Was I in the wrong?




Originally Posted by DrJackWolfe View Post
True, but you can waive them, only to invoke them latter. Anyone whose been Mirandized knows this
Haha, been there!



Buncha ex-cons here...WTF!
I have NEVER been read my rights.



My feeling is that the moment I set a name free, I no longer have a say in what someone does with it. If I cared about a name that much, I wouldn't give it up in the first place.

�Let there be truth, happiness, and waffles�
-Vagabond, Dark Lord & Avatar of Gnarr
The Justiciars



Overall, I am saddened by the 'trading' of the Name Watch thread. it was originally 'I have this name, but am deleting the toon now, have fun.' But now it degraded to black-market dealings. People can grab a name and sit on it the peddle it for one they REALLY want. I find it stupid and crazy.

If they traded it, screw them. If they gave it up and then they gave it up. But if they gave it up and you go around and try to trade it, I say that's wrong. They gave it freely, nothing in return and now you're going back and saying 'I want something for this thing I got for free!'. I find it disrespectful, like regifting, or trading back something someone had a close attachment to.

Overall: I just don't like 'trading' names. It's stupid and sucks. If you don't want a name anymore, and want to tell someone 'I got this name that I don't care anymore' have fun! Be nice! Trading names you don't want to use, though, is disrespectful, IMO. I know I can't tell you what to do, but I just know how I feel...

With Love,
Me! <3

My Characters
Story Arcs Looking for Feedback:
Serving Vengeance:#419748 (For Villains/Vigilantes) (Drama/Mystery) (Viable Within Canon)
Dark Moon Rising: #13170 (For Heroes/Vigilantes) (Horror/Mystery) (Non-Canon)



Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
Personally, if you are willing to give it up, because you're a good person and not using it for 'x' amount of time, or whatever, it doesn't become your name any more. It becomes mine to do with as I please. In which, if I chose to post the name on the Virtue Name Watch and trade it off to another, there should not be any complaints for said original owner. Right?
Right, sounds legit to me.



Originally Posted by NekoAli View Post
Yeah... sorry. If you give up a name, you give up the name.
Yes, I would have to agree. Also, keep in mind that our characters, their concepts, and even their names do NOT belong to us. Anything that we create in-game is property of NCsoft and they can do with it as they see fit, without your personal permission.

So the name doesn't belong to either you or the other party involved.

My Global Chat Handle: @The Dreaming Shadow



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Overall, I am saddened by the 'trading' of the Name Watch thread. it was originally 'I have this name, but am deleting the toon now, have fun.' But now it degraded to black-market dealings. People can grab a name and sit on it the peddle it for one they REALLY want. I find it stupid and crazy.

If they traded it, screw them. If they gave it up and then they gave it up. But if they gave it up and you go around and try to trade it, I say that's wrong. They gave it freely, nothing in return and now you're going back and saying 'I want something for this thing I got for free!'. I find it disrespectful, like regifting, or trading back something someone had a close attachment to.

Overall: I just don't like 'trading' names. It's stupid and sucks. If you don't want a name anymore, and want to tell someone 'I got this name that I don't care anymore' have fun! Be nice! Trading names you don't want to use, though, is disrespectful, IMO. I know I can't tell you what to do, but I just know how I feel...

With Love,
Me! <3

I have Quinz on Virtue.
Want it?
What do you have to trade?



What is "The answer to life, the universe and everything plus one, Alex?"

As a courtesy I might inform someone whom I got a name from that I was releasing it again but as courtesy only. Wouldn't be something I'd worry about if I didn't nor should you Nadya.

Unwritten rules make baby orangutans cry.

It's true. It's an unwritten rule.

Let us stifle under mud at the pond's edge
and affirm that it is fitting
and delicious to lose everything. ~ Donald Hall



This thread is giving me a headache. Oy! This is a game, nothing more, nothing less. My rule is; if you're not sure you want to give up a name, keep it until you are sure.

Nadya, don't worry about the 'unspoken/unwritten/un-whatever rules'; I've given up a lot of names since I started this game and wish whoever got those names well and hope they use said name to the best of their ability.

Give the cat a cheeseburger, give the dog a hotdog and remember; Ceiling Cat is watching you!



Originally Posted by Quinz View Post
Overall, I am saddened by the 'trading' of the Name Watch thread. it was originally 'I have this name, but am deleting the toon now, have fun.' But now it degraded to black-market dealings. People can grab a name and sit on it the peddle it for one they REALLY want. I find it stupid and crazy.
This explains my confusion with this entire thread. The last time I checked the Name Watch myself, it was as you describe. Sad to hear it's become something else.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



((All right. Seriously. A while back a friend gave me the name Blitz. Awesome name. If I ever give it up, I'll offer it back to him, but that's only because I know him. If I had gotten it off of the name thread, I wouldn't bother asking anyone. If I remembered to do so, I might put it back up on the name thread.

As far as name-trading goes? Bleh. I might trade names between friends, but not like you guys are talking about. I can make up names on my own without paying for them, thankyouverymuch.

My previous post was tongue-in-cheek. Sorry if that by-passed anyone. To me, if I have a name and let it go, it's gone. It belongs to whoever has it after me and if they drop it it can continue on and on and if I want it back, I'll just have to keep checking to see if it's available. Expecting people to hunt me down and offer it back to me is just plain silly.

IMO, the OP has the right idea. ))



This has turned into a comedy thread.

Nadya you can do what ya want, when ya want, to whomever will let ya.

If I can remember who traded me the name (I have a **** memory) I will offer it back.

I give away names more than I trade them but the fact that some people are using this thread to whine that trading names is wrong is just plain pathetic.
I trade names to keep my names fresh because I am always on the lookout for a new project.
People post name lists all the time.
All yours
Name lists.
Know what you're talking about before whining.



Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
So, I frequent the Virtue Name Watch thread, and /t globals of the names I am interested in. Cool. Right? Well apparently there is some unspoken rule that if you obtain a name by trade or good will you're supposed to inform the person that you are deleting it so they may reclaim it.

I don't think so. Personally, if you are willing to give it up, because you're a good person and not using it for 'x' amount of time, or whatever, it doesn't become your name any more. It becomes mine to do with as I please. In which, if I chose to post the name on the Virtue Name Watch and trade it off to another, there should not be any complaints for said original owner. Right?

Personal thoughts?
Sounds about right to me.



Originally Posted by BigDaddyDream View Post
I give away names more than I trade them but the fact that some people are using this thread to whine that trading names is wrong is just plain pathetic.
I trade names to keep my names fresh because I am always on the lookout for a new project.
People post name lists all the time.
All yours
Name lists.
Know what you're talking about before whining.
Which is great. The thing that frustrates me and probably the others "whining" is when someone posts that they got a great name and want to trade it for something else, repeatedly, with no indication that they are or have been playing the name. Trading's fine, and I have no problem with people switching names they've used or grabbed and decided they didn't really need. It is frustrating though when it looks like people are grabbing and holding onto names for no reason other than trying to get a bargaining chip. Fortunately that's not the majority of the Name Watch thread.

If you know you don't want the name, let it go instead of holding onto it as some sort of name currency. If you're playing the character and just wouldn't mind trading the name for something else or to someone who would play it more, great.



It's not like good names are hard to come up with.



Originally Posted by Nadya View Post
Well apparently there is some unspoken rule that if you obtain a name by trade or good will you're supposed to inform the person that you are deleting it so they may reclaim it.
The thing with unspoken rules is no one knows what the rules are if they're not spoken. So how do you that you are about to break a rule if no one bothers to mention it. Honestly I believe you did nothing wrong. It looks like sour grapes to me, something along the lines of buyer's remorse. Player wanted that name back, and got upset when you released it without telling them.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



((Personally, as long as Jack's been gone, I think the name Statesman should be made available. ))



I camp names constantly not for currency but sometimes I find a awesome name and figure i'll snag it and use it for something later .

you can make the shun noises now but i'll continue to camp names I like



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I camp names constantly not for currency but sometimes I find a awesome name and figure i'll snag it and use it for something later .

you can make the shun noises now but i'll continue to camp names I like
And who wouldn't, if there's a name that you have I don't know why someone has the right to make you feel guilty or bad about having it, so what if you're not using it. I'm sitting on some names players probably want, but have no intent to release them any time soon. If anything I'm just waiting for the proverbial "just right" powerset to be released so that I can use them.

Paragon Unleashed Forums
Twitter: @Alpha_Ryvius



Originally Posted by Peripheral View Post
Which is great. The thing that frustrates me and probably the others "whining" is when someone posts that they got a great name and want to trade it for something else, repeatedly, with no indication that they are or have been playing the name. Trading's fine, and I have no problem with people switching names they've used or grabbed and decided they didn't really need. It is frustrating though when it looks like people are grabbing and holding onto names for no reason other than trying to get a bargaining chip. Fortunately that's not the majority of the Name Watch thread.

If you know you don't want the name, let it go instead of holding onto it as some sort of name currency. If you're playing the character and just wouldn't mind trading the name for something else or to someone who would play it more, great.

At times I have fit into both of your categories.

I have traded names for a name I knew someone else wanted to trade for a name I knew someone else wanted who had a name I wanted. Seriously.

In my SG I am the owner/operator of:

BDD's Name Emporium
"You bring the love, we've got the handles."

I guess I just find it silly to be frustrated over something like this.
But hey! 'tis cool! Just don't hate me cuz I'm beautiful.



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I camp names constantly not for currency but sometimes I find a awesome name and figure i'll snag it and use it for something later .

you can make the shun noises now but i'll continue to camp names I like

How do you make a shun noise DB?
Wanna trade a name for the knowledge?



I felt like I had to respond, considering I feel very strongly about this.

1) You pay your $15/a month for an account, and because of that, the only rules you have to follow are the ones in place by the Devs.

2) People release a name, not having a concept for it, or they pass a name by for the same reason. Then they later want it. Sometimes they want it just because someone else has it. Sorry, but you had the chance to hold onto it.

3) If they want such a "good name" back, they should try to trade a name for it. It's only fair, considering it is your name, afterall, and you obviously enjoy it.

4) Despite the feelings of some people, character names mean nothing. Yes, I know, heartbreaking, but it's true. I've seen some people have so much fun on toons with mispelled names, or names that have hyphens, or periods, or commas, whatever. And I have also seen people with great one-word names that just whine and complain, and have nothing to do in game. YOU make a character, not the name.

5) Lastly, for God sakes, don't ever get -mad- over not having a name available to you. All the good names are not taken, only the most obvious.

Love me or hate me, it's still an obsession.



((I can see trading between friends. In fact, I have a pretty sweet name I'm holding for a friend for when he gets a chance to play again (new baby in the fam). I'm not going to make him trade me for it though because he mailed me a Question JLU figure for by birthday last year.

But as far as "buying and selling" names like some people have mentioned? Here's why I don't think I'll ever do that.

Quoted from Ask.com:

The Second Edition of the Oxford English Dictionary contains full entries for 171,476 words in current use, and 47,156 obsolete words. To this may be added around 9,500 derivative words included as subentries. Over half of these words are nouns, about a quarter adjectives, and about a seventh verbs; the rest is made up of interjections, conjunctions, prepositions, suffixes, etc. These figures take no account of entries with senses for different parts of speech (such as noun and adjective).

This suggests that there are, at the very least, a quarter of a million distinct English words, excluding inflections, and words from technical and regional vocabulary not covered by the OED, or words not yet added to the published dictionary, of which perhaps 20 per cent are no longer in current use. If distinct senses were counted, the total would probably approach three quarters of a million.
I'm not gonna do the math, but that's a lotta words and potential word combinations and if we exhaust them all in CoH, then NCSoft is gonna need a bigger server.))



Originally Posted by Deebs View Post
I don't follow unspoken rules , heck I barely follow the posted rules .
Heck, I don't even know what the 'unspoken rules' are. I just try to play along.