Going Rogue and character slots




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Granted, they're my words, but they're what I inferred from the tone I read in your post. The mistake was mine in saying "I don't appreciate being told such and such" when you didn't actually say it. I was speaking more in terms of a general attitude towards the matter, which really did come off as "You want more slots? Well too bad!"
Also, I'm not sure assuming the developers won't give us any extra slots is a safe bet. They gave us extra with City of Villains, they gave us extra with with one of the recent Issues. Who's to say they won't just plop down another page of purchasable slots? Who's to say they won't throw in another 6 free with Going Rogue? It would make sense, after all. The expansion would (or at the very least SHOULD) create plenty of new opportunities for unique characters. Now, you can easily say "Meh, so make them on another server." but why NOT let people have their cake and eat it, too? Is there any real downside to allowing more slots?
Let's see, first let me say for the record that I'm not against more slots. Honest. But after seeing 5 years of issues getting released I've come to the conclusion it's better to be pessimistic about what is going to be released. I find it reduces disappointment, and I'm now almost always pleased with what we do get.

Come on, man, you're better than this. Sliding scale arguments are a really cheap trick. Yes, people will always want more. That's no argument to not give them more from time to time. In fact, just stubbornly doing the opposite of what people want because they'll never be satisfied is pretty bad policy.
It wasn't supposed to be a sliding scale argument. I was trying to say, poorly apparently, that the devs for whatever reason have chosen to place limitations on us. As long as those limitations are there, we have to make choices, sometimes unpleasant ones on how we live/exist/play the game. Before the devs gave us the ability to have 36 slots per server I had 3 accounts. I deleted and remade the characters on my third account as fast as possible when the limit was raised.

Personally I list the number of character slots in with global banks, merged markets, more costume slots, more base items, and combined NA/EU server list. They are all things I would love to have more of.

How about:

D. Sacrifice slots on other servers to get more characters on the one I'm currently playing? I will never EVER play on Virtue. Ever. And this has nothing to do with the people there. Virtue is a West Coast server and I live in Eastern Europe. For me, Virtue lags significantly more than, say, Victory or Pinnacle. I am practically incapable of playing on Virtue because the performance of the game on that server is garbage from my end. Of course, that's just fine - I have other servers I can play on. But that's till potentially 36 slots I'll never have access to.

I'm asking this seriously, do you honestly foresee a problem with this?
Well, if they implemented a feature like this I don't think the devs would let us sacrifice every slot on a particular server. I think they'd require a minimum number for each (for example 4), but I think it would be great if we could assign slots to our personal preferences, especially the ones we buy via microtransactions and annual vet reward without having an upper limit per server.



Originally Posted by Vega View Post
They don't let EU players buy character slots?

They do. And we do buy them

We have 4 EU servers of which only 2 are in English. The others are French and German respectively.

So if you only speak one language, then you're restricted at bet to 72 slots or 36 at worst - unless you buy additional accounts - which is not feasable for many.

How many slots can you have?

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



[QUOTE=Forbin_Project;2367594]Let's see, first let me say for the record that I'm not against more slots. Honest. But after seeing 5 years of issues getting released I've come to the conclusion it's better to be pessimistic about what is going to be released. I find it reduces disappointment, and I'm now almost always pleased with what we do get.[/quoe]

True, and I do the same, myself. However, when someone says "I wish we had this and that," my response is usually "Yeah, so do I." even if I don't reasonably expect it to happen. Whether or no it's likely doesn't change the fact that I want it

And, in this particular case, it's actually not without precedent that we could get more slots, if for no reason other than because we'll NEED more slots for some of the Issue's biggest selling points. That has to make sense, right?

Well, if they implemented a feature like this I don't think the devs would let us sacrifice every slot on a particular server. I think they'd require a minimum number for each (for example 4), but I think it would be great if we could assign slots to our personal preferences, especially the ones we buy via microtransactions and annual vet reward without having an upper limit per server.
I certainly don't expect them to ever let people lock themselves out of certain servers, and I would never really expect to see this in any big way. But pulling, say, up to one page of slots off any one server and being allowed to add up to one page more on any one server is, technical difficulties aside, at least something we can reasonably discuss.

I don't actually have the two servers I play on maxed out, by the way. I filled up Victory back when we only had 12 slots and colonised Pinnacle back at around 2005-2006. Since then, straddling two servers like that has caused me no end of problems because my friends with characters on Victory have almost nothing on Pinnacle and my friends with characters on Pinnacle have almost nothing on Victory, with me left sort of straddling the servers and attracting ire no matter what I do. Well, relatively speaking I'm still a long way away from filling them up, but that time will come, too, and when it does, I shudder to think about colonising another server.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.