hospital upgrade




So i was thinking of scrubs...yeah that tv show on nbc, now abc, and noticed their hospital had something ours didn't...well ok their hospital has a lot that ours doesn't but anyway we are short one gift shop in each hospital.

What is a scrapper to do when visiting her blaster friends in the ICU?

A giftshop would be a nice place to pick up a cup of coffee (catch a breath?) or perhaps some OTC painkillers (sturdy?) or maybe a lucky charm or eight.

I asked a couple others what they would be interested in having in a hospital giftshop and some mentioned various healing themed temp powers (probably one shot powers with a time limit. We wouldn't want our loyal defenders or corrupters as the case may be going to early retirement)

Anyway being able to pick up some insps without taking a zone wide detour to visit a contact would be a nice addition especially to those hospitals that get a lot of traffic.

your thoughts?

Roxy On DA...Finally!



I've heard similar things suggested from time to time. There are already contacts near some of the hospitals (or even in them) - Darrin Wade, Dr... sheridan? in Steel, two in Brickstown, Shelly Percy, the one that's actually IN the hospital in IP -

Having an inspiration store, at the least, I wouldn't see as a big deal. Don't hospitals tend to have pharmacies, after all?

Not sure about the temp powers. *shrug* We get some of them here and there anyway, but not all that often. (And they'd hardly put a def or corr to retirement. :P )




Why not? First of there are the contacts you can ask for inspirations. Just a small reason perhaps to not only do radio missions.

Secondly, bases can have hospitals and stores for inspirations. They can even have a hosptial upgrade where you can create inspirations. They also have workbenches where you can create buffs.

In other words, its not needed.



Your points are valid for most of the veteran players such as yourself and I, but I do notice a large crowd of players that level up primarily through the use of AE or radios, only hitting "real" contacts sporadically in between.

I'm not sure I am making an argument for further supporting that type of gameplay but I don't think they should come to more difficulty because of it and it's not like a veteran wouldn't enjoy that sort of easy access, quality of life type thing.

Roxy On DA...Finally!



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post

Why not? First of there are the contacts you can ask for inspirations.
It's a lot harder to find inspirations on a Task Force, though. In fact outside of the base stores you mentioned (and not everybody is on a Supergroup), I don't think there's anywhere you can get inspirations while on a Positron or Synapse TF, since you don't have access to Ouroboros (someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I feel like I am but I'm not sure why).

"You don't lose levels. You don't have equipment to wear out, repair, or lose, or that anyone can steal from you. About the only thing lighter than debt they could do is have an NPC walk by, point and laugh before you can go to the hospital or base." -Memphis_Bill
We will honor the past, and fight to the last, it will be a good way to die...



Originally Posted by DarkGob View Post
It's a lot harder to find inspirations on a Task Force, though. In fact outside of the base stores you mentioned (and not everybody is on a Supergroup), I don't think there's anywhere you can get inspirations while on a Positron or Synapse TF, since you don't have access to Ouroboros (someone correct me if I'm wrong, because I feel like I am but I'm not sure why).
You should be able to use your Ouros portal in those TFs because you can use it when you are on an Ouro arc lowering you below 25. I think it goes off your actual level.

There are also the bartenders in Pocket D.

Plus there is the market and the ticket vendor in AE (if you have the tickets on hand).

So inspiration vendors in the hospital should be modeled after the bartenders so a TF won't prevent them from selling to you.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post

Why not? First of there are the contacts you can ask for inspirations. Just a small reason perhaps to not only do radio missions.

Secondly, bases can have hospitals and stores for inspirations. They can even have a hosptial upgrade where you can create inspirations. They also have workbenches where you can create buffs.

In other words, its not needed.
... assuming (a) you have a contact in zone, (b) that contact will SELL to you right then (TF/SF/Ouro,) (c) you have a base with a hospital AND autodoc...

You're making a lot of assumptions there. And as far as not needed... neither is a base, with rez ring and insp dispenser (which starts out with JUST CABs and health) so...

The OP's request was one of convenience. Nothing wrong with that. (And again - some of those same contacts are direclty IN or By a hospital, as I listed.)



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
... assuming (a) you have a contact in zone, (b) that contact will SELL to you right then (TF/SF/Ouro,) (c) you have a base with a hospital AND autodoc...

You're making a lot of assumptions there. And as far as not needed... neither is a base, with rez ring and insp dispenser (which starts out with JUST CABs and health) so...

The OP's request was one of convenience. Nothing wrong with that. (And again - some of those same contacts are direclty IN or By a hospital, as I listed.)
There are a lot of other options to get inspirations as you can see in the posts above. I am against this so called QoL thing because it is unnecessary and it is one more 'convenient lets ignore the content' thing. You have to be careful with those.

For example, radio missions killed of the normal mission/vcontact and hunt play. Ourobouros, made traveling with boats or train a thing of the past. it also made itvery easy to skip content until it is convenient for you to do so. And everybody knows what AE did.

So, I am not in favor of more convenient ways to circumvent existing content.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
For example, radio missions killed of the normal mission/vcontact and hunt play. Ourobouros, made traveling with boats or train a thing of the past. it also made itvery easy to skip content until it is convenient for you to do so. And everybody knows what AE did.
You're out of luck, then. Notice how the developers solved the Architect problem? They added the same functionality in the regular game, so people dispersed. Now look at what the Architect provides - an inspiration vendor right next to the lift out of their fake hospital. It's convenient, it's nice and, above all, it's unintrusive.

Once upon a time I tried running contacts near hospitals. I gave up on it pretty quickly, because it sucks to be hamstrung about which arcs you do. I've done the inspiration limbo, too. Go to Pocket D, go to the Arena, now it's go to Architect Entertainment.


I'm going to buy inspirations anyway. And why shouldn't I? The game is designed around using Tier 1 Inspirations liberally. It's Tier 2 and Tier 3 that are problematic, but Tier 1 you can buy at any dime store. Denying that to players and making them jump through annoying hoops will not make them play more like how you want them to play. It'll make them jump through hoops, grumble and STILL not play that way.

Unless you want to drive an argument that conveniently buying Tier 1 inspirations and always having ready access to them is a bad thing (and I doubt that's doable), there really is no ground to dismiss this.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
There are a lot of other options to get inspirations as you can see in the posts above. I am against this so called QoL thing because it is unnecessary and it is one more 'convenient lets ignore the content' thing. You have to be careful with those.

For example, radio missions killed of the normal mission/vcontact and hunt play. Ourobouros, made traveling with boats or train a thing of the past. it also made itvery easy to skip content until it is convenient for you to do so. And everybody knows what AE did.

So, I am not in favor of more convenient ways to circumvent existing content.
I call absolute and utter BS on this.

Me and all the players I know and hang out with all play regular content. We do missions, mission Arcs, TFs/SFs and all that.
And you know what?

Trying to find inspirations really, really sucks hard.
I ended up facing down a Ballista a while ago on my DB/Dark Brute. Now, normally I don't get to phased by challenges, but this was something I badly needed a fix on. Massive damage and stuff I simply couldn't dodge, that pummeled me every time.

So, what did I do? Well, I went looking for Inspirations, naturally.
Ye GODS I hate how hard it is to find them. So, you HAVE to have a contact who gives you them? In that zone, in the right range who you've unlocked?
BS. BS I say!

There are plenty of ways they can incorporate them into the game without making it 'stupid', like the Merit Vendors. The Street Vendors in Cap, smugglers in the Oakes and Nerva docks, redside at least.
It's NOT a game breaking issue, it's a QoL one. And it IS important. It's a matter of enjoyment. Fun. What the game is about. People are going to and DO get the Insps anyway, as M Bill and Sam have pointed out already.

Your argument makes no sense.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
There are a lot of other options to get inspirations as you can see in the posts above. I am against this so called QoL thing because it is unnecessary and it is one more 'convenient lets ignore the content' thing. You have to be careful with those.

For example, radio missions killed of the normal mission/vcontact and hunt play. Ourobouros, made traveling with boats or train a thing of the past. it also made itvery easy to skip content until it is convenient for you to do so. And everybody knows what AE did.

So, I am not in favor of more convenient ways to circumvent existing content.
How is "Here, you're exiting the hospital, here's a handy inspiration stop to help you" circumventing content?

And, honestly, boosting indoor mission XP and halving debt inside regular missions hurt hunt missions. Most people I know of still use the trains, and base teleporters, as well as Ouro and Pocket D to get around. None of them "killed" each other.

Plus, if Ouro made it easy to bypass content until you wanted to do it - you're still DOING the content. So that argument doesn't hold water, I'm afraid. Heck, exemplaring did the same thing, and that's been in the game for how long?

"Another place to buy inspirations" does not assist in circumventing content. It does, however, make it easier to FINISH content as opposed to "Now I have to hunt down a contact, hope that one sells purples/greens/etc and hope I have enough to finish off whatever killed me.... forget it, I'll drop this or wait for it to go grey."

Last but not least - it's *just* one more place. AE is in almost every zone, where I can get said inspirations. It's *one alternate stop.*



Every architect building has an inspiration vendor, whilst thematically the idea of one in a hospital makes sense, a second 'open access' one in every city zone seems redundant.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



For the sake of eliminating redundancy, then, we should have a single mission terminal in every zone which dispenses regular missions, AE missions, inspirations, TO/DO/SO enhancements, and functions as a black market, trainer, merit vendor, field analyst/fateweaver, and arena terminal. Oh, and a tailor too, of course. And you can pay your SG/VG rent there.

Then we can get rid of all those unnecessary, redundant NPCs and stores and just have everyone go to one spot to get what they need.

My characters at Virtueverse
Faces of the City



I thought this was about the health plan.

You think the city is paying for it, but then the collectors come knocking at your Fortress of Solitude...It's a scam, I tell ya.

Joking aside, I don't see why they couldn't offer Tier 1 inspirations. Tier 1s are chump change, there's a hundred ways to get them, so what's the harm in having one more? There's no harm in making something so simple even simpler. Besides, I hardly buy Inspirations because it's out of my way. Stick it right in my path, and I'll buy them much more often, just because it's there and convenient. It's like when stores put something everyone needs right at the entrance, it reminds you "Oh yeah, I should grab one of those!".

I propose they make Inspiration vending machines and place them in such convenient places as the Hospitals. Because vending machines would be kinda funny.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



I'm all for it. If you ask me, inspirations should have been available from hospitals from the very beginning of the game. I expected it the first time I ended up in a hospital, back in 2005. To me it makes total sense.

I'd also make them available at the field hospital in The Hollows.

However, in my experience the devs just kinda do their own thing, and with their own sense of timing. Like, for years there were no stores in KR, but they finally arrived about the time we got the temp travel powers and it wasn't so important. And the field hospital in The Hollows was so late in arriving it's almost like "what's the point?"

So I wouldn't hold my breath. Inspirations from hospitals will probably arrive in CoH/V shortly after we leave Paragon and the Rogue Isles to play in some different dimension where inspirations are available from roadside vending machines.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Last but not least - it's *just* one more place. AE is in almost every zone, where I can get said inspirations. It's *one alternate stop.*
And there you said it. It is not necessary.

On a different subject. I would not mind if the AE buildings disappear from half the zones. I love doing AE missions, but I fail to see why there should be a building in every zone. But lets not digress about that



When you're on a team and someone faceplants while doing a mission or sewer run, how often do you hear/speak the words "... and pick up some wakies while you're out there!"? Personally, I hear it all the time. Having a little pharmacy nook or gift shop to sell you inspirations in hospitals would save a lot of time and effort. On more than a couple of occasions I've charged into a tough mission, open the inspiration tray, and find... two yellows, a purple, and a wake. Not exactly what you want with you while storming into a nest of irate Malta agents, yano? It'd be nice that when I inevitably faceplant I can fix my inspiration shortage without even leaving the hospital. And it also gives players a real reason to *enter* a hospital under their own power, which can't be a bad thing, right?

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375



Originally Posted by GrinningSpade View Post
And there you said it. It is not necessary.
Then let's remove IOs from the game. They're not necessary. HOs, as well.
Set the trams back so they're only going to one zone at a time, and you have to ride around until you get to the specific zone you want.
Remove all the costume options but tights. Just one outfit, and you can pick the color you like.
Which of course, means we can remove the other costume slots, as well.
Remove all the markers from the map. People can "discover" stores on their own.
Remove SG bases in their entirety. The real point of them was for PVP raids, after all, and they don't exist. Right now, they're nothing but a big QOL feature until you have to pay rent, in which case it's inconvenient.
Remove the mission teleporter, black market teleporter (since we'll remove consignment houses anyway,) and the like.
Remove the jetpacks from Grandville and the Shard.
Remove SSKing.
Put hazard zone levels back.
Remove globals.
Get rid of the new email filters.
Dump power and weapon customization. They don't do anything, it's purely QOL eye candy.
Get rid of mission markers on the map.
Get rid of simultaneous mission completion.
Add the "Must click multiple glowies" back.
Remove the ability to set the difficulty of your missions.
Remove the mission drop feature.
Remove dual builds.
Remove automatic exemplaring to the top level of a task force if you're overlevel - make sure you have an EX and that they don't get DC'd.
Remove the ability to combine enhancements.

All these, and more, are just as useless, QOL features. Would you like to remove them all as well? There's a long, LONG list of purely QOL features that have been added to the game. How much do you want to remove?



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
How much do you want to remove?
Come to think of it, games are unnecessary. Wastes of time, too. They're just a way of circumventing the content of real life.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
For the sake of eliminating redundancy, then, we should have a single mission terminal in every zone which dispenses regular missions, AE missions, inspirations, TO/DO/SO enhancements, and functions as a black market, trainer, merit vendor, field analyst/fateweaver, and arena terminal. Oh, and a tailor too, of course. And you can pay your SG/VG rent there.

Then we can get rid of all those unnecessary, redundant NPCs and stores and just have everyone go to one spot to get what they need.
Did you check COV out ?
Every single contact has unique missions (well apart from a few introductions like the PVP zone liasons which are shared)

How about the newer heroic zones which show the same concept ?

Look at older Hero content
The Mind of a King.
The same arc from Wyatt Anderson (Steel), Maggie Greene (sky), Jake Montoya (sky), or Colleen Saramago (Steel)

There are several arcs in the mid-game with SIX redundant contacts (eg Hand of Iron).

However, removal of existing contacts is not really sensible, and would lead to lots of issues big and small. Just last week we had someone who had the 'old' contact for the Sewer trial asking about how to clear the mission.

The Devs learnt from the initial design mistakes, and made things better by eliminating a lot of unneeded redundancy as the game progressed

Commenting against adding new redundancy is a reasonable position. Hyperbolic comments like the quote are not.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by SwellGuy View Post
There are also the bartenders in Pocket D.
To be fair, the bartenders in PD only sell inspirations in the Tiki Room (only available to VIPs who bought the GvE edition of the game). The other bartenders either don't act as vendors, or only sell temp powers, and then only during the winter/spring events.

As to the suggestion: I think it would be amusing for the hospitals to sell Awakens. "Oh you died? Here. Take this so you don't need to come back."



Originally Posted by Fleeting Whisper View Post
To be fair, the bartenders in PD only sell inspirations in the Tiki Room (only available to VIPs who bought the GvE edition of the game). The other bartenders either don't act as vendors, or only sell temp powers, and then only during the winter/spring events.
Not true - the upstairs bartenders sell inspirations all the time. (Just verified.) The downstairs ones are window dressing.



Hm, I cold've sworn only the Tiki room bartenders sold inspirations.



Originally Posted by Megajoule View Post
For the sake of eliminating redundancy, then, we should have a single mission terminal in every zone which dispenses regular missions, AE missions, inspirations, TO/DO/SO enhancements, and functions as a black market, trainer, merit vendor, field analyst/fateweaver, and arena terminal. Oh, and a tailor too, of course. And you can pay your SG/VG rent there.

Then we can get rid of all those unnecessary, redundant NPCs and stores and just have everyone go to one spot to get what they need.
Sliding scale arguments don't work like that. People have been asking for an inspiration vendor in hospitals since day 1, specifically to help make sure whatever sent you there doesn't send you there again.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.