delete extraneous characters from most of the other servers, but would prefer not to.
The Alt Alphabet ~ OPC: Other People's Characters ~ Terrific Screenshots of Cool ~ Superhero Fiction
Either way I'll be happy with whatever we get given.